Monthly Archives: August 2016

New Moon in Virgo Solar Eclipse, September 1, 2016-Can you jump out of the rut and heal yourself?

_Annular_Solar_Eclipse,Wherever you are out there in the Universe I am sure you will find that nothing is as it seems. With the New Moon Solar Eclipse just about upon us life will sure get a bit more interesting even more so than it has been. How can that be, you ask. This is not fantasy time for many so you need to loosen up and find a way to look within and continue doing so until you find what is making you stay where you are. I am referring to taking a look at what is within and holding you back from purifying those thoughts, those feelings and those actions. Can it get clearer than that? Since the New Moon in Virgo is about purification. And it is also about healing aspects of you. Healing hands can help you. You may experience something magical.

Sun entered Virgo. It is time to clean out your body and mind. Organize and tidy up your life, in whatever ways it is a junk pile. And take stock of the ways you give service and make a contribution to the world around you.  You may wish to pay more attention to details since this is what Virgo loves. This is a good time to for a goal. If it doesn’t work then it goes bye-bye, then you can reorganize and simplify whatever is left. Watch how you do this so you don’t dump something that may be useful to that goal. Since we are not perfect yet that is what Virgo implies. Perhaps you have been in a blindspot not seeing what is really in your world at this time. This may be due to that Neptune energy opposing the New Moon.  You know that old junk I keep referring to for the past year well guess what you need to get rid of it or it will get you tangled up eventually if it hasn’t already done so.

With this New Moon in Virgo/ Solar Eclipse on September 1, 2016 you need to stop resisting or your life will continue in the same manner. Is that what you choose? This New Moon Solar Eclipse is the beginning of a new cycle which will go on for months so be ready to let go of what is holding you back. It takes place at 5:03am EDT, 2:03am PDT and 9:03am GMT. And those out in the Pacific it takes place right after midnight. Both Sun and Moon are in 9 degrees 21’ Virgo and it squares Saturn in Sagittarius and opposes Neptune in Pisces. This is an annular eclipse which only a narrow ring of the Sun is visible. Some things that Virgo rules in your daily life are physical health, hygiene, those who serve others and many other things, It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits/ routine, the working environment, pets. It rules accounting and finance and what you do with it in your daily life.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse is trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Wow. You choose to transform your life then start doing it instead of sitting there on the chair and lazing about. This is a time when it is easy to flow with finding daily routines in exercising, nutrition and anything like that which will benefit you in the long run. So what are you waiting for? Set your intentions to lose weight, change your diet and get everything back on track with your health and wellness. New Moon in Virgo wants you to take responsibility for this. One more thing-do you need to spend so much? Take charge of finances in your daily life also.

Aspecting the Solar Eclipse/New Moon is Saturn in Sagittarius squaring Neptune in Pisces and this has been in effect for some time now and it is exact again on September 10, 2016. Saturn is about practical matters and Neptune wants to take it up to a spiritual level.  Since squares represent turning points this is a time to stay in our power and stop giving it away to those false ideas or any addictions. It is time to leave behind the guilt, the blame and the denial. In other words stop the BS that you tell yourself and wake up already without all the old patterns and junk you have convinced yourself to keep doing and thinking. As I said if you don’t do it then it will just keep you stuck and if that is what you choose, good luck. This is a time to get out of the stagnant waters of the childhood programming and conditioning from every facet of your life. Does it feel that good to put a blanket of false premises around you to protect you from reality? Think back to 1997 in September. That eclipse was at 9 degrees also. Note what was important to you back in that timeframe. What were you doing back then? Is something present now that reminds you of then or is pulling you to be on track with your soul purpose? This square is a giant turning point since it is right with the Solar Eclipse.

Oh my, I know you know what else is going on today, August 30. Yes, it’s that time again! Mercury goes retrograde for the next 3+ weeks. For up to a week before and after today, Mercury has been moving very slowly or stopped at this time. You may experience intensity, confusion, miscommunications, or feel like your progress is bogged down. I know I did for a brief moment. This usually is a good time to rethink, revise, and tie up old loose ends, rather than begin new ventures. You may find that new insights and information emerge later in the retrograde cycle that you didn’t anticipate, which can change the whole picture. Because of this, it is usually advised to avoid making final decisions during the retrograde and even up to 2 weeks after Mercury goes direct. However, it is an excellent time to do research in preparation for any major decisions. Those decisions are usually best put off until well after Mercury goes direct.

Since Mercury is retrograde, expect the unexpected, and leave lots of extra time when planning your schedule (to minimize any disruptions from delays and complications). For example today I was on my way back from an errand in late afternoon and there was a small school bus with flashing red lights sitting across the intersection at the stop sign. I waited about five minutes and another car came behind that bus…still doing nothing. Finally took off the flashing lights and continued to sit and as I passed –you will never know what he was doing…texting. Wow. Then he put the flashing reds on again as I got past. Right on dude! Stay flexible and learn to roll with the weirdness. Do some things that use your intuitive, creative mind during the retrograde.

Venus just entered Libra on August 29. This will bring about many interesting influences in relationships and close friendships. It is about harmony between you and others. It is sociable, quite creative and diplomatic. Charming ways soothe those around you and vice versa. Mercury also is conjunct Venus now and that means pleasant interactions and being gentle in your communication may bring you close to someone who is interesting to you whether business or personal. Some of you may delve more into your creativity and come up with something fantastic.

Mars square Lunar nodes August 29 -For a week or so your actions may be at cross purposes with your path. You might feel at odds with others or in the wrong place at the wrong time. On the other hand, this can be a time when being forced to take a temporary “detour” off your chosen path can bring an opportunity to gather new insights that can actually help you more, in the long run, than if you had stayed on the main path.

Those most intensely affected are Virgos between 5-12 degrees (August 28-September 3; Sagittarius between 5-12 degrees November 28- December 4; Pisces between 5-12 degrees February 23-March 1 and Gemini 5-12 degrees May 25-June 2. And any planets that may be around 9 degrees of those signs will also be affected.

Get those good intentions out there and revise other things. Happy Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Virgo. Join me Tuesdays at 9pm EDT on Going Beyond Astrology  September 6 show is about getting rid of unwanted beliefs. Thank you for reading. Blessings to you. Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON in AQUARIUS (almost lunar eclipse), August 18, 2016- Letting go may bring joy from the unexpected?

full moon in aquarius 2Well, last night when I did my radio show on SGN/Going Beyond Astrology I went to publish it something occurred and it disappeared forever. Oh well. I guess the unexpected Uranus energy was too much. You can read about the Full Moon in Aquarius in this post if you didn’t get a chance to listen in.

As the year speeds by I wonder how many of you have actually awakened from the sleep that has kept you prisoner for a long time. It amazes me that life changes around you yet many are so stuck in belief patterns which are keeping you from leaping into a new reality. This keeps you from noticing what it is you are here to do for yourself and humanity. Isn’t it about time those belief structures dissolve and you allow yourself to be free from the past. Oh, here I go again talking about letting go of the past. Well, the energy is changing and it is going to affect you eventually. I say, go with it and do your own bidding instead of letting the unexpected take you for a ride where you may not like it. Hey, it takes some clarity to reach your destination within the realm of this world. Clarity comes when you give up being stuck and push through it. Rebirth anyone? Will you actually allow it…I mean will your ego support this? Nah! Ego is in control and that’s all that matters. But is it? You tell me. Things are going to get even faster and big shifting will take place. If you know what direction you are headed then you can ride around it instead of being affected by it. Your choice! Some will say how negative…no this is real. “When enough people shift their belief structures to look at the world in fresh, new ways, cultural paradigms shift” a quote from Zen Gardner

And this period from March has been saying you may be paying some possible karmic dues. It was tough for many since Saturn was retrograde in Sagittarius. This gave you an opportunity to fix whatever had to be fixed. Do you feel you were tested? It was to make sure you were ready to take on the extra responsibility? The lessons you learned might be hard but they are valuable. Saturn stationed direct on August 13 and you should come to terms with the relevant issues and be ready to take on the next phase. With Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces taking place during this time you may watch out for any predators in your life or be careful on dating sites until this aspect passes by.

This Full Moon in Aquarius is an almost lunar eclipse. It is a close miss and so it is a bit more powerful than a regular full moon. It takes place on August 18, 2106 in 25 degrees 51’ at 5:26am EDT; 2:26am PDT; and 9:26am GMT. Uranus in Aries is trine (easy aspect) to the Sun in Leo and sextile the Moon in Aquarius. It is saying to you to open up more and broaden your friendships.  It can bring you in contact with more social groups and lead you to what your grand wish is in life in an out of the ordinary way. This full moon almost immediately goes void of course (no other aspects before it goes into Pisces) so even if it is looked at as an almost eclipse it will dissipate quickly. Leading up to this Full Moon the energy takes off to the heights and you may wish to watch your words and thoughts since this is a time when they can become reality. Find something about which to smile.

How this Full Moon in Aquarius will affect you personally really depends on how you handle Aquarian energy. Some will have a more difficult time to handle it than others. Some of you will feel like a blast of fresh air has come into your life. The day may not evolve as you most expect. So just be open to what it brings to you. Some may act contrary just because they choose to be that way. If others act out just don’t take it personally. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius. Mr. Aquarius is unorthodox you might say and a bit quirky. And since Uranus at present is retrograde in Aries it is an almost revolutionary fighting for freedom. Stir up the revolution he might be saying to those who are listening. Not everything is out in the open with you and your weird thinking because Uranus is going backwards. Right now it is more personal and a bit introverted with this Full Moon in Aquarius.

To me this Full Moon in Aquarius is saying that this is another look at the new paradigm which has been trying to emerge for some time. If those holding onto old beliefs and ingrained patterns would just let them go then life will become something totally different then it is right now. Many say this is me and I am refusing to let go of what rings true with me. Ok. You continue the stubborn act as a child having a tantrum. What do these old patterns do for you? Why is it you are fearful of acknowledging them and giving them up. Is it because your mother told you so…you are this way or that way and now you mimic exactly what she said many years past. Stop now. Right now and take a breath and look at what is happening in your life. Has it changed? No. Do you wish it would do so? Maybe! But then you think oh, no, my friends will desert me, my spouse will not like me and my children will make fun of me. And you know what there is so much more and you just let your ego rule and control and threaten and nothing happens.

And since the Sun in Leo is also trine Uranus in Aries you are filled with joy and fun today and over the next week if you wish to try something a bit different, now is the time to do it. Enjoy the good feelings that have popped up out of nowhere. Don’t they feel better than the other you?

There may be some mental tension and challenges that arise for some of you at the Aquarius Full Moon inconjunct the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Virgo. It asks you to look at the details the shift is taking you and sift a bit through it.  Take a walk if you need to relax. Also, your dreams may be intense and quite vivid. It is through Mercury and Jupiter that you manifest all that crazy energy in a stable and useful form.

Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn at 15:17degrees is the strongest aspect in Full Moon in Aquarius apart from the almost eclipse itself. Perhaps the good news coming out of your special mission has something to do with big improvements in your love life and finances. You are at your most attractive and you will like just being around others. Venus is also conjunct the North Node in Virgo today (exact) August 16 so it is a great day to ask for what you want but be careful as to that wish, because you just might get it and that energy continues for a short time down the road. Also Jupiter is inconjunct Uranus in Aries so if you are creative you may come up with something a bit unusual whether in music or artwork or any other creative ideas that pop in.

Let this Full Moon energy open up to the unexpected. Take time for fun and unusual creativeness. Keep your heart open. Tune into Going Beyond Astrology Tuesday nights 9pm EDT. Thank you for reading and blessings to you. Until again. Love, Jan


NEW MOON in LEO, August 2, 2016-Let the creative passion and joy flow!!!

leo Lion-Head

There is a joy within your soul

that no one else does see

Unless you bring it out and show

the world just who you can be.

Hop upon the lion’s back

and find that authentic place

Gather the energy once and for all

to start your forward race.

Find the passion within your heart

let it come through to you and around

Take the reins of your true bliss

and roar the loudest sound.

Ever changing now it is

will you take the chance?

Go out under the new moon tonight

and do that crazy dance.

Dance around with you inner child

always keeping in mind

You are you and that’s all that counts

and joy you will truly find. (copyright JK)

So dear ones have you been purging the anger, the sadness, and the frustration? I did find out how much is still buried within the depths after this last full moon since I have been doing a lot of tapping or EFT as you wish to call it. Found a great 7 week course on Finances and personal fulfillment given by the Tapping Solution (Nick Ortner) and it is amazing. And I thought I was all finished purging out the junk. Yeah right!!! On the other hand it is bringing so much lightness to my being. The current week was about procrastination and self-sabotage. Oh my, and the procrastination stirred its ugly head again. That’s ok. The New Moon showing up may turn it all around. And this week is about how to shine in one’s life. How interesting and appropriate since the New Moon is in Leo.

And on the other side of the mountain there is so little noise with the candidates since the conventions have ended. Supposedly they hired actors to sit in on the DNC. Those taking part in the Rio Olympics are in for some dirty water. There is so much ‘gunk” in the water where the swimming and rowing and other events will take place that there definitely is some danger to those participating. That certainly doesn’t sound too enticing. Did you know that China does not allow original journalism? Just thought you might like to know. You never know when it will show up here, (I think it is already in the process). Oh and by the way, how many of you were glued to your cell phone today? Is it helping you find your passion?

