Monthly Archives: February 2022

New Moon in Pisces, March 2, 2022 – What are you dreaming to do?

Hello dear ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. New Moon in Pisces is just about ready to arrive. In the meantime how many of you have had enough of the cold weather to take you to the next winter?  Yes, me too. Have always liked the winter yet I have had enough. Nothing I can do about the weather but I can do something about me and my life. Are you out there in the crowd, walking the talk or shouting out loud? Or are you peering within to view, the magnificence of the inner you? It has been a very unreal week of intense agony, unpredictable anger and just plain nonsense in other cases. The whirlwind continues and as you look to the outer world it keeps you from finding the truth within. What does it matter? Do you really need the entertainment and the excitement of being out there in fantasyland?  When was the last time you sat and took a breath? When was the last time you sat and looked within to see who you are and how you can find your inner wisdom? Did you ever allow yourself to let your intuition guide you? I find that at times things just pop in my head and I know how to proceed. Of course, if I am following the crowd there is no insight coming in. This is a time for the dream and this New Moon will help you get into that energy and stop. The still small voice within does matter and most in today’s craziness do not hear it. Do you realize how television, your phone and any other energy depleter can alter your ability to intuit? I just saw an article that said that adults were using their smartphones as pacifiers. Well, that is so true that it is nauseating. Do you have anything else to do?

Bits of news – It looks like Zelensky wants immediate European Union membership for Ukraine. The propaganda machine is so blatant that one cannot even see the truth unless you dig deep. So, what happened to the Covid? In case of a nuclear explosion, FEMA says to keep the social distancing and wear a mask. This is beyond bizarre. Speaking of those face things – saw that a Ohio State basketball player wore one through the whole game. My head is spinning. Yes, Russia is off and running with this whole scenario yet do you know what they are doing elsewhere including the West? “President” Biden is ready for the State of Union and they are walling off the area. U.S.Trucker Convoy is on way to D.C.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 12:35pm EST; 9:35am PST; and 5:35pm GMT in 12°06’. The Sun is at the exact degree of the New Moon. Reach within for any answers that may be needed to take a leap. Clear your mind and take a breath and just be present for a few minutes and see what comes to you. Pisces is all about dreams, meditation, sleep, taking time for fun, and even music and art. What have you been doing in these areas? Take some time to explore and relax a bit before you make a move forward. I have realized a few years back that one needs to take some time off from a hectic schedule whether at work, travel or life in general. That is how one gets to leap higher and although you want it now, it is important to be refreshed so you recognize the opening.

With the Sun and Moon conjunct in Pisces there is Jupiter also right with them. This is a time for you to leap without anyone holding you back. The manifesting is super charged and it is time to set your intention to bring in the luck. If someone leaves it is due to the fact they no longer have a purpose in your life at this time – let go.  Strange dreams may occur and old memories rise from the depths of your psyche. Neptune is hanging in the background in a wide conjunction to the New Moon. Is there confusion that has entered into an area of your life or is it just a dreamy time? Neptune says let’s get creative already.  Neptune is musical, but Moon/Neptune plays a haunting, ethereal tune. You can boost up your healing and spiritual powers. Emotions do rise up as I have said before and it is time to get them attuned and be inspired. Pisces is like the ocean where there are no boundaries and it flows to other places. Yet In real life there are restrictions and humans have to follow them to some degree. Find that seascape and know that you too can flow into creative and intuitive ventures. Uranus in Taurus is sextile the New Moon and brings individuality and independent spirit to the mix. It helps  you move away from any differences and brings more of a supportive type of energy if you let go of any differences with others.

Venus, Mars and Pluto all will be in the same degree in Capricorn and the energy of their merging is already felt at the time of this New Moon. If you’re ready for a deep relationship and are not afraid of some intensity, now is the time to set your intentions! Things are changing in a major way and life will be definitely new if you let go of the old crap that you have been hanging onto. Your new intentions will be very creative and inspiring. Where will you take your intentions this time around? ” Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

Some oils to use for better feeling and dreaming- sandalwood, eucalyptus, It is the perfect time to settle yourself into a relaxed state and just allow your intuition to roll out. New relationships come in for those who are out there; old ones leave when the energy is no longer good for growth. Setting out to sail on the seas of new beginnings may be exactly what you need to do unless that March wind roars and you may have to pull back a bit for calmer waters. You will know how to move through it. 

