Monthly Archives: May 2014

NEW MOON in GEMINI, May 28,2014-Communicate with your heart

Is it possible that it is almost the month of June? As I write this on Memorial Day in the US of A I think of all the fallen heroes who defended our country. Sending blessings to all who continue to serve and blessed memory of those who have passed. Was away for a brief few days and it was a delight in the Adirondacks. What a treat it is to go there before the crowds descend. The mountains always inspire me. Walked the trail to the upper Hudson where there are crystals imbedded in the rocks. How cool is that? So, as the new moon approaches on Wednesday do you have your social hat on? Or are you ready to talk the ear off of someone next to you? Gemini likes words. And speaking of such my show on BlogTalk Radio last Friday night was all about words and the ones that disempower you. Have a listen.

Drum roll please. The NEW MOON in Gemini is at 7 degrees 21’ and comes to its peak at 2:40pm EDT, 11:40 PDT and 6:40pm GMT on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. Gemini is about the mind and communication. It is the twins of the astrological world – one is mortal; the other is immortal. The New Moon in Gemini is square Neptune in Pisces. Whoa! That makes for lots of confusion. Did you ever find yourself writing then emailing, well, I thought I emailed yet it isn’t in sent box or in the drafts. Where is it? That may be the influence of a crazy computer ruled by Mercury. Or one that likes to trick me. It is out of control. Do you feel a bit overwhelmed at this time? Mercury is going to begin retrograde motion on June 7 and right now is in the shadow. So, things may begin to be unclear and could even be distorted somewhat.

With this New Moon energy you may find yourself stuck in fantasies or daydreaming with the Neptune square being present. You may choose to just sit and write your thoughts and intentions instead of going off in all different directions. Confusion shows up again. There is a matter of deception too. Who is deceiving who? That is the question. If you are, it is advisable to rethink your thoughts and actions due to the Mercury retrograde period coming up. Things may come to a halt or may just create problems. Heart rules! Keep that in the front of your mind and stop falling back into the victim stage. If you have a conflicting view with someone what are you going to do? Please clear your mind with the help of Mars in Libra which is trine the New Moon. It will help with any communication in helping relationships thrive and in balance.

Gemini NEW MOON is about lightness and seeing things from various perspectives Gemini gives us the opportunity to see from both sides of the brain if you allow it to do so. Logic is present yet so is the feeling part. That is when one can pull it together and see with new perception and new ways of thinking. The Gemini New Moon is about letting go of patriarchal ways and thinking and coming to a new mind process that allows us to really converse and see other’s ways of thinking with openness. This is a time when you must open to Truth and see the world with new eyes.

Since Gemini likes to talk and chat, then invite those around you to open to new ideas. How about coming together to collaborate on how to move forward in new ways in all places on the Earth? Do you ever think with your heart? Or have you found that you trust that part of you so little that you totally go with the rational mind. How sad. Make an intention as you read this to begin trusting the heart as your guide and you will see that it changes your whole story. Isn’t the story what the mind tells us? You get wrapped up in the story of the rational mind and make all kinds of excuses so that nothing ever happens. Do the heart dance and watch your life shift to a new paradigm.

The Grand Cross has faded a bit after the Full Moon in Scorpio in mid-May. It will show up again down the road. At present it is telling us to use the energy of the New Moon in Gemini to come up with ways to perceive differently using the energy of the New Moon to get your intentions out there in a social way. With Mercury slowing down it gives you time to recreate, regroup, regenerate your thinking and feelings. Your heart is saying to listen to it. And once you trust it then your mind will help to take what the heart tells you and help focus on the solutions.

Mars is trine the New Moon in Gemini and also there is a Grand Trine (very favorable) of Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Cancer and Chiron in Pisces. This is a water trine which helps us manifest a Soul healing and also to help others to heal. It is good for creating, intimacy, and intuition. Allow it.

One more aspect is Venus at 29 deg. Aries is sextile (good) to Mercury in Gemini at 29 deg. They are both in the critical degree which makes for a completion of something. This also encourages gentle communication and lightness. Good time to write, make speeches or just sit and solve the puzzles of your life or the ones for fun.

Those who have planets from 5 degrees either side of the New Moon at 7 degrees will be more intensely affected especially planets in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. It trines my Neptune and is conjunct my North Node. New direction may be in sight with some dreams awakening.

May your blessings be many! Have a dreamy, joyful couple of weeks. Thank you for your support. Until again. Love, Jan

Tune into Blogtalkradio/unseen world on Friday June 6 at 11pm for my next show.

FULL MOON in SCORPIO, MAY 14, 2014- Deeply transforming, cleansing and healing the self

If you have to talk about anything now, just stop for a moment before you speak, then it is appropriate. Scorpio and more Scorpio comes into the picture with hidden meanings and deep transformation. Anger may erupt at any time. Stay in the moment. The Malaysian flight 370 continues to hit the news and then they say it now classified. Does that mean they know where it is and don’t want others to know? Or is it they are trying to confuse the masses? So they know where it is; they don’t know where it is. Dance on to the music that the darkness plays. Will the control factors manipulate you to ignore the opportunity to break down, clear out and regenerate your own self in this intensity of the Full Moon. Is there anxiety or dread playing its tune in your life? Are you allowing yourself to be pulled into the soulless culture that has taken over the world? What a marvelous time to just sit back and regroup and watch how things shift out of nowhere.