Now let’s take a look at the New Moon in Leo. It shows up on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 4:44pm EDT, 1:44pm PDT and 8:44EDT in 10degrees 57’. The Sun also is in Leo. The numbers remind me of Angel numbers. It is saying that to continue working on what you choose and follow your passion; expand to new horizons; and be the ambassador of integrity (for each of the time zones.) What does the Sun in Leo choose to say to you? On my radio show last Tuesday I spoke about the Sun and how it shines in your life. So now the Moon is also together with the Sun and both are trying to say let the creative part of your life come through strongly. Find the courage to do what your heart cries out in passion to do. Seriously, dear ones, this is an outstanding time to start fresh, renew your interest in what is truly you and take a leap. Now I realize I am always talking about leaping, It is true though. You can take a mini leap or a giant one. Put your intentions out there and see what happens. The only thing holding back you from moving forward is you. Those patterns I speak of and all the other junk that still needs to go will continue to interfere in you forward motion until you let them all go.

This Leo New Moon is also about opening your heart. Do you truly know what that means? The ego wants to compete and be recognized and the heart wants to compromise and help others. What do you choose to do? Will you be able to bring them both into alignment so that you can speak the truth and move into that place of joy? That is exactly what this New Moon in Leo is saying to you. Connect with your joy. Connect with your inner child. Find your creativity. It is now time for you to create the new you and pay attention to the love in your heart. Some of you don’t have time for love. Love is not just about relationships. Love is about going out there with compassion and interest to help others besides knowing what makes brings the glow to your eyes and the passion to your heart. So, New Moon in Leo is giving you that opportunity to do it.

This Leo New Moon is saying to you to find your authenticity and let others see it. Stop hiding behind the mask that no longer serves you. This is true you sharing with the world. Can you bring that authentic you out in the open and watch how others start to see your sunshine. Yes, it does work. And maybe it is a bit ego but you are just going with what drives your passion. If you dislike what you are doing and your interest is not present, then find something that makes you roar like the lion of Leo. On the other hand it is truly about coming to a compromise if that is needed. Know that it is time to take a stand in your power without being too proud. Got it??

The New Moon in Leo trines Saturn in Sagittarius. Saturn gives you structure and stability to all the creative ideas that may come through. And it keeps you on track with your passions too. Saturn will go direct on the 13th of August so that is saying to go full speed ahead with practical planning. Mars has entered Sagittarius after that retrograde haul in Scorpio. Mars now gives you some optimism and you remember what you need to do at last. Will you take a leap or just a small step? Your choice it is. Venus in Leo is trine to Uranus in Aries and that could me a surprise in a relationship or an unexpected connection.  Now is time to break free from what is holding you back in your life. Some of you need to watch impulse spending. Neptune quincunx New Moon means trust your inner guidance even when it makes no sense.

Those most intensely affected are birthdays of Leo (July 27-August 4); Scorpio (October 30-November 5); Aquarius (January 28-February 4); and Taurus (April 27-May 4). If you have planets at the degrees then those will also be affected.

Tidbits for the Sun/Rising Signs: Aries-Take constructive action and you may find yourself involved with children or creative ventures. Taurus– Doors may open to money and sensual expansion along with a redecorating project. Gemini– Lots of activity in your daily life including communication, running errands and short trips which will produce good results. Cancer-Some money issues come up since you want to splurge with some confusion showing up. Leo-You can charm anyone now so push it to the limits and make some wishes they may just show up. Virgo-Raw emotional trigger shows up in either a business or intimate setting behind the scenes. Libra-A possible new beginning in your social life can take place with networking peaking. Scorpio– Your public and career sector are put out your good intentions. Sagittarius-Take the long-range view and watch for an opportunity that can show up as you look to the future. Capricorn-New Moon emphasizes finances and sexual intimacy so keep those love seeds planted. Aquarius-Are you planning to pool resources for bigger business profits or just some adventure with friends? Pisces-Good time to initiate plans for your well-being and take a look at what is working and not at work.

Take the joy and light up your world. Thank you for reading dear ones and have a wonderful New Moon in Leo. Set those intentions and take a leap no matter how small. Going Beyond Astrology radio show returns August 9 with some insights on healing Until again.  Love, Jan