The Sun and Rising signs intensely affected are Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius degrees 9-15. If you have any personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Moon) at those degrees they are also affected. Some tidbits for the Sun signs/rising signs:

Aries- Fade out and take care of you. Time out! Watch reactions. Are you looking for a new path? Stay away from social media for now. Keep a low profile.

Taurus- Friends may be warmer. You may have a new vision and do hang with those who support it. Protect the future. Reclaim parts of self that you let go eons ago.

Gemini-Is it a pipe dream or a real vision that manifests? Open to be inspired. Career is important now. Break new ground professionally. Be in the now not the past.

Cancer- You may not be able to relax like you wish. Emotions are in the forefront with some magical insights. Set intentions that are based on values. Follow YOUR dream.

Leo- You may be thinking differently about money. Watch deceptive financial interests. Take a leap. Great opportunities come if you are in alignment with your core values.

Virgo- New patterns emerge in your relationship area. Plant new seeds now and get rid of old ways of thinking. See the world and those around you as it really is.

Libra-Watch out for argumentative and pushy others. What do you need to rearrange in your home life? It may be time to rekindle or revive old relationships.

Scorpio-Enhanced love and personal affairs are in the limelight. What creative project do you have in mind? Try journaling with some spontaneity to it.

Sagittarius-Look before you leap! It is time to dream big since you are more confident. Home life needs attention. Who are you now instead of back then?

Capricorn-Soothing words and intuitive thinking may be what you wish. Get yourself out there and manifest your dream. What takes you closer to all that you are?

Aquarius-Set your goal and get out and make the money that you desire. You may see yourself in a new way now. Be unfiltered with those around you.

Pisces-Whatever you begin now has long term impact. You may get what you wish to manifest. Ask for insights. You have the heart-based answers for others.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful to those who follow Cosmic Leaping. The New Moon energy is here to help you find that inner wisdom and s hare at the perfect time. Stay positive and stop letting others atop your dream. And more spiritual connections may appear in your life now. Many blessings and love, until again, Jan

FULL MOON in Leo, February 16, 2022 – Find your heart’s desire!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As I sit and write this post I noticed that my phone said that the freezing rain would stop in a few minutes. I looked again and glanced out the window and the sun was shining behind a cloud. There had not been any rain and not freezing at all. Obviously forecasting was on the back burner in meteorology. On a brighter note Valentine’s Day will show up two days before the Full Moon and will you be swept off your feet with some kind of grand gesture? Will joy be in the forecast? I was thinking about this the other day. What brings you the most joy? Is it that others around you like what you say or do? Do others control your perspective and feelings about your own life? Why not follow your own path these days? Why not find the joy within and walk forward in ways that are so delightful and filled with laughter that you are amazed how much you can do when you are in a good mood. Oh, how can I say this? The world is so overwhelmed with negativity that you can only see that in front of you. I ask you to stop now and find the place that brings you a good feeling. Stop being distracted and stay on your road to joy, Can you do this? Take the time to connect with your spirit within and that will turn the energy around and joy will appear. And remember to let the love in your heart expand to others in every way. Of course, you need to love yourself also.

The day before Valentine’s Day which is on February 14th is the Super Bowl. Will you watch it or will you find some other wonderful thing to do in your life? Maybe you will go find a crack pipe? As the world turns again the Freedom Convoy in Canada is still hanging about and will do so in the future. Their ability to get money from those who wish to donate was stopped. I believe I saw that someone else is setting up a fund now. Where is the real Justin Trudeau? No one seems to be saying. Oh, he has appeared again. The trucker convoy in the USA is supposed to begin in a couple of weeks going from California across country to Washington D.C. tt shall be interesting. In schools it is getting worse. Do school boards serve the parents or the other way around? Looks like the Covid thing is starting to wind down and now Aids/Hiv is reappearing! Stop. One more thing- Are you going to get your baby injected and kneel before your masters? Or will you see the truth? I feel so sorry for all those children who continue to wear masks. How will that affect them down the road since they really cannot see the full face of others and truly communicate?

