Monthly Archives: January 2020

New Moon in Aquarius, January 24, 2020- A bolt from the blue

Red White And Blue Here we go Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The New Year has come and it is almost February 2020. When I look around the heavy energy lingers. You can lighten up the airwaves if you allow it.  Will you let the gloom of what is going on in the world affect you or have you pulled yourself into a calm place so that you can manifest what is best for you? What have you done in your own life in the past months that opens the door for new starts?  At times I look at my own life and feel what is going on within is a hint as to what is on the way. Things change fast when you are doing what you love or at least intending that place in your heart. And since the last time I did mention that it was time to let go in a big way; purge the clutter and stay in the positive thinking mode. New things can then enter. I am amazed at the amount of untruths that continue to pop up in the media along with the basic fears showing up for so many individuals. I keep asking myself -am I living in a dreamland filled with those who are not real; or am I living in reality and everyone else lives in a far off land to which I have no connection? I find it fascinating that so many avoid the inner wisdom and prefer to jump into the maelstrom of vindictiveness, crazy actions and hiding behind other’s beliefs.

New Moon in Aquarius may help set it all straight in an unexpected way. Before I go into the New Moon energy I would like to say some things that bug me lately. I found out that many things that are happening in the schools of this country are not up to par. Too much talk about one does not need so in depth studies to actually live one’s life. If you are one who watches Mainstream News all the time and truly believes the things that are given as fact then you definitely have no idea what has gone on before. The truth is there for those of you who wish to see. Do you know that what is happening in America is similar to the Frankfurt School Agenda? Oh, I forgot Wiki says it is a conspiracy theory. I read somewhere online that individuals average a total of 86 hours a month on cellphones-about 2 hours a day. I do not have time to spend that much time or choose to do it. You had better listen to what Social Media says, the Mainstream News says and your neighbor down the street. I missed the message since I do my own thinking. The brainwashing is so adamant that you have no clue as to what is going on. The current political hoax is mind-boggling and really the Coronavirus. Another name for common cold. Now, the blatant acts are so disturbing that if I was a drinker I would be drunk all the time. Just saw that Natural News has been hit with a cyber-attack keeping it from accessing its own servers. Good luck to you Mike Adams – the truth always wins. Congrats to Derek Jeter. The Hall of Fame awaits you in July. One thing that he said that will stay with me always…he believed so deeply that he was going to be a NY Yankee since childhood and he was. Good example of a belief so strong it does occur.

If you are into the revolutionary type then this New Moon in Aquarius is right up your alley. The New Moon in Aquarius shows up on January 24, 2020 at 4:41pm EST; 1:41pm PST; and 9:41pm GMT in 4 degrees 21’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Aquarius. The New Moon is square Uranus in Taurus. Life definitely will take on quirky interesting energy. Aquarians are the visionaries, the outsiders who definitely are looking from a different angle than most. I find myself looking at life from a different perspective since I have Uranus trine my Midheaven in Aquarius. That is why I do astrology. And I kept saying I do not want to do this and it kept saying, get over yourself and just do it. Anyway, enough of that right now. With so many planets -Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, the South Node and asteroid Ceres in the earth sign Capricorn, it is all about being practical in your approach with the New Moon guiding you in a way that is best for you. This New Moon says breathe in the fresh air that shows up after the gloom. You may not have the energy to take on something new yet – on the other hand it may just be ok to start the plan of the new direction. With the Aquarian Moon it asks you to free yourself from some situation that has bogged you down and then you can start a new creation.  Uranus comes along to sweep out that which no longer connects.

What in your life has not been the way you chose it to be for months? Give it some thought and it will bring change. Could be like a lightning bolt for some since it squares the Sun and Moon. In the meantime Uranus rules Aquarius of the New Moon. The energies of Uranus are electric and crammed with change. Uranus is forward-looking. Uranus dislikes tradition and celebrates your individuality and creativity. Negative expression of Uranus is being a rebel without a cause and taking no responsibility. When Uranus is not developed, it reacts; but when natives are truly in tune with its energies, Uranus is highly intuitive and that urge will help bring about originality. It is time to focus on your individuality. Keep anxiety in check and watch for unexpected changes out of the blue. Venus squares Mars may bring about some relationship issues. Watch for impulsiveness or anger that may create arguments. Venus sextile Jupiter calms things down and brings understanding. A new truly authentic love interest may appear if you are available to this. Trust your own self no matter what is going on around you. Follow your inner wisdom first at this New Moon. Stop overreacting to any changes. Remember to expect the unexpected. Bring out the authentic you/inner rebel in a fun way.

