Monthly Archives: July 2018

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius, July 27, 2018- Getting unstuck!


Dear ones – Allow the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon to take you on through, releasing all that is no longer relevant from the past that is stuck to you. It is a supercharged alignment that says move on up and out, keep your wings a glowing and let go as you give a shout. The past is ready to be dismissed as you sit and watch the sky, you no longer have to stay attached and now you wonder why. Why did you hold on as tight as life marched on without looking back since now is time to release for good and take a leap on track? As you look and see the beauty now within and over there, enjoy the inner wisdom that comes to you opening to be aware.

This country is in a frenzied, chaotic place since the populace is blind to the reality and has not looked deeper into the fray. The storms abound as I write this post and the energy is nuts. Everywhere I look there are flooding roads, downpours and unusually hot weather. Is it real or is it imitating those who are flooded with fears and tears regarding that which is shown to you by FakeNews and it sticks to you like tar paper? The way I see it is that life is too short for the harangue that you foment from other’s beliefs and thoughts. Have you researched the truth? In fact have you allowed the truth within to show up as you sit in quietude?  Only when you calm your mind will you see the reality of all that is going on. When was the last time you listened to your heart? Are you for separation or are you truly looking to unite? Dear ones, nothing is as it seems. Take off the blinders and see the truth which is right in front of you staring you down. “We suffer not from the events in our lives, but from our judgment about them.” -Epictetus

If you haven’t had the courage to release that which is no longer a part of you then this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse which lasts 100 minutes may surprise you into taking a leap of faith. Oh I am being real here and know that you can do it. So will you open to this energy and let go once and for all. If you do not…know that it is coming to you sooner than you think. And the feeling will be stronger than you can even imagine. And yes, the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in Aquarius arrives on Thursday, July 27, 2018 at 1:20pm EDT; 10:20am PDT; and 5:20pm GMT in 4 degrees 44’ .(Interesting angel number 444-angel are around and they are supporting you with unconditional love and frequency. They are saying to stay in the essence of love and tune into your intuition.)  The Sun is in Leo in the exact degree opposing the Full Moon. With the Sun in Leo is the North Node.

This Full Moon in Aquarius/Lunar Eclipse is between Mars retrograde and the South Node. You may feel like you are being pulled in a backward motion especially with those who are part of your past and may no longer be a major part of your life since so many planets are also retrograde. If you have been in the stuck mode then you may feel yourself being prodded out of that position allowing some healing to come about especially in the emotional realm. If you feel that others may reject you because you speak your truth then this is the Full Moon to realize it is time to stand in your power and be the unique individual that you are. Got it? Good! And if anger shows up because something triggers you then know it is time to face it and let go of that which no longer inspires you.

On the world stage watch how the shadow masculine play out. It is not a good thing and it may bring about violence and aggression. Or it may just seem that way. Is it on the verge of war, aggression, outright acts of violence or just a mirror of the underlying energy that needs to be expunged or pulled into alignment? Can true freedom be born from the out of bounds Mars? Take the masculine energy and let the positive part motivate you instead of allowing it to bring out the repressed anger and violence.

When Uranus enters the picture by squaring the Sun, the Moon, and the nodes it could indicate some revolutionary acts. Of course there may be lots of erratic energy and displays of over-the-top chaos. Yet, it may be what will shift the past behavior of the collective bringing in some upheaval so the pattern is shaken or spun to the extreme. Is that fear I feel from you right now? Stop!!! This is a good thing. News may bring much hidden to light. Does that scare you too? Just know it is all happening for a bigger reason.

If you have not been following your passion and your heart’s desire then it will become quite obvious around the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. If you are in a situation where you are far from being able to live your dream and soul purpose then now is the time you will choose to break free.  Do you feel supported by those around you? If not, then why do you continue to live in that mode? It is your life so stop looking for everyone’s approval since that is part of your inability to focus on your truth. If you have a plan to live on your true path then significant changes are part of the picture.

