Monthly Archives: January 2019

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo, January 21, 2019 – Stay in your power if the unexpected shows up

full moon wolf 2019Pree

Welcome Dear Ones to Cosmic Leaping. The ride is now getting more intense as the supercharged Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is about to ascend upon you. Since there was just a Solar Eclipse on January 5, 2019 this is a time of finding out where you are in your life. This New Moon Solar Eclipse which just passed gave you an opportunity to begin to take charge of your life and the Lunar Eclipse will support this. Think back to what was going on last July/August 2018 when the previous two eclipses took place. This year of 2019 will be a time when you can take big leaps if you are ready. Many stumbled through last year and did little since there were so many retrograde planets. Now it is time to truly move forward. If you are unwilling to go with it then this lunar eclipse will throw you into a quandary.

On another note- So much has happened through the last two years and there is constant talk of Russian collusion. Well, guess what, it is far from truth. Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin have a composite chart (combining both natal charts) that was affected by last August’s Solar Eclipse since their composite Sun is in Leo 18 degrees. And then this upcoming Lunar Eclipse conjoins Jupiter. This indicates that prosperity and security are the main issues. Also with other influences occurring in his chart and country’s chart Mr. Trump has no intention of backing down. Not happening. A stronger economy comes about and this will increase his popularity. There are many out there who have not done the research to find the truth. Have you? I find it interesting that the dance of those so opposed to truth has reached a new height. And I am not talking about the WALL. Heaven help me if I bring that up to those who supported it back in the day of Clinton, Shumer in 2006, and Obama. It obviously does not fit the picture right now. And it is now immoral. The Kool-Aid must be spiked. Quote from a senior official in the Administration: “A referendum to end government plunder must happen. Wasteful government agencies are fighting for relevance but they will lose. Now is the time to deliver historic change by cutting them down forever.” And this massive winter storm that is set to blanket the country is nothing more than Chemtrails -manufactured weather. Clouds are not real ones. And it is not climate change. Would you like some more Kool-Aid?

The Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo (Wolf Moon) at 0 degrees 51’ arrives on January 21, 2019 at 12:15am EST; 5:15am GMT; and (January 20, 2019) 9:15pm PST. The Sun is at the exact degree in Aquarius. Emotions reach a peak during a Full Moon and more enhanced with the Lunar Eclipse. You are mainly in tune with your own intentions so anything that comes from others will be picked up immediately if it throws you out of balance. So what do you choose to throw away that has been in the mix for the last six months? Are you ready to clear out emotional baggage already? This effect combined with the previous Solar Eclipse on January 5 will take you to the July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in Leo. This Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo says much about intimate relationships, love and romance, family and home and creativity. Leo rules the Fifth House in astrology. It is about heart. What is in your heart? Do you follow your heart?  If you are looking for patience it may be difficult to find with Uranus in 28 degrees Aries is squaring (conflict) the Full Moon. This can also bring about the unexpected in so many ways. And you said you wish to relax, is that right? Well, sorry but that will take some doing on your part since something new is starting to emerge from the depths and that may make you start to anticipate what is coming. This aspect may create a bit of boredom and restlessness. Stay in your power and do not be pulled out of where you need to be. Whatever has been below the surface will come to light. Address it.

Watch your words and keep things a bit lighter than usual in your conversation. If something pops up that is not to your liking then let it slide. Many of you will not. If you are in the middle of a creative venture or on the other hand have no idea what you would like to create, well, something may just show up to turn this around. Endings can come or needs may be met more than ever. All depends on you. Mercury in Capricorn is square (conflict) Uranus in Aries and this can cause you to feel nervous. Watch for any misunderstandings in your communication in any form. It just is not a good time for getting things done the way you wish. The energy is intense and it makes you even more so. Mercury also is opposite the Full Moon so that too has much to do with communicating. Watch your friends and coworkers don’t start making trouble if they are envious. Double-check travel plans and meet-ups with others so you stay on track.

Full Moon is also conjunct (within 4 degrees) the North Node in Cancer saying to you that new beginnings are truly possible if you open to them. They may come in from a new direction then what you expected. Or it can just indicate you have new emotions and feelings that pop up and you have a new attitude. Children may get a bit rebellious. Nurturing works in every way for everyone. So try a different approach and see what happens. Venus in Sagittarius is conjunct (together) Jupiter in Sagittarius which indicates positive energy surrounds you. This is a grand time for good luck and love since it is exact the day after the Full Moon.

