Monthly Archives: February 2019

Supermoon/Full Moon in Virgo, February 19, 2019 – Go For It!!!!

full moon girl

Happy Full Moon to you, dear ones! This Full Moon is a Supermoon since it is closer to the Earth. It may be an intense experience upcoming in your life or will it be a bolt of lightning coming across your path to clear out the junk that has finally surfaced? I am sure many of you are still in the love energy from Valentine’s Day. And then again many of you may continue to be rattled by the ongoing hourly news of one sort or another. Remember if you truly are affected by what is coming at you from the news, it is a reflection of your own inner turmoil. Try not listening or watching for a week and maybe you will see the difference as to the negativity that is being propelled at you. Of course, I am only saying this because life is what you make it and if you choose the negative then that is where you will sit- deeply entrenched in the garbage.

There are so many dark things going on in this country and in other places around the world. If life continues the way it is with the negative outpouring then you may as well be ready to fight a revolution. And it won’t be pretty. So let’s stay positive in your approach to what is going on and see the truth instead of being pulled into the deception. I was not surprised with the admittance of the media regarding the false attack set-up on the prominent Hollywood actor. He hired those thugs to assault him. Wow. Life sure is getting stranger by the minute. And the weather just keeps on creating storms and cold temps more than ever. Oh, for those President Trump haters and those Nancy Pelosi lovers…there is a strong connection between those two astrologically and it is mostly favorable. She is in his life to push him forward according to their synastry chart. Her Mars is on his Midheaven (career-public) and this says she gets him to bring out his A- game according to Donna Cunningham. Nancy Pelosi has her Mercury  square Mr. Trump’s Uranus which brings different ideas and irritation. And President Trump has his Ascendant conjunct the Star Regulus and his Mars. Says exactly what is going on in his life. Regulus is the Star of kings, athletes, astrologers, royalty, and presidents. It gives courage and open-mindedness. He may tend to be a bit combative in the next 2 weeks. By the way, I still haven’t seen a current picture of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The picture which news posted was from November. So, it is not what it seems. Do the search. Try another browser than the typical one to look it up or you will find nothing.

The Moon is opposite the Sun at the time of the Full Moon. It is time to fine-tune any projects that you began at the last New Moon on February 4, 2019. This Full Moon energy lasts until the March 6th New Moon. Take those goals to a new level at this time.

The Full Moon in Virgo arrives on February 19, 2019 at 10:53am EST; 7:53am PST; and 3:53pm GMT in 00 degrees 42’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Pisces. The main planets which are in aspect are Mars in Taurus 3 degrees 31’ conjunct Uranus in Aries 29 degrees 24’.  They are trine (favorable) to the Full Moon. Be patient and determined with Mars in good aspect and let the actions flow even if they may be a bit slower. It may be perfect to take a risk; go for it. Trust your gut. This aspect gives you the energy to follow your passion and do what most brings you joy. No sitting around waiting for something to come to you; now is the time to take the leap already even if slowly. Looking for a new romance or an intensely passionate renewal to your current relationship, then this is the time for you to open your heart and let the love and passion reign supreme. It is a good time to take care of details since Virgo does like looking at those things. Take a moment in the next two days and get rid of items that no longer pertinent in your life. Declutter if you can.

Mercury in Pisces conjoins Neptune in Pisces which brings about dreamy type of feeling. It also can indicate that something is unclear in the details or perhaps there is something being unsaid which makes a big difference. Mercury is the ruler of this Full Moon in Virgo and Neptune is the ruler of the Sun in Pisces which is opposite the Full Moon. Not everything is set in stone so know that the final results are still in the workings and may take some more time since Mercury goes retrograde on March 6 and will be transiting over this point twice again. Another alignment is Venus conjunct Saturn in Capricorn sextile Mercury and Neptune in Pisces. Saturn in Capricorn is about long-term planning and moving forward in a structured way. It is conjoining the star Vega which is a bit magical. It helps to walk through anything that is keeping you stuck. Chrysolite is a good stone for keeping fears away and helps you walk forward. Get your life trimmed down if you have too many things going on. This is important for many of you. If you choose to stuff more things on your plate there will be a wake-up call. So please take a breath, clear out what is no longer part of the picture and organize.

