Monthly Archives: November 2022

New Moon in Sagittarius, November 23, 2022- Let your passion flow and keep your faith going

Hello Dear Ones. Jan King here! Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It snowed a bit last night which I did not even notice at first. Most has melted away. The New Moon appears the day before Thanksgiving in America. What is happening in your life at present? Are you sitting in your life being grateful for all those things that have brought you to where you are today? I look to spending time with family. Will you allow the noise around you take away the good things that you have in your life? This is a time to look deeply within and see just what is creating lack of joy in your life. When was the last time you truly laughed …I mean laughed so hard you almost became tearful with so much joy? I fail to see that much laughter except with a few individuals. Most others are truly angry or just extremely self-involved. Do you find yourself living in the past continually? Do yourself a favor and let it go because the resistance will push you so far back that life will pass you by. And then what will you do? Life is beautiful as you choose it to be. And if you keep your focus on what you want in life, it will come to pass if you do not let other things interfere. Find your own truth and let it expand. Look deep within and forget the noisy band. Bring to the surface the love and goodwill. Then you will find that you need not a pill. The vibrations are so intense lately that any anger, greed, self-pity, fear, you name it….is going to show up around you in others. Detachment is what is needed at this time. DO you like living in a mirror of 1984?

News tidbits: A Tesla exploded on I80 in Pennsylvania and it took 2 hours to put out the fire. No comment on the FTX scam. Don’t forget to get some solar panels in case you don’t have enough heat this winter according to WH. The FDA has approved lab-grown meat. I certainly am not going to try it. LA is now saying masks again. ???? Court docs of Epstein’s associates are set to be released. What will Elon Musk do next? Will there be no censorship on Twitter?? Kari Lake is not going away. If you are thinking of going to law school then you will not have to take the LSAT exam. It is time to admit we’re all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft brainwashing, and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history. USA Men’s Soccer will be having a rainbow crest on their uniforms. I am unsure how that represents America since our flag is red white and blue. And – Maggie Hassan got 1100 votes in a New Hampshire town with population of less than 800.

This New Moon in Sagittarius arrives Wednesday November 23 2022 at 5:57pm EST, 2:57pm PST, and 10:57pm GMT in 1degree 38’. If you are looking for turning points then this is it. It is in a fire mutable sign which gives you an opportunity to leap forward if you choose to go there. How many of you will do so? Of course because Sagittarius is mutable it can bring an unpredictable influence to your leap. Have you been feeling stuck because you continue to be in the past? Are you yearning for a different path to come into play?  Sagittarius likes adventure and exploring the world. Will you allow the truth to emerge from your depths to show you what you came to do on this Earth? Open to the energy of the Sagittarius fire and see how your mood changes. Fiery Sagittarius asks you to think about your next passionate step. Open to this energy and see how your mood changes. The depositor of the New Moon is Jupiter which is out of sign trine to Uranus. Oh, wow, this can actually indicate that those strong personalities out there can get along with others at this time. This is more in the political realm yet can also occur in the family type situation. Harmony can be present. Since Sagittarians like to think in a different way at times it may be good at the New Moon just to stay on track. Just because you are on track has no reference to being resistant. With the New Moon/Sun trine to Jupiter you may feel adventurous and want to explore different avenues. Boundaries are something Jupiter does not like but it can bring about generosity. Perhaps you may choose to sponsor a grand party for a good cause So, what do you choose? It matters not what pops up in your life because Jupiter is sending out those optimistic vibes to help you walk through what turns up. And guess what it is saying stop the blame game and the frowns. How about some joy no matter what?

As you know new moons are about setting intentions. Sagittarius is about truth and purpose and a new meaning. The Sagittarian is generous with time and money. Fires burn wherever desire takes them. The Sagittarian can shoot the arrow into the air and it can go out there, anywhere it chooses or can shoot and the arrow comes back and hits them with a vision. it is time for possible travel, bringing to fruition new possibilities and for developing deeper understanding.

Venus conjunct Mercury is a few degrees from the New Moon and still in Sagittarius. It will be a great new moon for sales – art and fashion. This combination is a dream for advertisers and commercial artists getting treatments, buying clothes or visiting the hairdresser. Time for fun and light-hearted things. Negatively- Antares is between Mercury and Venus which can bring violence.

Remember that if there is something that you want in life then you have to stop the negative thinking. I have been saying this for a very long time. If you say something and then negate it – guess what, it does not show up. Frankincense is the ideal oil to use with this New Moon. It is good for balance and it helps you go within and see your truth and how you relate. This is also good for supporting the immune system

Those affected most intensely by the New Moon energy are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces/0-7 degrees of the Sun signs or Rising signs). Birthdays are approximately: May 21-28; August 23-30; November 23-30; and February 19-26. Tidbits for each Sun/Rising sign;

Aries-Make your plans and be ready to communicate. Want to travel this is a perfect time. Open your heart and let your thinking stretch a bit. Bring out your best qualities.

Taurus-Trust comes in relationships to further a deeper love connection and joy. Open your mind to unfamiliar ideas may bring new opportunities. Common sense works.

Gemini- Break new ground and get out of your rut. Excitement in relationships shows up. Think hard before commitment in personal or professional relationships.

Cancer- Put that new fitness plan in action. Make adjustments in everyday living. Love! Stop the overload of tasks. Is there a new job on the horizon? Find joy in what you do.

Leo- You get closer to someone. A journey of the heart in many ways shows up. Some innovative ideas may show up. Take a chance as confidence grows with enthusiasm.

Virgo – Open your home and your heart. Is it just a loving sweetness or commitment? Let your emotions flow. Let others see who you really are. Keep some self-control in mix.

Libra- Don’t go overboard but you can be out there feeling liberated and celebrating. Iit’s also about opening your mind to ideas that stretch the boundaries of your current beliefs

Scorpio -New financial goals in the making. Some feeling of ideal love comes to you. Exhausting yourself or your income on foolish matters is not desirable

Sagittarius-You are adventurous. New way of life can come into being/socially exciting. Discover new truths about yourself -encourages you to promote your ideas with passion

Capricorn- Small group get-togethers are joyful. A good friend brings love. Look inward. Giving yourself time and space to meditate, be with nature and let your mind run free.

Aquarius-Stop brooding. Lots of excitement! New people come in. More mobility You have greater faith which makes you a powerful spokesperson for an ideal. 

Pisces- Dreamily affectionate. Make new business contacts. Your greatest value is as a visionary and motivator of other people. Avoid getting bogged down in details

Stay positive and passionate and know you are a creator who can make your life a fascinating adventure. Go after what you enjoy and be your truth. Have a wonderful New Moon and find the light within. Many blessings to all and thank you for reading and sharing! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! Until again, love, Jan

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, November 8, 2022 – Stay out of the fear-mongering energy

Hello Dear Ones. Jan King here! Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Where are you as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse shines its mighty face upon you? The spooks are gone away or so you think they are. HA. Went to a Halloween party and my daughter was a clown. Do you know how much that just threw me for a loop? Clowns are scary but she was quite awesome. It is so hard to believe that it is now November and the clocks are now going back one hour. Dark and more dark as the days get shorter. I ask do you see the truth as to what has actually happened in your life and around you and why it the way it is? I have learned much in the past few years and truly make a habit of living in the present not the past or the future. Do you realize by living in the present that you can truly create joie de vivre (joy of life) if you allow it to occur? Why is it so difficult for all to see that what you experienced in the past may be a good thing or not and what the future shows you is a mystery. Oh, yes, you can plan out your life totally and be a robot or you can let it flow and let it guide you as you pay attention. So, how will you take a leap or will you continue to stay in the past? It is quite easy if you go with the flow and have faith. Darkness tries to pull you in.? Fear is hanging about!! Allow the Light to be in your life

I see the rats are at it again. Amazing how the imagination creates stories that are so deeply imbedded in those who pay no attention. The energy out there in fantasyland is getting crazier by the moment. Why hasn’t the video from Pelosi’s house been released? I guess that would contradict what the police said. Have you figured it out yet? I do send well wishes to her husband if he truly got hammered. Do you see the streets of Philly, Portland and San Francisco? Look for it. Too much to take in! Did you ever think that what is happening out there is really is related to the unrest you feel within.  Kimberly Zapata Milwaukee Deputy Director of Elections got fired after she demonstrated how elections got stolen. And Jamie Raskin, Congressman, stated that “Russia must be destroyed since it is Orthodox and has traditional values.” How much more will the United States Constitution be violated? Wearing a mask does not work!

This is the first time in history that a total lunar eclipse will take place on Election Day.beginning and ending before the polling stations open. The next time a total lunar eclipse will happen on Election Day will be on Tuesday, November 8, 2394. The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will arrive on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 6:02am EST: 3:03am PST; and 11:02am GMT in 16 degrees Taurus. The Sun is in the exact degree in Scorpio. Since Scorpio Sun is about hidden or secret matters, sexual stuff and power-seems as if, yes, power has been the word of the day lately. Who has it, gets it or gives it up. That is truly Scorpio energy. Are you looking for more security? Then Full Moon in Taurus is listening. This is a time to follow your senses-.tasting the good wine, listening to music/dancing, looking at the beauty of nature or your beloved, smelling the roses. Taurus is patient and will wait forever for everything to unfold as it is deemed. Now, I know there is a negative side to a Taurus energy which is resistance. That comes when one is out of balance. Since Taurus is ruled by Venus it is the creativity, arts and love. Taurus needs that Scorpionic balance so as to not get stuck in just surviving instead of thriving. So whatever you are holding onto too tightly needs to be loosened up. There are some aspects that are conjoined with both. This Full Moon is emotionally sensitive so it is wise to use your intuition to help any conflicts in relationships. The Full Moon is opposite Mercury which could lead to arguments due to confusion /no understanding. Be astute with any contract negotiations at this time. The Full Moon is conjunct Uranus in Taurus and it brings out impatience and impulsiveness. There may be upsets in relationships, Although you may have insightful flashes there may be snags in that and bring fear due to the Full Moon opposite both Mercury and the Sun and square Saturn in Aquarius. If you feel like life has just started to be on high speed then this is due to Mercury opposite Uranus in Taurus. This could bring complications in several areas. And Mercury square Saturn says there may be misunderstandings. Be patient.. But there is lots of fear that is going to come out again and I suggest you stay in the moment or you will find yourself stuck.

You may be already starting to feel this energy as Tuesday approaches, and for a few days afterwards. It does go on until the next Full Moon, It could feel rather intense.  But the good news is that whatever process this generates for you, it will be smoothed out by Friday with the 11/11 energy of balance.  November 11th, 2022 is that day to align yourself with the energies the day brings, as they will bring you clarity and show you the precise steps or paths to take. Get in touch with your subconscious mind.  Be receptive; reach out to the spiritual realm. If you do you will negate the good that comes from 11 11. This is a time for positive thinking. I know it is crazy out there yet you can still keep your thoughts inline and be in a place of good thinking. If you want the goodness of life then you have to think in the positive and let go all the craziness that you are seeing on TV, your phone, social media and on and on. Do you get this? Your life can change to a higher and brighter path. Focus on what you want and do so at 11 11am or pm.

Anyone with Sun/ Rising sign conjunct Taurus will feel this even more powerfully along with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from 13-20 degrees. If you have any personal planets (Mercury, Moon, Mars, Venus) also near the degree then you will also be affected in the house it falls. Tidbits-

Aries -Are you paying attention to your real gifts? What are you invested in? Pay attention to your finances. Right action grows love and also money/business

Taurus -You are oozing sensuality. Be your true self and results may be amazing. Stay poised since you are in the limelight now. Make any changes. Relationships- shifting.

Gemini – Avoid the crazy energy that is out there. You may wish solitude and that is good. Peak healing may come in a dramatic or subtle fashion/letting go of the old paradigm!

Cancer Be alert to flashes of ideas that come from the future! What you like may now be changing. New friends or old will play a bigger part. Watch triggers. Take a creative approach.

Leo -You might sense it’s time for a bold move, or that work and home life are out of balance. It is time to bring the family together and enjoy the time. What brings you joy?

Virgo – What you are doing needs to have soul purpose and deep meaning. Interactions with those in law, travel, relatives or education requires commitment and decisions.

Libra -It is time to break away from toxic situations and go for deep inner changes. Are you selling your soul to feel safe? Someone motivates you to go with a new idea.

Scorpio -Intimacy comes when you bare your soul for once. Partnerships become better if you let go and share. Some new idea pops up and it may not happen instantly yet it is coming.

Sagittarius -What are you doing to strengthen your daily workings? Share new ideas and treasures that you have kept hidden. Watch your resources! Use to start a new project.

Capricorn -Want to attract? -look great. You are in the creative mode. Enjoy connections. Your intuitive powers are very strong. Stop pushing and take time to enjoy!

\Aquarius -Think how you are in the home and also out there in the world. Fixing up your abode is a good thing. Passion comes back to you in your creativity. You are recognized.     Pisces -How can you get the social energy working to your advantage? Amp up the interactions and maybe there is some travel. Discard the old patterns and see how your life shifts

Thank you for reading and sharing Take those steps forward. Keep getting rid of the old beliefs and see how much clarity you have. Let the fire that is burning within help you leap to places not experienced before. Stop the fear already. Blessings to all, until again, love, Jan