Monthly Archives: January 2012

AQUARIAN NEW MOON, January 23, 2012 -New Perspectives

Sorry this is posted later than I intended. Got caught up in the story of Penn State Coach Joe Paterno’s death.  (This is totally off topic for a moment) He was always a favorite of mine for a very long time and by waiting to write this I let the tone of my writing calm down and just choose to pray for his peace and the family’s healing through all that happened in the last few months.  He was a man of character and integrity and I do hope that the truth comes out regarding his monsterdom according to the media due to his lack of effort to report something that was passed down the lane to him (child abuse issue that was done by a former coach).Perhaps the Board of Trustees should all be fired also since they basically took part in his demise. (My perspective only) If you know the truth, then I welcome your input; if not, then nothing more to say.  I am just tired of the media putting the blame on him. No one talks about the truth anymore. He deserves peace. Let him be and those who are badmouthing him should walk their talk which has much to do with what is going on this New Moon.  Now onto the New Moon in Aquarius which takes place at 2:39am EST on January 23, 2012 (not too long from now) at 2deg 42min.

This New Moon in Aquarius is about uniqueness, originality. Can you go beyond your comfort zone and take a risk or choose to see something with a new perspective? Is there an idea that sits within you that would make a difference for humanity? Are you willing to manifest that for everyone instead of just you? This is an idealistic yet practical time due to the Jupiter square to the New Moon. And for it to work out you need to stay harmonious. Can you do that?  With the Jupiter square the New Moon can bring you to overreact to whatever is presented. It is a time when you find yourself between two situations and you may choose to take a risk. This Aquarian New Moon is about walking your talk or you may get caught in some muck.

As the New Moon shows up in the early morning hours on the East Coast, the Chinese New Year begins not too long after. It is the year of the Water Dragon. Good year for love and marriage if you are so inclined. Also for some of you it may be a time of leaving the past behind and moving into the place that you have always known to be true.

This New Moon is also about freedom. What does that word mean to you? Do you actually feel free in your life situation or are you pretending that freedom exists? Think about the truth of that question. Everyone intends freedom within yet many choose to be caught in a web of uncertainty due to a need for security. Does security ever really exist in anything? It can be all wiped away in an instant. Why not choose the free thinking that this New Moon energizes within. Look at the real you and find that freedom to initiate a new look on your life and that will help others to see your integrity (walking your talk) and they will walk their talk too! This time of the New Moon is also about goals and what your true intentions are going to be. Do you have goals for the new year because this is a perfect time to take a look at them and reset them if need be.

Hours after the Aquarian New Moon appears Marx goes retrograde. Oh great! Just as you are ready to take a leap, it slows you down. If you have had plans in motion for a long time, then I say do it. Take the risk and leap. If it a new idea, a new venture or any other thing, then stop and think about it because a rebalancing may be needed. It is a time for healing, working around the house and plain old fashioned clearing out. Isn’t that what it seems you are doing much of lately? Well, here we go again. Letting go  and clearing out all the junk that still hangs around would certainly bring you a feeling of more freedom. This Mars is in Virgo when it goes retrograde may be truly a time of rebalancing karmic energies. Are you ready to take advantage of the time to regroup? Then that leap down the road will become so much easier. Around April 13 it goes direct and things begin to really take off. It is sooner than you realize.

In my own chart the New Moon is trine (good energy) to my North Node in Gemini. It is a terrific time for some forward motion in self-awareness and finding some more insights on my true direction in life. It also squares my Chiron and my Saturn, ouch. Some karmic wounds resurface to be healed. Hey, that’s ok with me. I am ready since Jupiter is in on the Grand Square. It will give me an opportunity to heal and then make a big jump in certain areas of my life.

