Monthly Archives: March 2021

Full Moon in Libra, March 28, 2021 – Will the love flow or not?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I love stepping out of the chaos energy and just enjoying the silence of the moment. What is going on with you as the world turns darker and darker? I refuse to go to that place because life is too short to begin with. The light is flickering brightly for a good many of you out there; yet, those who are angry and fearful see no light. Spring has arrived and a new astrological year has begun as of the Equinox and it tells you to take whatever intentions you have for the next months and put them out there. You do not have to do it all at once. What do you wish to take forward? And another thing is to declutter whatever is still hanging on in your home, your garage, your bedroom and within yourself so that it is all cleared out for a fresh new year. If you get upset about what someone says or does and it really makes you crazy…it may be something to do with your own inner self and taking a look at what you need to change within.  There is much manipulation going on out there in the world from the last New Moon energy and it has been created to keep you hooked to other than the truth. It keeps you from awakening and being a spiritual individual who walks forward with joy, love, peace and harmony.

Are you a willing participant in the downward spiral of this country? Do you even recognize the show that has been produced and is now on the big screen in front of you? Nothing is as it seems. NOTHING! This country is being destroyed by those who choose to make more money, have more power and control. Is this what you wish to have happen to you? Many have seen this and are holding the ground for the right moment to take action. I ask you to give up the fear. If you cannot do this, then how will you respond to the control on all levels of your life? Do you think that this is what life is about? As I continue to say – much will be shocking down the road if you choose fear. Have you ever heard of self-mastery? You are in charge of your own life. That is what the God seed within you is about. It is time to wake up to what you dislike about yourself and walk through it. It amazes me that many years ago I was quite annoyed, angry and out of sorts at times. Years later I now laugh and sing and dance and I have been asked how I can be laughing when so many people are dying. So this is the only time others have died? You tell me. Do you know anything about the Rockefeller Agenda from a long time ago? How about the Nuremburg Code? Mega ship stuck in Suez Canal. It will take a couple of weeks to remove. Oh and by the way what happened to 15 days to slow the spread a year ago? And those masks that you love so well are making things worse.

And now the Full Moon in Libra is making an appearance on the grand stage in the sky on Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 2:48pm EDT; 11:48 pm PDT; and 6:48pm GMT in 08°18′. The Sun is opposite the Full Moon in the same degree in Aries. And those first decan Aries are a crazy, wild bunch. The Moon will also make a perfect grand trine to both Saturn and Mars, which can bring harmony and protection. The Full Moon is opposite Chiron in Aries and that says it bringing to mind mainly past things including relationships. Will you allow it to be pleasant memories or will you hang onto old hurts? This conjunction will help your healing process within or with another. This is a time to start anew with no baggage and even form new bonds. The Sun is conjunct almost exact to Venus and Chiron. This helps with love in your life. if you are looking for a partner it may be a good time to be open to it. This Full Moon is saying to you to go for it because it is a time of manifesting something that may be way better than you expect. No hesitation is needed. On the other hand since Chiron is about healing – any past love wounds may appear and you may have to address these first so healing can take place.  If you are fearful of commitment or of rejection it may be due to some karmic wound.  That could bring some emotional pain. Address and walk through it. Then you can begin again.  Is there something that makes you feel unloved? Sometimes Full Moon in Libra gets into this mode. And then you may lower your standards as to who you will date or with whom to get involved. This happens because it is opposite Venus in Aries now.  Full Moon is also trine Saturn which I mentioned earlier. You can resolve old issues that pop up and traditional values may be a help also. Libra loves the partnership but can go to the extreme of living through it. Aries loves the freedom and independence and may refuse to compromise and does not give in to the intimacy due to fear. Mending relationships is favorable.

Relationship differences may be exposed during this Full Moon. This is a good time to find some romance in your relationship or in some new connection. With Venus in good aspect to Saturn this will be favorable for the financial scene including investments.  Aries is governed by Mars which is now in Gemini during this time. Since it finds itself in conjunction to the North node, Mars in Gemini is encouraging us to find the facts, process information, and get the message out there.

And one more thing- Are you always concerned about what others have and are doing or are you taking care of you? This is a big question at the Full Moon in Libra. Why does it matter what others do or say? You can listen and be kind even if you disagree. Think about that. On another note some enlightenment to you regarding what you are doing or something you are feeling may show up and illuminates the path forward.

