Monthly Archives: October 2020

FULL MOON in Taurus, October 31, 2020 – Shock or not

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. What a wild ride this has been the last few weeks! Are you one of those who have been knocked for a loop or have you been going with the flow and shifting where you need to do so? Life has not been what it seems and it continues on that particular track. I am appalled at the words and actions of those who are so against the President that it makes my head spin. I see how others feel when I read Facebook periodically and realize that some have totally drank the Kool-Aid. If you are surrounded by things that are not good for you then you may wish to check what it is that you are thinking about within. What is the hatred about? Is it your own thoughts or is it that you are following the narrative? There is a law in psychology that if you form a picture in your mind of what you would like to be, and you keep and hold that picture there long enough, you will soon become exactly as you have been thinking. (William James) Is this part of your life? If not then find how you can bring joy and love to the forefront so fear does not encapsulate your entire world within. By the way, the North Node of President Trump is having its nodal return (back to original chart sign) which means he has a date with destiny. Clarity comes, mission is illuminated. There is some confusion and blunders in the chart of Former VP Joe Biden yet there is still a chance for him to win. It may come to electoral and popular vote going to each. Then if could be issues and try to take away the Electoral College vote. The influence is there. Revolution too!!

This Full Moon will be a Blue Moon. (Second of the month) As the Scorpio Sun aligns opposite the Moon in Taurus it will bring a treasure trove of goodies. It arrives on Saturday, October 31 2020 in 8 degrees 38’ at 10:49 am EDT, 7:49 am PDT and 2:49 pm GMT. It is conjunct within minutes of Uranus retrograde in Taurus. The Sun in Scorpio is opposing retrograde Uranus in Taurus. There is a great potential for spontaneous, innovative ideas. Write them down and make use of them! Scorpio Sun is about hidden or secret matters, sexual stuff and power-seems as if, yes, power has been the word of the day lately. Who has it, gets it or gives it up. That is truly Scorpio energy. It says it will die to get what it wants in the sexual arena whether in love or lust. The past is still hanging about your deepest mind. It too can indicate a challenge to the establishment in your life or in the current influences going on in the world. Both Taurus and Scorpio are “fixed” signs. They are persevering, and capable of commitment on a high level. Both jump into the sexual experience. Do you know what Taurus loves-to be touched and to touch? Scorpio is filled with passion and will go with the intimacy but it has to trust first.

The Full Moon in Taurus brings a bit more simplicity and some stability. Are you looking for more security? Then Full Moon in Taurus is listening. This is a time to follow your senses-.tasting the good wine, listening to music/dancing, looking at the beauty of nature or your beloved, smelling the roses. It is time to take a breath and indulge yourself. Jump into the sensory part of your life. How about giving up control and surrendering to the moment? Taurus is patient and will wait forever for everything to unfold as it is deemed. Now, I know there is a negative side to a Taurus energy which is resistance. That comes when one is out of balance. Since Taurus is ruled by Venus it is the creativity, arts and love. Taurus is not getting pulled into the fear-mongering energy. It just refuses. All Taurus wants is some comfort and to nurture self. Will your bills be paid and will you have the food on the table. If things show up that may not be to your liking, face your demons already. Deal with any money issues and get the balance back in your finances. It is a great time to look at real estate as the Taurus full Moon brings luck with family property.  It does promise material abundance. The only problem can be if things come too easily we can be prone to doing nothing. In that case the indulgent and decadent tendencies could start to kick in. Uranus conjunct this Blue Moon means its energy will be very active. Whenever theMoon and Uranus come together there is always the chance that some shocking information could come to the surface. We may also experience heightened emotions, making it easier to fall victim to our triggers. Full Moon in Taurus is conjunct Uranus, the truth teller- a powerful combination that urges change radically. Uranus can give a detached perspective to the emotional moon, and the honest support to listen to your depths, access the truth and own your projections. There are intense energies present through the next weeks.  Remember that Mercury retrograde goes direct on November 3.

Similarly to the traditions of Samhain, it is believed that on this night, the veil between higher realms can be accessed with greater ease since the veil is thinnest. With the veil between dimensions thin, it is easier for our loved ones to return to Earth and make contact with them. Having a Full Moon on this night is also good at helping us connect with our intuition and.higher realms with greater ease.