On another note Mr. Mercury the Trickster goes retrograde on July 26, 2018 at 1:02am EDT. Oh, boy. Here we go again.  On July 26 Mercury retrograde at 23° Leo begins and on August 19 at 11° Leo ends.  During those days around the Lunar Eclipse will you be nervous and filled with anxiety and even anger due to the Stationary Mercury retrograde which makes no planetary aspects. There Is a T-square between Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus at the Full Moon and the day after Mercury goes retrograde. Use common sense for there are many unexpected things that may occur. Keep an open mind. Stay away from making any major decisions leading up to the Full Moon and if you do so, there may be changes that you may have to make as the period moves on. There may be communication and possible travel delays. Electronics may tend to go out of kilter. Sign no new agreements or contracts during the retrograde period. Do not throw a temper tantrum or drive when angry.

As the Full Moon comes about there is a contact with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld in Capricorn the day before on July 26. Will you allow your fears to take over completely or will you allow a transformation to take effect?  Tyrannical behavior is totally unacceptable. Think before you say or do something is the best option. Those of you who prefer the dream state and not reality may find any truth that is revealed will create a feeling of total dismay. Truth is what is needed and it is coming and you may not like what is told. If it does not come out then just know that the end result will be unacceptable to most. Oh, one more thing, love thy neighbor as thyself is indicated by the empowering Venus in Virgo trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Will love be part of your life?

Those most intensely affected by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius are Sun signs/ Ascendant signs in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius at 0-7degrees. Birthdays are: April 21-28; July 23-30; October 24-30; and January 21-28. If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) around 4 degrees then you may also be affected.

It is time to reboot, regroup, and let go the stuck places. Release that which no longer inspires you. And let the agreements sit on the table til after Mercury goes direct in August. There is another major eclipse which is a New Moon/Solar Eclipse on August 11, 2108. Life continues to be intense and transforming. Will you allow that to occur in your life? It is still about loving no matter what happens around you or within you. Be blessed dear ones, and have a happy Full Moon. If you have thoughts about this time frame and wish to share, do leave and comment and I will try to respond in Cosmic Leaping comment section. Please share with others if you will. Thank you for all you do and are. Check out Wizards Within on or on Facebook or YouTube on Wednesdays at 9pm EDT. Until again, Love, Jan


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer, July 12, 2018- What do you transform now?

solar eclipse new moon in cancer july 2018

Hello dear ones! Where are you as the summer rolls on or winter in the Southern Hemisphere? What feelings are within that bring good things to you? Do you feel at home wherever you are within and without? What fears show up as you wander through your day? Why does the fear keep you so entangled in everything and nothing? Are you ready to let it go?

Out there in la la land – The World Cup final is now set for Sunday July 15 with France facing the winner of the England/Croatia match. (Croatia just won) There is some good news- the Thai soccer team has been rescued from the cave. What a blessing! It certainly looks like the Mainstream is again trying to spoil the meeting between Presidents Trump and Putin which takes place on July 16. Maybe those who are so ready to rattle the swords have a fear issue which comes from their own suppressed anger. It looks to me that those who wish to control the news have no control over their own lives.  If you are into ebay then you may be running for the hills as far as sales go. Looks like there may be an internet sales tax and if and when it happens- Amazon will probably make out pretty good and the Mom and Pop businesses will be bust. And lastly -Do you know what you are eating? Does it have anything which is genetically engineered within it? Soon you will not know as labeling for that is disappearing.

The Solar Eclipse (partial) New Moon in Cancer arrives Thursday, July 12, 2016 at 10:47pm EDT; 7:47pm PDT; and July 13, 2018 at 2:47am GMT in 20 degrees 41’. The Sun is in Cancer also in the exact degree. Solar eclipses are more about catalyzing changes then a regular new moon. Major endings and new beginnings can take place. A new beginning may take a bit longer since Mars in Aquarius is in retrograde motion and Mercury is in the retrograde shadow. It may be better to complete rather than begin now. The main theme of the New Moon is family relationships and letting go of any childhood behavior patterns that keep you stuck and interfere with your life now.