Regulus, the Fixed Star of Royals (Heart of the Lion) conjunct the Full Moon at this time brings a bit of freedom to women since it is in Virgo. Regulus is about courage and success. There may be a gain by speculation. Occult interests may be present and powerful friends are in the mix. Watch for enemies in the background. There may be those who are jealous and envious of what you do or accomplish. False friends may appear. Not a good time to trust everyone. Powerful individuals may show up in your life to help you in the most desirable way. There may be a sacrifice involved with this influence of Regulus and the Full Moon in Virgo. Find that bliss and trust how it can change something for the better. The New Moon in Virgo of six months ago is coming to completion and now is the time to help others in your family and community to strengthen any bonds with them.

Remember this- no matter what occurs in the first few days/week that may throw you off a bit, there is such grand energy coming in to show you the way into a brighter time. I took a look at the Pages of Shustah cards (if you ever wish to have a reading…comment on the site and I will get back to you). The cards revealed that there is an uncontrolled force in the background which tells you to be mentally alert and stay on track. This is about being good to you and being in harmony. Just remember the world does not revolve around you – asks will you be arrogant and self-centered or self-less? You choose. It can stir up the world more than ever if you are influenced by the Full Moon. Keep in mind that once you put your idea into motion after clearing away some of the junk, the results will show up in perfect timing. Keep the faith.

Those who are more intensely affected by the Full Moon in Virgo influence are: Late Taurus 27 degrees to Gemini 2degrees; late Leo 27degrees to Virgo 2degrees; late Scorpio 27degrees to Sagittarius 2 degrees; and late Aquarius 27degrees to Pisces 2degrees. If you have any personal planets other than the Sun (Mars, Mercury, Venus, Moon) you will also be affected.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for you and what you do. I would love to hear any insights you have when you read this post. Stay in the moment since this is a more intense Supermoon and will have greater influence on parts of your life. My statement right now is for you to clear out the junk and get your dream out there even if it is minuscule to begin. Be patient. Many blessings and love, Until again, Jan













Happy Valentine’s Day 2019/ Venus-What’s love got to do with it?

valentine day image

Happy Valentine’s Day! How deep is the love within your heart? Love comes around to most of you at some time in your life. Do you go with the feeling or do you fear it? Some of you dislike yourselves so much that when you think you love you create dissension between you and your partner because you are fearful of commitment or expressing your truth to another. Many say hate is the opposite of love. Nope, Fear is. And once that fear is conquered the love you hide so deeply within can emerge and light up your life.

As this Valentine’s Day comes in the news continues to spew hatred and discontent. How many of you are caught in this energy that destroys your own ability to love unless you jump off the bandwagon. Do you really think that what you feel is love by hating anything? What throws your fear into high gear when you do not get your way? The hate covers up the fear and therefore how does love even play into your life? If someone else loves you fear it and then the hatred shows up. Oh my, a cycle of craziness. Would it not be a grand thing to look within and see what it is that this hate is about? And on a deeper level you are afraid to love and this is about being free within.

I look out there and see so many stating men are at fault. Well, sweet pea if you don’t have men you would not be here. Oh, I know eventually many of you will support the total in the lab creation of humans so men and women have no contact. Yet you go out and celebrate Valentine’s Day pretending to love someone. I feel in this year of 2019 that many have a dislike to loving at all. Is that you? Why would it even matter to me? Because without love what is there?

Through many years I have witnessed this craziness. You dislike this, you dislike that. Why? How do you feel when you feel no love? Do you even know what it feels like to love? When you have gone within and felt the deep pull of you heart and shared it with others that may be love. Or it may be a deep knowing that you are in balance that the world around sings to you. What caused this lack of self-esteem that you have created? And how does love feel to you? I would like to hear from you in the comments or a private message. Thanks.

