Monthly Archives: March 2018

FULL MOON in LIBRA, March 31, 2018- Bringing balance to you and relationships

full moon in libra

Hello dear ones. It is spring.. And fall has begun in the Southern Hemisphere. Here I am seeing the birds sing in the trees which finally dropped the snow from their branches. What a crazy time it has been! In the midst of the chaos have you taken a breath? Have you recently discovered a blissful moment? The Spring Equinox came and then the Trickster showed up. Mercury did go retrograde. Oh no, hide…run…what now? More on that later! Where are you now? Wishing your life was different yet doing nothing about it, is that it? How can you change it? You know you would like to do so, and then do it. Had some momentary madness myself lately and it took a hide under the covers and do nothing kind of day that got me back on track. Yes, crazy as it seems, it did work. Now I am just pushing through the blocks that are self-created. Wow, did I say that? Onward you go without knowing where the moment takes you. Yes, the moment. Oh, that’s right; you live in the past or the future. You need to be right here, right now. Perfect. Take a breath and maybe just break out into a couple of bars from Sweet Caroline. That may do the trick. Breathe dear ones. The Full Moon is just about upon us. In the meantime-

By the way how are you feeling today? Good, bad or indifferent? Does it matter to you that your social media life is fully monitored? I do hope you are aware that your data is being traded. You did not. Or you do not care. No big deal. Of course, much has been going on for a very long time but since you download those apps and do those quizzes on FB, then do not complain about viruses because they do send them periodically. And don’t worry about your info being traded for ads and products and you name it. I have nothing against the basic premise of sharing insights and such, but it is now beyond that and has always been the main dance of FB. On another track- I have heard that the same students who are anti-gun are supporting Monsanto. They are saying that herbicides have no effect on hormones. The rat hole is getting deeper and deeper. Just read something that says some sixth grader had to dance with a boy she did not choose to dance with. Wow. My head is spinning. I think I will go back to my cave.

Ta da!! The FULL MOON in Libra is ready to appear as it opposes the Sun in fiery Aries. Partnerships are in the limelight at this time. It is the second Full Moon in the month of March. It arrives on Saturday, March 31, 2018 at 8:36am EDT; 5:36am PDT; and 12:36pm GMT in 10 degrees 44’. It is a time that may bring up matters regarding whether you allow others to be themselves and they allow you to be your truth. What has been going on since the Spring Equinox occurred? Have there been any changes? The Sun in Aries likes to move forward. The Full moon in Libra is asking you to look at what is working or not in a relationship. You are advised to think about where you are heading on your path. Then again, are you on track? It is time to be the authentic self that you came to be. So many in these times hide behind a mask and life is about truth-your truth. So, this is a time to look within and see how your truth is affecting others in your life especially any partnership. It is time to slow down and relook at how you are progressing. What needs shifting in a relationship?

Mars in Capricorn is conjunct Saturn in Capricorn within a degree. How fast you wish to move forward is being dragged along since Saturn likes to takes its time and Mars is always in a hurry. Chill. Look at what you would like to occur, revisit anything that is up for change and revise. Let go that which no longer works. Someone asked me how to let go. Letting go is about identifying what is a block (belief). Can you then accept that you have held onto this and maybe it is time to love/embrace it and let it go? Done! Being is all there is. No judgement is necessary. It is time to stop the fear and be aware of what it is that is holding you back. And that is important in any relationship because it brings out the illusion since you are holding onto a false premise. Release at the Full Moon if you can. At least become aware of what it is that you are holding onto. Mars and Saturn both in Capricorn are square the Full Moon in Libra and Sun in Aries. This is a time when your relationships may be under scrutiny as to what it is you have to stay on track and how you take other’s desires into account. Since much is about relationships this time around please keep your eyes open and be careful about being pulled into an underworld that may take you off track. It may be romantic, but is it? Is there someone who is looking to take advantage of you? Open your eyes and see the truth.

On a higher note Venus is the beginning degree in Taurus which is all about self-love and self-worth. Remember what you see manifesting in a relationship is a reflection of your own self. Venus in Taurus trines (favorable) Mars and Saturn in Capricorn which is saying to slow down and enjoy the pleasures and present moment instead of constant goal reminders. You will get there. Just be. Breathe.

Fixed star Vindemiatrix is within a few minutes of the Full Moon. I know it is blue. Is that why you are down and out right now? It is not even about that. Wake up. This fixed star is about disgrace and worry. It may bring disappointment. Enough of that!

Mercury in Aries is opposite the Full Moon. Do you pay attention to your gut instincts or your mind? Maybe you need to just find an audience and let it all out. Communicate no matter what you feel or think. Some of you will not understand why you are not feeling so great. Do you have to be so sad, so depressed and unwilling to adjust your mood? And along with this energy Mercury is retrograde as of March 22nd and goes backwards until April 15. It is certainly saying stop, revise, regroup and take another look at what is going on in your life. Full Moons are usually about release and since Mercury is in Aries and only 2 degrees away from the Sun and opposing the Full Moon this is not a time to begin anew. It is imperative that you watch your words at this time. Remember that even though you may not say things out loud, they can manifest from what you believe strongly. This is one of those times. Some things to do as Mercury is retrograding are: Take a closer look at what you are doing in your life re: your goals; renew old friendships; look for new opportunities that may have not been obvious; create more joy in your relationship; and reclaim your power within. Go ahead and try this.

As I said earlier in this post it is important to release that which no longer brings joy to your heart and is far from your truth. Lots of lies out there in the news and there may be something major that is fake. Will you be so immersed that you actually go with the lies? If there is bullying in your life then stand up for yourself since it is the time to do so. And a couple more reminders- do not sign major contracts, important agreements; stay away from making major purchases; and do celebrate what you have in a relationship instead of starting with someone new.

Celebrate a relationship whether personal or business if you are on track and if not then reclaim the balance within so that you can then resolve what needs healing. Thank you for reading and commenting if you will. Share also the link to those who may not know about it. Lots of good things are present if you open your eyes. Keep your power instead of giving it away. It is time to enjoy the relationship as an authentic part of your life and also enjoy your independence. Blessings for a magnificent Full Moon in Libra! Until again. Love, Jan


NEW MOON in PISCES, March 17, 2018-Wake up, dream and heal!!!


Hello dear ones. New Moon in Pisces is just about ready to arrive. In the meantime how many of you have had enough snow to take you through to next winter? Yes, me too. Have always liked the winter yet I have had enough. Nothing I can do about the weather but I can do something about me and my life. What are you ready to let go in your lives since it is the end of the year with this New Moon’s arrival and the Spring Equinox coming a few days later. Are you ready to take that leap, big or small, forward? Have you given up taking everything personally? Is compassion taking the place of anger? A rebirth is going to take place as the new astrological year begins with the Spring Equinox. This is shifting time dear ones. And where it takes you is up to you. It may make you seem more tired than usual again.  If you are constantly on Social Media or TV it is keeping you stuck and you are missing what you are here to do .I see many of you still have resistance to things that pop up in your lives. Release the negatives already.

As I sit and ponder what to say this time around I am perplexed by those of you who constantly need to be on Facebook with that screen in front of you. And what concerns me is this- do any of you at this point talk to another human being in the flesh? I see crude actions, lack of respect, no manners and a gazillion other things that are telling me you are not in control of your own life. I watched some college basketball tournament games this past weekend and everywhere I looked when I changed the channel for a moment there was a commercial break.  I walk out of the room…maybe that just gives me the exercise of the moment. If I see another drug commercial I am going to throw up. It is totally control-oriented. Drugs do not cure…most exacerbate the situation and then you get more drugs. Wake up. I just saw that Mike Adams and The Health Ranger YouTube channel has been taken down. Obviously they do not like natural health and have no justification for doing so. And do you know that in Canada there is now something called micro-aggression which if someone doesn’t like what you say or do then look out. It is another way to divide and conquer. R.I.P. Stephen Hawking.

In this present moment it is about taking the time to do things one step at a time. The Solar Eclipse of last month had energy that could last up to a year. So, where are you going to allow it to enhance your creativity, productivity and focus? Did you make that list of things you wish to have happen? And at this present time of the New Moon in Pisces where will you clear off those mundane things…doing your tax return, clearing out junk so you can start fresh with the spring. You want to begin something new as the month continues on, Get your creative flow going with your dreaming about what you wish to begin at this time. Take charge and merge with the deeper energy.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on Saturday, March 17, 2018 (my daughter’s birthday) at 9:11am EDT (top of the morning to you); 6:11am PDT; and 1:11pm GMT in 26degrees 53’. The Sun is at the exact degree of the New Moon. As I said this is a major shift time. Reach within for any answers that may be needed to take a leap. Clear your mind and take a breath and just be present for a few minutes and see what comes to you. Pisces is all about dreams, meditation, sleep, taking time for fun, and even music and art. What have you been doing in these areas? Anything? Nothing? Take some time to explore and relax a bit before you make a move forward.

I have realized a few years back that one needs to take some time off from a hectic schedule whether at work, travel or life in general. That is how one gets to leap higher and although you want it now, it is important to be refreshed so you recognize the opening.

The wounded healer Chiron is conjunct (within 2 degrees) of the New Moon in Pisces. What an opportunity it brings to you for healing and reviewing the past years, seven to be exact, to see how far you have advanced on the spiritual path and also the healing that has taken place. Yes, there have been wounds yet the healing is in process and shifts can take place. Chiron will enter Aries on April 17, 2018. That will be an interesting ride for all. Oh yes. It comes back to Pisces on September 25 and then goes fully into Aries in February 2019 for 8 years. Mars in the last degree of Sagittarius is square the New Moon in Pisces and Chiron. The word for this is impatience and a total restless feeling. Oh, that sure does not help the creative dream mode, now does it? Well, you have to work around it. This is a time to release any judgement and move into a higher love for all kind of feeling. Oh, yes, some of you may not like that letting go yet it will shift your world immensely. On the other hand there is someone who may come in and disturb your balance resulting in a power struggle of some sort or the other taking over in a different way. Watch that you do not get pulled in. Stay away from the aggressive mode when someone is irritating you.  Resolve any confrontation with your boss, an unknown enemy or anyone who is stuck in their rut and may be even jealous. Once you do this a surprise may occur or an unexpected opportunity may present itself since Mars in Sagittarius is also trine Uranus in Aries. Mars in Sagittarius is square the Sun in Pisces may open up more inappropriate sexual conduct in high places.

On another note Jupiter is in Scorpio in trine (favorable) to the New Moon in Pisces, Sun and Chiron. This gives you an opportunity to go within to bring your dream out there. This is an advantageous time for bringing your dream into reality. Just keep that dream alive by letting the healing take place no matter what goes on. This is also a good time for sexual healing in a partnership. And although you may be distracted good things can show up when you least expect it.

Some oils to use for better feeling and dreaming- sandalwood, eucalyptus, It is the perfect time to settle yourself into a relaxed state and just allow your intuition to roll out. New relationships come in for those who are out there; old ones leave when the energy is no longer good for growth. Setting out to sail on the seas of new beginnings may be exactly what you need to do unless that March wind roars and you may have to pull back a bit for calmer waters. You will know how to move through it.

Thank you for reading and commenting. I am most grateful for the new beginning this New Moon brings to all. Be patient and all will flow. Check out a new show which I will be co-hosting with Patricia Nixon aka Sprinkles .It begins on April 4 at 9pm EDT.  It should be lots of fun and inspiring. Have a beautiful New Moon in Pisces dear ones. Until again. Love, Jan