Are you ready and willing to step out of the old cycles that continue to pull you back? Will you stay in your power and be focused and ready to take a leap, I know I keep saying to purge and leap. Well, this is the perfect time to begin to go in that direction of your dream. It is time to lay the groundwork of what it is you choose to bring about. Keep your mind on the road ahead and keep the distractions to a minimum. May not be easy to do yet it is imperative that you stay in that place. Stay out of the chaos that may come about from others. Remove yourself from it if necessary. And watch for anger over things that come to you suddenly without warning.

Those Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected are Aries 27 degrees-Taurus 3 degrees; Cancer 27 degrees-Leo 3 degrees; Libra 27 degrees-Scorpio 3 degrees; and Capricorn 27 degrees-Aquarius 3 degrees. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those degrees then you may also be affected. Approximate birthdays are April 17-April 23; July 19-July 25; October 21-27; and January 18-24.

Aries- Romantic prospects are good. There is joy revolving around achievement of loved one.

Taurus- There is a free feeling regarding changes in home, property, or career matters.

Gemini-New perspectives show up. Communicate and network; travel.  Be a good listener.

Cancer-What choices are shaping your finances/ cash flow? Watch impulsive actions.

Leo-Love and cheers come after some shifting takes on your big frustrations.

Virgo-Meditation helps clear your mind and brings insights. Climax involving work/health.

Libra- Go out and create some great friendships which are joyful. Let go of frustrating moments.

Scorpio- What’s going on professionally? Go get that extra income. Conflict comes to a head.

Sagittarius-Are you arguing over money? Let it go and find some interesting foreign flavor.

Capricorn-Who is demanding what? Financial affairs need to be set right. Have a plan.

Aquarius-Partnership issues arise. Turning point comes and then joy shows up.

Pisces-Diet/healthy living are the focus. Stop rebelling and count your blessings.

Remember that you can leap or you can sit and watch as the opportunity comes and goes. It may take a few weeks for the energy to reach out to you. In the meantime any unexpected influence may shake things up and will go by the wayside if you stay in your power and refuse to get pulled into it. Create your dream because it will take you where you choose to go. Thank you for reading and sharing. And stop being pulled in by the mainstream junk. Many blessings to you! Enjoy the ride. Until again, love, Jan



New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, January 5/6 2019- Wake up and allow the dream to happen

solar eclipse new moon

Happy New Year dear ones! Where will this New Year take you? It is time for you to move forward and release that which no longer serves your purpose. And do you know what helps you to leap? It is you connecting with the spiritual side of your nature. Digging deep within and finding the answers by quieting that noise that surrounds you most of the time. Getting off Social Media is just a start. You are being programmed and you are ok with it. Since Mars just went into its own sign of Aries on December 31, 2018 it will be a new cycle for two years of this Mars energy. Will you allow it to guide you? Mars is all about masculine influenced energy and it can go either way with courage and action or ego and conflict. So what will you do now? I suggest claiming what you would like to occur. I have come to realize that you can say thank you ahead of time for anything that you claim. I have found it truly works. There is major shifting taking place some of which cannot be seen yet. This New Year will bring about shocks to some as it progresses and wonderful surprises to others. There may be a complete turn of events as the year rolls on. Of course, how it goes in your life will depend on your action or inaction. And Dr. Peter Vincent Pry (Task force on Homeland Security) tweeted “that you need to stockpile food, water and means to acquire” ASAP.

So now I am a racist because I am white. Really? The ideas that have come forth in the past few years are beyond my comprehension. Maybe I need to become more robotic in my actions and thoughts and I will understand it. Where has the sun gone? And I see lately that the Southwest has temperatures in the 30s. I have to go back to sleep and wake up again because this is getting bizarre. Of course, there are many things going on that are truly controlled and most of the world buys it. The President Trump naysayers have calmed a bit since the government is still in shutdown mode. The California fire was a DEW attack. And if you continue to believe the MSM “story” then you will be one of the shocked down the road. More investigation has been going on into the NYC transformer breakdown. And you think it was really just a malfunction. Money is missing from the government and it isn’t the debt part. I am sure many will give me an answer that is the propaganda. Now there is a lookout for money leaving pension funds. Oh, by the way, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez grew up in Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb of NYC not the Bronx hood. A bit of misrepresentation, wouldn’t you say? Karl Marx will soon be the name you will be spouting in history books. The truth sets you free, but it may scare you.