Venus has much to do with how you love and what attracts you. That is just a start to the love cycle in your chart and when you compare it to another. When I was in college I came home for the weekend not too long before I would graduate and my mother said I need to understand other people. And I looked at her – huh? She went into a deep explanation about to get along in life one must be able to read others so that one can get along and learn to love each other. Ok, Mom, I know you are psychic and I know you do this. No, Janice, you need to read this basic astrology book and understand. Oi vey! So I did eventually and then after I was married she gave me another one that she underlined and added names. EEK! Yep, and it all started way back when and I just cannot get away from it. She saw something I did not at that time. So, as I got married and had children I read and studied and read and studied and in-between all else I read and studied. And to this day I want to throw it away, yet I still do the same. And love showed up once I began to understand myself and others. You do not need to know astrology to love but in my life that helped me get to the fear within so I could attract the love to me.

Looking around the Net I see many ways to check for compatibility between you and your newly found attraction. How does your Venus and Mars stack up with his or hers? Well, that is ok on some level yet I feel that one has to have more than compatibility. What are the Sun signs involved. Very basic it is. Ok, it is a place to start but do you really think that if you base your love life on just the Sun signs that you will find the love of your life? No. In my case when I first met my late husband I knew he and I had some good aspects but his Sun was incompatible with mine and I guess I could have just walked away. I got to know him and saw that we had many things in common including an independent outlook which was a really strong basis for our partnership. Our commitment to each other was real. At times the intense part of the connection became a heated discussion yet the interconnectedness of the energy kept us going. There was a spark that came out when all else disappeared and kept the light glowing. We had to learn and grow and I loved the challenge and he hid from it. That was the issue. Fear on his part at times. I energized him and he supported my endeavors. Love was the commitment to follow through no matter what went on. And our love of humor held the bond intact.

So, what does love have to do with it for you or me or anyone else? Astrology has many ways of telling you what can occur in a relationship. Some believe it, some do not. That is ok. I find that at times I just go with my gut about what is going on in a relationship and by doing so when I look at the chart it supports my feelings. It is not just about the planets that I take into consideration regarding a relationship. There are lots of asteroids, fixed stars and the like which have an effect. Would I follow the general compatibility interpretation? Not really. If that was the case I would never have married my husband since there were a few difficult aspects that stood out. And our basic sun signs were supposedly incompatible along with a volatile aspect between Mars and Pluto.  Astrology to me in my heart and mind gives me clues as to what I do have to work on together and how well I interact on many different levels with a partner. Venus, as I said is a main player, and will give you some kind of basis for how you approach love. Look up your Venus and see what it says about how you love and how your interest loves. If you do not know, then ask me in the comments and I will let you know. Venus is currently in Capricorn. Here are just a few fun tidbits about Venus in the signs:

Venus in Aries – They look for trouble in love. They love to be worshipped. Competitive they are. They love to have their faces touched.  They can be aggressive and want to be number 1.

Venus in Taurus – They are collectors. They love the good life. They love to cuddle more than most. Love pleasure and good food. And they probably marry for security. Dynamic music!

Venus in Gemini – They need good talk then they are hooked. Love to kiss. They like refinement. Can be jealous – more often than not. Likes variety. They like changes in relating.

Venus in Cancer – They so love care and feeding. Dislike ridicule. They love to get regular cards and E cards. Terrified of rejection. Love mementos. Way to heart is through the stomach.

Venus in Leo – Get their attention by laughing at their jokes. Praise is important. Love backrubs. Love lively companions and good cuisine. Act like a millionaire or rock star to get them looking.

Venus in Virgo – You know they love you if they pick on you. They like the together look. Men like the models; women like the workaholics. They want to do it all for you. Love serving you.