Is the incoming New Moon energy intense again you ask? Yes, intense again and again until you release those deeply hidden emotional patterns which continue to trip you up and pull you back. Are you ready to act on letting go of that which will keep you from accessing your highest self on your path?  What is the fear about? Fear-yes, fear! It has been sitting there poking you and creating chaos. You have been pulled into your current mindset due to this fear and it keeps you from enjoying the peace and love that you choose to ignore. And if you recognize your fear then, guess what, you can truly let it go. Then a shift of energy emerges.

Cancer seeks security and a loving feeling of home within. This time it is about some things like your domestic issues, roots, foundation, and self-worth. The Cancer eclipse is about nurturing yourself. This moon may show you what is not nurturing you. Perhaps it will bring to the forefront what you no longer care about. It is a truly sensitive New Moon Eclipse and if you have suppressed feelings they may rise to the surface. Are you afraid of change? Cancer is. It is time for you to go beyond your comfort zone and stop resisting. As I mentioned earlier allow the intense feelings to move through so then change appears.

I see that where the Solar Eclipse New Moon at 20 degrees 41’ falls in your birth chart is where the truth will shine its light and what has been hidden will be revealed. If this does not serve your highest good then a rebirth can come in. Where have you been undermining and rejecting yourself? Watch your own reactions and responses at this time. And interestingly enough Pluto in Capricorn is opposes this New moon Solar Eclipse exactly. It may create disturbances in family or intimate relationships. Dysfunctional patterns can arise from the depths and it is saying to release any deep-seated emotional patterns. Are you ready to do this? It will harangue you in some way if you do not. Transformation is awaiting you. Pluto in Capricorn is retrograde and is saying to you to stand in your power at all times. And if you feel tired, take a rest already.  If you have secrets they may come out now. Take no risks at the time of the eclipse. And make no final decisions until after the New Moon eclipse energy. Keep in mind that you may find yourself attracting luxury. Share some with your family.

The New Moon in Cancer is trine Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. This helps you bring to the fore an imaginative power that will take you far. What is the vision you have for yourself and the world? Venus just turned direct on July 9 and is now in Virgo. Do you tend to have such high expectations and standards of love that you push others away and they feel unloved? Do you feel lonely in love that you have no one to rely on or to share things? Venus in Virgo is asking you to be gentle in your approach. Venus is trine Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. This supports the energy of the New Moon Solar Eclipse. It will help ground you during this intense energy and help you to detox. Oh yes!!!

And to top off the energy Jupiter in Scorpio goes direct on July 12, 2018 at 13 degrees. If you have been getting yourself out there and still no results, you may find opportunities appearing now and you may be reaping your rewards which were slow in coming in the past few months. It is also tightening its trine to Neptune in Pisces so spirituality and creativity are prominent and accessing your inner wisdom and higher power may begin to ease into your life. On a bigger scale- financial corruption may show up when least expected and the truth shows up at last. With Jupiter going forward it is a time when the truth does come to light.

The main theme is about transforming what is already present and letting go of the junk that you keep bringing up from the past. Lots of imagination and creativeness may be present. Sign no contracts this month. Deal with the business contacts you already have and renegotiate and regenerate those connections. Wait to start any new business or new job situation since there are hidden things that will show up. Family issues may surface so observe before reacting. Apply the energy to your finances, creativity or a love relationship. Watch for stubbornness or addiction as you deal with this energy. Try to transform some things before the July 27 Lunar Eclipse in Leo.

Those Sun signs/Ascendants most affected are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn from 16-24 degrees. If you have personal planets close to 20 degrees of these signs then you will also feel some intensity.

Thank you for reading and sharing if you will. Life is shifting dramatically and the Sun is more intense than ever. Notice how it is more white than yellow at times. I would love to hear your comments on this and I will try to respond to them. Again have a beautiful Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer. Tune into Wizards Within Radio Show on Wednesday night at 9pm EDT. We talk about all kinds of interesting topics. Many blessings! Until again, Love, Jan