Monthly Archives: July 2013

FULL MOON in AQUARIUS, July 22, 2013 – Let it Go and the Eagle will Fly

The FULL MOON in Aquarius is just about upon us. It shows up at 2:17pm EDT on Monday, July 22, 2013. The Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius are at 0 degrees. To me it says that something has concluded yet brings a new start to you. It may be an ending but I think not. I feel it has to do with your ego and your ability to transmute it for the good of humanity. Let’s look at a couple other things first.

As this Full Moon goes into action, Mercury has just come out of retrograde on Friday. July 19. It went direct at 14 degrees Cancer. What did it feel like the last few weeks? Were you soothed and nurtured by your family, loved ones, partner and boss like you were floating on the water, just being? Or did you have a turbulent turn of events (like I did) and felt like the ocean was crashing on you? Are you getting the recognition you deserve or are you projecting your fears and darkness on those around you? It is up to you to love yourself without exclaiming it to the world. Have you been standing up for your own needs or just ignoring yourself? Have you felt rejected? Your heart wisdom is important at this time for you to meet the challenges that are in front of you. This is a time when it is quite necessary to take care of what it is you need to do for your own well-being. Things are changing dramatically and it is important to stay healthy.

This FULL MOON in Aquarius on July 22 is the first of two Full Moons in Aquarius and the second one is a Blue Moon because it is the second Full Moon in the astrological month. The Sun in Leo is about creative urges, personal power, individuals within a group, playful encounters and maybe just playing as you did when you were a child. Your self-confidence can be higher than usual. Many think that the Sun means ego. Ego is transcended so you are now working for the group with your own individuality intact. You now present your uniqueness to share with others to help with your own transformation. It is a time when hidden things come to light and you become illuminated. How many of you work with those who are like-minded and are working toward a common goal? If you work in the corporate world it is difficult to see that there may be a common goal since it most likely is a hierarchal system. Those who are fortunate enough at this time to be within a group that has a vision beyond the corporate world are truly in the element to fly like an eagle. This gives you the opportunity at this FULL MOON to find like-minded individuals to move forward with your new creations and still be your true self. There is strength in unity.

Saturn in Scorpio is square to this FULL MOON in Aquarius and wants us to look within and make some changes. You may find yourself extremely emotional this coming week. Do you really need the drama? Watch for outbursts and notice what is making you feel so angry? You are not an island in the ocean; you are part of the community that exists around you and beyond your own little world. You are connected to the Divine ALL That IS aka GOD. So stop fussing and get your ego in balance. You are not the only one who is frustrated or has issues. Open your heart and see life change around you and within you by reaching out to others who can help you. Are you averse to others with whom you communicate or work with or who are in your daily life? Maybe you need to step up to the plate and find a way to relate to them in a positive manner instead of hiding behind the work. There are changes to be made and it has to begin with you and then taken out there to the collective. Get it? I hope so.

You have to know your real needs at this time in order for you to manifest what you truly desire in your life. It is easy to do if you know what your intention is. There are many of you who still resist the process and Saturn likes you to have structure but will make you accountable for any major or minor messes in your life. Keep standing strong with your hopes and dreams but stop the BS and resolve the junk that you have created. It is almost like a demand of Saturn. Hopefully there isn’t too much of clamp on you right now. Shape up…that’s what it is telling you. Was that too daunting or just taunting? Your dreams can help you with the Full Moon and Saturn squaring it. Take your problem and let the dream state bring you a new perspective or solutions. By the way, Saturn wants you to leap out of the old and into the new. It wants you to change your habits.

It gets a bit dicey between now and the end of the month with the Mars in Cancer square to Pluto/Uranus. Ouch. What are you going to let go? Are you going to allow yourself to walk out of the past and move on? This is a time of something breaking open whether you choose it to or not. It happens and if there is resistance to it, the energy will only bring you down. So, please allow the flow to take place. Something is changing and you are part of it. Jupiter conjunct Mars will expand whatever is present. It may bring some confusion as to what is next. And I cannot forget Venus entering Virgo at the Full Moon. Later in the week Venus opposes Neptune which may be murky waters but good ol’ boy Saturn helps it shift and who knows what happens. Time will tell.

There is a Star of David forming in the chart which takes place starting July 29-31. It is a truly magnificent. Where the early Taurus Moon is in your chart will give you an idea where a new form may enter your life. You will also see some action where Pluto in Capricorn and Venus in Virgo are located in your chart.

Gotta leap on forward. May your blessings be many. Let things go, allow it to flow, and you will know, what is your show. Until again. Love, Jan

NEW MOON in CANCER, July 8, 2013 -Renew Yourself to Nurture Others

Hello again. Have you had enough of the carnival atmosphere yet? Maybe some of you like the crazed atmosphere of the world situation. You know what, it stinks. If I would have written this the other day when I had a major cathartic type of realization, I could have won the Pulitzer Prize (or the opposite). Just joking. Wherever you live I hope you are having clear days with puffy clouds and no chemsoup skies. I am so tired of the humidity and the foul air, I want to scream. That wouldn’t be a good thing since my neighbors will complain. So, Egypt has been in an uproar, Snowden is hanging in the shadows somewhere, and Syria is being blasted. Floods are overtaking various parts of this country and India and many other places. Fires ravage the western US. Yes, the world is on the brink. It is beyond 1984. Does anyone out there choose to wake up and put an end to the darkness? And since the New Moon is a water sign…is that the next area of our lives that will be taken over completely? I have come from a positive place most of the time in my life and sometimes when I see what is going on, if it is beginning to be difficult for me to stay in that place, then I wonder how it is for those who have no jobs, little food and minimal funds with which to do anything. Vent done! Onward to the watery New Moon.

The NEW MOON in CANCER occurs on Monday, July 8, 2013, at 3:14am EDT,16 degrees 18’ and is all about family and relationships and replenishing your emotional waves. Sun in Cancer is moody, imaginative, sensuous, intuitive, self-absorbed and nurturing. But don’t cross them because they will hold a grudge until the end of time. They need space when they are creating and believe me they have movies going in their heads most of the time. This SUN/MOON Cancer influence is all about reaching within and regrouping and maybe you will come up with a new creative venture or a new beginning in whatever house it is located in your chart. The Crab has a hard time letting go of anything. But just imagine at one time centuries ago, Cancer was ruled by the Scarab Beetle. That would certainly create a different image of how this sign is represented. Anyway, the Crab loves hiding away at times and this may be a time when depending on how your life is, you may find time to just keep out the world’s noise and take time for you. Or you may just want to rekindle an old relationship within the family or with someone who is like family. There are several people I know who have this conjunct their SUN in Cancer and I have it opposite my Moon in Capricorn. New ways to do things and a change in how to approach others. Good for abundance and success. It is possible to start new ventures or just establish secure foundations for the future.

There are exceptional aspects for healing within now. What do you need to heal within your life? What emotions are still clouding your vision keeping you from taking that leap? And that leap will come but not before you clear out those cobwebs from the past and dig deep for release and healing. I have noticed that for me it is about values and self-worth so I am ready to regenerate this area of my life so I can clear out any root issues which may keep me from freely moving forward. I now am focusing on my talents and skills which will help to create more money for me. Once I can do this, healing can take place. It is time to set the intention for whatever area of your life that is being influenced. You will know by meditating even if your don’t have access to your chart at this time.

There is still a grand trine (positive) with Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Cancer. This will continue to affect you but has no connection to the NEW MOON in Cancer. Jupiter has arrived in Cancer about a week ago and will be there for a year. What this means is that family situations, MONEY/abundance, home, and security will be expansive for the next year and with the New Moon giving it a big jump start, new beginnings can take place. What are you going to do that is done in a new way? How will you radically change your life to better it? This is important to remember in the next months. That new idea, as crazy as it may be, can take you to a new level of success in a blink of the eye. Take advantage of the good aspects that are here right now and put that intention out there. Chiron trining the NEW MOON in Cancer may bring up old issues to be healed. Open to it. Continue to come from your heart and reach deep within for your love, so nurturing can take place. And this is also a time when sexuality is more important. And if you have no partner, then please use that passion to develop new ideas or creations to share with everyone.

Keep in mind with Mercury retrograding through Cancer you need to express your feelings and regenerate the communication with others which has fallen by the wayside. No signing important documents until Mercury goes direct later in the month. I see that Sphinx asteroid is also near the NEW MOON in Cancer. The time has come to all of you to meet your challenges upfront instead of running and hiding like many of those with Cancer Sun or Moon do. Sphinx will help you take command and move forward otherwise you will continue to be stuck in your limited belief patterns. Take advantage of this opportunity. And don’t forget there is still a difficult aspect between Pluto and Uranus which is affecting the NEW MOON in Cancer and this will continue to stir up your emotions.

All of you who have planets in Cancer from 12 degrees to 20 degrees will be affected most intensely. Also any planets at the same degrees in Aries, Libra and Capricorn will be influenced.
Watch for floods wherever you are in the next month after this New Moon and once Jupiter joins that New Moon point. Jupiter is about expansion and since it is in a water sign that will be the norm in the coming months.
Thank you all for reading and your support. May your blessings be many at the NEW MOON in CANCER. Until again. Love, Jan