Monthly Archives: November 2017

NEW MOON in Scorpio, November 18, 2017- Clear, reset and transform

sky for new moonIt’s almost the start of a new month, dear ones. As I sit here and write about the current energy and various happenings I feel like I am living in an insane asylum. I know there is some kind of opening that has been occurring yet the energy continues to amp up much of the chaotic tendencies of those individuals who have no clue. And what can you do about it? Life is speeding by and many are so unaware of the truth that even if I spoke about a variety of insights that come to me, would you even care? Because what do I know? Something I read recently gave me a kind of…let me step back and ponder this…because it is so unreal yet I know it exists. You need to stay awake and alert if you get hunches or intuitive promptings. Life in the current space is taking on a new look. The New Moon in Scorpio is going to be an interesting time for many. Before I take a deeper look let’s see what the world is up to.

What is going on in this world and this US of A is just a reflection of your own insecurities, thoughts and feelings. And you look at me as if I have three heads. When was the last time you looked within to find the truth? Ouch. Ok, instead you are inundated with pedophiles in the news along with the sinking of the Hollywood ship. Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream says that depending on your ice cream choice can indicate that you are a racist. Did someone bump his head? It looks like the informant’s name in the Clinton probe has been released. Life is getting crazier by the minute. Oh well. Let’s all hide.

As the New Moon in Scorpio arrives it can be a time for new beginnings. The New Moon in Scorpio is at 26 degrees 19’ showing up at 6:42AM EST; 3:42AM PST; and 11:42AM GMT. The Sun is also in Scorpio at the same degree. Where is it going to take you? If you are ready to move take a leap…this a time to clear out the old junk of business, jobs, relationships, and projects no longer needed and reset the button. And do clear again. Once you do this the transforming effects can come through and put you out there in a new way. Are you ready to do this so new growth can come in wherever things have remained stagnant?

With the trees losing leaves and the dark nights coming early it is time to live with appreciation and more passionately. It is a time of dying to the old and living in a new way. It is similar to an alchemical process. Take what you have hidden deeply and transform it into gold! This is a good time to take the time and talk to your partner about how things are on the surface but also to take things to a deeper level of understanding and doing. This time may be sexual to some degree since Scorpio is quite the dark and sexy one.

You will have to watch how intense it may get in some parts of your life. Mars is at 16degrees Libra is just about square to Pluto is at 17degrees Capricorn and will be exact right after the New Moon. Since they are Traditional and Modern day rulers of Scorpio it may get hot. So just pay attention to what is happening around you. Keep your temper in check and if you have to discuss anything do tone it down a bit if you can. On the other hand what are you most fearful about? It is time to do what you are afraid to do and see what happens. Take the leap to freedom now no matter how scary it is. Make a decision!!! Since you are in the underground of the Scorpionic world as the New Moon tugs on you then it is time to keep your faith intact. Do it even when you cannot see what comes next. Then there are those of you who may just throw in the towel and not proceed forward with what you truly choose to experience and have wanted to do for a long time

As you are searching in the depths there is much support from Chiron in Pisces trining the New Moon in Scorpio. Chiron is the healing master and will give you the opportunity to take the connectedness to a new level since Pisces is all about that. Reach out to the higher power. Jupiter and Venus are both in earlier Scorpio trining Neptune in Pisces which is also very supportive of healing your wounds. As you are sitting in this nice feeling along comes Mr. Uranus in Aries quincunx (150degrees) the New Moon in Scorpio. Uh oh!! Have you been defending and reacting in your relationships? Well, Uranus is not about comfort zone living. Uranus may come along and take you right out of that place so you can remove those patterns that continue to plague your actions within your relationships.

And still in the picture is Saturn in Sagittarius square to Chiron in Pisces. This has been ongoing and will continue until December 17, 2017. Phew. Almost there!! This influence has been about individual and collective truths. It is difficult for many to give up their deep-seeded truths/beliefs which may not agree with another truth. The shadow is about resentments, escapism, and self-punishing behavior.  The highest expression is letting go of the past. No the past is not repeated if you recognize your limits, your beliefs, your truths. It is also about realizing the need for healing and caring for self. Spiritually it is time to grow up. Are you ready to finally do this if you haven’t already done so?

New Moon in Scorpio will help you to find out exactly what you want and how to create/manifest it. Now is the time to stop giving away your power and reclaim it. What do you intend? What is most important to you and your life? This will certainly set in motion the change needed to clear, reset and transform. Have you ever said yes when you meant no then now is the time to align with your soul gifts. It is also time to speak your truth with love and an open heart. No holding back anymore!!! Just keep in mind what you wish to create!!!

Some essential oils for New Moon in Scorpio: Begamot- helps boost self-confidence after releasing stagnant feelings; Majoram- breaks down walls of the heart; and Lavender lets you break down walls and express your truth.

Thank you for reading. Please share if you will!!! It is going to be a truly big regenerative time in the upcoming few weeks. Stay in the moment and find what is most important to you so that energy can shift any changes to be made which will help you take that leap that you haven’t made yet. Many blessings and have a beautiful Thanksgiving for those who celebrate. Until again. Love, Jan






Full Moon in Taurus, November 3,4 2017-Deeper visions, dreams and romance

full hunter's moon

Hello dear ones. I guess you made it through the scary night of Halloween. Hope the clown didn’t put you over the edge like it could have done to me. Did not see one child dressed as a clown. Hooray. Anyway, it is amazing regarding the self-absorption of some who were trick or treating last night. This certainly mimics much of society today. Now, many kids were quite into it but some walked by without as much of a glance since they were peering at their cell phones. C’mon. This is supposedly a fun night. My bad! With this Full Moon almost upon us I cannot imagine what kinds of things are going to pop up. Maybe one of you knows! Tell me.

