Monthly Archives: January 2018

FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in Leo, January 31,2018- Will you allow creativity and love or drama?

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Dear ones …Is love within your sight? The depth of it takes on the darkest night, and stirs the passion of your path so true, leading you forward to a leap so new! If you do not allow  love to bloom then how do you take that leap? Many out there today are so enraptured in hatred. Instead of being loving your judging reigns supreme. What has occurred in the world is so far from following Universal laws that it takes everyone so off track. No wonder life is so frenzied; the energy is so erratic. Will  you contribute to the chaos with the negative thoughts and actions? If so, my suggestion is to take a breath and see what is within yourself that you dislike so much and finally let it go so you can heal.

Since I was a former librarian with a research bent it is now ironic that I cannot even be inspired to read much on the Net or watch the news. There are some things which still interest me but the bottomline is that it is all about pushing products and services and drugs. It is about influencing you and me every step of the way. And a week or two ago I said it is done. I will go on periodically so that I am not totally in the dark about whether the world is going to disappear and so forth. You think I am kidding. When was the last time you actually did something without looking at your phone? I say this more often lately because I have no tolerance of it. You are controlled and you do not even know it. Some know this and some do not pay attention to it…what you think is what you attract. And if you allow your mind to have some space, yes, space, and then guess what- brilliance shows up in your life. Ideas flow to you, you are aware of the next step and you actually are calm and peaceful. Have you been that way lately?

Where is your peaceful heart if you hate the President or anyone else? The deep state war-mongers want war. Syria may finally get the peace it wants. Theresa May at the Davos gathering says the Internet is exposing the lies and it needs to stop. Keep the exposing going. And did you know on a different note that AminoSweet is the new name for Aspartame. So if you  consume the poison you won’t notice any difference. Just want those who may be averse to being poisoned be aware of the name change.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo which is also a blue moon (second one of the month) arrives on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at 8:26am EST, 5:26am PST and 1:26pm GMT          in 11 degrees 37”. The Sun is in Aquarius at the same degree. A total lunar eclipse is what happens when the sun, Earth, and moon form a straight or nearly straight line and all of the light coming from the sun casts the shadow of Earth on the moon. You can observe a shadow covering the entire moon. Total lunar eclipses only happen during a full moon. Since it is in Leo what kind of drama may appear in your life? Could it be more like the diva coming out? Mercury joins Venus and the Sun in Aquarius bringing some laid back socializing. Full Moon in Leo likes the limelight showing the world all your talents and gifts. It is all about creativity, leadership, playful times, and being in the spotlight. It is time to express yourself using your unique self-expression. And you know what, play like you were a child. Where it appears in your chart is where you shine. This Full Moon Leo brings out the loud mouth if that is something that is inherent or even hidden in your chart. And beware the narcissistic tendencies of anyone who goes in that direction. It may get too dramatic for you. Just so happens that it falls in my third house natally conjunct Pluto which says to me that I like to speak out  and watch how I communicate to anyone. The truth definitely rules.  Do add some love to the general approach of it.

Sun in Aquarius likes to be different. Wherever Aquarius falls in your chart will tell you the part of your life which is different. I have my Midheaven in Aquarius so I am truly an independent in the career area since it trines my Ascendant (rising sign at birth) and may look at life in manner unlike you do. That is why I have studied astrology since I was just out of college. My mom was the one who introduced me. Yes, she was a truthseeker at heart. And believe me I do not look any different than most except there is something in my aura that others find mysterious.

North Node is conjunct (3 degrees apart) the Full Moon in Leo. With the North Node it is taking you to a more soulful openhearted direction. Did you feel love as a child from your Mother? This comes to you since Ceres (Earth Mother) is conjunct Full Moon in Leo. The basic truth – it is time to grieve if you felt little love in those early years and allow yourself to heal. This will bring you more into the present moment if you let it go. Family life versus work life will also be in the mix along with single parents and working women. Do you have an ideal love in mind then it is time to release with the help of Venus, South Node and Sun in Aquarius opposing the Full Moon. In fact it says get out of your head already and open your heart. Stop looking for the perfect time, the perfect connection. If you are jealous…stop. Find out why. If you feel dislike yourself…dig deep. Now is the time to find that self-love without the ego.

