Monthly Archives: November 2021

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, November 19, 2021-Changes for the better!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. How has life been for you in the last 2 weeks after the New Moon? Have you stayed with your heart song or have you been pulled into the darkness that keeps getting stronger and denser? As I have been pondering the actions out there I cannot help but notice how cold it has gotten in the area I reside. I am sure this is not as cold as way north in Canada but after 69 degrees about a week ago, it is chilly at 27 during the nighttime. Anyway, some of you may let overwhelming emotions rule and throw away something that may be important to your self-growth. Purging is what is needed; yes; just pay attention. Life is getting stranger by the minute. The world lives on all types of screens and many out there are still unaware of what is actually happening in this grand world of ours. If you do your own research it will give you a better perspective on many of the lies and games that are persisting.

Out there in the fantasy world there are so many things which are truly beyond my desire to ponder. One sees China, Russia, and you name a few more who are constantly in the forefront of our Orwellian world. Of course, it does remind me of pre-World War 2 as to where it is headed also. More and more individuals are getting angry regarding the current situation that hangs over the US and other countries. How do you feel about the underlying desire for war? Now, I understand that you can react to something someone says to you. Is it because you disagree and think you are in the know and they are not? Or can it be that it is a reflection of what is stirring within you? Think about it. Other notes: Kyle Rittenhouse trial is waiting for verdict. How will it play out? Scientists are trying to grow Covid Vaccine-filled spinach, lettuce and edible plants. Healthy top athletes from around the world are dying. And it wasn’t from not getting the injection. None had preexisting conditions. And Vancouver Canada is now cut off from the rest of Canada due to flooding and if the people want to go to the coast they have to go through the United States.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (partial) shows up on November 19, 2021 at 3:57am EST; 12:57am PST; and 8:57am GMT in 27°14′ Taurus. The Sun is at the same degree in Scorpio. This Full Moon is fueled by passions. Your life (or some part of it) is going to change since this is the first of a series of eclipses that is on the Taurus-Scorpio axis by October 2023. The Full Moon in Taurus is square Jupiter in Aquarius and trine Pluto in Capricorn. The most negative part is that it is conjunct (within a degree) Algol which is a fixed star. That can bring violence to the picture. With the Full Moon in Taurus square Jupiter brings a time for you to deal with any tensions and then it will help you grow or help in a situation in which you are involved. Going within will bring you insights to deal with any relationship challenges. The Jupiter connection tells you that there are support lines available which may not be noticeable at first yet they show up as you clear out some of the tensions. The Moon in Taurus square Jupiter can also show up as irresponsibility and blind faith and too much spending on things that do not matter. With the Moon trine Pluto it says to you that you can focus your energy and this will then support aligning with your destiny. The Sun, Mercury and Mars being in Scorpio gives  you the ability to cut through any lies and let go of that which no longer is good for your desire regarding moving forward.                                             

When eclipses show up and are close to the Nodes of the Moon then it is a time when you will be shown your karmic path/ true purpose in life. The Nodes also show what you know very well and that it is time to leap into the new direction that is being shown to you. There is no guarantee that the ride will feel good at first when this takes place. Just keep purging and moving ahead. The Full Moon in Taurus brings some stability and it can bring security. This is a time to follow your senses-tasting the listening to music/dancing, looking at the beauty of nature or your partner and smelling the roses. This is about the sensory part of your life. Give up the control and surrender right now to the moment. Since Scorpio is about power then with Pluto in Capricorn trine Full Moon in Taurus you may consider giving up the power play in your life and stop living in the past or getting bogged down on your future treadmill. Now is the time to just be, dear ones. Enjoy what your body chooses and go have some fun. Oh, I know the crazies out there will be creating the doomsday scenario because fear always wants a part of your life. Well, for once, go love the Earth and love yourself and send out love to others. And I do not mean faking it. I truly say find that love within and truly share it with others. Let the angels help you. Since Taurus is ruled by Venus it is the creativity, arts and love that keeps you on track.

November 19 Venus trine Uranus The upside is that you have the opportunity to break free of some old habits and breathe some fresh air into your life

Anyone with Sun/Rising sign in Taurus will feel this even more powerfully along with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from 24-30 degrees. If you have any personal planets ( Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) also near the degree then you will also be affected in the house it falls. Some tidbits:

Aries- This energy is offering a stabilizing antidote for the complexities that arise. You may not be able to relax since too much going on. Take a breath!!! Self-reflection!

