Monthly Archives: January 2023

New Moon in Aquarius, January 21. 2023 – What path will you take?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As I sit here and ponder the energy of the world I ask myself -how do I intend to move forward with the continuing outrageous behavior of others which continues to grow? Has anything changed in the past couple of weeks since the Full Moon activity? Did you release what no longer pertained to you as of right now? How do you feel about staying in the past energy that continues to surround you and keep you stuck? I noticed in my own life unless I release and clear all that is no longer pertinent I do nothing. And I am sure you may feel that way too. On top of everything else the gloomy weather makes the inspiration fade if you allow it to affect you. It did begin to drag me down and now I said it is not going to be the block on my path. I let it go. I find it fascinating that so many avoid the inner wisdom and prefer to jump into the maelstrom of vindictiveness, crazy actions and hiding behind other’s beliefs. This New Moon in Aquarius may help set it all straight in a very unexpected way. I guess it will manifest the way one intends it to do so. Reminder: Fear does not help any part of your life. See what happens when you release it.

Some news tidbits: Wells Fargo Bank announced its cutting home loan services to instead focus on select customers, namely “individuals and families in minority communities.” Where are the visitor logs in Biden’s houses? Seems the Secret Service knows who visited. The WEF is meeting in Davos and Klaus Schwab apparently was not there in the beginning. Did you know that Mr. Gates wishes to block out the sun? Great meme had unpleasant truths with no one in line and comforting lies with many waiting in line. There have been over 200 attacks on food supplies around the world in the past few months. Is the food infrastructure being targeted so there is less food? Just wondering! By the way, Dr. Fauci has not retired as it was stated. He plans to do other things in the government health field and he has a security detail. And do not forget that your electric vehicle may take a few days to charge. How is that going to help you get out and about? Flyers hockey player refused to take part in the warmups in a previous game due to not choosing to wear a pride jersey due to his faith. And one reporter went off on this.

The New Moon in Aquarius arrives on January 21 2023 at 3:53 PM EST; 12:53 PM PST and 8:53 PM GMT at 1 degree 33’. The Sun is at the same degree in Aquarius. With this potent Aquarius energy, you have the chance to make progressive changes in your life. Maybe the Aquarian New Moon will give you the opportunity to open your eyes to a different perspective on what is going on in your life and the world in general. Maybe it will also whisper in your ears that you can make a difference without name-calling, slurs and all negative actions that I have seen in the past few months. This is leading up to a wake-up call for many. In the meantime Uranus rules Aquarius of the New Moon. In the ancient world Saturn was the ruler. The energies of Uranus are electric and crammed with change. Uranus is forward-looking. Uranus dislikes tradition and celebrates your individuality and creativity. Negative expression of Uranus is being a rebel without a cause and taking no responsibility. When Uranus is not developed, it reacts; but when natives are truly in tune with its energies, Uranus is highly intuitive and that urge will help bring about originality. It is time to focus on your individuality. With Aquarian Moon it asks you to free yourself from some situation that has bogged you down and then you will find that you can start a new creation with this New Moon. Yet it is a time also to interact with people in your social circle and in your community, and recognize the value of your friendships and social networks. Do you know why you brought them into your world? You might also recognize that some level of detachment and distancing ourselves from your habits and attachment to the past will help you break away from destructive behaviors that are holding you back. It is truly about fine-tuning your balance between how you help others and how you do your own thing. The New Moon is trine Mars in Gemini which went direct on January 12 and will help your confidence and energy to move forward again. Saturn the old ruler of Aquarius is present and wants you to stay grounded and be serious about what you are doing. The Moon is sextile Jupiter in Aries which helps you make improvements to your life. Ideas may come to you more intuitively. Since Uranus is in Taurus it may bring a slightly different situation to the forefront or you may approach in a unique way. And one more out of sign conjunction is Pluto which is still in Capricorn may make the process you are dealing with an up and down type of thing. Mercury is now moving forward as of January 18 2023. Whew! This means the confusion, delays and miscommunications have mostly dissipated. The difference is that you now have the benefit of seeing things from a different perspective after having rehashed information and your perception. This gives you more choices than you had before. You now realize that a different approach, decision or way of understanding may be better. Time to take another look at whatever the question you put off during Mercury retrograde! Go for it! Mercury is quincunx Mars in Gemini says if someone does not see it your way, oh well. Does that mean you have to get involved in an argument? No. If you do not fit into a group and you wish you could, either deal with it or try some other group.

