Monthly Archives: September 2013

FULL MOON in PISCES, September 19, 2013-Emotional Shocks or Balancing?

What a week this is going to be! The Full Moon in Pisces (Sun in Virgo) takes place Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 7:13am EDT in 26 degrees 41’. This is a beginning of another shift in consciousness coming from right here on our great earth. Before I go into the Full Moon and what it brings, let me remind you this shifting is happening due to the continuing influence of the Pluto/Uranus square (90degrees -conflict). I took part in Jean Salch’s radio show on BlogTalk Radio/Unseen World last Wednesday and I spoke about the challenging aspect that this creates. It is really beginning to disrupt the status quo and the stagnation that has set in. Since Pluto likes to tear down everything to the bare walls and then knock the walls down too life is becoming unsettled. It is in Capricorn as I have said many times and Capricorn is the structure in your lives and in general. So, as this is going on Uranus in Aries, the freedom lover, who does things unexpectedly at times, is clashing with Pluto and things may start to crumble even more. This is occurring within your life and the world. Keep this in mind as you watch the news and observe your everyday life. Where it appears in your chart is where the dramatic change will take place. Stop fighting the flow because resistance is futile. Changes are needed and it so timely.

The FULL MOON in PISCES appears a couple days before the Autumnal Equinox on the 22nd. The infusion of energy is strong and will affect the houses it falls in your chart. Will you find tears on your cheek or joy in your heart? Pisces is all about using your dreams to manifest your reality. The Pisces FULL MOON is very emotional with the SUN in Virgo opposing and putting a clamp on them. Figures. Yet, it still flows because it is more about healing the emotional parts that are still crying. The Sun in Virgo is also the healer. This FULL MOON in Pisces will help you figure out the emotions that come to the surface and how to heal them. Are you ready to do this? So, whatever surges up you can handle and release for healing. Pisces is about spiritual transcendence and Virgo is about everyday living. This Full Moon really helps to show you what you are doing to move forward. Wherever you have Pisces in your chart will tell you where you will be a bit more psychic and sensitive to the energy. The FULL MOON energy is about releasing that which no longer serves you and has no further place in your life. This is also a time to go back into a balance so it all flows. This FULL MOON in Pisces is right in the middle of the Diamond (trine) and the former Star of David. There are no main aspects so it feels free.

And for those of you who are working like machines lately (Virgo influence) it is time to take a step back and remember that other things exist in your life. Virgo tends to be a workaholic and now is the time for you to pull back and enjoy a calm and peaceful place.. As you are shifting gears a bit you may wish to ask yourself what are you hiding from since the work world has become almost an addiction. It has, hasn’t it? Some of you use the workplace to run from the unconscious energies that are beginning to surge upward. Many fears and lots of sensitivity may be exaggerated during this time. Let them flow right out of your mind. Life is much too short to be out of balance in your approach. Take time to purge what is no longer necessary for your wellbeing and let the healing take place. Your dreams may be more dramatic and insightful at this time also.

Are you looking for a transformative joggle to a relationship? With Venus/Saturn sextile (60degrees/favorable) Pluto occurring the day before the FULL MOON in Pisces you may get that jolt which is truly needed. This may end something that is no longer working. It could blow it so far away that you may not know it was even present or on the positive side you may find yourself so incredulous with the turn of events because it happens in so quickly. If it is just off-track then a beautiful transformative energy will create something new. Honesty and heartfelt feelings are needed at this time. Is there judgment involved here? It is a great time to look at the perceptions you have regarding relationships and finances. Also along with the Venus/Pluto aspect there is a Mercury square (90degrees/challenge) Jupiter aspect. This is a time to sort through any information needed to resolve any issues. Of course, you may also be making mountains out of molehills. Are you? By the way, those in committed relationships need to work together now and watch again for any jealous individual.

Now another biggie appears. Pluto goes direct in motion on Friday, September 20, 2013. This is going to start the move forward for many of you. Why don’t I say all of you? Some of you are still resisting taking even a small leap. There are those of you who will decide to leap in a way you never did before. Go for it. Pluto as I said before is about tearing down the old to facilitate new growth. Your true gifts can emerge if you let go of any remaining debris from the past. Are you ready to rock? Whatever is going to take place will come about extraordinary speed. Be prepared to leap in whichever area this is in your chart. Wow!

Those most affected by the FULL MOON in PISCES are Leo and Cancer along with Pisces and Scorpio. There is still a major trine (good aspect) that is occurring with the FULL MOON. Don’t let it make you have less motivation to release what needs to be.

Good fortune is available to those who set their intentions wisely at the upcoming equinox. Here is a warning about setting intentions if you wish anything to manifest you need to state your intention and keep your own thinking out of it. Otherwise, nothing happens. And if you truly wish to have a manifestation come to fruition – let it go. Stop worrying about it, thinking about, dancing around it and holding on to it. By the way, do walk your talk now.

Sending lots of blessings to all of you. Thank you for your support. Stay in the moment. Take the leap. Until again, Love, Jan

NEW MOON in VIRGO, September 5, 2013-Let the New Start Keep You on Track

How has it been in your life? Has there been shifting amid the entropy of the daily grind? Or have you found a way to extract yourself from confusing energies? Maybe a bit of the whirling dervish routine will change your assemblage point and perspective? A few spins never hurt anyone. That way the confusion you have encountered may just fade away. No joke.

It is less than 12 hours from the New Moon in Virgo rising at 13 degrees at 7:36am EDT on Thursday, September 5, 2013. This is a time of a new beginning. I know that’s what I always say at the new moon. Well, this time with the New Moon in Virgo it truly is. This is a really important time to take a leap for a completely new start. Are you going to take the opportunity to begin anew? It sure is exciting to know that this Virgo New Moon brings in the halfway point through the astrological signs. Take advantage of whatever presents itself to you. The cosmos is giving you a big chance to shift things and some of you may hit the jackpot. Seriously, there are some fixed stars that are aligned with the New Moon and they represent much wealth and prosperity. So, what are you waiting for? Claim your winnings before the draw. If you choose to create something that will be your ticket to a better life, then my suggestion, get started.

If you know where this New Moon in Virgo falls in your chart, then it is all the better for you. If you don’t you can always ask me in the comments and I will take a look for you if you provide your birth time, date and place. Since this is such a big opportunity for so many of you, please pay attention. There may be some of you who will have an easy time and not recognize the opportunity that is presenting itself. You may just feel a bit lazy about it and ponder it for awhile. You need to definitely pay attention. And others of you will have to fight off the challenges that appear but may make big headway because you don’t give up. For me it is in my 4th house of foundations and home life. Some new start is coming here. Maybe it is just moving the furniture (which I have already done) or just a good throw out the junk time. It will definitely make me feel much better when I do. Or is it just relaxing more when I am home and enjoying what I have accomplished? I will soon know. If it is in the 5th house new love beginnings show up or in the 9th house maybe a new opening with foreigners or going back to college.

What does Sun/Moon in Virgo actually mean to you? Some people say it is more about perfection. I am sure you have known those who are Virgo Sun who are always picking things apart and looking for everything to be perfect. That is a possibility but it is far from the reality. Virgo Sun/Moon likes to serve. That is the basis of this New Moon. It likes wholeness and integrating things. It is finding what is best for you and letting all else go. Are you on your path or would you even notice? This New Moon in Virgo is definitely saying if it doesn’t fit, lose it. If it serves no purpose in your life, for goodness sakes why are you holding onto it? How can you serve the higher good? That is part of the Virgo essence. If it doesn’t resonate with your highest purpose then please walk away from it and give it up. The more off path these days you are the tougher it gets unless you are serving a higher purpose which is a good possibility.

This is a time when there is shifting taking place. If nothing pleases you it is because you are looking for others to do so. This new moon is truly giving everyone an opportunity to heal yourself and allow the changes to help you move further on your path. Look within and truly search for what you are choosing to do this lifetime. What is your soul intention? It doesn’t have anything to do with how much you work in a job or who you hang out with. This is about you. Use your heart and your mind. Stop rationalizing and pretending that you know the truth. Do you? What is your true path? Find it now because down the road you may be more difficult to extract yourself from the daily drudge. Think about how to dig deep and heal the past so that the NOW can open to you.

Chiron along with Neptune is opposing this New Moon in Virgo. What does it mean? It indicates that more confusion may appear along with some healing of deep wounds through ways that come about in an unexpected manner. Sometimes it may even appear as a challenge. So, stop doubting yourself and walk through it. Chiron is the wounded healer but he also helps to bring the wounds to the surface for healing. Let Chiron do that. You also should be watching what you eat and bringing more natural items into your diet. Since Virgo Sun/moon are about healing this is an important factor. Honor the sacred also in your daily routine as you sit down to eat and go about your daily living.

Whatever is going on with this new start, renewal, healing occurrence or anything else that is taking place as an opportunity to start something will show more down the road. When? The truth will be known as to how to proceed at the March 2014 Full Moon in Virgo. You will see if you are on the right track because it will show up then. The path you choose now will be there for the next 6 months. Choose wisely. This is a sort of a crossroads time in your life. There is also an asteroid in aspect to this New Moon. It causes benefit by disgrace. Help!! But there is a protective force with it which may let you know that you made a good decision at the right time. Timing does count now.

Since Pluto is prominent in an almost Grand Cross (difficult) right now please watch you don’t get pulled down into the shady side of life and really let someone push your buttons. So watch what you say and do. Are you fearful or excited about making the changes that are needed for you to be your truth?

I wish you blessings for a beautiful New Moon week. May you find that energetic new start! Thank you for your support. Until again, Love, Jan
PS- There is something new on the internet on the horizon for me in October. Stay tuned.