Monthly Archives: September 2022

New Moon in Libra, September 25, 2022 – Look deeply within and find balance

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The Fall Equinox just came in and many good wishes for a beautiful time to come. I feel like I am living in an alternate universe than most. With the crazy world out there it may be pulling you off your path since the energy tends to be a bit negative.  No matter what is going on the heart rules and it will make a difference if you follow it. There are many of you who are looking to escape what is going on and are really not paying attention. And then when you do come out in the world you may find yourself so overwhelmed because you are thinking too much about things that have no importance. I can hear the groans now. It took me a very long time to bring myself to a place of peace within. Why are you not allowing it? You came to live your true purpose and some of you do and many do not. What is the fear about? And why do you care what others think about you? Wake up to who you are so your life is truly the one you choose. Follow the crowd and nothing is promised. It is going to get really “hot’ out there soon. Be aware of all that is around you. Remember love wins, hate loses and fear just makes it worse.

News tidbits: The Queen is dead. Long live the King. An interesting thought is this-the news is no longer the news as it used to be. Taiwan earthquake happened. Possible typhoon in Japan could occur as I write this. If you talk about the vax in any way on social media you will be banned totally. The AI named Aladdin is totally supported by those in power and this AI will conduct the takedown of the market and bring on the crash. Do you see what is going on here? And how will the King of England Charles III do in the coming months? That will be interesting. Did you know the Queen had a twin sister? Surprising info! Where will Pennsylvania be after this mid-term election? For someone to be running for Senate I would think that the individual would choose to be open. Guess again. There will be one debate and no disclosure regarding Fetterman’s true health situation.  Many things are not as they seem. And Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom need to take a look at how their actions will affect every one of you down the road. Oh, they do not care. Welcome to a third world country.

The New Moon is in Libra on September 25 2022 at 5:54pm EDT: 2:54 pm PDT: and 6:54pm GMT in 2°49’’. The Sun is in the exact same degree in Libra. The New Moon is always about looking where you have come from and where you are going. Since it is in Libra it is about harmonious interaction and balance since Libra is about both.  How do you balance your need for freedom and your wish for connection? Do you choose to control or are you compliant? Are you interested in interacting in a balanced co-creative way, tuned into the other individual? What you put out there is what you will get in return.  It is time to get of the stagnant mode and be in balance. Finding balance is not always your chosen thing to do. You may just want to leave it alone and only because it works for you. No matter how it works for you it is your track. Since Libra is a Cardinal air sign the New Moon says to lighten up a bit in your interactions and feeling the wind behind you as a burst of energy may bring you some motivation to take action on your deepest dreams. New people and new ideas may just come in as you take a leap. Just ask if you are out of balance in your life and how can you recreate something better?

The New Moon in Libra is in opposition to Jupiter retrograde in Aries which accents peace and harmony as the goal.  You may find more creative energy in relationships. This is a time also for taking a look at the values and ethics and how to share them with others. It can bring some exaggeration and over-the-top energy. So keep your wits about you when it takes you to a more exciting place. Mercury retrograde in 27 Virgo is conjunct the New Moon. This is more a reflective feeling that you may have. New starts may not show up as of now. It is a time to plant seeds for when Mercury goes direct in early October. Venus in late Virgo is also with Mercury and the New Moon. It says to take a look at how you speak, react and attract.  It is the mirror in your relationship. Are you giving out more than others give to you. Do you give in instead of being in balance of your own making? Mars in Gemini is trine to Saturn in Aquarius which brings respect for your hard work and helps keep you grounded.

The bottomline is you are looking to balance a relationship with the New Moon. And it is time to be who you really are and not who others want you to be.  And if you are looking for transformation to happen to you and your life then Pluto in Capricorn trine to the New Moon in Libra will help you. Just remember that once Mercury goes direct on October 2 whatever you intend with this New Moon may magically appear. Keep in mind New Moons are all about new starts for the next month or a new project. By looking at past behaviors and patterns also it will give you an opportunity to do things in a new way. Stay in the moment with relationships and no matter what shows up be patient.

Those signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in degrees 0-5. And the end degree of 29 of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius (If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in those degrees then you may be affected also. Birthdays affected are: March 19-25; June 19-25; September 22-28; and December 19-25.

