Monthly Archives: August 2020

FULL MOON in Pisces, September 1-2, 2020-Become the dream

OCMD full moon pisces 2020Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. So where are you at this time as the summer days get shorter? Are you still hiding?  I feel deeply for those who were affected in a catastrophic way in the path of the storm Laura.  And all those children who have to wear masks and be on the computer at home for their lessons. How does one who is in elementary school learn without in person interaction? Have you been pulled into the chaos that is almost an everyday thing? Or have you found your heart and let it guide you so the Light can shine upon you? It is your choice you know. As I look around and talk to those with whom I have contact at this time I find that many are so fearful (this seems to show up in my writing very much these days). What is the fear about? Do you actually believe everything spouted out today? Goodness me, why? When was the last time you did the research, the truth seeking? Speaking of fear… a few days ago I went out to get the mail and a friend was standing up on the hill in front of a neighbor’s home calling to me. Come over. And I was in the middle of something and thought ok, will take a short break. So, I walked up the lawn and he said take a look at the neighbor’s porch. Oh, my. There was a bear lazing on the front porch. And then his peaceful nap was interrupted and he jumped over the railing. He then walked casually up the driveway around the house where I stood on the far end of the lawn and disappeared in the backyard walking toward the next street. I guess in many eyes I should have run for the hills away from the bear. I stayed in the moment and fear was absent.

A word about the MASK – it is useless and does not keep anything at bay. Gaslighting is happening. Look it up.  It is the worst thing you can do for your body and mind and spirit. Scream at me and say according to CDC it is important or not or sometimes. Which is it? Go ahead and when your teeth and gums get worse from dry mouth …keep wearing them. This is a total control factor. It is about keeping the love in your heart clamped down so your life is not yours. August 30 UPDATE from CDC – 9210 deaths from Covid. All the others had underlying conditions. On another note it is disturbing to see all the riots and shootings as they continue in Portland and other places. What is happening is truly the biggest psyop I ever saw. Oh, by the way did you know that calling it a riot is racist according to NPR- is this a joke?  Children are finally being rescued from those who took them in the past and continue to do so. I see that the NBA has decided to politicize its approach. I will not watch again. Will you take the vaccine when it comes out? Do you have the proof that it is real? Dear ones, when was the last time you made a decision for yourself? Bobby Kennedy Jr. was in Berlin at an anti-VAX protest in Berlin Germany and it was shut down after a short time. Hawaii has created a testing protocol when driving on one of the main freeways. Get tested and keep getting tested. Wake up.

This FULL MOON in Pisces is not your usual energy from the fishes. It arrives on Wednesday morn September 2, 2020 at 1:22am EDT; 5:22am GMT: and {September 1 2020} Tuesday evening 10:22pm PDT in 10degrees 12’. The Sun is in Virgo at the exact degree of the Moon. The main aspect to this Full Moon is a sextile (within less than a degree) to Uranus in Taurus. Sounds pretty exciting in a good way! Maybe a surprise or two to make your day! There may be a focus on home versus work or what you want versus what you need. How will you let it affect you? Full Moons are naturally about your new moon intentions and those coming to fruition if the time is right. On the other hand, they are a time of release and maybe it is time to finally do some of that work. The Pisces Full Moon is usually about dreams, inner peace (that can be a good thing now), a time to bring balance to the mind and body. Intuitive powers come to the fore. . It activates our psychic awareness. It may even open hearts more and bring in unconditional love and peace. Is that at all possible in this chaotic world at this time? Yes, if you stop getting pulled into the current state of affairs. It is saying to you that you can tune into the collective, be sensitive, and yet stay out of the negativity. Just know what is real and what is imaginary.  It is a good time to listen to more peaceful music. Try to be in a clearer environment without tons of distractions so that you can resonate on a higher level. Great to meditate now! Through your dreams you may get signs or symbols of importance. Could be the answer you are looking for! Be more compassionate. Write some poetry to a lover or someone you would love to know. Pisces Full Moon may say to just relax, refresh and get more sleep. Not such a bad idea, now is it?

Mercury is trine Pluto in Capricorn September 1. This is a time for you to express yourself. Write down any ideas you have. An opportunity may show up. Mars in Aries is square Saturn in Capricorn and is triggered by Venus on Full Moon day. Watch out for any impatience in relationships or financially since Venus is also opposite Saturn and square Mars. Let go of grudges and good luck may show up. Take time to sit quietly and see what comes through. Follow your heart always.

My prayer is that people wake up to the truth and do what they came to do. And when one comes from the heart the fear is vanquished. Maybe there may be adjustments that need to be made yet so what? The world has been ambushed through the last years and now America is in the crossfire and much of the world.

The Sun/Rising signs more intensely affected are 7-13 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at those degrees may be also affected. Birthdays are: May 29-June 3; August 30-September 4; November 29-December 4 and February 28-March 4. Some tidbits:

Aries-Since Mars is in the mix take advantage of the electric energy that you may feel. Recent goings on regarding work and health may come in focus. Take down time for you.

Taurus- This is all about finding those who are in sync with you. Raise your frequency and you will be uplifted and attract those who are in tune. You look to help others now.

Gemini- Think about what you want from life, and make your plans accordingly. Career/home interests are pulling at each other. Are you ready to take charge?

Cancer- Don’t dismiss dreams of a different future. Decisions you make right now could open up and give you a some meaning and purpose. You may choose to travel.

Leo- The secret is to let go of whatever needs to be let go of, and allow yourself to be changed. Do not let fiscal issues get out of control since something may confuse you.

Virgo- Find a balance between what you need and what others would like. There may be partnership tests at this time or you may meet someone who is truly special.

Libra- Focus on the reality of moment and find what needs to be healed within and around. Stay calm and protect your health since you may be vulnerable

Scorpio- You might discover something that really gives you joy. You may be quite creative at this time. A love connection may take you to a new feeling.

Sagittarius- Finding time for home and family matters may take some doing and may bring some agitation to the forefront. it is time to prioritize work/ family.

Capricorn- Some accolades that you were not expecting may show up. If you are working on a project it is important that your ideals are in tune with practicality.

Aquarius- Look at what makes you comfortable. Watch that your security is not overturned by unusual behavior. Balance the give and take of intimacy.

Pisces-See the uniqueness within and look for self-discovery. Be assertive. Your connection to others is intensified. Where do you allow it to go? Take the lead?

The Bear Totem is about strength and courage.And the Pages of Shustah say:  Go into deep meditation and think before acting; then prayers may be answered; communication is important.THANK YOU for reading and sharing. It is a pleasure to know that what I may write may trigger an “aha” moment for some of you. Do laugh a bit no matter what is going on.  It may bring some new insights in. Try it more as the days of summer start to wind down. Go with the flow of the Pisces moon energy and let go the past and dream. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan



NEW MOON in LEO, August 18, 2020- Bogged down or not; be creative

new moon in leo lion 2020Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. How can it be that August is flying by and soon the cooler weather will be upon us? I have never experienced weeks passing by so quickly. I cannot imagine how fast it would go if we were all back to our real lives. It amazes me how truth no longer prevails in society. The deception and lies are so rampant that my head spins. Is this the kind of life that you choose? Do you really think that you are here to be controlled by a few in power? It is interesting to me that many out there are doing nothing to expand their consciousness as to what they came to this earth to do. It matters not your age nor does it matter whether you are rich or not. What I see is the complete stuck in a rut kind of energy. And you say—but there is a virus out there? How do you know this? Seriously! Show me the proof as to the actual numbers. Do the research or is the fear porn keeping you so entranced that you see only what you are told and the control has taken you over completely. I bet you did not listen to your parents as you are doing so with this debacle. History always repeats itself unless someone or many decide not this time. Yet, here we go again with the same BS. By the way, what is going on is about money on one side and truth on the other. So money wins at the moment. Wait until the truth comes barreling in and shocks those disbelievers to the core. No joke is included here. Just remember if something ticks you off there is something within you that is an issue especially if you truly show hatred. I have a question for you-does 2 plus 2 equal 5? If you think not, then tell me why. Fear is so rampant that you do not see what is right in front of you. Hey, I am saying it like it is. Show me that it is untrue. Oh, by the way, as I have said before, masks make things worse. And if you are healthy can put you at risk. Stay in the fear mode. Your choice! Is this country on the verge of the 1984 playbook?

A few items before the New Moon in Leo shows up- Manipulating information on social media sites is now quite rampant. Why do you let them control you like this? Censorship is the keyword of the day, the month, and the last years. Why do you allow this? For instance, I shared a post from a couple of years ago recently and it was not posted because it was against community standards. Are you kidding me? It was a beautiful quote. So why was it censored? It will be interesting to see what occurs in the next month as to the new Democratic ticket. You ain’t seen nothing yet. I take no side in this issue of the upcoming Presidency yet everyone else will look at me and say, how can you say this, think that? Dear ones, is this not America? Or did you forget what the First Amendment is about? And using political correctness is just control that is beneficial to those censoring. Oh, and destructions of property is supposedly ok. And I pray for the little boy who was shot in cold blood and mainstream media said nothing. Evil will lose.

Enough of the chaos says the New Moon in Leo. It arrives on Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 10:41pm EDT; 7:41pm PDT; and August 19 2020 2:41am GMT in 26 degrees 35’. The Sun in Leo is in the exact degree. There are no negative aspects affecting the New Moon in Leo. It is conjunct within 2 degrees Mercury in Leo at 28 degrees. Much of the energy is about communication and getting it out there. It is trine Mars in Aries and quincunx (adjustments needed) Saturn in Capricorn. This is an especially good time for creative projects and self-image along with boosting self-confidence and healthy relationships with children. Fear has no place here. Got it? Good. Wherever Leo falls in your chart will tell you which area is ready for improvement. Creativity is truly the word to bring to the forefront. There is some back and forth motion here at times so if a block shows up it is time to clear it out and begin anew. It is time to just leap again. And if you haven’t been leaping even slowly then maybe ask your inner child what is keeping you stuck. Mercury trine Mars says to you that there is lots of creative passion in your words. Say what you truly choose to say and share the ideas that have been brewing within. New and exciting projects connected to communication may be on their way. Since Mars is square to Saturn and it is linked to the New Moon there may be some circumstances that pop up and you may get impatient.  Keep an open mind so that any deep issues or crises popping up can be resolved in a way that leads to it bringing about transformation. It may not be easy to deal with that which shows up. Watch that you do not resist what is happening especially with those in authority.

Mercury in Leo also quincunx Saturn puts a block on good communication if you allow it. Please do not give into fear because that will only exacerbate the true creativity of the New Moon in Leo. Fear will show up and how will you deal with it? Your nervous energy can easily go to a panic attack. Stop right now. Find some positive individuals to talk to so this has no effect on you. Some fixed stars are active and close to the New Moon in Leo. Trouble with enemies, communication may be blindsided, poisons in the mix.

If you can stay in a place of positivity your negative feelings and deep issues can be transformed and will truly bring about the best answer to all issues. Creatively speaking you can accomplish something beautiful if you actually stay positive and bring your heart into it. Are you willing to choose happiness in the present moment? Sun/Rising signs affected more intensely are Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio at 24-29degrees and the 0-1 degrees of Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces. If you have personal planets – Mars, Mercury, Venus and Moon at those degrees may also be affected.

Aries –Romantic involvements are highlighted and children too!  New love may enter picture. Could be lots of entertaining in your surroundings? Creativity comes through.

Taurus -Are you looking to bring more beauty to your home or getting a new one?  Are you planning to redecorate or redo? What are you doing with the family now?

Gemini – It is time to get away. Take a short drive or go take a walk in the woods and see how your energy changes. Lots of communication with others! Do some writing.

Cancer –Your self-esteem gets a charge. Financial talk and planning may take you in a new direction and even bring in some added revenue to the table. Some changes occur.

Leo – What are you wishing for? Put it out there and watch what occurs. You are more in the center of attention so let your light shine. Is there a change in your image?

Virgo– Hang back a bit!  Go within and find your spiritual center to bring about a shift in your living and be authentic. Run with the new idea that pops in at the moment.

Libra – New goals are in the picture so go for it in the next months. Also, new friends show up and old ones are ready to be there. Enjoy the camaraderie. Changes!

Scorpio- Where is your career headed? Do you have a new direction in mind? How do you intend to advance? Stay in the positive. Make adjustments where needed.

Sagittarius- Where will that travel take you? Are you doing things that you really love? No restriction necessary…let it go. Have fun and do it your way.

Capricorn—Intentions about work, travel and good interactions will make this a grand time. What new skills and talents are waiting for you to take up? Transformation is key.

Aquarius – Is money coming to you out of the blue? Is there a new intimate connection coming into your life or is the one you have getting better? Togetherness is good.

Pisces –This is an excellent time for connections of all sorts. New work may come into the mix in the next couple of months. Good ideas show up. Chill out/ stay in good health.

Thank you for reading and sharing if you will. I am most grateful for those who have not given into the fear-mongering. Stay in your heart Dear Ones and life will shift in a beautiful way. Tune in to Wizards Within on Monday, August 17 2020 9pm EDT for our podcast which includes chakra energy/ New moon. Until again, be blessed, love, Jan