Category Archives: Truth and Integrity

NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS, November 29, 2016- Your Truth will set you free


What is happening in your life at present? Are you sitting in your life being grateful for all those things that have brought you to where you are today? Thanksgiving has always been a favorite of mine so it was truly a special time in my life. Are you still spellbound by the election chaos or are you still hidden away in the realm of the unspeakable or taboo? Yes, the Scorpio energy was quite intense to put it mildly and I am positive that many continue to sit in judgement of the characters involved in the never-ending saga of what now in the political arena? Since the New Moon shows up on Tuesday let’s take a quick look at what is going on otherwise.

Since I was away for a few days and wasn’t online I missed a few things. And in many of your minds you wonder what do you mean I wasn’t reading, talking or dancing on the Net? Yes, that is true. So, I just heard of the death of a revolutionary, Fidel Castro. I am only referring to the fact that he considered himself a revolutionary. No comment. Just saw this morning there was a shooting or stabbing at Ohio State University. It is sort of weird to me since I was so on the Ohio State bandwagon in their football game Saturday. And now this!!!!  Guess what- heaven forbid I should stay off Facebook. Well, I had no way to get on so guess what…it was a wonderful feeling of not being boxed into the craziness that still hung about. Well, now that I am writing again I do feel refreshed. Let’s take a look at the New Moon and how it affects you.

This New Moon in Sagittarius arrives Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 7:18 AM EST, 4:18AM PST, and 12:18PM GMT in 7deg.42’.  If you are looking for turning points then this is it. It is in a fire mutable sign which gives you an opportunity to leap forward if you choose to go there. How many of you will do so? Of course because Sagittarius is mutable it can bring an unpredictable influence to your leap. Have you been feeling stuck because you continue to be in the past? Since Neptune turned stationary direct on the South Node in Pisces has a major influence on it and the New Moon is square (90deg.) South node in Pisces (past) and North Node in Virgo (future). What that means is there may be things that show up that need to change. Oh no, did you read that correctly? Yes, changes are deemed necessary possibly from the past influences so that once and for all you can truly move forward on your spiritual path and towards your destiny. This is like a second chance since you didn’t do it previously. So what exactly are you continuing to hold onto? Is it old emotional wounds or are you holding grudges? What keeps you back there in the familiar cult that no longer serves your purpose? Have you let go of something lately-an old relationship, a belief, or a habit? Maybe you need to stop belaboring it and move forward since now is the time to do so.

Since Jupiter rules Sagittarius it says that being positive will reap you rewards. Go negative and they disappear again. So, what do you choose? It matters not what pops up in your life because Jupiter is sending out those optimistic vibes to help you walk through what turns up. And guess what it is saying stop the blame game and the frowns. How about some joy no matter what? Oh, sure, you say! Well, I am quite capable of frowning, but I have decided it does me no favors anymore. So, I laugh no matter what goes on if it is something so banal and insignificant. And yes, those of you who need to frown and be morose, does it get you the goal, the intention that you put out there? Do you find yourself living in the past continually? Do yourself a favor and let it go because the resistance will push you so far back that life will pass you by. And then what will you do? Stop feeling sorry for yourself already. Life is beautiful as you choose it to be.

The New Moon in Sagittarius is all about the higher mind, philosophy, adventure and going the distance. It is square (90deg) Neptune in Pisces which says there may be some confusion in your thinking. Maybe since Neptune is about imagination and so is Pisces you may wish to imagine what you really need. You can make your dreams happen if you put your intentions out there The Sun is conjunct the New Moon in Sagittarius and the following planets, Mercury and Saturn are also in the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius. Since Saturn is also near the New Moon it says that fact is in the picture. Why not just pay attention to the unfolding and open the door to the dream. Yes?

Juno, a major asteroid, is also conjunct the New Moon in Sagittarius. Juno is the goddess of partnership and marriage. What are you committed to in relationships, financial arrangements, business partnerships and the like? Juno is saying to you that Truth is important. Yes, you heard that right. This past year there has been much illusion and delusion as to what your Truth is and whether you are in integrity due to Neptune’s energy. So, have you been in your own Truth? Sagittarius is about knowing your Truth. Have you been living yours or have you been denying what it is that is true to your heart?

The Sun in Sagittarius is square Neptune on November 30 which is in the exact degree the Solar Eclipse took place on September 1. It is asking you to look at the past 3 months and see what is still in need of change in your life. How far have you moved forward? The next day on December 1 Chiron in Pisces turns in direct motion. It asks what have you healed during the retrograde phase? If you have, then big shifts will take place in your life that will be beyond your imagination. If you have not finished the healing of old wounds then Chiron direct will give you an opportunity to see clearly what you need to do.

And also continuing on is the Uranus in Aries/Pluto in Capricorn square which now is making a T-square with Jupiter in Libra. December is the beginning of the shifts that you have been avoiding. Pluto takes no prisoners but will give you the opportunity to transform or it will transform it for you. It will be much better if you do it yourself. The energy lasts until next September 2017 so if you have done nothing yet to clear, purge and find your Truth, now is the time. It is up to you to pay attention as I previously said as allow dissolution of the false premises, wrong thinking and being off-track. Now in the next month it is time to let go and find your own Truth. And remember what you believe is what you attract.