Taurus-This is about you and what you are doing. You are in the limelight There’s no need to be a leader or a follower if you’re blazing your own path. Stay practical.

Gemini- Your current metaphysical orientation leaves you more interested in otherworldly pursuits than meeting your mundane obligations. Find time to recharge.

Cancer- It is time to establish your priorities and reconnect with your friends. You may even feel like a social butterfly as you explore your need for connections.

Leo- Career focus is here. Tackling the toughest tasks first will ultimately give you the widest range of freedom to take advantage of all the opportunities that lie ahead.

Virgo- Improve your work prospects by taking a class or attending a job-related seminar. Follow through with determination and diligence if you want to manifest your destiny.

Libra- Inspires you to team up with responsible people who can help you achieve your vision of success. Be prepared to reevaluate if promises are not kept.

Scorpio-, There is very little room for ambiguity in personal and professional relationships. What appears as someone else’s inflexibility may be mirroring your own.

Sagittarius- There may be a grand divide between your dreams and what you can actually have now. If looking for a new direction, look at all the options before deciding.

Capricorn- Do not suppress your emotions or an eruption may occur. Love is best given without expectation. Focus on the simple pleasures that show up in your life.

Aquarius- It encourages you to seek comfort in sweet pleasures. It is time to simplify your life as much as possible. Lay the deeper foundation now then you ever did before.

Pisces- Establish a healthy balance between pursuing your dreams and those mundane everyday things. A higher purpose arrives if you take care of the routine and build solid.

I send lots of blessings to all of you at this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon. Thank you for reading and share if you will. Let the Full Moon in Taurus take you to a place you have never been before!!!! Let your creativity foster something newl. Until again, Love, Jan

New Moon in Scorpio, November 4, 2021 – Out of the blue

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping.  As I look out my window I see several hawks flying above my lawn. Made my day!!The time will change as of early morning November 7 here in the USA. Life sure gets more interesting by the moment. As the last two weeks went by little bits and pieces from the depths began to appear and I was able to release them. How about you? Have you been getting rid of the baggage that holds you back? This was a perfect time to do so with the last full moon. Once you do this release and let go…miracles can happen! Why are you hesitant to do this? As I look around and converse with others I see that many are so stuck in a box. No one talks of anything except what those in power are saying. What happened to those interactions that had depth? Does no one know how to interact anymore or is it just let’s attack that which is not to your liking? And don’t forget to talk about the shot. Is that all that matters in this world? Unbelievable!  I see that the hypnosis tactics of the mainstream media has taken over many lives and I feel truly sad about it. I hope that the energy of the New Moon which is coming in will shift some thinking, but I feel that it will probably shake it up and create some chaos.

About 12,000 NYPD and NYFD members among other municipal workers marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to protest the vaccine mandates. Not one lab in the world has isolated the ‘virus’.  Many are trying to get rid of Thomas Jefferson and what was said in Constitution: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” I find it amazing the way this country and the world is falling into an abyss. You can choose one or the other- Love and follow the Light or step into the darkness and hate and fear. It is up to you. And the fact that a school gave a young boy an injection without parent’s approval is a bit crazed. No signature was on the paperwork.  Oh, welcome to unreality. Meta is born. Virtual crack!

The New Moon in Scorpio arrives on November 4, 2021. It is exact at 5:14pm EDT; 2:14pm PDT; and 9:14pm GMT. The Sun and Moon are both in Scorpio at 12°40’. Where does it fall in your chart? What are your feelings? It falls in my 6th house and it truly is about bringing the intuitive process to my daily routines and fitness. What will help me feel more vital and in balance? Expect the unexpected and a nudge to move in a whole new direction, particularly when it comes to power, transformation and joint intimacy, as those are the areas of life that is what Scorpio rules.  Of course, there are those who can be controlling and manipulative instead of creative and profound and healing. Cruelty is another negative trait. The main aspect it makes is an opposition to Uranus, the planet of change and rebellion, in Taurus, which can stir up anxiety and a desire to break free of anything that’s no longer serving you. This can bring in something out of the blue either positive or chaotic. The New Moon is conjunct Mars in Scorpio which also opposes Uranus and squares Saturn in Aquarius. Will you be passionate or irritated? Will you dig deep into the psyche and use your intuitive awareness to help understand what you need to do? Scorpio can read others very well. With the trees losing leaves and the dark nights coming early it is time to live with appreciation and more passionately. It is a time of dying to the old and living in a new way. It is similar to an alchemical process. Take what you have hidden deeply and transform it into gold! This is a good time to take a moment and talk to your partner about how things are on the surface but also to take things to a deeper level of understanding and doing. This time may be sexual to some degree since Scorpio can be a sexy one. 