It is time to fine-tune any projects that you began at the last New Moon.  Try to just consolidate what is going on since the Full Moon is void of course. The Full Moon in Leo, the star, the dancing queen, the drama planet shows up in the sky on Wednesday February 16, 2022 at 11:56am EST; 8:56am PST; and 4:56pm GMT in 27º59. The Sun is in Aquarius at the same degree. Sun in Aquarius likes to be different. Wherever Aquarius falls in your chart will tell you the part of your life which is different. This Full Moon energy lasts until the March 2md New Moon.  I would say to just try to consolidate what you have been doing and wait a bit to take those goals to a new level at this time. The Full Moon is free from any major aspects as it comes in. But there is a crowd hovering in the background around it. No wonder you feel like you are trapped in a cave. The Moon in Leo is (150 degree) inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn which tells you to check each part of your life and see if you are failing to resolve something or have not seen before. Is there a part of your life that may be causing unhappiness yet you do not see it? Take another look now. And watch out for any irritation that may stir you into a fiery emotional mess. On a lighter note with the Moon in Leo it is saying it is time to be a bit out there and do your creative thing and shine. Of course, Leo Moon does help love come through also. Keep the ego balanced and you will definitely see a shift. Love is so part of Leo. The Moon is also square to its Nodes which form a Grand cross pattern that includes the Sun in Aquarius. How can you physically keep the wheel turning? You need to put your own effort into it even if there are other things happening.

Venus and Mars in Capricorn are within a minute of each other. This Mars/Venus Intense energy is also about creativeness and passion. How will that bring joy to your life? The conjunction wants to know what you desire. Together in Capricorn it is about commitment and effort. Although with the world energy being a bit aggressive with Mars and Venus you can go either way to resolve any issues which are in your face. That is, take the aggressive approach and stir the pot even more or use the Venus energy to negotiate on a more balanced level.

What is your heart’s desire? Look for it deep within you and keep it flowing in your life no matter what else is happening. The Full Moon has an intense effect upon Taurus, Leo and Scorpio and Aquarius 24°-30° and for those having personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury) or their Ascendant (Rising Sign) in those degrees. Here are some tidbits for the Sun/Rising signs:

Aries- Creativity needs to be released where you are stagnant. New things will appear. You may choose to make plans to do something with the children.

Taurus-Release that which has something to do with your home and work balance! There may be a breakthrough that shows up quickly.

Gemini-Release what you are not in tune with your siblings and if there is something you want to share with them it is time. Take time to journal.

Cancer- How you think about money and what you do with it is present. If there is a bold money move that you can make then it may be time to do so.

Leo-How do you perceive how others feel about you? Time to let go! Shifting relationships may be better. Be cooperative and in a diplomatic place.

Virgo- Your project is finished. Are you going to sit there or move on from it? Let that lion roar and move on with an opportunity that reveals itself.

Libra- Social groups may tend to bring a test to you or maybe it is your love life. Emotional issues may be intensified at this time.

Scorpio-Career moves are possible yet what is holding you back? Let go of old stuff regarding home and work. Pay attention if you want that success.

Sagittarius- What trip is showing up? Traveling far or near or is it you are looking for more education? The hold-up may be the money factor.

Capricorn- Is there a money matter that has come to completion? Will you be shifting your financial plan or is there money showing up? Transform it.

Aquarius- Matters with relationships or business partnerships show up. Will there be a new level of commitment that comes into being?

Pisces New diet will shift how you feel. Let the old go out the door. Look to the bright side of life and take care of what needs at work and health.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for you and what you do. Stay in the moment. My statement right now is for you to clear out the junk and get your dream out there even if you are interrupted or pulled off track. And remember to always look for the truth. What is your heart’s desire? Many blessings and love, until again, Jan