There may be some turning points coming up. Anything that happens before an eclipse usually does not pan out. Those which occur about a week after become more important. Please try to make no major decisions leading up to the eclipse. If you have, then nothing may come of them or else significant changes are needed. On the day of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse…fated things can come to pass. Observe!! Do you know that this Lunar Eclipse is going to influence some of you to let go of things that no longer matter in your life? Some of you may get a bonus and take a big leap due to your paying attention and seeing that the new opportunity which may have creeped into your life. But many still are into having to let go. No, you want to hold on. Stop. Let it go or it will go by itself and that may be not the way you want it to do so. So just go with it. If it no longer serves your purpose, why are you holding on? And the past…for goodness sakes…is done. Do you need to live there? It takes you nowhere but in circles. Did you realize that? Six months ago in August 2017 there was a Solar Eclipse and now you need to look where you were then and what is in need of change now. Do you allow the turning point to occur? It is coming whether you like it or not. Most prefer the stagnation of your daily same old stuff. What did you plant back then-anything or nothing? Soon you will see the results of that time frame.

The Full Moon affects intensely those of you who have any personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius at 6-14 degrees.

Thank you for reading. Please share if you will. Make no major decisions the day of the Full Moon. Stay in the present moment and feel love within and stay out of drama. Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on February 15, 2018. Blessings to all. Until again. Love, Jan




NEW MOON in Capricorn, January 16/17, 2018- Love will help you climb the mountain even if unexpected shows up

mountain milky way image

Happy New Year dear ones! It has been an interesting start to 2018. It amazes me at times how the energy unfolds so easily and then bam…it goes chaotic. Someone said to me this morning that it sounded like chaos when I described my last couple of days. Since I just really have begun to think about what the first New Moon of 2018 means in terms of influences…well, guess what? It could be chaotic. Leave it to me to pull the energy in sooner. What this says is that I was trying to control the flow (who me, the one who is the master of going with the flow) and obviously it was having none of it. Have to laugh at that one. It shifted back to a flow once I gave up trying to control it. Of course it did. Uranus in Aries is squaring the New Moon in Capricorn and that says it all. Will get to this later!

New Moon says to plant new seeds and move step by step forward. It is a time to put your intentions out there but do consider inviting your intuitive nature in also because if you go in a new direction based on old beliefs this will come back and haunt you and may take you down the wrong path. You can listen to others but your own hunches, your own balance between mind and heart can be your saving grace instead of those who think they know what it is you need to do. Stay in your power and listen to what your feelings are telling you also. The New Moon in Capricorn says your intentions are  out in the world, business-based and incorporating 5-year plans. Your goals are important with this New Moon and if they do not come about immediately, just keep going.

On some level I am just really worn out from all the drama and negativity that envelops the world at this time. So, is there anything important that needs to be shared before I move into the influences of the New Moon? Do you believe in the Globalist agenda? I will watch it happen if you out there do nothing except stare at your phones. The 83rd Holistic Physician was found dead recently. So what do you think is going on here?   Do you truly know what is going on in this life play? Or do you just believe it and think it is right? What is the truth about anything? Are you being your truth?Will you? The Network which is carrying the Super Bowl is all hot on making sure you see if anyone does a protest when the National Anthem is playing. I would say the Network is a bunch of jerks and adding this as I revise this post, the Network never showed the National Anthem in either game so far in the playoffs. One more thing- Facebook is now working on a gadget that will be able to read your mind. Privacy, huh? Onward to the New Moon!

The New Moon in Capricorn arrives on January 16, 2018 at 9:17pm EST, 6:17pm PST and on January 17, 2018 at 2:17am GMT in 26degrees 54’. The Sun in Capricorn is in the exact degree. Capricorn is the third Earth sign along with Taurus and Virgo. It is also a Cardinal sign. It begins the winter season. The three other Cardinal signs begin each other season. What does this Capricorn new moon bring to you? It says that fear may be present since Capricorn does rule it. I have asked many times through the years- what is your fear and why is it holding you back? Many of you choose to sit with the old beliefs as I have stated earlier and live that life. At this New Moon which precedes the Lunar Eclipse Blue Moon at the end of the month it is time to take the reins and move up that mountain. It is time to decide what direction you choose to take and write down that intention within the first 24 hours after the New Moon arrives. It is best to write a short list not too long after the New Moon is in effect. Since Capricorn is ruled by the taskmaster Saturn that says to you…go for it…even if it is something that takes time to do. Saturn just entered Capricorn December 19, 2017. How has that been working for you? At the moment the New Moon is saying to you move forward slow and steady and you will be amazed at the outcome. Remember you are climbing the mountain like the goat. Since there are eclipses down the road following this New Moon it is time to finish some old projects that may be hanging on as you enter the New Year. Will you have the impetus to finish them so you can now move on?