Thank you for reading and if you can share, I would appreciate it. More insights on on Going Beyond Astrology ( Tuesday night 9pm EST. Hope you have time to listen. Also check out Off the Cuff E-zine December issue where I have an article about Exploring Pluto. Many blessings! Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON in GEMINI, December 6, 2014-Talking truth that arises from within

Look around and see what is being manipulated for your attention. Have you noticed the extreme circumstances that are being presented for your viewing pleasure? Do you intend to go into the streets to protest? Is that what your life has become? Too many questions, you say. Oh well. Life is. If I mention these things to those who are stuck in the Matrix, goodness me, I get a tongue-lashing. Those who are rebelling against legal decisions are correct in their minds. All of us have a right to have an opinion. There is a missing student in the Philadelphia area and it has now become a nationwide news item. It has been a week since this young man was seen in a pub in Manayunk. Reward is up to $40,000. No one has come forth with information regarding his disappearance. According to a horary chart for the time of his leaving there is much confusion and possible lies and deception regarding what happened. Neptune was squaring the Sun which is conjunct the asteroid lie at that time. Time will tell. Uranus is opposing the ascendant and squaring Pluto. Something or someone unexpected showed up. Enough said. Full Moon on Saturday may bring something new to the surface or down the road once Saturn is leaving Scorpio.

Let’s move onward to the Full Moon in Gemini at 14 degrees 17’ on Saturday December 6, 2014 at 7:26 am EST, 4:26am PST, and 12:26pm GMT. Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius opposing the Moon. It is a time of things coming to a head from the New Moon in Sagittarius 2 weeks ago. Also it is a time of release for those parts of your life that have had a hold on you and no longer have any meaning. This refers to old patterns, beliefs and wounds. How many of you have actually begun the release process? It is so important to let go of all these negative past patterns that have you conditioned. By doing so,, the future which is in the now will show up in a truly beautiful way. You don’t believe me. That’s ok because one of you will get the information that is being given to you by the Sun in Sagittarius and you will find your truth within it. Speaking of truth Sun in Sagittarius is about digging for the truth and sharing it. I am sure there are some philosophers among you or even teachers of many subjects. With the Full Moon in GEMINI you will choose to speak your truth and share those communications with others.

It is an important crossroads this Full Moon in Gemini. Yes, there have been many turning points in the past couple of years. This one is moving closer to the Galactic Center (not quite there yet) which is the portal/ bridge to higher consciousness. The Sun is conjunct the Great Attractor at 14 degrees and it is opposed by the Moon in Gemini. This aspect gives you the opportunity to understand any hidden things beyond your consciousness. Millions of galaxies are being pulled toward that point. Beyond my comprehension it is. All I know is that it exists and it seems like you are seeing around an object.

Even though there is some irritation with an aspect to Mars which is entering Aquarius there are still a good amount of blessings that will show up in your lives. This lunation seems to indicate that old stuff may be going but the emphasis is on what’s coming into your own life? What truth is showing up to which you will open? Gemini wants to talk about it. Gemini Moon wishes to explore what is presented to you. Are you willing to walk through the old junk and see where this new way is taking you? Feel your heart and open to exploring your own truth. How does it feel to you?

Yes, Gemini loves to think and think and think some more. Is your life where you want it to be at this time? Have you given yourself the opportunity to experience your own deepest truth? It is time for the transcendence within you so that your future in the now comes to you in a magnificent way. Are you ready to leap? Seriously, no one knows you like you know yourself. If you depend on others for their support and approval your life will always be in the comfort zone. IS that your choice? Think with the Full Moon in Gemini how you actually see your life and open the door to what is deep within your heart. Now is the time.

Mercury is in Sagittarius and so is Venus. Jupiter in Leo is trine to Venus and to the Sun and sextile the Full Moon in Gemini. Good times are felt by many of you. New realities are within reach for many. Also, there is another major square (conflict) between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus is about individuality and freedom and Pluto is transformative but could also be the shadow. This square occurs on December 14, 2014. It is the sixth square that has happened with one more to go in March. It is trying to change the structure of where it falls in your chart. Resisting makes things crazed. It wants you to have equality and some collaboration with others.

It is only those who are in constant revolt that discover what is true not the man who conforms, who follows some tradition. It is only when you are constantly inquiring, constantly observing, constantly learning, that you find truth, God, or love. (JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI),
Find yourself searching deeply and allow the truth to rise and surprise you with joyousness. Life is starting to change rapidly and you can choose to be on the fast train to open to higher consciousness or stay in the limited belief thinking.

Those of you who have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or angles at 9-18 degrees of Sagittarius or Gemini; Virgo or Pisces will be most intensely affected. The Full Moon in Gemini is in my 12th house. Yippee. I just retreat and watch for vivid dreams or spiritual inspirations. Explore your truth. Live it. Be it. Leap out of that comfortable place and take a risk. You can do it.

I pulled an Animal Powers card. Amazingly the snake came up. “Snake teaches us about we are each a nexus of power and we have the responsibility to ourselves and each other to think and act with awareness based on the evolving truth of our reality.” Snake spirit come to me and take me higher. Empower me for giving birth to new creations and letting go of fear of failure and success. I will stay attuned and listen deeply.

Have a great Full Moon. Truth comes. Thank you for reading. Be ready to leap if you haven’t already done so. Until again. Love, Jan