Monthly Archives: December 2018

FULL MOON/Winter Solstice in Cancer, December 22, 2018- Where will your emotions take you?

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Welcome Dear Ones to Cosmic Leaping. Sorry this in a bit late in going up. Happy Winter Solstice Full Moon!!! It is truly amazing as to how the Universe works lately. Was in a very out of sorts for just a moment mood! How could it be just for a moment? Just who I am lately is the way it is. Realized that this mood was preventing me from taking a step forward and yet I knew not where it was going to take me. That is ok yet I am one of those individuals who like to have some inkling about my direction. On the other hand it sometimes says stay out of it and it will take you where you truly wish to go. I was doing some research on my chart and after all these years you would think that I would know it totally. Well, I came across an asteroid list which I had worked with through the years. It appeared one day when I was clearing out some junk. A ha! So, I skim it and looked up something that is connected to my Karma asteroid and trines (favorable) my North Node. Lo and behold I see something I never saw before- an asteroid named Apollonia. And that is where I turned the page to a new energy. I will talk more about Apollonia down the road. So on this portal opening day it has opened something within. Stay tuned.

In the meantime the Winter Solstice which has the Sun in 0 degrees 0’ Capricorn showed up on December 21, 2018. This will be a great time to focus inward and meditate on those people and experiences that you wish to invite into your life and those you wish to let go. It is shortly followed by the Full Moon in Cancer the next day. Are you ready to experience what it has to bring you? As it appears it will be only another couple of weeks until January’s eclipses. Then life shifts again in big ways. How will you celebrate the shortest day of the year? In my mind I am excited because the days will now get longer.

Let’s take a look at how the world gets crazier by the minute. Every time I skim Social Media I still see all these crazy remarks about President Trump or some kind of story about one of those Congress individuals. Why do you squabble about whether you are a Democrat or Republican? Do you think it really matters in the overall scheme of things? When was the last time you truly dug for info that would prove what was real and what was a lie? Do you know that the united States of America is no longer that since it is the UNITED STATES and it is owned and operated by foreigners? OMG…you think…what could I possibly know. Investigate- dear ones. And then there is this –Mr. Mueller’s office scrubbed all the info from Peter Strzok’s phone. His mistress Lisa Page’s phone was scrubbed by another agency. Then later Mr. Mueller smashed both phones into oblivion. And now they say not true. Wait to see. Oh my. Michael Flynn can be exonerated but Mueller will not release the document. What is this the American Stasi? “Be prepared for what you will find: some truths are HARD to swallow.” Q.

Not too long after the Winter Solstice of the day before the Full Moon in Cancer arrives on December 22, 2018 at 12:48pm EST; 9:48am PST; and 5:48pm GMT in 0 degrees 49’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Capricorn. This is truly a most nurturing energy that comes to you now. If you love to cook it is time for all those goodies that other’s love that you make. Will you be showing that loving energy to others or are you the one that is truly looking for it? Good question. The Full Moon shines on family interactions. It is just in time for the joy that is going on during Christmas and all the other celebrations that take place. There are some lessons that show up and how will you deal with them? What they are telling you is to finally let go of the junk that you persist in dwelling on and just let it go. Goodness me, I have been saying this for months even years about letting go. Obviously, many of you have some kind of need to hang on to that which no longer relevant to your life. So when something shows up that is not to your liking- that is this Solstice Full Moon bringing it to your attention so you can purge it out.

And for those of you who are failing to nurture yourself you may be feeling run down, dragged out, miserable and you name a negative and I am sure it is present. I was there and I said not happening again. So, I changed some things and as the Full Moon comes in I will purge what no longer is good for me and you can too. Use some essential oils – lavender and bergamot. Take a breath. In fact why not go get some Reiki or Shiatsu done. It will really help. Red Jasper stone may also help ground you and help to stabilize your energy and bring calm in times of stress.

One of the aspects this Full Moon has is a sextile to Uranus in Aries and that says to me that no matter what goes on and how peaceful it can be, someone will tend to stir it up a bit. Yet, it will not take precedence over the strong nurturing energy that is around the Full Moon. It seems to bring out the more outlandish actions of those out there in la la land. Just laugh because it is just them being them. And do not take anything personal. There is a Fixed star siting right with the Full Moon. It is called Betelgeuse and it keeps you enmeshed in your genetic family stuff instead of your everyday family or tribe who may be friends as well. Bottomline, you can expect a surprise or two in this season of merriment. It can also bring about some chance encounters which may bring new friendships. Your intuitive powers may be heightened so pay attention to what comes through to you. Any goals that were ongoing during the last New Moon on December 7 can now come to fruition. By the way the Sun in Capricorn is trine Uranus in late Aries. One thing to watch out for is impulsive anything. Do you really need to buy that?

Mars is still in Pisces but will be going into Aries on December 31, 2018 New Year’s Eve night in the United States/ across the Atlantic on January 1, 2019 in the early morning hours. And this is a wide square as the moon is full in Cancer. And then eventually it will conjunct (same degree) as Chiron in Aries on December 29. This will bring about a T-square to the Sun/Moon opposition. Did you say you were angry? Please stay away if you are. And some of you may be that grumpy self again. This is a kind of breaking free aspect which means you either react or surrender. Which one is it? Take that frustration and anger and go find a place to vent already. Mars says go get some exercise like taking a walk. How about dancing in the street? Ok, then in your living room which will be a bit easier. And remember Mercury is now out of the station retrograde and is moving ahead.

If you are looking for romance there is a favorable energy as Venus in Scorpio is exactly trine Neptune in Pisces the day before the Full Moon. Try connecting more on a spiritual level with your loved one instead of a hot steamy interaction. The aspect is all about compassion. Tender moments may ensue if you look in that direction.

The Full Moon energy intensely affects those have Sun/Rising signs of Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries in the last few degrees of the sign before up to and including 4 degrees. SO for example for Aries it will be the last 3 degrees of Pisces and so forth for the other signs.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Everyone enjoy the season of joy. Remember to have a good time with family and just keep your wits about you when you make any decisions if you are partying hard. And keep the balance as best as possible when emotional things come up. Many blessings to you and yours! Until again, Love, Jan



NEW MOON in Sagittarius, December 7, 2018 – The Archer says to trust your gut!

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Hello dear ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping.  Anyone who has not read my posts may choose to take a look. The New Moon is just about upon us and where will this take you in the next couple of weeks until the Winter Solstice and full moon. This energy will be hanging around in the Christmas season. For those who celebrate other holidays–many cheers to you. In the meantime, I ask you to take a look at your life and see if this is where you choose to be regarding anything and everything in your life. Why do I ask you now? The next New Moon in January 2019 will be an eclipse and may shift things accordingly. So, as you go through this season of joy keep in mind that things are changing behind the scenes. Be prepared.

On another note…It is somewhat amazing that in Britain they are marching for President Trump and in France they are screaming “We want Trump” (yep.) Can anyone out there tell me why that is? Oh, this is not about politics. It is about truth and most of the brainwashed do not wish to hear the truth because the lies have pervaded their lives and nothing will shake them out of the mass indoctrination program. C’mon dear ones, wake the heck up. And you wonder why your lives are messed up and you lose sleep at night and you want to take down your leader. Oh my, if I watched my screen as much as most of you and listened to the propaganda I would end up in the mental ward wandering the halls like the inmates. In case you are interested the UN wants to flood our continent with 59 million migrants by 2025. Did you read that number? And you love it right? Good luck to all those in favor. I feel very sad about what happened in Paradise, California BUT there is something more than what you have been told. It is now under a Military-style lock-down. What? Oh, never mind they will say it is Trump’s fault. Sheesh! The beloved 41st President of this USA was laid to rest this week. I will not speak of the deceased. Just do your research because you will be very surprised. Anyway, the sun is not dead as much as some would like it to be. Who is looking for gold in Alaska? End of rant.

My optimism has risen since I see that the New Moon in Sagittarius arrives Friday, December 7, 2018 at 2:20am EST; 11:20pm PST (December 6, 2018); and 7:20am GMT at 15 degrees 07’. The Sun is in Sagittarius in the exact degree as the New Moon. The Sabian Symbol (there are 360 degree symbols in the twelve astrological signs which give insights towards self-realization) for this New Moon is about pausing for one moment and being reflective and using your intuitive powers. It is a more upbeat energy that comes around now even for those who want to live in the depressive tone…surprising to you who do. If you are looking to take a risk this may be the time. Keep the mind out of it and follow that intuitive feeling. You may find yourself more joyful because of that. Out of the realm of this pre-winter season the darkness creeps in early and one begins to wonder where the Light has gone. Since Sagittarius is filled with a fire it asks you to think about your next passionate step. Are you yearning for a different path to come into play?  Sagittarius likes adventure and exploring the world. Will you allow the truth to emerge from your depths to show you what you came to do on this Earth? Open to the energy of the Sagittarius fire and see how your mood changes.

Mars and Neptune in Pisces are square the New Moon in Sagittarius less than 2 degrees. Ugh.Connect with the Divine Source within and send the arrows out into the world to expand your spirit instead of using your anger to stir up a ruckus. This square (conflict) to the New Moon can bring out the worst as you are going out there doing your best. That is why it is important to use your intuition instead of your logic. Deception can reign supreme with this energy. So do not let someone else trigger you due to their underlying need to usurp your power. The energy of Mars and Neptune exact conjunction a few hours after the New Moon says you may feel very romantic and sexual. Of course, it can be that you are totally delusional about the whole interaction. There is much anger here and it is wise to zip your lip no matter how you feel unless you are ready to shoot the negative arrows out there. Watch any new connections because they will be not what they seem. This is especially in the dating arena. Stay aboveboard in everything you do and keep your ego from getting out of control. Authority figures may just provoke you. Stay in the moment and keep your cool. Get some exercise and keep that anger in balance. And one more thing—get the rest you need by taking a pause from too much running or your vitality will be affected. On a more positive note- this a good time for creativity-art, music, and dance would be a great way to deal with the energy. Need for careful moves on December 7 and 8 for Mars in Pisces is semisquare Uranus in Aries. Watch travel activities, anger, and operation of electrical equipment. You may not realize that what is happening is an illusion and unreal. Just use caution at this time.

Jupiter is also in Sagittarius where it is at home and stays for the next year. How was your life back in 2006? What were you doing? Who was important at the time? This coming year will give you some insights especially wherever Jupiter is located in your natal chart. Are new horizons coming in for you to explore and share? Jupiter is expansive and it gives you the opportunity to truly look within and find your true path. Jupiter has a 12 year cycle going around the zodiac.

Mercury in Scorpio is now stationary retrograde as of December 6 moving forward out of the retrograde. Hip hip hooray. The Trickster is out of your way. Making decisions will find its place. Nothing will stop you if you stay in grace. If there have been issues that have come up that have kept you confused or out of sorts then now as Mercury moves onward you will see solutions. Also any relationship topics that have been shelved can now be addressed with clarity.

If you are looking to put out wishes for the New Moon in Sagittarius then the first 8 hours are most powerful according to Jan Spiller. Even up to 24 hours after is still effective. She says that some wishes may be the following: I wish to take action on something my intuition is telling me; I wish to enjoy the spontaneous benefits of interactions with others; I wish to have more positive adventures in my life; and I wish to experience more freedom and enjoyment in my life. Thought they were good things to wish for. You can add your own insights to these according to what the Sagittarius new moon is about.

Now is the time to take charge of your life in an innovative way as Uranus finishes up its journey through Aries. You know there are things that you have not done and would like to do. Take a gander at your list and you may still choose to move in that direction. I hear much in my life about how individuals over a certain age are doing what others wish them to do. Does it matter whether you are 18 or 60 or retired? Why would you not choose to create your masterpiece if you have not done it yet? Go for it because that special reason you came to this life is there for you to open up your heart and follow that dream. What are you waiting for?

Those who are more intensely affected by the New Moon in Sagittarius are the Sun signs/Rising signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces at 10 – 18 degrees. And if you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in those signs/degrees then you may also be affected by the energy. Birthdays include: June 1-8; September 3-10; December 3-10; and March 1-8. (These are approximate dates for the birthdays.

Find your way dear ones in this fiery energy that the New Moon in Sagittarius brings. Listen to your intuition instead of your mind. Let your beliefs sit back. There may be major deception out there and use caution in any dealings. Stay positive and know you are a creator who can make your life a fascinating adventure. Go after what you enjoy and be your truth. Have a wonderful New Moon and find the light within. Many blessings to all and thank you for reading and sharing! Wizards Within Radio Show will be back on air on January 2, 2019. Until again, love, Jan