So, dear ones, use the Aquarian New Moon energy to help see things in a new way. Not too big a leap yet although some of you may just do it anyway. Look at how freedom exists in your life. Also, take that idea to the next level to help humanity or your neighbor or some other group member. Sharing works. May you have many blessings and thank you for your support. I am most grateful. Until again. Love, Jan

Manifest Your Dreams with Love Energy in 2012

Well, it’s 2012 and here we go again. Warmongers are set to blow the world up, the doomsday people are ready for the gloom that they want to manifest, and the Earth is crying her eyes out. We need to help the Earth heal and stop this craziness before it takes us away into oblivion that many are trying to bring about. There was a video I saw recently about that which said in order for the Earth to shift into a higher place of consciousness and heal it needs you and me to help it. What can we do? If you are reading this blog you probably feel the same way I do. Let’s awaken those who continue to sleep in their cozy existences. There are many who will choose to abandon the highest ways as they continue on their paths to doom. Yet, you and I are looking to rise up to higher consciousness and awaken others. How can we do this?  Affirm that “I am willing to shift with my beloved Mother Earth.” It is recommended to say 3-4 times per day.

 So much is going on around me and my favorite topic, the energy of LOVE and how it can help you get through the year. It is interesting how different I feel in this year of 2012. It is like something shifted immensely and here I am still going ahead, feeling better than I did just a few weeks ago. Did any of you feel some shifting within, or around you? This past weekend there was a Venus/Neptune aspect which was truly romantic. How many of you experienced a breakthrough lovewise?  It was almost ethereal. And Venus now has come upon Chiron in Pisces in the last day or so which could bring about major relationship healing. On the other hand Chiron can manifest from a negative place and be truly insensitive because of its woundedness. Chiron is the wounded healer. So, did you come from the higher place or did you unconsciously hurt someone? It is a beautiful aspect if you stay on the higher ground and the deepest healing in a relationship can take place. Have any of you experienced this in the last day or so? Still is possible in the coming week. Look for it. Come from the deepest love and heal your relationship if needed.

 Have you ever noticed how love motivates you? When you have a loving interaction and are involved with that special someone, don’t you feel uplifted? Inspired? I know that being in a loving relationship has always inspired me to go beyond the ordinary, silently telling me that I could conquer the world. Do women do this? Well, you know what I mean. The feelings that surface are joyful and can be magnificent if you are coming from that positive side of yourself. Have you noticed that love makes your mind clearer? When you truly love someone you stop feeling sorry for yourself. You love yourself even more unless, of course, you never did and that is what brings about any difficulties that may arise, lack of self-love. Love attracts love. So, if you have buried love so deeply because you fear loving, then do you really think you will find it manifesting in your life? Love is God.

 If you find yourself acting out, do you think that it is a reflection of the partner’s feelings which may be coming from the unconscious? Does he/she recognize that? Or is it taken as a negative against them? Since we do tend to be mirrors for other,, that is possible. Sometimes there may be a past life issue, many in fact, which will trigger something within you or your partner and will start to be a burden on the relationship due to unsolved issues which haven’t been recognized. Or there may be a previous relationship which is now being played out with you because your partner didn’t resolve it with the other partner. Or you may be doing that also. Complex…not! Just layers of an onion which have to be peeled back to see what is truly happening and let go once it surfaces.

 My suggestion to start the New Year in love is to forgive, have compassion and understanding, Love in your life manifests many things positive. It is a deep spring which flows from the Divine within and without. You are created to be love. Do you run from it because it scares you? Take love out of your life. What do you think will happen? That’s like taking the Divine from your life. With the Venus/Chiron aspect it is telling you to open to that healing within. If you do that then you can manifest it in your relationship. Let love energize you. Stop pushing it away and staying stuck in the muck of your own junk. There are really sweet things going on so please take advantage of any opportunities that may show up the end of the week Venus/Pluto can bring pleasure and boundless healing for those who are open to it. Keep that smile intact and as John Michael Montgomery says in a song,

“…If you’ve got love you can move a mountain
A little bit further down the line
You can do it all at once or one rock at a time
You can turn an ordinary picture into a priceless work of art
It’s what you can do if you’ve got love in your heart…”

 What a fantastic time to be alive. Love will help you take a leap further than before. Love is all there is, dear ones. Let it be manifest in your life this year in a magnificent way. May you be blessed until again. The Full Moon shows up on the weekend. Pay attention and thanks for reading.  Love, Jan




CANCER FULL MOON January 9, 2012 – Water Water Everywhere… Nurture Yourself

“Water water everywhere….” That’s the FULL MOON in Cancer at 18 degrees on January 9, 2012 at 2:30am EST. Just a couple of hours from when I am writing this, it is coming to be FULL. Are you ready to nurture yourself rather than going fully after that business deal? You have to understand how important it is to be in balance at this time. Capricorn Sun is about ambition and being out there holding down that business  and expanding your career. The Cancer Moon is about you, nurturing yourself and really taking care of you. The Cancer FULL MOON is about emotional needs. Since Cancer is a water sign, remember how water finds its way through and around  anything. So, do you think you need to keep resisting or will you flow with the stream? Water has no resistance. Do you? If water hits a wall, does it stop? No it finds a different way. How about finding a new way through anything that pops up?