Those more intensely affected by this Full Moon in Libra are the following: 5-11degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in any of these degrees then you too may be affected a bit more. A few tidbits about the Sun signs/rising signs:

Aries – Open you heart to others at this time, Keep your cool with partner or companion.Are you fearful of being vulnerable? Free yourself already from the past.

Taurus – Others may be act unstable at this time. Balance work. Is your life working in your favor? You are definitely feeling introspective.

Gemini – Share your thoughts and inspirations. Who cares if anyone likes them? Be creative. What is keeping you from being your truth? Just asking!

Cancer – Domestic matters to the forefront. Somehow they are interconnected with work life. Is the past still influencing your beliefs? Some good professional things going on!

Leo – What kind of decisions are you pondering? Is there a new opportunity coming through? Has your communication changed?  Search for the truth.

Virgo – Your finances are affected by your mindset. Do not undermine your security. Where are the imbalances in your life? Too much giving and not allowing to receive?

Libra – What is it you need to change? Maybe you need some freedom and space right now. You may want to make yourself a priority at this time.

Scorpio – Looks like you need to recharge your batteries. Use imagination instead of worry. Yet, on some level you are looking for a connection.

Sagittarius – There is a world of possibilities that open. Socialize if it is on your goal list.Look closely at your projects, your inner stability and authenticity.

Capricorn – Sudden changes may bring a breakthrough. Set a good work pace/follow through. Keep the balance in your life especially professionally.

Aquarius – Your routine may be shaken up. Watch what you say to others. Work it out.You are looking for adventure.  Are you thinking of publishing something?

Pisces – Search for peace is on the docket. Stop fighting the flow for you may find a treasure. Something pivotal is coming financially or personally.  

Celebrate a relationship whether personal or business if you are on track and if not then reclaim the balance within so that you can then resolve what needs healing. Thank you for reading and commenting if you will. Share also the link to those who may not know about it. Keep your power instead of giving it away. It is time to enjoy the relationship as an authentic part of your life and also enjoy your independence. Blessings for a magnificent Full Moon in Libra! Until again. love, Jan

New Moon in Pisces, March 13, 2021- Let the love and compassion flow

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Did you take a leap today or are you still cowering in your home fearful? The fear-mongering has been going on for 1 year. Have you had enough yet? One day soon the truth will arise and you will be quite shocked. And it will be so interesting to see what the overall reaction will be when it does show up. This is a changing time in this world of ours and as the transformation continues one’s life will begin to shift if you allow it. Many at this time are mind-controlled. Well, show me something that you know that is actually true that is being shown to the world? if you truly pay attention to you and what is going within you – those around you will either be there or leave. Truth is not to everyone’s liking. How many times have you gotten attached to a past belief, someone else’s belief or just keep the negative going?

My goodness the world has changed immensely since my children were young and even more so since I was a child. Back in the day one can say anything about anyone and no one complained or jailed you for doing so. Fun was fun and it did not matter what you said or did not say and no one cared. Yet in today’s world if someone says I am white then the individual is totally diminished to a nothing being. The Coach of Creighton University men’s basketball team said in a tough loss speech to the team that they should stay focused on being on the plantation. Oh, guess what, suspension and more allegations possible. And he apologized. Guess he did not wish to take the A train out of town. Now the latest in this play is the fact that six books of Dr. Seuss are not being published for racist content. Amazing!  It sounds like Germany in the 1930s if you know your history. Derangement syndrome has arrived. Many I see out there are totally into controlling the thinking of others. And many of you agree with this? I missed the message somewhere. If you are unaware that what is going on is not in your best interest then I will move forward with joy and love. You can join me if you wish. Do you know why because fear and love do not mix and if you pick fear, love does disappear?  And the New moon is all about finding loving and spiritual gifts. Let your creativity flow with your dreaming about what you wish to begin at this time. Stop letting others disrupt this. Take charge and merge with the deeper energy.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 5:21am EST; 2:31am PST; and 10:21am GMT in 23°03′. The Sun in Pisces is at the exact degree. New moons are always good for having a fresh start or starting a new project. It is also a good time to look at your old beliefs or habits to recreate them in a different way. Both Sun and New Moon in Pisces are conjunct Venus and Neptune in Pisces. This Pisces New Moon on March 13th is telling you to honor your dreams. Have you taken a leap of faith lately? You know you can if you choose. This is a great time for you to make changes in your life. Pisces is all about dreams, meditation, sleep, taking time for fun, and even music and art. Tell me now will you leap or choose to be a martyr? This is the shadow side to the Pisces archetype- the victim-the martyr. It’s said the things that bother us most in others are the things we deny in ourselves. And while it makes one furious to entertain the notion, I suppose there must be some disowned little part that longs to sink to the fainting couch with the smelling salts and hear someone say, “There, there.” It is the part of everyone that overextends and then feels victimized when any contributions are overlooked or criticized.

New Moon conjunct Neptune conjures up images of nocturnal sea with a mist and inky black oceans. It is the mermaid, sliding in and out of the waves, impossible to catch. It’s hard to trust your eyes at this time. Neptune is musical, but Moon/Neptune plays a haunting, ethereal tune. Neptune conjunct Sun can bring out health problems in some of the collective due to lack of having your shield up from external penetration, psychically or physically. You can tend to be self-sacrificial. Neptune brings poetic imagination. Be careful of deception ad illusion at this time. On the bright side of this New Moon in Pisces, Venus and Neptune are exactly side by side and very close to the Sun and Moon during this new moon in Pisces. It’s a deliciously heart-warming combination. Since Venus is exalted in Pisces it is a time to create more love. And when I say more love, I don’t mean co-dependent love. I’m talking about ecstatic union with the divine. Also, open to feeling the spiritual warmth of empathy, and joy in your heart. With three planets still in Aquarius, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, during this new moon, there will be a push, though hopefully gentle, to bust out of the old and into the new. Let go of all the outer chatter in the world that mainly is based in fear and find your inner truth. Take this time to cultivate a deeper sense of self love so that you can be the light that’s shining out into the world. Your light is the transformative energy that is needed on the planet right now. Setting out to sail on the seas of new beginnings may be exactly what you need to do unless that March wind roars and you may have to pull back a bit for calmer waters. You will know how to move through it. 

This new moon will give you a gentle nudge to step into your power without overpowering others. Be strong but also vulnerable. Most people don’t see vulnerability as strength. You need to learn how to find strength in your vulnerability. Do you know how to do that? Some oils to use for better feeling and dreaming- sandalwood, eucalyptus, It is the perfect time to settle yourself into a relaxed state and just allow your intuition to roll out. New relationships come in for those who are out there; old ones leave when the energy is no longer good for growth

Sun/rising signs intensely affected are Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius degrees 20-26. If you have any personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Moon) at those degrees also are affected. Some tidbits for the Sun signs/rising signs:

ARIES – Time to let go of any anger, sadness. You need to balance what is out of line with your inner and outer worlds. This will help in work, service and health areas.

TAURUS- Gate to future opens. Why does it sound difficult? Get rid of hidden, fears and doubts. Friendships will deepen. You will look to bring service to humanity.     

GEMINI -Turn over a new leaf for new beginnings to arrive. Embrace them and walk forward. Do your own thing. Shifts come across your career house. Be realistic.

CANCER-You need to integrate all items. Clearing out cupboards or organizing at work. Health or daily routines are getting in way of possibilities. Be satisfied and efficient.         

LEO – Changes come and you need to be ready also for transformation. Are you too responsible? Try to relax a little or a block shows up. Stop the doing and just be for now.

VIRGO – Possible new beginnings in relationships.. Heal old wounds and be more assertive. You need to integrate you with home and loved ones. Is there someone new? 

LIBRA – Are you ready to start a new health regime? Is there a new job or environment in the picture? Think it and get it. Transform daily living. You need to rest and recoup. 

\SCORPIO – Let your intention be to create a more joyful life. What can you do to live more authentically? How about bringing more romance in your life? Be more creative.

SAGITTARIUS – What door are you closing on your home, family or past? You need to take charge and deal with what comes up. Positive opportunity comes.

CAPRICORN – Time to create unity in your head and heal whatever needs healing. Meditation will help if you choose this. You seem to know what need to change.

AQUARIUS – What is going on with money?  It is time to turn over a new leaf and bring on the new beginning. Patience needed. What is going on beneath the surface?

PISCES – Chapter ends and new start comes in. Align your intentions with the powerful energies. Write them down. Let go of suffering, Feel the joy and happiness.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful to those who follow Cosmic Leaping. The New Moon energy is here to help you find that inner wisdom and take it to others when it is the moment to do so. Stay positive and stop letting others interfere with your dream. The Wizards Within radio show on Facebook will resume on March 22, 2021. Many blessings and love, until again, Jan