The New Moon energy can be intense with Mars sitting opposite Uranus in Taurus  and brings battles around supplies and financial security. One step at a time! This New Moon in Scorpio is just two weeks ahead of the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, its opposite sign. Eclipses bring major unexpected shifts and shakeups. New Moon will bring a preview of that energy. Saturn is in Aquarius and square to the New Moon and Uranus. This makes a T-square and says there is a need for resolution and action.  Release is part of the process and if it seems overwhelming and not to your liking- know that it is not the end result. Mercury enters Scorpio on November 5.

The more fear you have the more you fail to take the high road to your own spiritual depths through the Scorpio alchemy. Is it better to be the zombie who is ignoring the signs or your own person? Just asking! Don’t let this darkness of those who wish to control take over your energetic being. Stay positive. Without love there is NOTHING. You heard me dear ones…NOTHING. If you have fear there is no LOVE. Another choice for you to make!!!

Since Mercury, Mars and the Sun/Moon are in Scorpio the detox of the Sacral, Throat and Solar Plexus chakras can take place. The Universe will be pushing a purge of those chakras which will help you get rid of fear, blocked emotions so you can return to love. Are you ready? And with New Moon trine to Neptune in Pisces collectively it is about thinking what is actually possible.

Some essential oils for New Moon in Scorpio: Begamot-helps boost self-confidence after releasing stagnant feelings; Majoram-breaks down walls of the heart; and Lavender lets you break down walls and express your truth.

The Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from 9-15 degrees. If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in those degrees then you may be affected. Birthdays are approximately April 30-May 6; August 1-7; November 1-7; and January 29-February 4.

Some tidbits for the Sun signs/Rising signs—

Aries- It is a great time for a catharsis of some kind. Who or what do you need to let go? Let your inner voice speak to you. And think about what makes you feel comfortable.

Taurus- It may be time to say what you truly feel. Healing can take place now with communication. Bonding is possible in relationships and moving forward.

Gemini- This is a great time to act on new ideas. Start a new health or work plan. New job in the works could be a dream come true. Shift your daily living.

Cancer- What do you wish to create? Or you just may wish to have some fun. Do it. Maybe that casual relationship turns more serious. Are you ready?

Leo- What do you choose to change about self or your home? Be inspired and take some time for you. Be open to new ideas. What ideas do you have about living your life?                                                                   

Virgo- Good time to share thoughts and ideas and you may wish to listen also. Be receptive! Any questions, ask them now!!! New collaboration is possible.

Libra- A great time for financial new starts by asking for what you want. Think of ways to manifest what you need. Trust your instincts and right place, right time shows up.

Scorpio- Use your perceptive powers to help others. This is a time to accomplish more than you have been. Now is the time for sweeping changes.

Sagittarius- An important insight may pop up in your life possibly in a dream or meditation. Access your inner wisdom. Any hidden motives show up.

Capricorn- This is a time to focus on what you would like in your life. It is time to do things differently. Also a great time for a career boost.

Aquarius-If you are looking for new developments in occupational interests then now is the time. If you feel a need to start over, do so. Subtle yet deep changes come.

Pisces- Take that idea and let it fly out there no matter how big or small. Nurture the idea and you will be pleased at the outcome. You will understand true motives.

Thank you for reading. Please share if you will!!! It is going to be a truly big regenerative time in the upcoming weeks. Stay in the moment and find what is most important to you so energy can shift any changes to be made which will help you take that leap that you haven’t made yet. And please stay out of the negative. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan