Monthly Archives: April 2020

NEW MOON in Taurus, April 22/23, 2020 – How will the unexpected come to you?

meteor shower tonight

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As the world changes and you are beginning to see some shifting I ask you to open your heart to the highest energies of truth and light. What will you do from this point forward? How many will continue to believe the lies which have surrounded you through the years and in the present? Will the fear keep you from being who you really are? Many that rule behind the scenes want you to follow orders and be true to them not to you. This is a land of free and home of the brave. Will you allow this control to continue because you believe the lies? If so, good luck. IF you are on the side of truth then nothing is more important then what you feel within your heart. No matter how much pounding comes to you in the unreality of life today it is important to stay in your power and know that truth reigns. And you will say how does one know the truth? This happens by listening to your own self within the heart and not to the fear-mongers around you. When this occurs your deepest light will come through and you will know. And many say…no way…whatever is going on is true. And how do you know this? Do you have the evidence to show you this? Are the facts real? Dear ones, those around me and you are entranced by the lies and continual brainwashing that is taking place. If you choose the light and truth then you too can sit in your home and pray for those who have been affected and stay in that place of light so that you can be ready to move forward when the time comes. The brightness is being overshadowed by the dregs of the world which is going to bring about a turning point in everyone’s life. If every one of you would take just one moment of your day and go within the heart and know that good will come…then the change will be dramatic and bring a joy to your heart. Listen to your own truth and life will begin to bring you a bright light that will shine upon you as the days go on. Believe it or not there is an asteroid called Wuhan discovered in 1980 and if it connects to the Coronavirus then look out because it is going retrograde until October 2020. Let’s hope it shifts accordingly in another way and the unreliable data that is being promoted gets turned around to actual facts.

Previously in March the new Moon was conjunct Chiron which brought a wound or old fears to the surface. Did you heal it? It is interesting to note that the Coronavirus lockdown began in this time frame and you had to face that wound or old patterning. It could also be about something that you chose to ignore or run from and now have to deal with it. Was that a coincidence? I do not think so. If you choose to let go the wound or whatever is bugging you for a long time, then you will find the path to finding out about who you really are and how to be alive again looking to leap since the time prior to the New Moon is a time to turn inward and recharge the inner batteries so that you are ready to move ahead again.

Uranus in Taurus conjoins the Sun and Moon as the New Moon shows up on April 22, 2020 at 10:35PM EDT; 7:35PM PDT; 3:35AM GMT (April 23, 2020) in 3 degrees 24’. The New Moon is exalted in this decan of Taurus, which sounds good and mostly really does promise material abundance. Changes we’ve experienced in our lives since Uranus entered Taurus about a year ago are about to become a bit more fixed in place. I know that this sounds familiar since Taurus likes to be present in the moment. It is my ongoing speech. No one hears it most of the time yet now is a time you may come to being that way. Taurus also loves pleasure and comfort. It brings up your values and what they are to you. It is also about material prosperity. And there may be even a good pick-me-up type of situation. With Saturn squaring the Sun/New Moon in Taurus it may take a bit longer to get what you choose to have or go where you choose to go…that is Saturn. Caution is the word for it. Yet, even taking it one step at a time is better to get the truth out and find your way forward. More practical support is offered rather than more emotional. Venus which rules Taurus finds itself in Gemini and is trine Mars in Aquarius at the time of the New Moon which gives you some pleasantries in the area of love. Light flirting and some witty conversation can make everything enjoyable. On another note: some civil unrest may begin to rear its head due to the upcoming Pluto retrograde.

Pluto, the cosmic detective, is turning retrograde on April 25, and it could bring something out of the shadows and into the light. What is exposed might be a total shock to your system — but this truth will ultimately set you free! Has someone been dishonest with you? Have you been dishonest with yourself? With the right perspective, this startling discovery could go from a breakdown moment to a breakthrough moment. Are you ready house cleaning for you? Pluto retrograde is intense and wants you to let go and regenerate all. It will push you and prod you to do so. Are you ready? This is when you are to look at what you need or don’t need. Are you giving away your power? Pluto will show you. Perhaps a detox would work well or taking a look at your inner self. Watch for power struggles with past or present lovers/friendships. Figure out why this going on again. And move past it. The Sabian Symbol for New Moon is pot of gold at end of a rainbow. It is about using creative power to help you. At times there may be unexpected good fortune and it could bring in illusions versus reality.

Those most intensely affected are birthdays; April 20- 26; July 21-July 27; October 21-October 27; and January 20-26. Sun Signs/Rising affected more: Taurus 0-6 degrees; Leo 0-6 degrees; Scorpio 0-6 degrees; and Aquarius 0-6 degrees. Any personal planets around 3 degrees 24’ will also be affected. Tidbits of the signs:

Aries- Take a time out and look at your financial plans so that you can recreate if you need to do so. Look for the direction that you wish to take it.

Taurus – Accept yourself for who you are and double down on your confidence. You have the way to keep things going. Make things happen. You are the focus.

Gemini – It is time to just pull back a bit and go within to find the grounding needed. Take time to align yourself with your truth so you are ready to leap soon..

Cancer – Look for those who are similar in their thoughts about values. Expand your social media friends as you reconnect with others whom are in your social circle.

Leo –Show the world who you really are. Expand your expertise in your field even if you are working from home. A new chapter may open up.

Virgo- Open your eyes to your potential and look for a new perspective. Some travel issues may show up or is it connecting to the spiritual?

Libra – Good time to create new future plans. Look at your financial affairs. Looks like a fresh start may be coming to you. Good things can show up.

Scorpio – The New Moon is sitting right over you partnership house. How will that give you some gladness or madness? You choose.

Sagittarius- Everyday living becomes the focus. Are you planning on new job or health routine? Or are you paying too much to your partner’s stuff?

Capricorn— What do you enjoy the most? Go for it and take down the walls. That creative bent may show up. Inner child wisdom comes.

Aquarius – You get some clarity in your daily life. Some things may need to be looked at. What can you do for your home or can you better connect with family?

Pisces – You seem to have lots of communication going on these days. Have you thought about writing something interesting? It may be a good time to dabble in this area. Paperwork?

Meteor showers now. An awakening is coming for the world and at first there will be changes and transforming forces which may not look to be favorable, yet they are. (And I am not talking about vaccines…Stop believing ureliable data.) Know that this too shall pass and life will rise up and newness will appear that will take you forward with heart. No fear allowed at all. Let the past go and know that you are in charge of you. Be blessed Dear Ones and know that when you change your thinking you change your life. Stop being manipulated. Until again, Love, Jan   ( If you decide to repost please include as the link back to this site.)


FULL MOON in Libra, April 7/8, 2020 – Let go the delusion and let balance come in

pink moon in libra  Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I hope you are staying safe and well in the turmoil of clearing out the trash. Immediately most will think that I am speaking of certain individuals who are in the limelight. I am speaking of those who are trying to take down our beautiful world. Wake up and you will see what I am seeing. In my last post I titled it -Be still and open your eyes. Have you allowed your eyes to open or have you continued to hide behind your fear of the truth? That is a great question to ponder in this time of chaos and transformation. Have you believed the manipulation and the gaslighting that has come into your life? You have not paid attention to the extreme yet subtle control tactics that have taken over your daily living. And you say you are paying attention to what is being said. Yes, and that tells me why you are so fearful of something which is based on that which is hidden within you. I did say in the last post that Chiron and the New Moon are conjunct in Aries (within 1+degree) and it was all about facing the deepest wound as it surfaced so you can then heal. Have you considered this? Are you fearful of dying or losing something? And the Media fearmongering is not helping. Until that fear is addressed you will continue to react to anything in a very negative way and it slows down your opening to leaping to higher parts of yourself. If you believe everything that is being fed to you out there in the mainstream then I will sell you swampland in NJ.

They are saying that the death rate is now going to be hundreds of thousands. And how does one know this? Is the plan ready to explode into another realm? To me it is about facts and from another generation of TV shows there was one that said—“just the facts, ma’am!” And they are where? You can believe what you want yet the very fact that many hospitals across the country are far from overfilled says to me that it is coming since the President changed his tune regarding this whole scenario. By the way in 2017 Dr. Fauci told those in attendance that President Trump would be faced with a surprise outbreak of disease. And how did he know? Good question! NY hospitals are not crammed yet it is the place of most intensity. I heard a doctor from a NY Hospital say he has never seen a disease of this nature and it is not pneumonia. Wow. It may be something that is prevalent in our lives and getting amped up and is truly dangerous. It is a big plan and NY may be the test case in this country-RF poisoning anyone? What is being rolled out in certain places across the land? On another note-think of how much the vaccine will bring in. Follow the money dear ones. And stop the fear which is promoted by the Media. I know many of you are so fearful you will do anything that those in power tell you. Are you not your own person?  Oh well, go back to your phones and listening to the bogus news. One day you will be surprised. I am supportive of you no matter what you think. Find your way back to you. And remember to pray for those affected and for you and your family. It will keep you connected. “Only the small secrets need to be protected, the large ones are kept secret by public incredulity” – Marshall McLuhan. Check your retirement account -I bet you will be told something other than the truth down the road.