Venus in Libra – They love to spoil you. Will do just about anything for you. Forget taking out the trash. Love to do everything together. Easy life they want. Do they love you or trendy friends?

Venus in Scorpio- They dislike aloneness. They love depth and craziness. Love mysteries and secrets. Loyalty is important to them. And do not snoop around in their stuff. Detached at times!

Venus in Sagittarius – Love and romance are a game to them. Adventure calls. You never know what they will do. Magical!. Blurting out the truth. Have a strong code of honor. Love changes.

Venus in Capricorn- If you can act like a chambermaid or a polished executive that is good. Can be mercenary. They are a bit frosty. Love lots of kisses but no one else knows that. Likes to be useful.

Venus in Aquarius- Seems to have to try harder than others. Could be a cold fish. Faithful from habit not heart. Some do not like the romance thing. They show their love in funny ways.

Venus in Pisces – Tell them you love them and do not forget. They see God in you. The best place for Venus. They sacrifice for you. Keep to the ideals and they stay forever. Do not-bye.

How appropriate- As I am writing this post a ladybug landed on my upper back. It tells me to live life fully in the now. We must let go of our fears and go back to our roots, to love. Trust in the universe and have faith so that we get over ourselves, our egos, and allow life to take its course going with the flow. Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing. Keep love in your heart. Wizards Within back on air February 20 2019. Blessings, Until again, Love, Jan



New Moon in Aquarius, February 4, 2019- Begin anew in unique ways

aquarius new moon

Hello dear ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. February is here and will get much better as it rolls on so keep your positive energy up even though January may have been a jumble of nerves. Are you ready to make your dream a reality? The energy from the eclipses continues on. Are you being pulled into the madness of the world around you? I hope you are not letting others affect you and your choices. This is a prime time to find that uniqueness and bring it forth. “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. (Gospel of St. Thomas)” So search for it and let it surround you with the goodness that you deserve.

When was the last time you, my dear ones, looked within to find the answers? Seriously, I am asking you this so you get out of the trap that you have created for yourself. This is about you not anyone else. It is not about the President of the United States; it is not about the weather; it is not about those who demand it their way; it is not about Big Pharm and all the pills you take; it is not about who will win the Super Bowl; it is about you. What you see around you is within you and you are projecting this out there. Oh yes, you are. So what you think is what you get. Period! Thinking logically has gone by the wayside. No one learns it in school unless it is beyond the normal curriculum. If you wish to thrive then why do you continue to stop the ability to do so? How many of you believe everything that is put right there in front of you? I am guessing about 90%. When was the last time you investigated on your own as to what is actually happening in your world? I would say not. And I think that is because you stopped thinking about anything and just accept life as it is thrown at you. You may dislike what I say…that is your choice. And on another note- remember that hatred for someone just indicates that you hate yourself. Show me how that would not be so. And much that is going on is indicated in the US astrological chart and in many of those who are involved with creating this craziness that is going on right now. What does your chart say? One day I will write and share why I got into astrology and how it has affected me and my life. Many I know just look at me with blank stares when I share the truth. Oh well, I move on.

Newsworthy items- The Kool Aid is getting stronger. Maybe I am just having racing thoughts since Mercury was exactly conjunct Sun as I began to write this post. In case you are interested President Trump reopened the government so that those who had no paycheck would be able to get paid. If you think this is a concession…think again. This polar vortex extravaganza is not what it seems. It is still the geoengineering that the MSM refuses to talk about because it would stymie what is to come. So, believe it or not…this winter weather is manufactured through those who wish to distract you. Maybe you will also believe that 5G is good to have next to you. Keep up the conditioning and let me know how you feel in a year or two after you use it constantly. Moving on to the New Moon now!

New Moon in Aquarius arrives on Monday, February 4, 2019 at 4:04pm EST; 1:04pm PST; and 9:04 GMT. It is at 15 degrees 45’ and the Sun is in the exact degree in Aquarius also. The Sun, Moon and Mercury sextiles Jupiter and it brings good luck, great news, happy times, and a sense of optimism. New Moon in Aquarius says you need to find the inner uniqueness that is present and bring it to the world. New beginnings of course are on the table provided that you cleared some junk from the past full moon. Stay in the moment and take a breath as you go through the next couple of weeks. This is a time of goodwill and kindness. If you have a dream, then now is the time to get it going and let it come true. What do you choose to do? What are you waiting for? The New Moon in Aquarius is creative in a sense. It is about getting together with a group and creating new ideas for the betterment of all those living in the world. It is forward looking and that indicates to you that it is time to initiate something that may take you beyond the norm and help others. This energy lasts until the next new moon in early March. This new moon is saying to you join together with others to build something. There are many needed to do so when you have a project that takes on many aspects of creating. What do you hope to begin anew in a project? How can you include others in the development from the ground up?

This New Moon will help you transform spiritually. Will you allow it to do so? It is between Mr. Reality Saturn in Capricorn and Mr. Transcendent Neptune in Pisces. You want something big to happen…then dream on dear ones. It is a magical time with some Jupiter in Sagittarius in the mix too which brings some silver linings to things were not apparent. The true intentions come to the fore of those around you. Will the New Moon in Aquarius show up as a new innovation or some hot-headed crazy individual? You pick it. Since Uranus rules Aquarius it is all about the unusual and off-beat tendencies.

I love the Aquarian approach to life since it is on my Midheaven (top of chart-most public point) and on cusp of my 10th house of career and public recognition. And since Uranus is on my Ascendant (rising sign) it is a trine and says I celebrate originality and change. And that is so the truth. So, now with the New Moon in my ninth house it is about being drawn to the unknown and travel. Perhaps I will have to look at things with a new perspective. Oh, goody.

Mars in Aries is exactly conjunct Eris, the discord asteroid. So, irritations, frustrations and all that kind of junk may come screaming at you. (Obviously, it has hit home right now for me. Have to just stop the annoyance.) Too many things you have put up with now may spark something within and you say stop it already or just move on. There are changes coming and/or endings may appear soon. Venus moves into Capricorn on February 3rd which is very beneficial for business dealings. Since Venus also rules love it is a good month to take responsibility for your role In a relationship. Bring some balance into the connection.

It has an intense effect upon Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. It has a positive effect for Aquarius, Pisces, and Capricorn persons, and also for Gemini and Libra persons, which are born in the second decan, as well as for those having personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury) or their Ascendant (Rising Sign) near the 12° – 17° degrees of the Signs mentioned. Some tidbits for the signs:

Aries – Long range goals in focus. Be a joiner and make connections close by or through travel.

Taurus-Some insights from someone younger. New professional developments may show up.

Gemini -Emphasis on travel, those at a distance and education. Your life purpose may show up.

Cancer-Investing wisely may be good at this time. Look at finances. Transform something.

Leo- You may be lucky in love. Someone vulnerable may come to you for help. Biz, partner?

Virgo-Emphasis on your service; maybe a reward comes for it. Keep on the wellness track.

Libra – Try something in the creative vein now. Lovers, children and entertainment are present.

Scorpio- Family and home are emphasized. Unity in this area comes about and new beginnings.

Sagittarius- Good communication comes to take you out of the doldrums. Good feedback.

Capricorn- Look for the rewards- they show up after you plant seeds for further money growth.

Aquarius – It’s time to release the past and plant new seeds for further growth. Stop being edgy!
Pisces- Are you looking to hide somewhere? Secret messages come that bring fruit to the table.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful to you who take the time to read my posts. If you disagree that is perfectly fine because I write this blog to energize your thinking and hope that you do go beyond what everyone out there tells you. Do the research and find the truth for yourself. This new moon in Aquarius invites you to begin anew in a different way that does bring you joyous feelings and big dreams. Many blessings and be safe in the extreme weather that is encapsulating the world. Until again, Love, Jan