The FULL MOON in SCORPIO takes place on Wednesday, May 14, 2014 at 3:17pm EDT at 23 degrees 56’. What have you created originally that now comes to completion or is more unified? Scorpio is about mystery and rebirth whereas Taurus has groundedness with the earth and the Sun in Taurus brings us to an action wherever it transits your chart. The Moon in Scorpio speaks of longings and reflection. There is a push/pull type effect between the Sun and Moon looking for balance. Scorpio can be about control issues along with deep passionate responses. Where do you fit into the energy at this time? Something has occurred within. Do you feel like there has been a breakthrough, the door opened if only just an inch? I do. You may not recognize the entire picture because there is still some letting go to happen. The resistance within you is lessening. Do you feel it? Some of you may begin to feel a new freedom. Maybe you find your perspective has shifted and you now see things you never saw before. And believe it or not they were right in front of you. Then again, there may be the last blast from your inner self which gives you the impetus needed to take that leap. I have been speaking of leaping for months and this may, at last, be the time to prepare to start to get moving again.

The forward motion is helped by the continuing Grand Cardinal Cross in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn which is still in effect as the FULL MOON in Scorpio occurs. Mars and Pluto are in retrograde motion. The Grand Cross and the most recent lunar and solar eclipses have created an opening for the new energy to emerge. Pluto and Uranus at this time are in square (conflict) so the old structures can break down and be replaced by those which are more in tune with our lives. Jupiter is moving away from the Grand Cross but Venus has entered Aries and will be part of the Grand Cross this week. Venus will square Pluto on May 14 and conjunct Uranus on May 15. Venus is all lovey dovey and rules love and abundance, generally speaking, but is a bit blatant at times in Aries. Do you have a power struggle come to the forefront again? When Venus hooks up with Uranus it may bring some surprises or unexpected changes. If you have done the homework and laid the appropriate groundwork then something may shift significantly for you. Some of you may still resist the changes which take place now. The breaking down of old belief structures is paramount to this Full Moon in Scorpio.

The FULL MOON is conjunct Saturn which is also in Scorpio. This kind of aspect makes for depressing conditions if you allow it to surface. It really wants you to get rid of detrimental emotional habits. It will not allow you to say the excuse for my behavior is my family or my past. Not happening. You want to be hiding in your comfort zone and this FULL MOON will out you on this. This Full Moon and Saturn especially is saying no hiding anywhere because it wants you to move those detrimental emotional patterns up to the surface. Then you can deal with them even if you feel uncomfortable for a short time. Oh darn. Just walk through it so you can grow and move on your path in a big way. All those patterns have been snug in your mind from most likely childhood. Time to get rid of them once and for all, don’t you think? Oh, yes, I know many of you are in denial that your emotions are in balance and you are in no need to act upon their appearance. Really? Why do you choose to suppress your feelings? It is time to look within your heart and see what the truth is. Saturn is poking and prodding and could make you feel down and out for a short time. If you refuse to acknowledge what is happening it can get a bit rough. You can do it though. Get to it. Everyone has a dark side and the Full Moon will be illuminating this part of you.

Mars is at 9 degrees Libra and will be moving direct on May 20. This will start to put things in motion but until then who out there is feeling unmotivated? This is due to the inconjunct to Neptune in Pisces. Anyone feeling lethargic? May be time to take a short break and revitalize your spirit. If you can do so, find some quiet time and chill out for now. And I know so many are so busy with their jobs, their families, their homes and you name it. Maybe just slow down for a couple of days and go into retreat. This will help you deal with the emotions which may show up. Mercury is in good aspect to the Mars and Venus so anything lovers may have to talk about will be softened by the messenger. Oh yes, there may even be some laughs. C’mon lighten up already and resolve the differences. What are you failing to say because it may just show up as an angry outburst when Mars goes forward? Keep negotiations to a minimum for a few days after this. Jupiter trine Saturn with the Full Moon whispers in your ear to eat more cake or have some fun with your lover.

Those being affected most intensely have any planets at 18-25 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Personally, I have Saturn opposing my Sun and conjunct my Jupiter. Saturn is in my 6th house and that indicates lot of organization at work and daily living. Thrilling. It’s also time for me to slow down and go steadily along. And when someone wants to push me quicker I might get cranky. And for me and the rest of you, detox is good at this time and lots of sleep if you have planets affected.

Stay in the moment and smile if nothing else. The pressure is on to cleanse and heal. You can do it. Sending many blessings to you all. Until again. Love, Jan

BlogTalk Radio/Unseen World- My next radio show at 11pm EDT is on May 23. Tune in and maybe even call with a question.