The Pink Full Moon in Libra comes in Tuesday, April 7, 2020 at 10:35pm EDT; 7:35pm PDT; and Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 2:35am GMT in 18 degrees 43’.. The Sun is in the exact degree in fiery Aries. Partnerships are in the limelight at this time.  It is a time to find the balance no matter how chaotic it is out there in fantasyland. I am very serious about this. You become ill in many cases due to lack of balance within and in your life.  Life is what you make it. When I look at a chart and see certain things pop up I ask will this individual allow this in or will they set it free and move through it in a flowing way? The main influence is the Full Moon inconjunct Mercury/Neptune in Pisces and says to you about letting go of any delusions that have entered into your life and have created upheaval or illness. This is a time to change your thinking and take action in a way that is positive for your wellbeing not what is good for someone else. Are you going to get pulled into neurotic behavior and confusion? There may be interactions between you and partners/business or otherwise which bring out things that are no longer acceptable. The Libra Full Moon is also heading towards a square to the Jupiter/Pluto in Capricorn conjunction. This can bring power over the people and may be in a more negative way. Since Libra likes politeness it will come about in ways that interactions with others on personal or worldly level that may bring lockdowns or can be a transformative energy if one is open to it. How you relate to others may not be to your best advantage if you allow the negative to come with it. Venus in early Gemini is sesquiquadrate to the Full Moon. Some things may come out in relationships that you felt were really good and now they are not. Yep! Mars in Aquarius is conjunct Saturn in Aquarius within 4 degrees. How fast you wish to move forward is being dragged along since Saturn likes to takes its time and Mars is always in a hurry. It is all about new things to come and also it is trine Venus in Gemini which says some kind of farseeing secure relationship can come into being or move forward.

Moses said let my people go. They want to be free. And darkness came upon the earth. A shift is taking place whether you like it or not and although for some it may not be very bright for which I send out much good energy to those who are struggling and fearful. Since there have been many planets in Capricorn since January 2020 there is much to say about the ongoing energy Capricorn is about structure. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and is about rebirth, transformation and growing spiritually. If you choose fear and be into destruction then Pluto will bring that to you. Otherwise if you choose authenticity and being compassionate and creating a better world then it will give you that. It is your choice. And with Jupiter and Pluto exactly conjunct from April 1-6 2020 you may be stuck in the past and refuse to give up old ways and resist any changes. I suggest you let go already since it also can bring healing on a personal and global level.

If you are working on a shady level, watch out, it will be exposed this month thanks to this energy. I cannot wait to see where this goes. There is much manipulation going on out there in the world from the last New Moon energy and it has been created to keep you hooked to other than the truth. It keeps you from awakening and being a spiritual individual who walks forward with joy, love, peace and harmony. So do you allow the Full Moon to help you stay in your heart or do you choose this negativity? There is good luck available if you open to it when it aspects Jupiter.  Fear will still be there and so will the coronavirus and it can shift considerably otherwise. Those signs most intensely affected: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn—(15-21 degrees).  A few tidbits about the Sun signs/rising signs:

Aries – Open you heart to others at this time, Keep your cool with partner.

Taurus – Volatility possible. Others may be act unstable at this time. Balance work.

Gemini – Share thoughts/inspirations. Who cares if anyone likes them? Be creative.

Cancer – Domestic matters in forefront. They may be interconnected with work life.

Leo – What kind of decisions are you pondering? Maybe a new opportunity coming?

Virgo – Finances are affected by your mindset. Do not undermine your security.

Libra – What needs to change? Maybe you need some freedom and space right now.

Scorpio – Looks like you need to recharge your batteries. Use imagination.No worry.

Sagittarius –  A world of possibilities that open. Socialize if it is on your goal list.

Capricorn – Sudden changes brings a breakthrough. Set a good work pace.

Aquarius – Your routine may be shaken up. Watch your words. Work it out.

Pisces – Search for peace is ondocket. Stop fighting the flow. Look for a treasure.

Ben Franklin stated: “Those who would give up a little bit of freedom in exchange for more security deserve neither.” (By the way I am not jumping off the bridge with you.)

Thank you all for reading. Stay well and be safe. No fear allowed. Share if you will. I truly appreciate it. Have an outstanding Full Moon in Libra. Shifting is helping you to find your dream. And love may come to those who open to it. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan