Monthly Archives: January 2022

NEW MOON in Aquarius, January 31/February 1, 2022 – Liberate yourself

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It is February and a new start is open to you. Are you ready to make your dream a reality? Would you like to go in that new direction with creative motion and revitalize your thinking?  In the meantime there is much going on that is hidden beyond the veil of darkness. It is time to start being love as you awaken each day. Yes, I said to be love. How can you love if so much chaos has affected your life? Just love. All you have to do is decide to take a leap into the loving yourself and others each day and your life will shift accordingly. And the craziness that is present out there will begin to fade away. Many will say that love does not help with money or groceries or travel or you name it. Well, I am sorry to say that if you know love you know that your life will take you where you are to go. Once fear enters in it is like a pile of trash has come into your life. And once that happens where does it take you? With life staring you in the face -many are stuck in the doldrums of lies and deception that are thrown at you hourly. How can you love? Dear Ones, life is what you make it and love is the main ingredient.  And in order to be happy love is part of the equation. First of course it means love yourself and stop the negative self-talk that pops up much of the time. And if love is not present then guess what may show up…panic and anxiety.

When was the last time you investigated on your own as to what is actually happening in your world? Is it because you are not digging for information and only accepting what is thrown at you. This is coming to an end. You can believe it or not. Do you remember when this chaos began and the WHO said that masks do not work?  Well it is a proven fact and children are the ones suffering the most since they have to wear them all day in schools. Why are no masks needed in the U.S. Senate building? Just curious! I am amazed at the media frenzy now reporting that Tom Brady is retiring. And Mr. Brady did not say this. They all hate him because he is white and is his own man.  Why are they not reporting on the trucker protest which is 47 miles long across Canada leading into Ottawa. On another note:  You may choose to listen to a song “Don’t Believe” which is quite interesting from 2009 that will open your eyes and change your perspective. Your choice!

The New Moon arrives on Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 12:46am EST; 9:46pm PST (January 31 2022); and 5:46am GMT in 12º20’ Aquarius. The Sun is in the exact degree in Aquarius.  This New Moon in Aquarius is conjunct Saturn and square Uranus in Taurus.  It is about getting together with a group and creating new ideas for the betterment of all those living in the world. It is forward looking and that indicates to you that it is time to begin something that may take you beyond the norm and help others. It can be tense with the Uranus square. This energy may bring about unexpected change. Watch for irritability. Do not react to any kind of unpredictable behavior from others. Maybe you will be a bit unsettled at times. You may choose to let your freedom ring brightly and then express your truth which may stir the pot with others. Be more aware in your actions and thinking for this may bring new possibilities. New Moon in Aquarius says you need to find the inner uniqueness that is present and bring it to the world. New beginnings of course are on the table provided that you cleared some junk from the past full moon. Stay in the moment and take a breath as you go through the next couple of weeks. Something new may show up on your path once the chaos settles and clears out. What can that be? Perhaps it will be a direction that you had not thought about and suddenly it is staring at you. How will you feel about this? Will you take advantage of the energy and take a leap? Will you take the time to investigate as to how you can move into this new beginning? Saturn in Aquarius conjunct the New Moon says that it is a really good time for a plan for the future. Saturn is about structure and steadfastness. There is a trine between Venus in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. Love may show up. Isn’t that interesting since that was my main thought in the beginning of post? New romance can appear or just a platonic way of sharing with others. Let the love flow. This will liberate you.

Aquarius can be innovative and far-seeing. Or Aquarius can be stubborn and stuck in their mind. So if you have any personal planets in this sign you may want to take that mindset and turn into a creative activity. Think outside the box is one thing to do. Be positive and socialize with those who have the same mindset. Your inspiration and insights may be too much for the masses.

The first ever Pluto return for the U.S. is in process and happens on February 22, 2222. Spiritual and shadow energy is transformed and released. This is the first time this will occur since the founding of the U.S.A. One of Pluto’s painful secrets seems to be just this: the hatred you direct towards others is actually self-hatred, projected outward. Once you become conscious of that dynamic, it becomes possible to transmute your emotions, and the result is rebirth and transformation.

This New Moon has an intense effect upon people born with personal planets and points at approximately 9 to 15 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). If you have a rising sign at those degrees then how you appear to others or how you act will be affected.

Some tidbits for the signs:

Aries – Long range goals in focus. Reevaluate them. Be a joiner and make connections offline and online. Start networking more than ever.

Taurus- New professional developments may show up. At this time you may discover you wish to do something different and take that next step.

Gemini -Emphasis on travel, those at a distance and education. Your life purpose may show up. You may join a spiritual group or begin to meditate.

Cancer-Investing wisely may be good at this time. Transform something. You may be looking to reevaluate intimate relationships. Healing past trauma may happen.

Leo- You may be lucky in love. It may be time to be cautious and take one step at a time in relationships and rectify what is needed to be done.

Virgo-Emphasis on your service; maybe a reward comes for it. Keep on the wellness track with diet and exercise regimes. Let go of bad habits in this regard.

Libra – Try something in the creative vein now. Lovers, children and entertainment are present. Think outside the box and creative solutions show up.

Scorpio- Family and home are emphasized. Unity in this area comes about and new beginnings. If changes are in the mix, make sure you have good plans.

Sagittarius- Good communication comes to take you out of the doldrums. Good feedback. Look to improve that interaction online and offline.

Capricorn- Look for the rewards- they show up after you plant seeds for further money growth. Maybe time to find new ideas and concepts. Self-worth!

Aquarius – It’s time to release the past and plant new seeds for further growth. Stop being edgy! Look for practical changes. Slow but steady wins the race.
Pisces- Are you looking to hide somewhere? Secret messages come that bring fruit to the table. Try dream journaling and get on the spiritual path now.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful to you who take the time to read my posts. If you disagree that is perfectly fine because I write this blog to energize your thinking and hope that you do go beyond what everyone out there tells you. Do the research and find the truth for yourself. This new moon in Aquarius invites you to begin anew in a different way that does bring you joyous feelings and big dreams. Many blessings and be safe in the extreme weather that is encapsulating the world. Until again, Love, Jan

FULL MOON in Cancer, January 17, 2022 – Break on through

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Apologies for the lateness of this post. The New Year has been flowing for the last few weeks and I wonder how many of you are still in the fear mode? Stop letting the darkness take over your life.  It is amazing the amount of untruths that are being pushed at those who are not paying attention. What are you doing that you are failing to see the bias and the lies? Hey, if that is what matters to you that is ok. Keep heeding the words of those who are bamboozling you. And if you choose to question my interpretation of the truth…go for it.  Life is so not about fear. I know, here I go again. Why are all the supposedly intelligent creatures constantly talk about the same stuff every moment of every day? Why? Does no one have love anymore? To move forward and thrive – love is important in the momentary madness that envelops this world. Just keep in mind an awakening is occurring although many are still not paying attention. It is coming. And the love that you refuse to acknowledge at times will pull you within to take a breath and just be, so that the inspiration can come to you. Love is. The Full Moon in Cancer will take place on MLK Jr. day.

“The art of hate is now out in front It takes you to your wound. What will you do to purge it out? Or is your timing doomed?  Oh, you say there is no wound- This is your truth today. Really the energy is way too deep and you sit and ponder away. There is no thinking on the other hand.  Because the media has you in its paws you are following the crowd strongly I see and you certainly have no flaws. Why not join the ranks of truth as it is and meander through the web of deceit- the door doth open as you crawl on out or you just stay with the crowd’s beat. Nothing or nobody will change your mind for there is only you in the mix. Follow your truth and deepest heart and you will now find the fix.” (c JMHKing)

I see that there was a volcanic eruption on Tonga in the Pacific and could lead to a tsunami coming to the West Coast of the USA. Interesting news considering it just never stops. The NCAA has recognized natural immunity as equivalent to vaccines for winter sports. Somebody is on track. There has been a hostage situation at a Synagogue in Texas which I see has now been resolved. The best of the best is that individuals are scared to talk on Zoom if the others involved do not wear masks. My head is spinning out of control. Lunacy it is. Looks like the descendants of the Operation Paper Clip individuals are immersed in the Deep State adventures of our government. Just a thought!

The Full Moon in Cancer arrives on 17 January 2022 at 6:49pm EST; 3:49pm PST; and 11:49pm GMT in at 27° 51’ The Sun is in the exact degree in Capricorn. This is truly a most nurturing energy that comes to you now. It is about balancing your energy between work and family. If you love to cook it is time for all those goodies that other’s love that you make. Will you be showing that loving energy to others or are you the one that is truly looking for it? Good question. Pluto in Capricorn is conjoining the Sun and opposing the Cancer Moon. Watch you do not get pulled into any turmoil regarding issues of security. Keep calm in any situation. Pluto is more likely to aggravate differences in the interest of retaining control. With the Sun conjunct Pluto you are digging deeply with your shadow as Pluto contains the bits of our psyche that you are typically shut off to. It is a time that you need to be aware of your emotions so that transformation can take place and also be aware of any thoughts or feelings that come through which challenges you out of your comfort zone. Don’t underestimate the power of making changes in your home, family, workplace—or even your corner of the world. Things are opening up and the transforming effect will surely bring a new perspective if you stay in the moment. Are you willing to change your perspective? That is the question of the timeframe. With the Moon opposing Pluto it is about the secrets you hope no one will ever know and the questions about yourself you may not yet know to ask.

Saturn, Capricorn’s ruler, is widely conjunct newly retrograde Mercury in Aquarius which goes forward on February 4 and both are square to Uranus in Taurus, all fixed signs. In other words, the urge to hold tight to any opinions is going to be strong. Keep away from picking fights with your near and dear or anyone out there. Resolving any of your issues will not be favorable at this time until Mercury goes direct. Take care with your words and try not to react too quickly in any arguments or if provoked. Take some time out if you start to feel overwhelmed by the hectic pace. Check all of your emails and posts on Facebook before hitting the send button.

There is a trine between retrograde Venus in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. Venus is also tightly semisextile Saturn in Aquarius. Venus in Capricorn is not exactly lighthearted at best and is especially somber now. You may wish to re-evaluate what truly makes your life better and what is outgrown. The Venus-Uranus trine can shine a light in unexpected ways, bringing out new information. Mars is square Neptune in Pisces and brings low energy, suspicion, deceit, lies, and scandal. You may feel weak and discouraged under this confusing influence. Is there guilt that shows up and remind you of hurting someone in the past. Keep the negative feelings away if possible. As the Full Moon comes in you may retreat to the crab shell of the Cancer moon because you are afraid to take the leap that is right in front of you. One suggestion – Do not sacrifice your feelings and needs because you have your goals out there. And please keep your heart in it and come through with peace and gentleness or you could be pulled into the shadow of Capricorn which is more serious and just doing it yourself.

Those Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected are Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra at 24-30 degrees. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those degrees then you may also be affected.

Aries- Time to prioritize what is important in work and life. Find the balance needed. And keep out of squabbles with those close to you.

Taurus – Time to use your communication skills. Bring it together to get going on path. Your imagination is sparked. Is there a new interest that comes in?

Gemini – Look at your finances. Some support appears. Clear the slate and begin anew. Good financial news may pop up in your realm. This brings peace.

Cancer- Take a big step into your power. You are in the limelight. Go for it! Stop paying attention to those around you and give yourself some. Work on you!!

Leo – Your intuition is strong now. Keep a journal and your dreams may happen. You do not need more responsibility. Take it down a notch and just be.

Virgo – Let go of those around you who do not resonate. Take a leap of faith socially. And if you are looking for romance, this is a perfect time.

Libra – Where are you professionally? Think bigger. Work and home balance in conflict. There will be a bunch of reality checks that pop up.

Scorpio – Is traveling abroad a possibility? Expand your thoughts. Be patient. What do you want in life and who are you? Great time to contemplate!

Sagittarius – Some advice needed regarding financial affairs. Be authentic. Plan! Time to step out of the comfort zone you have created. Bored you are.

Capricorn – Turning point in relationships with joy coming. You may be on your own for now but think about where this is going down the road.

Aquarius- Hang back a bit. Find balance between rest and work. Time for healing! It is time for a breather. Stay calm and peaceful as the energy flows.

Pisces-Any new ideas are worth looking at. Let the flow of creativity show up. Relate. It is time to decide who are good for you and who needs letting go.

Sending out many blessings for a beautiful New Year of 2022 filled with magnificence. May you find joy and peace, love and good health and an overflow of cash that brings financial freedom! Thank you for reading and sharing the posts through the year. Thank you again for the old you and the new you to come this year. Until again, love, Jan