Here are some New Moon tidbits for the Sun signs/Ascendant signs:

Aries- Lots of nurturing between you and others and shared purposes. New start in relationships can occur. Who comes in and brings you joy?

Taurus- A new healthy regimen may begin. You may socialize with coworkers. Keep the rebelliousness in check. Who is standing in your way?

Gemini- Romance, creativity, and expression are the main themes. What comes in a stirs you up in good ways? Time for relationship play! Creative mode comes.

Cancer-Emotional complications may pop up as you bring new energy to your home. Are you looking to move into a new home? Stay harmonious!

Leo-Busy time for connecting with others. Learn and nurture. Also travel. Let the harmony reign as you look to be more creative in communications/interactions.

Virgo-Watch the little things do not upset you. Balance you money plan. Try to create a more realistic budget .If need to make more money, go for it.

Libra-Nurture is the urge. Watch uneasy attachments with others. Harmony is the word.  Go out there and shine. Is there a new direction in the works?

Scorpio- Take a chance on inner peace. Seek some balance and harmony within. Choose what you want in a wise way. If you need to pull away a bit, do so.

Sagittarius-Lots of pleasant friends want your company. Heal past wounds from those earlier days. Find the harmony that is good for you. New plans may come.

Capricorn- Business zone is highlighted. More positive associations are coming to you. Be patient. What is your main ambitious choice at this time?

Aquarius- Find some meaning in life- It is time to heal.. A trip may show up. Something new may find its way to you. Is a new course in the works?

Pisces- Mutual resources and affections help you. It is time to make a fiscal move. Keep the flow going so that transformation may take place.. Changes!!!

Essential oils to use during the New Moon in Libra are pine, rosemary, vanilla and basil.

Some herbs that are helpful are calendula, yarrow. The herbs to balance energy are chamomile and lavender. Ginger will increase energy.                                                                                

Be blessed at the New Moon in Li bra and the Equinox. Thank you for reading and please share if you will. Stop hiding and get out there with love but keep and keep your relationships in balance. You can do it. There can be reconciliation or new romance.  Stop the fear and leap. Until again. Love, Jan

Full Moon in Pisces, September 10 2022 – Intuition helps the changes

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Apologies for the lateness in posting this Full Moon happening. What a week this has been.  No internet access for 3 days. Sure made life interesting. My router was broken. So now it is working great and will then start setting up my new computer soon. So, how have you been? Have you been dancing in the street or just hiding in your abode? The fear-mongering continues and I say stay out of its way and love who you are first and then send love out to the world. Can you do this? Without love there is nothing. The summer is almost gone although the heat continues in the West. The humidity here gets to me very much and I just am blah unless I have some interaction.  Many out there live in a world of their own without reaching out to others. That amazes me yet there is nothing I can do about it. Life has become a circle of fear no matter how happy one can be. Is this necessary? Look within dear ones and see how beautiful you are and erase the past once and for all. Memories are great. Living there is burdensome. Let it go already. This is incoming energy of the Full Moon is good for positive changes and bringing your intuition back on track to help to discern what actually is going on in a good way.

The biggest news of the last few days is that Queen Elizabeth the UK Monarch has died. There will be much goings on in Britain as she is taken from Scotland to London for the funeral. Prince Charles will now become the King. I am sure this will be the only news that will run on the networks for the next week or more. In the meantime shootings have taken place in Tennessee and there is word that more are on the way. By the way- Forcing people to mask in solitary confinement and submit to experimental “vaccines” violates the Nuremberg Code. Do the research about the Nuremberg Code and you will see that I am saying the truth.  Do you know what “SMART” Really Stand For?  It is “Secret Military Armaments in Residential Technology”. Look it up. It is real.