And here you are just getting into the New Year and along comes an eclipse five days into the first week. Are you ready to have intense new starts or will you just shove it away and be the same ol’ same ol’?  I would love to hear from those who decide to take a leap in the New Year.

The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is at 15 degrees 25’ and arrives Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 8:28pm EST; 5:28pm PST; and January 6, 2019 at 1:28am GMT. The Sun is in the exact degree in Capricorn.  Usually New Moons are about fresh new beginnings. It is like you plant the new seeds in your garden and watch the flowers appear. They will appear quicker than usual this time around due to the eclipse effect. This eclipse supercharged new moon brings in a kind of energy reboot. How will you approach this? Habitual thinking stays in the background and a more unconscious, intuitive side comes out if you allow it. 2018 had many planets going retrograde (moving backwards) throughout the year. This year starts with everything flowing in the same direction except for Uranus which goes direct January 6. It is a time when you may wish to change your diet or at least modify it since the New Moon falls on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint. it can be so there are those of you who may be more critical at this time. It is also saying it is time to cut back on frivolous expenditures and pull yourself together

The New Moon and Saturn are sextile Neptune in Pisces which tells me that you can start that creativity up again if you have put it aside lately. It is an inspiring and healing kind of energy BUT you may not feel like doing something and yet it is a matter of just doing it because the outcome may be better than you think. Ok, that tells me that no matter how much I am finding everything else to do, I am getting those brushes and canvas out and just doing it. Beautiful art work that you create can shift you out of the doldrums and keep your feet on the ground. Otherwise you are going to be wondering why you are fluttering about without any grounding at times. The Neptune in Pisces influence touching the New Moon and Sun in Capricorn can bring about a romantic flair to your love life. Watch your total attention to your lover doesn’t have you forgetting about your own path. It can be exciting and fantasy-prone. Since Neptune is unstructured right now there may be a tendency to deception at times. Keep an eye on the truth and you can see through it all. Pay attention please. Dancing in the moonlight is great. Just stay in balance. If you write poetry then by all means write to your lover/partner. If you sing or write music…do it for your love. On another note-propaganda will thrive in this energy. Stop believing the nonsense that is being thrown at you. It is a distraction to keep you off your own spiritual path and your truth. Saturn sextile Neptune may bring dreams to reality if you keep working at it and stop finding excuses as in the past.

Psychic and intuitive flashes are the norm with this partial Solar Eclipse New Moon. You may have vivid dreams. And with Mercury in Sagittarius trining (favorable) Uranus in Aries it enhances the creative and intuitive even more. Creating a website may be a new interest. Computer technology may be pulling you in or expanding that knowledge if you are involved already. Lots of interesting people may show up and it is wise to hear what they have to say. New friends may appear yet may disappear down the road just as quick. Was there a message?

If you have the Sun/Rising sign in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 11-18 degrees you will be more intensely affected. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) at those degrees it may also have some affect. Tidbits for the signs:                     Aries- Challenges to previously made plans. You realize a companion appreciates you.

Taurus – Travel and networking possibilities. What kind of decisions will have impact?

Gemini – There is a dead-end situation that you need to release. Finances, budget need work.

Cancer – Possible surprises regarding relationship. Transformation may bring tension.

Leo – Real estate and shared assets may be in the works. Unstable relationships are rumbling.

Virgo – It is a happy time with your loved ones. What decisive action is needed in career, with children and creativity?

Libra – Is there a change in how you live? Watch for unexpected expenses. Take constructive action.

Scorpio –Is it time for a new start? Influences around the neighborhood may have an effect.

Sagittarius – It is all about the money. Make good focused decisions in that area.

Capricorn – Focus on wellness and your good reputation. Something needs you to tear it down and rebuild. Tensions mount.

Aquarius – It is all about surrounding yourself with peace. A bit edgy in tone; yet it is time to release the past and live in the now.

Pisces – Are you ready to bring out humanitarian principles? Changes in the works in friendships! Maybe join a group!!

Thank you for reading and sharing dear ones. I appreciate you and all you do. Stay in the moment and know that shifting is going on yet your creative bent is important. Be ready to take a leap after some focused work. Until again, Love, Jan