Most intensely affected are the following: 0 to 5 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) and 29 to 30 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly. Any personal planets (Moon, Mars, Venus, and Mercury) at those degrees are also affected. Birthdays most intensely affected are: January 19-January 26; April 19 – 26; July 20-July 27 and October 21-28.

Aries – How can you make things happen? Go out and network and socialize. Look for expansion in your life. Others see your ideas as favorable insights.                                          

Taurus- What is your life path? New ideas pop in and unexpected changes may occur. It is now your vision. Looking for a different job/or promotion? Go for it.                      

 Gemini- Have you been stuck in a rut? New horizons may beckon you. Letting go of that which no longer works will give you a better sense of your authenticity                    

Cancer -What no longer nurtures you? Time to let go of what is and find your new way! Transformation comes now even though you try to push it away.                                              

Leo- Relationships may be changing and that’s a good thing. A deeper commitment or new partnership comes into being. Get more people around you.                                     

Virgo- What can you begin that is different to your daily routine? Try something healthwise to stay on track.  New direction work-wise may show up down the road.           

Libra-Are you ready to be inspired? Then what holds you back. Bring in the creativeness. Also your love life and parenting skills are in focus.                                                               

Scorpio- Redesign your life. What do you wish to change? Do you wish to relocate? Find the goal with others. Things are shifting within and around you.                                        

Sagittarius- Feeling stagnant? What do you wish to accomplish? Think about it, intend it and it shows up. Things are shifting within and around you.                                                                

Capricorn –Looking for an opportunity to do something other than the norm? It is there in front of you, Get yourself out there and make adjustments in finances.                       

Aquarius- Doing some thinking about where your life is going? Be inspired and let your inner glow guide you to new starts. You are at a crossroad.                                           

 Pisces- If you need to solve some issues now is the time to look at it differently. It is time to let go of outworn patterns. Spirituality is important now.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Are you ready to see the green comet which will be in the sky possibly starting January 21 until later January Northern Hemisphere and early February in the Southern. It has not been around since the last Ice Age. May not appear again ever! Get out the telescope or binoculars.

Thank you for reading and do share with others if you choose. I wish you well and thank you for you and all you do. Bring out the individual within and create a new direction. May the Divine shower you with love and blessings. Get those intentions out there. Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon in Cancer, January 6, 2023 – Let faith lead the way

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Happy New Year to one and all! Hope you are enjoying the new beginning in your life. Have you finally let the fears behind? Have you grabbed your pen, your paintbrush, your sketchbook to stir up the vision that you choose to create? It is now time. Yes, now!! Not yesterday or tomorrow. As the Who would ask in their song –Who are you? Really who are you as the New Year appears? This is a new year off to the races and I see laughter (is this allowed?) and anger. Where is the love? It is time for you to take the reins of life and love yourself and everyone around you. How you think is what comes to you. What does it matter if people like you or not? Who cares? I feel that how you begin this year is really how the rest of the year will turn out. What do you believe as the world supposedly turns or does not?  I look out there in fantasyland and see so many facing a conundrum of issues that are a travesty. Why are so many of you refusing to see the truth? And those of you who are buying the craziness that has infiltrated this country and the world…why? I traveled today and encountered more traffic than on any weekday for months. It was a strange thing happening. I refused to get pulled into being annoyed with the constant crazy drivers. Unbelievable!

Damar Hamlin Buffalo Bills player is in critical condition after collapsing on the field during the Monday Night Football Game. And now I see the Feds are hanging around and no one is talking about anything. I can guess why? Can you? And other top news is that the killer of the four University of Idaho students is from Albrightsville PA and has been extradited to Moscow Idaho this week. Kari Lake is taking her appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court. By the way jabs do not save lives as many have been saying through the last couple of years. Do your research. It is out there. In DC one needs a code to enter Whole Foods Market. Wow. Social credit on the move! Guess what Merkel said about the Minsk Agreements- they were a deceptive political ploy to give Ukraine military more time to get ready. Who will be the new Speaker of the House? Censorship is the name of the game and it will get even crazier than it has been. It is against the Bill of Rights,