In the meantime I am flummoxed by the lunacy that is going on in this country. Do you know that there were NYPD Counter-Terrorism vehicles in the vicinity hours before the shooting in the Big Apple? I forgot the Mainstream media did not report it. Sorry. There are pictures of them. Wake up already. There was a probable drill going on. Isn’t that the way it always is? Whatever, go back to the box. Sorry about my attitude, but something is happening and no one cares. The only interest is to try to impeach the President. I could say much more, but I will refrain since life is short enough. JFK files were released this past week; at least, some of them were. And most were bunk as usual. JFK had a bullet in his forehead also and there is evidence of a hole in the windshield. I am curious as to what happened to the Las Vegas massacre news? Amazing!

There is a war going on and I suggest that you begin to pay attention because it is not what it seems. Did you ever think that what is happening can be a partly a reflection of the unrest that you feel within? Know that much of it is not but your daily existence many times reflects your inner workings. I think you know that. And guess what…life is about love within. Do you actually love yourself? It sure isn’t showing these days. And speaking of love it may be shining brightly with this Full Moon.

The Full Moon in Taurus is arriving without a broomstick on Saturday, November 4, 2017 at 1:22AM EDT; 10:22PM PDT (Friday November 3); and 5:22AM GMT in 11degrees 58’. The Sun is at the same degree in Scorpio. The main aspect is with Neptune in Pisces which is sextile to the Full Moon. This is pretty dandy for those who are looking for a bit of romance but do watch out for those rose-colored glasses. I would suggest you stick to the spiritual side at this time. The Sun in Scorpio is trine to Pisces Neptune so this definitely takes it to a deeper transformative effect to your life. Where it falls in your chart will tell you what part of life is being transformed. The Full Moon in Taurus along with Neptune in Pisces will make you a bit more sensitive and may bring some love and romance.  Reminder: Patience and flexibility are the keywords here. You will connect more easily with family, partners and women in general. Intuitiveness and psychic powers are more amped at the Full Moon. You may have vivid dreams and you may have a burst of creativity. It asks-who are you?

Taurus is naturally sensual and earthy since it is ruled by Venus, the Goddess of Love. Sometimes though, Taurus needs that Scorpionic balance so as to not get stuck in just surviving instead of thriving. So whatever you are holding onto too tightly needs to be loosened up. Otherwise, you will be blocking your energy and abundance. You may be delighted as to what you may experience if you move more into the spiritual, intuitive realm at the moment. If you need more intimacy and aliveness then it is truly time to release the old junk. And you may be helped to do so with the continuing opposition from Uranus in Aries to Venus in Libra. This initially occurred at the New Moon in Libra on October 19. Look for a breakthrough if you have been feeling unworthy. But you have to allow it. Are you ready to leap instead of living in the box? If you are currently a single looking for romance if you meet someone new it may be great but short-lived due to the Uranus opposite Venus aspect. There may be some unexpected issues that arise in a partnership. Some of you on a more positive note may connect with a true soulmate if you have favorable supporting aspects in your chart. Can be a truly romantic time! On the other hand a possible financial windfall may appear out of the blue. So do not rule out all material things.

On another note- Ceres is at 12 degrees Leo which tells you that it is square the Full Moon and Sun. Uh oh!!  You may find yourself raging about something or nothing due to uncomfortable terrain of Scorpio. If you never received lots of nurturing as a child then Ceres will uncover that wound that has been sitting dormant and your inner child may come up screaming.  Or you may feel grief about what is happening in the world today or the past. Cry if you need to and allow the healing to take place. Speaking of healing- Saturn in Sagittarius is square Chiron in Pisces in the Full Moon energy. It is exact just a couple of days (November 2) before the Full Moon in Taurus. You can use the creative process to release any fears. You may choose to look at any vulnerabilities that you have. This is all about truth that may be painful and healing the wound once you recognize it.  Pluto in Capricorn is in the mix and can help you release old emotional baggage. Yes!!!

I know that this Full Moon in Taurus is about the physical nature of what Taurus is about-the senses. Yes, I agree, yet I feel with the Neptune in Pisces influence you have to reach beyond the material this time around. Hey, no problem if you enjoy the sensual moments, your food choices and/or your investments. Please do. In fact make more money now than before. Don’t forget to take a walk in nature to feel the goodness of the earth. It may open you to the magic of romance. As you wander through the Full Moon in Taurus days you will begin to see how leaning towards the deeper parts of your existence instead of being stuck in the materialism of this world right now will bring you to a new perspective and help you release so much that has kept you stagnant. Take the senses to a new height. One question to ask-What do you value in yourself?

If you have any crystals such as kunzite, emerald, or rose quartz place them in your window or outside and let the Full Moon in Taurus cleanse them. You may choose to take a breath from your daily routine and stress-packed existence and sit and dream about your new world within and about. Some essential oils for this Full Moon are: Bergamot-to help let go of control; Rose or Rosewood-for those who have any old grief that shows up; Orange-to uplift and be more optimistic; and Lavender- mental stress.

Sending lots of blessings to all of you at this truly magical time! Thank you for reading and share if you will. Let the Full Moon in Taurus take you to a place you have never been before!!!! I may be posting more between the regular posts down the road including holistic health, spirituality and more. Stay tuned. Until again. Love, Jan