Monthly Archives: September 2014

NEW MOON in LIBRA and the EQUINOX, September 24, 2014- Find peaceful balance and relationship energy shifts

A huge balancing act occurred last night with the Autumnal Equinox and tonight is the New Moon. What came to you and what were you feeling last night, September 22, 2014? Did you allow the peace within to rise to the surface so it can radiate to the world? This Equinox is another turning point of energy. Will you respond to this shift? On the Equinox the moon was balsamic. This indicates that there are still things that you need to purge out of your life. Oh, I know, you are tired of hearing this kind of talk. Purge, merge…who cares! Just pay attention, dear ones, because the next 3 months until the Winter Solstice will give you the opportunity to dig deep and let go if you haven’t done so already. What are you letting go? How about things that have no meaning in your life? Or even relationships which have no substance and no connective link. Now, I did not say throw away those in your life who truly are there for you and maybe you are just being a bit too hasty. Just take the time to look and see what it is that you truly love to do or with whom you wish to share the depths of love.

Look closely because more shifts are coming. Surprises can pop up too! In fact, they may be quite beautiful. Pluto turned direct on the Equinox. Ok, not completely; just stationary direct for now. Do you know what you were doing back in April of 2014 when Pluto went retrograde in the Grand Cardinal Cross? Yes, it matters because you will see what you were doing or thinking at that time and how it relates to what is going on right now. Now that it has gone direct it enhances the shifting energies. It is at 11 degrees Capricorn. Where it is in your chart will tell you what area of your life it is triggering. If any of your planets are at around 11 degrees in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn you will be affected more intensely. It is trine my Mercury in Taurus and is sextile my Vertex. (Is it a possible positive transformative communication?)

Now let’s look at the NEW MOON in LIBRA. It will be at 2 degrees and occur at 2:13am EDT on September 24, 2014, 6:30am GMT and 11:13pm on September 23, 2014. As you await the arrival of the Virgo New Moon there are some leftover things to ponder. How many of you have had issues around old wounds come up to the surface? You know they have done so to be healed and released. This past Full Moon in Virgo was all about this healing and if you haven’t already done so, please take a look if anything lingers in your life that needs to heal. It may take some more time but you can at lease acknowledge the wounds and allow the healing process to begin. Oh, yes, the New Moon is coming in and that has a different feel to it; yet it is a good thing to still allow this old stuff to move through and let the NEW MOON energy help you to heal. Got it? Good.

The NEW MOON in LIBRA is about peaceful balance in relationships. This is not something that comes easily to most of you. In fact, there are very few who can find that peaceful balance within without extremely hard work. You heard that correctly. It takes work to find the peace within. So how do you expect it to be in relationships or world affairs or any other interaction you may have? Big work is needed. Oh yes, some of you may find yourself saying who cares about peace in relationships? Or you may be thinking that you cannot have peace if there is conflict. Well, why is there conflict? Did you ever really recognize what the truth is about? You cannot have peaceful relating unless there is respect. If you are in a love relationship, partnership or whatever you choose to call it have you felt a peaceful feeling or do you feel fear and angst and all the negatives? What makes a difference to you? How do you choose your partner to be? Now, really, you know you cannot expect anyone to know what you are thinking and feeling unless you express it. If there is a disconnect, do you use blame to make yourself feel better? Please stop it. LET GO already of all those old habits and people who are the past. Allow yourself to be your truth in love. It will open the world for you.

Everyone who is reading this has at some time come to an impasse in a relationship where you find yourself pushing others away because you are feeling unworthy, insecure, fearful and I can go on and on. This NEW MOON in LIBRA is a big turning point in the next few months for relating. This is a time to trust your heart. Did you read that? TRUST YOUR HEART! It is always right on. Ask yourself what serves your highest self and that of your partner. And those who are currently not in a relationship ask it also. Know that the shadow may appear with any action taken towards peace within and in the world. There are underlying things that are going to rear their ugly heads and you need to keep this in mind.

The New Moon is asking you to keep yourself from judging or criticizing others at this time. Harmony does work if you choose it. Why would you choose otherwise? It is time to listen to the other half of your relationship and hear what is being said. It is so important to do so at this time. This will pave the way for the balance you need in the relationship and then harmony moves in. Owning your own “stuff” and being open to what others say is the mantra for this NEW MOON in LIBRA.

Anyone who has planets from 28 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini to 6 degrees of Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer will be most affected. The New Moon in Libra hits my Karma asteroid exactly. My next few weeks will be very interesting for my direction in life.

Don’t forget Mercury goes retrograde on October 4, 2014. Thank you for reading this post. I am most grateful. Many blessings to you and I look for comments or questions. May the peace within bring peace to others in your life. Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON in PISCES, September 8/9 2014-Allow the wounds to surface so healing takes place

The super moon again is ready to shine upon you. There have been 3 super moons this summer season. What are you ready to heal on this magnificent FULL MOON? This FULL MOON is in Pisces 16 degrees 19’ on September 8/9, 2014 at 9:38pm EDT, 6:38pm PDT, and 1:38am (9/9/14) GMT. FULL MOON in PISCES is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. The SUN in VIRGO is opposing Chiron. What do you think this actually will do for you? It may bring old wounds to the surface and make you feel uncomfortable. Drat, you say. Well, how better to rid yourself of past wounding from your lifetime and especially from childhood? Oh, that’s right; I forgot you are in denial. Sorry about that. Listen, I know it is difficult for some of you to think about this kind of thing. It will help your life out considerably if something comes up, recognize the sorrow and the hurt and be kind to yourself. Bless whatever it is that shows up and release it after you acknowledge that you were wounded. You can do that, you know. You certainly will begin to feel much better and you can heal your deepest wounds. “The past has no power over the present moment.”- Eckhart Tolle

Since Pisces is about dreaming you may find yourself having more dreams these next weeks about childhood or wounding. Watch the drugs you take if you are prone to nightmares for they may bring on more than you wish in your dreams. Due to the fact that the Full Moon may make you feel more emotional than usual it is wise to watch where you find yourself during this time. Is your space toxic in some way? I refer to work, home or otherwise since the second decan is more watery than the others. Of course water is good when it is clear and flowing so it may be beneficial to find some running water somewhere like a waterfall during the energy and in the following week. This FULL MOON in Pisces is a terrific time to help others in any way possible. I am sure many of you are doing that on a regular basis. Do some more because it will make a grand difference in your life. This is a very spiritual Full Moon and it is a time when you can truly find how to redeem yourself.

There is a trine (positive) between the Full Moon and Saturn in Scorpio which will help you to take what appears from the woundedness and better use it down the road in how you approach anything new that may appear in your life. Pluto in Capricorn is also in good aspect to the Full Moon.

The SUN in VIRGO looks at the outer forces surrounding your life and the MOON in PISCES is opening up the intuitive side. As I said in the last post this is a time to roll with the waves because they will be extremely strong at this Full Moon. Much pushing and pulling is taking place. You need to be ready to go with the flow because there is much happening that will become obvious at this time. Any ideas may become the harvest for which you have been dreaming about. This is no dream if you stay in the moment and be ready to leap. By next month even though Mercury will be retrograde much of October things will be shifting and you need to be prepared. Sun in Virgo likes the details. Stay with them and see the difference occur in your life. Put the effort into the ideas that show up and a shift will take place that may come out of the blue.

As your journey moves forward at the FULL MOON in Pisces there are more noticeable efforts to control you in the world. You are under surveillance almost everywhere unless you are off the grid or living in a far outpost. And I am sure even in those circumstances there is a way to monitor you. How thrilling! People are killed for no reason and property is destroyed. I do feel it will get much worse and then shift totally. No negatives intended, just my intuitive mind working overtime. By mid-2015 there will be some interesting revelations and secrets coming to the surface. So much is illusion working overtime right now. Take a look at your own life and see how illusions may be working full-time. Find what’s real and run with it. Forget the mainstream media unless you choose to be completely brainwashed. Many of you still find that hard to do. That’s your choice. It is a fantasy and it helps you to escape the truth of what your life may wish to show you. Change is definitely coming. Watch for the images that may appear in front of you. Are they real or are they illusions? Dig deep and you will be surprised. Did our Creator send us to Mother Earth to destroy each other? If so, then you and I are in big trouble. Nothing is as it seems. All things that are pushed on you by the media will be there to keep you from becoming your true spiritual self. Do you realize this? This FULL MOON in Pisces can take you to the negative also. Keep in balance so that leaping will be easy and flowing. You will be surprised at the turn of events coming up.

Healing yourself is now what takes precedence over anything else that may appear. Have compassion for all those who are in need of help. You wish to find the root of your spiritual pain at this time. It may even show up that it is a past life wound. Please keep that in mind as you explore this. Then you can truly move out of the pain and into a new found healing place. Be kind to yourself. Please note that this can be very powerful healing energy with Chiron involved in the mix. This spiritual Full Moon will allow you to heal if you choose.

Those of you most intensely affected will have personal planets at 9-17 degrees of Pisces and Virgo and the other mutable signs of Gemini and Sagittarius. The house which the FULL MOON in Pisces and Sun in Virgo falls in is where you will have the most attention placed this cycle. This is a time to know where you are wanted and where you are not. It is a turning point in love, money and self-esteem. Those who choose to be part of your life will stay in it. Those who are no longer willing to be there will leave. Forcing anything (guilt and manipulation) at this time will create a breakdown. Use the energy after this Full Moon today to fix what needs fixing and let the rest go. And no matter what happens, control your response.

Thank you for reading, dear ones. Have a transforming and healing FULL MOON. Until again. Love, Jan

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