The Full Moon is in Cancer arrives January 6, 2023 at 6:08pm EST; 3:08 pm PST and on at 11:08pm GMT at 16 degrees 22’. The Sun is in Capricorn at the same degree. When the Sun is opposite the Moon there is a polarity somewhere in your life. An example is work versus home or being creative versus logical thinking. Lots of emphasis on your relationships and family usually occur at the Full Moon. Usually whatever you began anew at the previous New Moon which was on December 23 2022 will come to fruition or maybe you will need to just fine tune it. The Full Moon energy lasts until the next New Moon. It is the Wolf Moon. Is there something within you that needs to be let out? It is time to do so in the next couple of weeks. Is there something you have been refusing to see or just plain neglecting in your life? This Full Moon will bring it to the forefront for you to address and let it go. Full Moon in Cancer says purging the negative is a necessity. Once you get rid of the fear the world changes within and your perspective on life comes alive. Faith also comes into play at this time along with family-oriented traditions. It is time for looking at your needs and lacks between private life and pubic. The Cancer Moon encourages us to value our home base and our roots, while Capricorn persuades us to consider our sense of duty and responsibility along public lines.

The Neptune in Pisces influence touching the New Moon and Sun in Capricorn can bring about a romantic flair to your love life. Watch your total attention to your lover doesn’t have you forgetting about your own path. It can be exciting and fantasy-prone. If you write poetry then by all means write to your lover/partner. If you sing or write music…do it for your love. It is a time to really go deep within and feel the inner being that is you. What does that heart of yours tell you? Uranus and the True North Node of the Moon are in Taurus and sextile (in harmony) with the Full Moon and trine the Sun in Capricorn. Uranus is dynamic, electrifying, progressive, and modernizing, but acts in a syncopated way that can bring unexpected twists, outbursts of outrage, emancipation or independence, sudden and bewildering events. How will this turn out? Revelations may be unexpected yet helpful and there may be some gentle surprises coming to you. And guess what? Mercury which is in Capricorn has just gone retrograde. Oh my! Aren’t you excited? Watch out for things falling apart around you especially since it is with the Sun and opposite the Full Moon in Cancer.  Arguments may arise with someone you love or family member. Yet, you need to roll with any cosmic turn of events. It lasts until January 18. Changes are in the mix since Mars also is retrograde. So get prepared for any shakeups and you may want to think about how you might make changes in professional goals as the year progresses. Communication may get difficult.

And for those of you who are failing to nurture yourself you may be feeling run down, dragged out, miserable and you name a negative and I am sure it is present. I was there and I said not happening again. So, I changed some things and as the Full Moon comes in I will purge what no longer is good for me and you can too. Use some essential oils – lavender and bergamot. Take a breath. In fact why not go get some Reiki or Shiatsu done. It will really help. Red Jasper stone may also help ground you and help to stabilize your energy and bring calm in times of stress.

If you have the Sun/Rising sign in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 13-20 degrees you will be more intensely affected. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) at those degrees it may also have some affect. Tidbits for the signs:

Aries- Time to prioritize what is important in work and life. Find the balance needed.  Home is where your heart is at this time. Get connected with family.

Taurus – Time to use your communication skills. Bring it together to get going on path. Major changes may be afoot. Look at what improvements need to be made.

Gemini – Look at your finances. Some support appears. Clear the slate and begin anew. What are you willing to let go and transform? Bring out your self-esteem.

Cancer- Take a big step into your power. You are in the limelight. Go for it!Put your needs in the forefront and see how you relate. Take care of you.

Leo – Your intuition is strong now. Keep a journal and your dreams may happen.You may need to make changes that favor your well-being. Others mirror you.

Virgo – Let go of those around you who do not resonate. Take a leap of faith socially. You are the artist. Ask others to help you in your quest.

Libra – Where are you professionally? Think bigger. Work and home balance in conflict. Watch conflicts. Make yourself visible to those important in life.

Scorpio – Is traveling abroad a possibility? Expand your thoughts. Be patient.Some of your beliefs may truly shift. Stop being insecure if you lack credentials!

Sagittarius – Some advice needed regarding financial affairs. Be authentic. Plan.Throw out what you no longer need. Transform something in your life.

Capricorn – Turning point in relationships with joy coming. Drama may show up.Move on from what no longer works so you can move into new relationship.

Aquarius- Hang back a bit. Find balance between rest and work. Time for healing!Time to address work or health issues!  Have a regular routine that helps you.

Pisces-Any new ideas are worth looking at. Let the flow of creativity show up. Relate. Make changes that make you happy, Speak with heart not your mind.

May you find joy and peace, love and good health and an overflow of cash that brings financial freedom in this New Year!! Thank you for reading the post through the year. I am hoping I can expand it into a space of more insights on other topics also. Thank you again for the old you and the new you to come this year. Until again! Love, Jan