If you have the Sun/Rising sign in Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius at 0-6 degrees you will be more intensely affected. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) at those degrees may also have some affect. Tidbits for the signs:

Aries – Go out and network and socialize. Look for expansion in your life. Others see your ideas as favorable insights. How can you make things happen?

Taurus- What is your life path? New ideas pop in and unexpected changes may occur. It is now your vision. Do it. Looking for a different job/or promotion? Go for it.

Gemini- Have you been stuck in a rut? New horizons may beckon you. Gather a group and have an adventure. Or do you plan to write something new?

Cancer- What no longer nurtures you? Time to let go of what is and find your new way! Transformation comes now even though you try to push it away.

Leo- Relationships or hung up career may be changing and that’s a good thing. A deeper commitment or new partnership comes into being. New business interest possible!

Virgo- What can you begin that is different to your daily routine? Try something different healthwise to stay on track.  New direction work-wise may show up down the road.

Libra-Are you ready to be inspired? Then what holds you back. Bring in the creativeness. Also your love life and parenting skills are in focus.

Scorpio- Redesign your life. What do you wish to change? Do you wish to relocate? Things are shifting within and around you. Find the goal with others.

Sagittarius- Feeling stagnant? What do you wish to accomplish? Think about it, intend it and it shows up. Connect with others and share your insights.

Capricorn –Looking for an opportunity to do something other than the norm? It is there in front of you, Get yourself out there and share your ideas. Be unique.

Aquarius- Doing some thinking about where your life is going? Be inspired and let your inner glow guide you to new starts which are coming your way.

Pisces- If you need to solve some issues now is the time to look at it differently. It is time to let go of outworn patterns. Spirituality is important now.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I wish you well and thank you for you and all you do. Bring out the individual within and create a new direction. And if unexpected happens go with the flow. This energy lasts until next New Moon on February 23 2020. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan


Look within, clear out and leap slowly

full moon in cancer 2020 Hello Dear Ones – Happy New Year!! Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The year of 2020 has arrived and I ask you this- Are you ready to do what you came to do? Here we are starting a new decade, a life unknown to you or me before this. Believe me this time, unless you begin to tune within, there will be no way out. Oh my, a bit drastic in saying that. And getting rid of some of the clutter in your mind and surroundings will help considerably. Do you have any idea as to what is going on? Have you read anything in the past year? Tell me, what was it that you learned on your own, not from the TV, Social Media (every site of such topic), and those spewing false information. Are you aware of the ramifications of the ongoing chaos? Do you know how it will affect your life?

I have been a positive individual all my life and those who truly know me realize this. For those out there in Fantasyland I can say that many of you are oblivious to what is happening and I feel sad about it. Too many are brainwashed from the constant onslaught of false information. Have you truly ever looked within and allowed the answers to appear? Many say astrology is bunk. Is it? Well, let me say this – I do not read a daily horoscope since it is very general. The art of looking at the science of astrology is what pushes me forward and it is right on. At times I think – what is it that is going on in my life and where is it taking me? I look at the trends and the timing aspect more often than other things. It does work. Sun Signs give you a peek at you and that is just a basis of the truth. Sun Signs give you insights about who you are and is a good place to start. Just remember when working with astrology it gives you information and direction not taking away your free will. So, why am I saying all this? 2020 is a year of major transforming energy due to the Solar Eclipse/New Moon on the 26th of December and the current Lunar Eclipse Full Moon just happening on January 10, 2020.  If you allow the transformation to take place where these influences fall in your life and actually move through whatever shows up…your world will shift for the better. On the other hand as an old friend of mine used to say – watch out for the 2×4 that may come at you if you are unwilling to shift your energy. Keep this in mind as you venture forth into this New Year. And with the Lunar Eclipse there is a Pluto/Saturn conjunction coming up.

News items – Do you know way back when I was in education I noticed something shifting. Life in early grades is – forget playtime and being creative; they are forced to sit and be quiet in kindergarten and do things they do in upper grades. Watch for Curriculum Cops – no playing in kindergarten. Now there is a gun grab in Virginia. How legal is it? And now the Iran debacle arrives on the scene. Sounds like war-mongering at its best from the news. And it may be a smoke and mirrors at its finest.