The Full Moon in Pisces comes in Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 5:58am EDT; 2:58am PDT; and 9:58am GMT in 17°41. The Full Moon is conjunct Neptune but its influence is lesser than usual since it is 6 degrees away. With the Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune now says to trust your inner knowing. The main aspect is the sextile of the Full Moon to Uranus in Taurus which is positive and indicates a time to use your intuitive power which is at a peak and be more aware. There are many changes that may come in. If you are more open-minded you may be able to attract new friendships and be more inspired in your outlook. It is also a good time to get rid of old ways of doing things and bringing in a new attitude or way to create change. The next two weeks are a good time to make those changes. If you are looking for a new direction then this is a good time to shift it. Saturn in Aquarius continues to be in square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This is constantly shaking up the system in your life and those out there in the world. This aspect is quite difficult and will be present until the end of the year. Keep in a positive mode and in the moment no matter what is going on since who knows which way the Full Moon will take you. The Full Moon in Pisces also is separating from a square to Mars in Gemini which can stir the pot and maybe bring some anger and defensiveness into the picture.

Pisces connects us to the feeling state. It activates our psychic awareness. It may even open hearts more and bring in unconditional love and peace. Is that at all possible in this chaotic world at this time? Yes, if you stop getting pulled into the current state of affairs. It is saying to you that you can tune into the collective, be sensitive, and yet stay out of the negativity. Because with Neptune in Pisces sitting conjoined with the Full Moon it is more than likely you can miss the boat and jump into a massive illusion since the Sun opposes Neptune. Now if you are artistically inclined then that would be beneficial since you can create a masterpiece with the vision that comes in. What else can you do? …pay attention to your dreamland. You may get signs or symbols of importance. Could be the answer you are looking for! Be more compassionate. Write some poetry to a lover or someone you would love to know. Pisces Full Moon may remind you to just relax, refresh and get more sleep. Not such a bad idea, now is it? Or you can help someone who isn’t expecting it and will not impact you too much.

For those who love me saying Mercury is going retrograde in 8+degrees Libra…it is doing so later on September 9 2022. Thrilled you are, I know. Mercury Retrograde has a way of opening our eyes up to what we were unable, unwilling, or just too busy before to actually see. This makes Mercury retrograde a wonderful time to review what you are doing. Rather than jumping into something new, it’s a great time to finish up existing projects, refine and make your existing work better, and reveal solutions and innovations where you may have felt blocked or stagnated before. You may wish to look at things from another perspective.  Transportation, technology, and communication may be affect4ed during this time frame. You may see that it is ok to slow down a bit, be patient, and let things work themselves out.

Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected by the Full Moon in Pisces are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces from 14-20 degrees. Birthdays are: June 4-10; September 6-12; December 6-12 and March 4-10. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus) in these degrees you may be affected also.Some tidbits for the Sun Signs: (If you know your rising sign read that also)

Aries- Move on/close the door on what you no longer needed. What can you do for others now? Goings on in work and health and maybe a pet come into focus.

Taurus- What aren’t you doing creatively? (Ok, I admit it) Embrace new friendships and keep walls down. A little romance mayo enter the picture.                  

Gemini- Reach out and connect. Create positive outcomes. Self-confidence is rising. Restore peace with family. Career and home interests pull on each other.

Cancer- Who is taking up your time and keeping you from what you need to do? You are rewarded if you do what is right for all. Travel may be in the mix

Leo – Some uncertainly about finances appears. Watch for fiscal confusion whichmay occur. Be brave and open door to better situation. Bring about changes too!

Virgo- Is there something uncertain or confusing in a relationship? Someone new may show up. Be focused. Avoid negative chatter so you do not get pulled in.

Libra-Perfect time to call on angels for instant manifestation! Some matters have to close. Lift confusion over health or money issues. Stay in the moment.

Scorpio – Are you a bit too serious? What would it take for you to be more committed, passionate and positive? Attitude shift needed! A new love feeling!

Sagittarius-Time to honor your feelings and be in your heart! What do you need to close?  Full Moon asks you to focus and slow down a bit. Upsets may occur.

Capricorn- Do you know that the impossible is actually possible? If there is something or someone new in your life has it put you in a fear place?

Aquarius-Total honesty Is needed here. How about baring your soul? Who are you really? Let others see the real you. Stay out of unusual behavior.

Pisces- Restore your faith in human nature. See the positives in a relationship. Focus on the positive and leave the rest behind. Connections do intensify.

May you be blessed at this Full Moon in Pisces! Thank you for reading and sharing I you will. Comments or questions are always welcome. It is a time of silence for many so that the truth can rise. Go with the flow of the Pisces moon energy and let go the past and dream. Until again! Love, Jan