Monthly Archives: March 2022

NEW MOON in Aries, April 1 2022 – How will you heal?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. This is a time of a brand new beginning. Are you on board for that? Life has been very interesting for the past few years and now it is ready to take a step to something in which you can help to happen. What is that you ask? First it is about you letting go of past hurts, thoughts that keep you stuck, anger over nothing, and negativity to name a few items. Why hold on? I know many say you can forgive but will not forget. Really? What does that do for you? it keeps you in the past. And around in circles you go each day. It is time to let go as I have continued to say over and over again. Oh, you cannot because it is who you are. Do you hate anyone? Are you fearful? Ask yourself why you are. I ask you to allow yourself to bring about peace, love, joy and coming together with others in your immediate environment and out there in the big world you live in. Do you wish to continue to lack love and joy? Life is shifting and you are here to help it do so. It is amazing when you stay in the joy and love of your heart and how that influences your outer world. Awakening is coming soon. Will you take part in the leap one small step each day? Or will you be stuck in mass formation psychosis?

IF you are ready to dance then they will be doing so in the Final Four in NCAA Men’s basketball takes place the day after the New Moon. It may be surprising. Both Jay Wright and Bill Self are early Capricorns. Will be an interesting game! Coach K and  Here are some other tidbits – Many will say I have some kind of issue. Do you know anything about the Neocons? Are you aware of why and how FDR got the USA into World War II? Did you know that in order to declare war it has to be by the people through Congress? These are just some questions I ask you that then you ask – what do I know? I know nothing regarding this chaos other than what the Constitution says. I hope to see a change in the next 3 years or less depending on the people of the world and their desire to see the truth. And that the Ukrainian Authorities did release footage from a video game that showed them shooting down Russian jets…it is true. Oh, I forgot to mention that the Oscars were truly not what I remember them to be. Just saying! “Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire. I think he may be correct.

This New Moon is truly taking you forward if you choose and also will bring up some wounds so that you can release and heal. The New Moon in Aries shows up on Friday, April 1, 2022 at 2:24am EDT; 6:24am GMT; and 11:24pm (March 31, 2022) PDT; at 12°30’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Aries. It is sitting between Mercury and Chiron in Aries. It will be a busy moon with lots of activity and communication besides interactions in your circle and on the internet. The New Moon in Aries leans on no one. The Aries personality is the life force, the will to exist energy. It is the big bang of the signs. Wherever we have Aries in our birth chart is where we do things however we want. It doesn’t have to be effective or even make any sense. As long as self-expression is achieved, that is enough for the Ram, a fire sign. Aries is on track to go out and assert its place in the world. This New Moon is the best time to lay the groundwork for a new venture; a truly new beginning to a project that you have desired to do for a long time. With New Moon conjunct Mercury there will be lots of decisions to make and social activities. Also you may be sharing ideas and meeting new people. Since the New Moon is also conjunct Chiron it indicates a time of healing. Chiron is about your wounds. Its presence now may bring up your deepest wound both physically and emotionally. It may feel pain from the wounds that have been buried and now surface. There may be guilt associated with the wounds that you inflicted on others. Watch for loss of confidence since you may be affected by childhood wounds that show up again. Healing can happen through medicine, astrology, alternative methods, words and hands. If you can discuss it with others then healing can take place. Mercury is also conjunct Chiron and this says much for words and thoughts helping you out. No nastiness is needed.

And I ask you this? What is it within your own being is so fearful of change?  This is something I notice as I wander through my life. Many around me and even those who I see infrequently are so hooked on past stuff. Think for yourself already instead of being a robot.  I pray that you wake up to the real world. Nothing, NOTHING is as it seems. Wake up now to the truth. Go find it out by doing research and communicating. Take time to meditate to find the joy in your heart and discover the true you If you have not already done so. With this New Moon in Aries it is a perfect time to find your own path; your own new start. Clear out the past wounds. Focus on what in your reality you desire rather than what may be a block on the path. Where is the New Moon in your natal blueprint? In mine it is opposite Neptune and a conjunction to Venus in Aries. It tells me it is about creative endeavors and not practical stuff. Also, deceptions or backbiting from others is a possibility. Maybe I shall finally finish my writing that sits in my drawer.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 9-15 degrees. If you have personal planets (Sun, Mercury, Moon, Venus and Mars) at those degrees then the New Moon energy will bring energy to any of those also. Birthdays affected more than others are: March 29-April 4; July 1-7; October 2-8; and December 31-January 6. Tidbits-

Aries- This is about you at this time. Go out and shine your light brightly and soar high or just know that good things show up in time. Keep impatience down.