As this New Moon commences it has Uranus in Aries squaring (conflict) it. What this is saying is that there can be unexpected or disruptive influences showing up since Uranus is the revolutionary at heart. As I said in the beginning of the post I did encounter this chaos a few days ago since my moon in Capricorn and progressed (where it is found in a chart for the date it is right now) Sun was affected then. What does that say? It is telling you to just be aware of the energy and stay in the moment instead of reacting. Oh, I know, some of you will be pulled into it. Just know that the New Moon is conjunct (2 degrees apart) Venus in Capricorn which is at 28 degrees. Are you loving and accepting yourself at this time? If not, how will you open to love from another? What are your deepest feelings? Are you in your truth? Are you being authentic? That is what shows up now. Look within and see how you feel and let go of old patterns that have plagued you since your childhood. Are you ready to do this so you can feel unconditional love? New Moon is also sextiling (positive) Mars in Scorpio which can bring a more sexy tone to the results of the possible disruptive Uranus . It also gives you an opportunity to move through any obstacles that may arise. Love does rule in the end. Keep that in mind no matter what you encounter. As this energy prevails I continue to suggest you stay in the moment and begin to bring awareness to the forefront. This says to you to get out of your head already and just be. I know many of you will frown when you read this due to the earlier conditioning that has occurred. On another note- what does it take for you to uncover your inner truth, examine it and follow it?

Jupiter in Scorpio is sextile (positive) Pluto in Capricorn as the New Moon comes in and will be a signature aspect as the year goes on. It is a transformative influence in your life and wherever it falls in your chart will tell you what part of your life will be transformed if you allow it. As it begins it is about a possible new direction or letting go of any sense of duty to others. Guess what- as I have said in the past living your truth is important and that is what Jupiter/Pluto influence is definitely saying to you. Wealth and abundance also play into it in a major way. Where are you going to allow your authentic self to take you? Are you ready to open to it?

Those most intensely affected are those who are under the following signs: Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra with Sun, Moon, and Ascendant at 21 degrees – 29 degrees of those signs. If you have any personal planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) in those degrees there may be some influence. Birthdays – January 12-19/20, April 12-20/21, July 14-22 and October 15-23.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for your kind support. Keep your heart open to unconditional love and let the fear be gone already. Some things are shifting dramatically and speeding up yet at the same time the energy is giving you an opportunity to take it slowly one step up the mountain at a time. Paradoxical at best! Comments are always welcome. Many blessings to you. Until again. Love, Jan

Full Moon in Cancer, January 1/2, 2018- Leaving the past behind for a unexpected new direction

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As the New Year begins I ask you, dear ones, – do you know your truth? How about truth of your life and truth of the world? What do you believe as the world supposedly turns or does not? As I take a look at the year that has passed I sit here in disbelief regarding the attitude of so many of you. Now, before you take offense (because someone always does) I ask you to truly look at you and how you go through life. Is this the you that you wish to take forward in the year of 2018? What do you choose to shift to a better place within and without? Many of you still cling to the past due to a variety of reasons whether it is about relationships, jobs, old beliefs, fears or fill in the blank. How do you expect to move ahead in any area of your life if you continue to fear, to hold on, to let your ego control your decisions? You tell me because I am curious and would love to hear what you say. Most of you will not comment. That is ok. It is your choice.

