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NEW MOON in PISCES/SOLAR ECLIPSE, March 8/9 2016-Chaos brings major turning point

solar eclipse new moon

Hey everyone it’s time for another New Moon/Solar Eclipse. This is a new eclipse cycle that begins in March. As you approach this energy there are many happenings around us out there in mainstream land. Former First Lady Nancy Reagan has passed on. Veiled assassination threats are being hurled at Mr. Trump. Over 20 big companies paid no taxes. Mrs. Clinton is pretending the emails do not exist. And a few weeks ago the Russian Patriarch met with Pope Francis regarding a secret. So the Patriarch went off to Antarctica to see what??? Enough of the craziness of the last couple of weeks!

The NEW MOON/Solar Eclipse arrives Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 8:54 PM EST, 5:54 PM PST and 1:54 AM GMT (Wednesday March 9, 2016) in 18deg. 55’ Pisces. This is a truly a major turning point for all of you. In some ways it is the final clearing out of the sludge in your life and allowing it to be taken away by a roaring river right into the ocean. On the other hand it is giving you the opportunity for a new beginning as most new moons do. With it having an extra push to it with the Solar Eclipse it will provide you with openings for moving forward, taking leaps and getting back on track. That’s in case you have wavered from the main road of your life.

This is the first of four eclipses this year. There are a Solar and Lunar in March which are 2 weeks apart and also a Solar and Lunar in September. All are on the Pisces/Virgo axis. Remember that Pisces represents the collective unconscious. It contains the tales, myths and stories of all life. Pisces is about compassion, a natural empath. Pisces feels what others feel.

The configuration at this New Moon in Pisces is a T-square which includes Saturn in Sagittarius squaring it and Jupiter in Virgo in opposition. This T-square opens you to other’s opinions, perspective, agendas and noise. What will you do with this? Will you let them drag you down as you see a new direction looming through the open door? Will you allow them the upper hand so they convince you sit back and forget about manifesting your dreams? Will you stand in your power and say that you know what you are doing so no one sways you? It is time to become your own guru. Along with these aspects are the long-standing Uranus in Aries square to Pluto in Capricorn both trine (good aspect) Saturn and Jupiter which is quite favorable.

With the Sun and Moon conjunct in Pisces there is Chiron (the wounded healer) also right with them. With this New Moon /Solar Eclipse there are some endings. Things and people who no longer need to be in your life will leave. No regrets please. This is a time for you to leap without anyone holding you back. If someone leaves it is due to the fact they no longer have a purpose in your life at this time. Let go. Strange dreams may occur and old memories rise from the depths of your psyche. Neptune is hanging in the background in a wide conjunction to the New Moon/Solar Eclipse. Is there confusion that has entered into an area of your life or is it just a dreamy time? You tell me.

You will know what you have to do when push comes to shove. Seriously, there is no turning back anymore no matter how many try to pull you back. Are you going to stop and let the boat capsize or are you going to let the waves take you on your journey to a land of new beginnings?

Since Pisces is a water sign there may be emotional issues and fantasies that play a big part at this time. It is filled with creative power that you will be amazed at what can surface from deep within. Tell me now before I go forward will you leap or choose to be a martyr? Think about it. That is also something that may come about if you just don’t pay attention and give in.

The energy around you can be chaotic and just like the ocean waves can bring a tsunami that knocks you about. Nothing is static it is always moving. Move about and let the craziness move by you or dive beneath the surface at high tide and find your way out of it. Once you find your way through this high tidal wave you can hone into your creative imagination which is a Pisces trait. Let the music rise within you or that painting find its way out there.

There is a wounded feeling coming through due to the Chiron energy involved. Chiron can show up with healing for you. The wound may be old and you may not recognize its presence and now it stares at you. It is time to face it. Then you can heal it and life changes for the better. It is not just your wound but also one of humanity. It also falls on the South Node of the Moon which may uncover old grief, sadness and ancient memories due to it being conjunct Chiron. As I have mentioned you need to finally release these burdens. And while you are at it please release any guilt, unworthiness, and old embedded thoughts about money and power.

At this time of the Solar Eclipse would be a good time to break from any addictive or poisonous relationships, Neptune could be gas-lighting you or Jupiter may be using flattery. Watch with whom you become enmeshed in relationships, business or otherwise. The veil between worlds is quite thin at this time.

Those most intensely affected are those who have birthdays around March 5- March 12; June 5-June 12; September 7-14 and December 5-12. Following are some tidbits for the SUN/rising signs and how the New Moon and Eclipse (6 month) affects you:

ARIES- Time to let go of any anger, sadness. You need to balance what is out of line with your inner and outer worlds. This will help to keep things going in work, service and health areas.
TAURUS- Gate to future opens. Why does it sound difficult? Get rid of hidden, fears and doubts. In the next 6 months friendships will deepen. You will look to bring service to humanity.
GEMINI–Turn over a new leaf for new beginnings to arrive. Embrace them and walk forward. You are being called to do your own thing. Shifts come across your career house. Be realistic.
CANCER-You need to integrate all items. It can be a clearing out cupboards or organizing at work. Health or daily routines are getting in way of possibilities. Be satisfied and efficient.
LEO-Changes come and you need to be ready also for transformation. Are you too responsible? Try to relax a little or a block shows up. Stop the doing and just be for now. Watch for confusion.
VIRGO–Possible new beginnings in relationships. Forgive and forget. Heal old wounds and be more assertive. You need to integrate you with home and loved ones. Is there someone new?
LIBRA—Are you ready to start a new health regime? Is there a new job or environment in the picture? If you think it then you get it. Transform your daily living. You need to rest and recoup.
SCORPIO—Let your intention be to create a more joyful life. What can you do to live more authentically? How about bringing more romance in your life? The time it is not about money.
SAGITTARIUS—What door are you closing on your home, family or past? You need to take charge and deal with what comes up. Positive opportunity comes if stay out an escape mode.
CAPRICORN—Time to create unity in your head and heal whatever needs healing. Meditation will help if you choose this. You seem to know what need to change and effectively let go.
AQUARIUS—What is going on with work and money? Time to turn over a new leaf and bring on the new beginning. Patience may be needed. What is going on beneath the surface?                                                                                                                                                            PISCES—Chapter ends and new start comes in. Align your intentions with the powerful energies. Write the down. Heal an old wound. Let go of suffering, Feel the joy and happiness.
This is a time to dream your vision into being. Plant that seed now. Thank you for reading and sharing. Be kind to yourselves as the new moon comes in. Have a wonderful week. Until again, Love, Jan
Listen to Going Beyond Astrology weekly on Tuesday nights at 9pm EST. Expanded info on the New moon/Solar Eclipse tonight.