Taurus – You feel a bit laid back and private. Sometimes you just have to do it yourself. How do you feel? Insights show up if you go deep with the fiery spirit.

Gemini – Who are your true friends? Time will show them to you. A team effort may bring you a new approach. Spread your ideas this way. Networking is key!

Cancer – Where are you going professionally? Who can help you? Keep in touch and know that it is a good time for working to make your mark out there.

Leo –May be time for an adventure, new courses to take or even a new start wherever you choose to take it. How will you broaden your horizons- a trip to a new place?

Virgo- Put your needs first. Work on some investment planning and let the inner part of you come forth in order that transformation takes place. Intimacy is in the mix.

Libra –Relationships especially regarding partners and business associates are in the forefront. If you have an inner circle now is the time to pull it together.

Scorpio – This energy can put you out there as a mover and shaker showing others how to do it in the workplace or healthwise. You can make it right.

Sagittarius- Now is the time to put your efforts into your creativity. If you have a creative project in mind, then go for it.  Is love in the cards? Be playful in romance.

Capricorn – What is you choose to fix with your home? Or is this something you can choose to do with your family. New insights emerge and you leap in this area.

Aquarius – What do you wish to communicate at this time? If you need to catch up on emails this is a great time for that. Avoid gossiping. Do family bonding.

Pisces – Now is the time to leap forward in the money game. Fix any past errors and you do well. Also work on the budget. Something new is coming down the road.                                     

 I am always open to questions or even if you choose to know more about your own aspects. I do readings and counseling and I look forward to hearing from you.         

Thank you for reading and sharing. I appreciate all that you do in your lives at this New Moon. Stay on a steady course, let go of the fears and find that creative passion that leads you to a new beginning. Let healing come to you. Many blessings! Until again, love, Jan

FULL MOON in Virgo, March 18, 2022 – Use intuition to help you transform

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The Spring Equinox is just about here. It shows up on Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 11:33am EDT.  Spring will be sprung!!The sun is shining today although I almost got blown away by the March wind a few days ago. Unbelievably powerful gusts occurred and almost knocked me over. On another note the bears are back. I wish they would go back to their hibernation because it is going to get downright crazy out there. With the winds in the focus what else can be so important in my life right now? How about letting the winds that are out there take me to March Madness? The NCAA college basketball tournament is almost ready to begin. I love it. Oh well there are more important things to think about as many say. Well, for the moment I will be entranced by the 3 point shots and pick and rolls. If emotions come up let them be cheerful ones. Onward!!! Why am I so happy is what those I come in contact ask me?

A few other notes: Distraction is the word of the month. Wake up. EPA has just released a plan for genetically modified mosquitoes to be unleashed in America – believe it or not. That is Bill Gate’s plan. I keep wondering what the distraction is about that is occurring in the world today. Do you know the truth because that is all that will set you free? I really am saying very little about the crisis in Ukraine. It can lead to war which is most likely not happening. I will not be surprised if the dynamic changes. Something will show up. What is going on is out of kilter and if you do not believe me then stay on your phone and I will let you know the truth when it all comes out. Maybe you need to dig a bit and find out what you are not being shown or told. Never mind. I need a Tesla so I can cruise the roads without having a place to charge it. Wow, show me the money. What happened to Covid? Remember Green energy is more important now then the world situation.  “Whoever digs a pit will fall into it and whoever rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.” Proverbs 26:27

The Full Moon occurs in the sign of Virgo on March 18th, 2022 at 3:17am EDT; 12:17am PDT; and 7:17am GMT in 27°40’. The Sun is at the exact degree in Pisces. The Full Moon in Virgo is an Earth sign which has a focus to it. And the Sun in Pisces is all about the spiritual and intuitive nature. Heaven and earth are opposed to each other. The Moon in Virgo is going about how you serve others and concentrating on your daily affairs. It is all about the details.. So how will you deal with that which is in front of you instead of just sitting and dreaming as the Sun in Pisces likes to do? The Virgo Moon likes things to be done correctly not haphazardly.  You may wish to support a truly good cause and that will keep you on track. Yet do not get so caught up in those around you that you fail to look after your own needs. That is important now since it also is about health and healing.  It’s time to express yourselves and to let go of those things that are burdening you. Of course, in your expressing be careful that you come from a balanced place and not go off the deep end. Your intuition should be much stronger than usual along with your imagination. As the Full Moon comes in there is a kind of romance in play and also about information gathering. Just know that whatever emotions surface from within will give you an opportunity to work through them.

Since Virgo and the 6th house are linked it is time to look at your health and fitness. This is not the time to push yourself beyond the limits of your own well-being. This is not the time to judge others. That is the shadow side of the Moon in Virgo. Helping them is the key. The Moon’s depositor is Mercury and will become conjunct with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces which says clarity is at risk and fake news is totally in your face. The Moon is looking for clarity as it opposes the Sun and stellium in Pisces. There may be a proposal for peace which is totally different due to the Mercury in Pisces sextile to Uranus in Taurus. Over the next two weeks, you will discover what this means for you. It is time to find a balance between work and service and between acceptance and criticalness. If there is any kind of nervous energy that shows up perhaps you can channel it into doing some housework or other tasks that may be present.

Pluto in Capricorn is trine the Moon in Virgo and sextile the Sun in Pisces. It is a time of change and transformation. Relationships will be affected since the Virgo Full Moon is trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Trine makes things easier as the energy evolves but it could just go unnoticed. If you are looking for transforming emotional effects then you have it. A trine is a bit easy but it will still bring about a significant shift. There may be new relationships which are more intense than usual. A current one may be changed for the better. With the Sun and Pluto there is a psychic energy which comes in and also says to look after yourself and keep your health in balance. Since Moon is trine Pluto and this should make getting to the bottom of events much easier if you don’t become too obsessed with having your own way. With much energy going on in Pieces there may be more conversations about creative projects, healing and spirituality and even emotions. There may be heavy topics discussed with loved ones. Look for Jupiter in Pisces to bring out more cheerfulness.

A cleansing of your home with Palo Santo smudge stick or incense will be truly a good thing. Go get some and let it clear out all the stagnant energy that has been building in the last months. Since the Full Moon in Virgo is about organization so get going with getting things in order so that life will go smoother.

Those who are more intensely affected by the Full Moon in Virgo influence are; Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces at 24-30 degrees.  If you have any personal planets at those degrees (Mars, Mercury, Venus, Moon) you will also be affected.

Aries – Will you get some recognition? Stay in the moment and pay attention to your well-being at this time. You need to let go of something. Be balanced.

Taurus – What will you do to become more organized on a daily basis? Where will you allow your creativity take you? Take a leap of faith. Love may transform you.

Gemini – Get out and about doing things with your family. Too much career stuff may enter into the picture. Are you lacking balance between home and career?

Cancer- Is it time for you to get out and relax and socialize? Dreams about the future come into play. Take it one day at a time. Enjoy the communication with others.

Leo – Seems like finances are in the limelight. Keep your head in the game so that there is no setback. Transformation can occur with money and spending habits.

Virgo – Let intuition guide you so decisions flow? Stop fretting and let the details create a new way to shine. Partnership is in mix. Be confident and get yourself out there.

Libra – What is it you really wish to do? Take care of you and stop stressing and let go what needs letting go. Intuition helps. Transform your everyday fantasy into reality.

Scorpio – Networking is the word of this time for you. Do keep it going! Imagination sings out. Any questions poking at you? Connect with those who resonate with you.

Sagittarius – Are your dreams arising to a new level of possibility? Whatever happens jobwise is positive. What changes can you make to be successful? Take a leap.

Capricorn – Think big and set realistic goals. It is time to establish stronger commitments. Your dreams can become a reality. 0pen the book to the next chapter!

Aquarius – Time to wear your heart on your sleeve more than ever. Figure out what values are important and if you need to make transactions, sign anything, do it.

Pisces – Enjoy the time together with your partner and it gets even better. New friends enter your life. Possibility of new job prospects! Stay grounded. Time to reflect a bit!

Thank you for reading, sharing and commenting if you like. Keep your heart light shining to bring the love through whenever the chaos surrounds you and you will leap higher. Allow the Spring Equinox to bring you joy. Keep your focus within your dream. Blessings! Until again, love, Jan