Anyone with Taurus/Ascendant close to the 8 Degrees Taurus (5-12) will feel this even more powerfully. Also being affected will be Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from 5-12 degrees. If you have any personal planets also near the degree then you will also be affected in the house it falls.

Aries – House of Personal Resources- offering a stable antidote for the complexities that arise. May not be able to relax! Take a breath!!! Balance the finances.

Taurus- House of Personality- reminding you to remain practical in a world that seems to have lost touch with reality. Do not expect too much from others. Walk your own path.

Gemini – House of Spirituality. Your current metaphysical orientation leaves you more interested in otherworldly pursuits than meeting your mundane obligations. Recharge your batteries is good keyword.

Cancer –House of Networking- reminding you to reestablish your priorities and reconnect with your friends. You may even feel like a social butterfly as you explore your need for connections.

Leo –10th House of Public Life, shifting your focus back to your career. Tackling the toughest tasks first will give you the range of freedom to take advantage of the opportunities that come.

Virgo – House of Higher Education, suggesting you could improve your work prospects by taking a class or attending a job-related seminar. Follow through with determination.

Libra- House of Shared Resources, inspiring you to team up with responsible people who can help you achieve the success. Reevaluate if someone does not come through.

Scorpio –House of Partnerships, leaving very little room for ambiguity in personal and professional relationships. What appears as someone else’s inflexibility may be mirroring your own.

Sagittarius – House of Employment. There may be a grand divide between your dreams and what you can actually have now. Look at all the options before making a decision.

Capricorn – House of Romance which may trigger powerful feelings and foolish actions. Do not suppress your emotions or an eruption may occur. No love expectations.

Aquarius – House of Domestic Conditions, encouraging you to seek comfort in sweet pleasures. It is time to simplify your life. Lay the deeper foundation now then you ever did before.

Pisces – House of Daily Environment- establish a healthy balance between pursuing your dreams and those everyday things. A higher purpose arrives if you take care of the routine and build something solid.

Thank you for reading and sharing if you will. The energy is shocking and a bit electric. Stay in the cool moment and know that what you think is what you get. Stay out of the frenzied energy. Be blessed and until again, love, Jan

NEW MOON in Libra, October 16, 2020 – Think before speaking

Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The fall has arrived in full splendor as the trees are now as colorful as ever in my area. There is a chill in the air in the night and soon who knows what will happen on another plane. Life is not what it seems. When I look around I see that many have taken sides without being true to themselves. You were born to be in charge of your own being. You have free will to choose as life inspires you. Why do you allow others to rule your basic existence? Why do you follow the crowd? Do you know where the crowd may take you? I cannot imagine what would have happened in my life had I been anyone other than my true self. It would have been an insane dance. Why would I say that? I sit and watch as many have given the media their souls and have no ideas of their own due to gaslighting and propaganda. So sad it is. It is beginning to look like pre-World War II. And when I look at charts of those who happen to pop into my life I wonder how they manage to move forward. Do they? Maybe! The bottomline of this message is that you are here to live a life of joy and love and no matter what comes up you deal with it, walk through it and know that your truth is always the way. To many of you the darkness will continue to creep into your lives unless you find that love that has escaped you. This is what is shifting and those who control the world have no need for love. Is that what you choose also? Why not reach within and find who you are truly and love yourself. In this way your inner wisdom will bring that love out to others. The consciousness is shifting even if you are one who is resistant to any kind of change.

Some tidbits- Now the WHO (not the band-someone has to laugh already) has said that lockdowns are not good. Wow. And the CDC has said in the depths of their writings that the Covid 19 virus has never been isolated. There is an article in a medical journal that says this is a fact. An op-ed in the NY Times supposed newspaper said that the UN needs to stage an international intervention to stop President Trump from being reelected. Wonders never cease. By the way, you are given natural immunity when you come to this earth and a vaccine is not going to do you any good. I do not care if you throw a hissy fit about this. Go for it. It is so a matter of control with the vaccine if mandated that you might as well jump off the bridge now. There is no way that a vaccine can be developed in such a short time when the virus has not been isolated. WAKE up already everyone out there. You are in charge of your own body. The government and technocrats are not. Liberty is about your choices. Or do you prefer tyranny? What is it about this you fail to understand? Oh, one more thing-take a look at Australia and keep that in mind when it occurs in America. Are you a member of the Covid Cult? Just wondering.