To digress for a moment…As I wrote one word in a comment on something that was posted on “FB” I noticed that when I went on another website there was an ad for that word I used. What a bunch of losers!!! And the word had nothing to do with their ad. Life becomes more controlled and ridiculous on every breath. So back to you— Are you an individual or are you someone that just goes along with the crowd? I see it in the news. I see it on the Net. I see in the grocery store. The very fact that you are influenced totally and unless you wake up there is no tomorrow for you because you will become the food of the parasites who rule this planet. You need to find your Spirit. As the Full Moon comes in there are so many things which are out of balance and keeping you from being your truth. But there is hope since Saturn just went into Capricorn and it will definitely put on the taskmaster shoes and get that focus centered where it falls in your natal chart. This influence will last for about 2.5 years so it will get you on track in some way. This is a time of deciding what goal you have in mind. What do you truly wish to do in these next couple of years? Nothing is too big for the Saturn-ruled Capricorn and with Saturn present here it gives you the opportunity to make that move forward slowly and deliberately. This is no place to be for the faint of heart. The mountain goat climbs and climbs until it reaches its destination no matter how long it takes.  But it can also bring all those fears to the table. Oh no. Now what will you do? Stop listening to the crap on the news. That is fear-mongering to the ultimate!!! Do you recognize what is going on? What is happening in the world is so far off-track that it is unreal for goodness sakes. If you do not like that statement then stop reading now.

The Full Moon is in Cancer arrives January 1, 2018 at 9:24pm EST; 6:24pm PST and on January 2, 2018 at 2:34am GMT at 11degrees 37’. The Sun is in Capricorn at the same degree. When the Sun is opposite the Moon there is a polarity somewhere in your life. An example is work versus home or being creative versus logical thinking. Lots of emphasis on your relationships and family usually occur at the Full Moon. Usually whatever you began anew at the previous New Moon which was on December 17/18, 2017 will come to fruition or maybe you will need to just fine tune it. The Full Moon energy lasts until the next New Moon on January 16/17. It is a supportive type Supermoon. This is the only one of the year.

The Full Moon in Cancer is trine (in good aspect) to Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter and Mars in Scorpio which helps you to tune into your inner wisdom, your intuition and the depths of your soulfulness. Along with the Sun there is Venus, Pluto and Saturn which are also opposing the Full Moon in Cancer which says that you may question your intuitiveness and what it is telling you because you would rather stick with the plan. Then again you may retreat to the crab shell of the Cancer moon because you are afraid to take the leap that is right in front of you. One suggestion – Do not sacrifice your feelings and needs because you have your goals out there. And please keep your heart in it and come through with peace and gentleness or you could be pulled into the shadow of Capricorn which is more serious and just doing it yourself.

I know some of you are looking for jobs and new directions/opportunities. Well, I feel that just by keeping your focus and putting it out there you will find it comes to you. Since Full Moons are about getting rid of old junk, patterns and all the rest of it, watch that others do not shove something at you and try to make you listen to them. Stay in your power even when the negative thinking pops out at this time.

Mars in Scorpio squares (90 degrees challenging) the North Node/South Node at 15 degrees Leo/Aquarius on January 2. This is also squaring the Lunar Eclipse upcoming and the previous one in August. It is a time for you to really find the work energy outstanding yet there may be no cooperation with those who are in the same venue with you. Mars is conjunct Jupiter at 18 degrees on January 6. Keep this in mind if you are ready to start something new. It is a perfect time to do so. This is a perfect time for social activities and relationships due to the fact that Venus in Capricorn is opposing the full moon and sextiling (favorable) Jupiter in Scorpio. It is also good for agreements.

Uranus in Aries goes stationary direct on January 2 after being in retrograde motion for the last five months. What this says to you is that there can be this surprising development that shows up in your life and motivates you. You may have been going through all kinds of major transformation and now you will recognize there can be a move in a new direction since Pallas Athene is conjunct (within 2degrees) Uranus. Take advantage of the insights that sing to you and you will find your life becoming quite interesting and you are ready for action. Be the   individual that you were born to be. Too many of you are fearful of taking a step out of the comfort zone and if you do, it is always about money and the physical world which is wonderful but without Spirit. Your heartsong is important and it will help you take a leap at this time. Do what is your passion…do what inspires you. Stop letting others sabotage your dreams. Uranus in Aries is also square (difficult aspect/6 degree orb) Pluto in Capricorn and this takes you through the fiery shift that has been in effect for about 5 years and continues to forcefully prod you to get out of the stagnation and transform yourself and your life. Choose it or not, it is happening.

Sending out many blessings for a beautiful New Year of 2018 filled with magnificence. May you find joy and peace, love and good health and an overflow of cash that brings financial freedom. Thank you for reading the post through the year. I am hoping I can expand it into a space of more insights on other topics also. Thank you again for the old you and the new you to come this year. Until again. Love, Jan