The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon comes in on Friday, January 10, 2020 at 2:21pm EST; 11:21am PST; and 7:21pm GMT in 20 degrees of Cancer. The Sun is in the exact degree in Capricorn. The eclipse of the Moon in Cancer by the Sun is essentially the reverse of the eclipse of July 2019. If something seemed out of balance then, you may see an opposite type of imbalance during this Eclipse. Full Moon in Cancer says purging the negative is a necessity. Once you get rid of the fear the world changes within and your perspective on life comes alive. Faith also comes into play at this time along with family-oriented traditions. It is time for looking at your needs and lacks between private life and public life. Sharing feelings may be a high spot this week. Capricorn is about your work in life and Cancer is your own self. Does what you do fulfill you? Have you looked at your gifts and talents lately? Moon Opposite Saturn can cause bad moods because of sadness or loneliness; boredom too. Difficulty in sharing your emotions can lead to relationship problems. Moon Opposition Pluto can cause inner turmoil and relationship drama Need to control your own reactions and behavior because your feelings can be quite intensified. Mercury, Ceres, Saturn, and Pluto are all conjunct the Sun in Capricorn. It basically gives attention to two types of individuals-those who are silent and those who are out their being vocal. It sure will be a bit over-the-top in some ways. Any matters begun now may not work out the way you wish. So lay back at the moment or most likely you will have to make major alterations to your objectives. In the mundane world there may be government shutdowns.

Lunar eclipses bring what is hidden out in the open. So, this is going to come in with a charge. Since the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is in Cancer the energy will activate your deepest emotions. If you feel out of control or your circumstances are on shaky grounds then you need to call upon your inner strength. If you are looking to communicate with anyone on an important matter it is best to wait several days after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse so that it will flow a bit better. You may find yourself changing some habit that you may stare you in the face and you think, yes, it is time to do so. And if your new path (letting go the habit) is bringing turmoil on some level, just know it is best just to continue forward. Since Neptune is sextile the planets in Capricorn then the suggestion is to allow the nice flowing feeling to come out even if bumps occur. Since the Saturn/Pluto conjunction is coming up it may be good just to go to the daydreaming about something that has been shelved and taking a look at it. Neptune will help you do this if this energy gets to you. Pluto in Capricorn is exactly conjunct (same degree) Saturn in Capricorn on January 12, 2020. The next two years will be quite challenging when it comes to the mundane (worldwide events and happenings). It has already begun on some level since Pluto is working its way to the Pluto Return of United States chart and eventually will bring about much turbulence and lots of scandals which have already beginning to come about in these past few years. It all leads up to something that will shake the system (as my dad used to say). As this exact conjunction takes place events and people will force you to concentrate your efforts on one particular area of life that is no longer working well for you. It could be a relationship, career or a particular belief or behavior. Something in your life has outlived its usefulness and is holding you back, even if you don’t realize it at first. Uranus goes direct the same day as the Full Moon so changes will come to the fore and you may change your outlook as to what you do.

Those Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected are Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra at 16-23 degrees. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those degrees then you may also be affected. Aries- Time to prioritize what is important in work and life. Find the balance needed.

Taurus – Time to use your communication skills. Bring it together/move on path.

Gemini – Look at your finances. Some support appears. Clear the slate/begin anew.

Cancer- Take a big step into your power. You are in the limelight. Go for it!

Leo – Your intuition is strong now. Keep a journal and your dreams may happen.

Virgo – Let go of those around you who do not resonate. Take a leap of faith socially.

Libra – Where are you professionally? Think big. Work /home balance in conflict.

Scorpio – Is traveling abroad a possibility? Expand your thoughts. Be patient.

Sagittarius – Some advice needed regarding financial affairs. Be authentic. Plan.

Capricorn – Turning point in relationships with joy coming. Create good foundation.

Aquarius- Hang back a bit. Find balance between rest and work. Time for healing!

Pisces – Any new ideas are worth looking at. Let creativity flow show up. Relate.

Sending out many blessings for a beautiful New Year of 2020 filled with magnificence. May you find joy and peace, love and good health and an overflow of cash. Thank you for reading and sharing. Let the old you go and bring in the new you. Until again, love, Jan