At a short while before the Full Moon, Mercury enters Capricorn and will be aspecting Uranus in Aries. Oh dear me. It makes for some lively discussions or plain and fancy fighting amongst your nearest and dearest. Well, that doesn’t have to happen if you put on your thinking cap before you say anything. Watch those words in the next few days. And do think before you head into that big talk. Otherwise, who knows what will be flying through the air. On the other hand, please be open and honest. And since Uranus and Pluto are still in aspect, unexpected is still in the mix. Are you up for taking a risk? You know it really isn’t one since you may have been planning something for a while now. Take a deep breath and just do it.

Take a look at what you intended back on December 24th when the New Moon took place. That was a good starting point for the New Year of 2012. I hope you aren’t cowering in the corner waiting for the world to end. You are? You still have time to hop on the bandwagon for a new start. What are you waiting for? Many of you have seen a shift in situations in your life. Some have let go completely, others are walking through the fire with others. And some of you have no idea that the high speed train is starting up.

As the Full Moon is enhancing your nurturing, Mars is in good aspect to the Full Moon which is a good thing. It will help you keep things moving and also someone may come into your life to give you some help. Any of you who have planets at 16-22 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) will be affected more intensely. I have my Moon in Capricorn within a degree or less of the opposing Full Moon. So it looks like I have to take a look at what my true values are and what I need to make me feel secure. Intimacy and control issues may come to the fore with others. <sigh> And there is a square to my Mars. Oh great, let me hide away, so I don’t say anything I wish I didn’t.

All of you especially Cancer types will need to be especially careful of your feeling very vulnerable. Step back and treat yourself with kindness. You are being pulled by very deep emotions which are surfacing. If you need help, ask for it but watch for those darn strings that may come along with it. This is a time to ask yourself what you choose to see in yourself and those around you. It is a time of intention. How many are feeling really sensitive and if you are frustrated in a relationship, take a closer look. Are you preventing it from blossoming? Are you taking everything personally? What adjustments have to be made? Reach out and figure out how to become closer.

 This is a time that may stir up deep level emotions and for once you can resolve any issues in relationships. Fantastic. It is time to give up that fear. Oh, here I go again with fear talk. Seriously, give it up. What does it do for you? We all have it yet many have decided to give it up and walk into a more loving place of sharing and loving. Go within and take a look before it grabs hold of you one day and makes you dig within. With that fear hanging around, there is no way love can enter your life. Some of you will say, not true. Ok, it matters not. Fear is a major problem and the more you let it rule your life, the harder it becomes to have the joy and love you deserve. Or don’t you feel you deserve it and hang on to that negative feeling? I just have had enough talking about fear. Maybe we need a Fear 101 class. Just address it already. What a relief it will be!

Well, it’s been a hectic couple of weeks and I am grateful for all of you staying on track. And if you have been detoured, have you recognized it? I don’t know where 2012 is going to take us all. I do know one thing that the world is going to be here for next year. Right now let me tell you what the Shustah cards said about this FULL MOON in Cancer. Whatever is hidden (Scorpio) will bring about a shift in circumstances to be ready for transmuting. You ponder it.

My mind is a blank so I am going to bid adieu for now. There is information in my about page regarding modalities that I do and if you ever need to talk about anything just leave a comment and I will be back to you privately. I do have intuitive counseling sessions (phone or email). Thank you for all your support. I am grateful for those who read this blog. Sending blessings for wonderful times. Until again, Love, Jan

Round and Round You Go Where You Stop is Up to You- Welcome to 2012

What a year! Wow! Happy New Year to you! So, here we are 3 days into 2012 and something feels different. Have you noticed anything in the past few days? Have any of you felt stopped on the tracks the last few months, maybe the whole year? According to Kryon, we are still moving ahead in the NOW and may not feel the energy in the perspective of the old paradigm. I have felt stopped for a few months now and then when I thought about how the energy is changing, I realized that there has been movement forward yet my perspective is still catching up.  2011 was a year of ups and downs for many of you, including me. Not sure where everyone is heading but I do know that life is quickly shifting to a higher wave of energy. And once your energy begins to speed up even more, start noticing how others around you who may be lagging behind or no longer are part of your life, just fade away. This is the focus of 2012. Please hop off the doomsday bandwagon, because if you intend good times and bringing in a Higher Consciousness, then what do you think will happen? Do you really feel that the earth is going to be blown to pieces? That is what the mainstream media is portraying and so many are on that gloom and doom merry-go-round. Why not stop that circus now? They are conditioning you to think that way if you have even given it one second of thought. Why would our Divine Creator choose to destroy the planet? It is most likely the end of the linear timeframe as we have been taught.

What can you do to celebrate this awesome energy that is becoming so regenerating? Have you felt it fully? Are you hiding in a closet? Not paying attention? Well, why haven’t you allowed it to come into your life? It is here, you know. How can you think about moving forward in big leaps, in fact, in a cosmic leap if you refuse to pay attention? Some of you will be able to leap forward, hop that train and start moving forward sooner than later. Others may still have to clear out some residue from the past and it may be a bit slower. And there are those of you who have done nothing with intention and keep grazing in the grass. Are you waiting for the bull to come along and gives you a shove?  Uh oh! There are many who have had false starts in the past couple of years. It is time to regroup and clear and go on. Some will reconnect, others will meet anew. There are those of you who are moving to new destinations and then others who will stay in the same place major surprises may come out of the blue.

You need to let the past go? Goodness, it sounds like nagging, doesn’t it? That would be the ultimate thing to do. Release and clear out all those fears…yes, you have fears. Dear ones, look around, do you really have anything to fear? I can tell in your voices, that some fears are still present. You need the past, you say. Of course you do. Memories are wonderful. You have learned so many wonderful things in the past. Take what you need and move forward to what is truly on your path. As the energy speeds up those who are attuned to this energy will find that things you did 20 years ago have little interest unless it is part of your path. And people who have been in your life, for all that time, have been there for a reason. If they no longer enhance your joy, then why hold on? Are you hanging onto a memory or the actual person or thing? Why? Does the person or thing still serve a purpose, enhance your creativity, and make you laugh? Have you closed the door on your present so you can hide in the past? That is fear dear ones. Plain, ordinary fear! What a wonderful feeling it is to release that part of your life that no longer excites you, supports you or nourishes your being. The quicker you release and clear out, the more space you have for your next adventure, the new you.

 Keep the negativity at bay. I am finding that the clearer I become, the more exciting my life is. It sparkles with joy.  Are you willing to allow you to become who you are meant to be? Are you willing to be your authentic self? Think about how your life can be IF you allow the goodness to be present within. Dear ones, keep those worries out of your life. Let no one pull you into that place anymore.

 I am going to share some info with you. No fear please, but it does make me furious and if it doesn’t make you furious, maybe you are dead? Just an FYI. While all of you were either partying or just relaxing with family and friends, there was a loss. Read what Mike Adams has to say about what happened on the 31st of December 2011. “…Derived from sacred principles of natural law, the Bill of Rights has come to a sudden and catastrophic end with the President’s signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a law that grants the U.S. military the “legal” right to conduct secret kidnappings of U.S. citizens, followed by indefinite detention, interrogation, torture and even murder…” read more at

 The Bison card is what I drew from Animal Powers Meditations as the New Year begins. The Bison represents prosperity. Perfect. “Bison, spirit, I am calling you. I am grateful for your gifts,   Of abundance and endurance, Come to me now and give me grounding. I need your knowledge to help me survive, to slow down, be patient and move  forward. Having faith that all I need will be provided.”Think about what Bison says and I know that the good things of life will come to you if you open your hearts to them. Patience is the keyword at this time. Set your goals and intentions for the year and open to allowing them to come to you. May you all be blessed with the new energy of Higher Consciousness and may you find your truth this year. The path is getting more narrow.

Will you endure? Ready for leaping? Thank you for all you do and all you are. Have a wonderful week and until again. Love, Jan