The New Moon is in Libra (both Sun and Moon are conjunct) on October 16, 2020 at 3:31 pm EDT, 12:31 pm PDT, and 7:31 pm GMT in 23 degrees 53’. The New Moon is always about looking where you have come from and where you are going. Since it is in Libra it is about harmonious interaction and balance since Libra is about both.  How do you balance your need for freedom and your wish for connection? Do you choose to control or are you compliant? Are you interested in interacting in a balanced co-creative way, tuned into the other individual? It is about coming together with everything and integrating the aspects of the selves that are different. If you have disowned parts of yourself then you will attract that to you in stronger measures than you may choose. What I am talking about is the patterns, the beliefs and any disharmony you may have. Yet on the other hand you may also repulse them. That is, of course, up to you.

Retrograde Mars is in Capricorn and with an opposition to this New Moon. Mars in Capricorn is more disciplined and helps you go forward but it does not like the New Moon in Libra. It is looking for a fight. Ugh. And will you be the one to start it with your boss or your partner? Mars doesn’t let down. So watch your actions in the next couple of weeks. Find your patience already if you are feeling irritated by something.

And also the transformer Pluto in Capricorn is squaring the New Moon in Libra. That is saying to you if you are trying to control or manipulate someone or a situation…or the other individual is doing it to you, look out for a major power struggle. If you don’t want a break up wherever it is touching your chart do stop the fighting. It may well be your shadow side which shows up here. Stop it before it creates chaos that is not to your liking. If you come from a place of balance there will be less drama and conflicting opinions showing up. It is TIME to release any toxic pieces in your life whether it is in diet, relationships or in your own mind. DETOX is a big word for this NEW MOON. Find an exercise program and avoid sugar and alcohol. Saturn in Capricorn is also square the New Moon in Libra. Watch for any challenges which test you. Keep your confidence up if any restrictions come in or there are extra responsibilities that are brought to you. Another test of patience may come in.

And let us not forget that Mercury in Scorpio has gone retrograde on October 13, 2020. Oh, joy!! It ends on November 3, 2020 (Election Day in America). Certainly will make it all interesting than most. Mercury is the planet of communication and of course is known as the Trickster too. In the retrograde phase communication, travel and technology may be turned upside down to some degree. It is a time of redoing that which needs fixing particularly any communication errors. And there may be travel delays and having a look again at financial commitments. New ways to share your thoughts can be a good idea.

Venus in Virgo is trine to Uranus in Taurus and it can bring an electric connection for some of you. Lots of freedom is desired and you may be distracted. Even when you are out and about you may have an unexpected meeting or surprise.

Those signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in degrees of 19-26. If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in those degrees then you may be affected. Birthdays are approximately April 8-15; July 9-16; October 11-18; and January 8-15.

Here are some New Moon tidbits for the Sun signs/Ascendant signs:

Aries- Lots of nurturing between you and others and shared purposes.

Taurus- A new healthy regimen may begin. You may socialize with coworkers.

Gemini- Romance, creativity, and expression are the main themes.

Cancer-Emotional complications may pop up as you bring new energy to your home.

Leo-Busy time for connecting with others. Learn and nurture. Also travel.

Virgo-Watch the little things do not upset you. Balance you money plan.

Libra-Nurture is the urge. Watch uneasy attachments with others. Harmony is the word.

Scorpio- Take a chance on inner peace. Seek some balance and harmony within.

Sagittarius-Lots of pleasant friends want your company. Heal past wounds.

Capricorn- Business zone is highlighted. More positive associations are coming to you.

Aquarius- Find some meaning in life- It is time to heal old wounds. A trip may show up.

Pisces- Mutual resources and affections help you. It is time to make a fiscal move.

And don’t forget to make your intentions clear. Write them out (10 at most) and look at them in the morning and at night. What are you looking to create in your life? New Moons energize those intentions and you never know what just might show up.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for those who follow this blog. Take a breath as the new moon arrives so that if balance is needed it comes to you. May the new moon bring you lots of joy and peace no matter what else goes on!  Patience does work wonders. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan