Category Archives: Eclipse

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, May 5, 2023 – Will you be transformed?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It has been an interesting time since the New Moon Solar Eclipse. Did you set your intentions for the next months? If not, you still have time before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse comes in. Life has been interesting to say the least. I see that conversing in authentic ways has been thrown out in the trash. It sure looks like that to me. And it amazes me as to the way that those out there in the world communicate. Is it Mercury which is still in retrograde that is causing this? I doubt it. There is a kind of humdrum existence among many of you. Does it matter to me? Not really yet it makes me wonder why many of you out there complain all the time yet are not doing what they came to do on this Earth. Please understand not everyone has gotten to the point where their purpose is known yet do they choose to find it? Nope. It makes me wonder when I speak to others and they look at me like I have a spinning head. Why does one choose to live in a box? Fear, lack of interest, confusion, or just plain inability to see the truth are some of the things that come to mind. Many of you are so stuck it is unbelievable. There are times that I was stuck yet something poked me until I moved forward even if was for just a couple of steps. I know that the energy has been quite chaotic and the world is in shambles. Does that indicate that you will just hide away or create more craziness with the individuals who choose to deny the truth? The Spirit within is trying to reach you. Are you open to it?

I do not understand the moaning and groaning about things that work. If they do not, then why not transform them instead of censoring everything and making things outrageous? Do you still believe the lies out there? Did you know that Presidents Obrador of Mexico and Erdogan of Turkey have not been seen for a week? Oh, I know they have Covid19. Not. The Tucker Carlson firing is still hanging around and who knows on which network he will appear next. Or maybe he will start his own network. The only thing out there in LaLa land is perversion and atheism. One cannot say God on any network news. And make sure you have sexual info for children in your school.  There is an after school Satanist Club in a school in Pennsylvania. Politically correct words run the country. Who will stop the madness? Elon Musk thinks everyone needs to be linked to Starlink and controlled by the AI network. This is not America. But does anyone out there care? I am beginning to wonder. BY the way, if the words do not match the actions then what does it say? Thomas Jefferson said “We in America do not have government by the majority-we have government by the majority who participate. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

And the Full Moon in Scorpio arrives May 5, 2023 at 1:34pm EDT; 10:34am PDT; and 5:34pm GMT in 14 degrees 58’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. Scorpio is all about deep feelings and secretiveness, deep feelings and transformation. What is being hidden in your world? Taurus is about personal values, possessions security and material goods. What has been trying to come out regarding intimate relationships? The lunar eclipse and the month that follows are an opportunity to remove yourself from energies, emotions, and even people who do not serve your moving forward. The emotional nature of a lunar eclipse often can cause an emotional breakdown as you break through these. IF you are looking for the truth then with this Full Moon it is time to go deep and find it. You know all those fears that continue to show up in your life? Yes, those that keep you stuck in the muck. Then now is the time to release them because they will arise from the depths. Oh, I know that I say this every Full Moon but this is one that will give you a hard time if you do not. If you are hiding something or have secrets they may just pop out during this time frame. More truths will show up in your life in the area that the Full Moon falls in your chart. At this time in life are massive layoffs, inflation, and a looming recession.  What comes out of the decay that has been going on for years?  How will the response be when AI takes over your life? A new cycle will show up eventually. Since Mercury is in Taurus with the Sun relationships are important now and in the forefront. Resolving arguments with a significant other may be present in the first half of the month of May when Mercury is still in retrograde motion. Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16 and new artistic talents will emerge from the depths. What will it bring you? The Full Moon this time will ask you to do something about the past no matter what occurred. It is time to let go and grieve again, throw it against the wall, do whatever you have to do and finally discard it. Do you understand this?  New things are ready to evolve in your life and with the past holding you back you cannot do so. Be creative in this new season in whichever way comes to you. The baggage needs to leave now!!! Speech is very important with this energy. Watch out for propaganda. A star Menkar is conjunct the Sun in Taurus opposing the Moon in Scorpio. It is not that favorable. Jealousy, worries, tests of endurance and immorality are some words that come to mind. The Full Moon in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Since the Moon rules the imagination you may channel something really good for you to help you move forward. Be different no matter what anyone says to you. It will bring rewards down the road. The Sun in Taurus conjunct Uranus says watch your tongue and maybe let others say their piece.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 14 degrees and 58 minutes of Scorpio, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 10 to 18 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly. Birthdays: May 1-9; August 3-11; November 3-11; and February 1-9.

Aries –The Full moon is in your fiscal zone so watch what you do with your money. Watch your communication.. News may come regarding money.

Taurus- What will you do that will surprise others? Relationship will come into focus in the next couple of weeks. Do talk about any issue that may arise.

Gemini – Need to find balance in your work and home life. You may find yourself irritated and stir up something for the heck of it. Chill and find time for you,

Cancer- Emotions rise and you may find yourself wondering about a connection to a child or lover or friend. Communicate your feelings to lessen any tension.

Leo – There is a turning point in career or home life. Be calm and stay in the moment.  Will you find yourself in the middle of a conflict that is unnecessary?

Virgo – When was the last time you really looked within at your own workings? If you need a discussion, do so in a knowledgeable way. Travel is a dream.

Libra – Think before you undermine security or create a loss with some purchase that is not really needed. And keep any power struggles out of the picture.

Scorpio- You seem to have a knack to problem solve with others. Important developments with your close relationships may come to light. Shifts coming!

Sagittarius – Good time for healing in major ways. Stop letting worries get you down. Some exciting thing may occur that is unexpected. Take time to breathe..

Capricorn – Great time to see that your motivation and goals are now paying off. Watch your approach to others when communicating especially those close to you.

Aquarius – Looks like many good things in home life are coming to fruition. Stay in your power when out there in the work world.  Good things are showing up.

Pisces – Changes are coming and most likely positive. There are lots of things you may choose to do with neighbors or siblings. Vacation plans anyone?

Have a transformative Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Thank you for reading and sharing. It has been quite a ride so far this year and I look to the time the sun shines a bit more where I reside at this time. Lots of blessings to all of you! Comments anyone? Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, December 3/4 2021 – How will you respond to the unexpected changes?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Did you have a pleasant Thanksgiving? I hope you were able to have a peaceful day with those you love. And I would also like to take a moment to remind you of the Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance, December 7th as a reminder of the attack on the fleet in Pearl Harbor and in honor of those who served in the Armed Forces and those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor in World War II. It is not even winter and I am tired of the gloom. The sun has disappeared where I reside. It was amazing during the Thanksgiving holiday that I stayed off the internet, the main TV channels and enjoyed talking to those who I was around. What a difference that made. And how did you spend the time? As I write this I think of how grateful I am for those who relate to me and even those of you who may not. Life gets more interesting as the days go by and staying in one’s heart is such a wonderful feeling as the chaos continues to amp up. Of course in the outer world I see how many are under the spell of the fear that continues to come into play. As a clinical hypnotherapist I see there is still much brainwashing going on. That would end abruptly if those who are constantly on any screen, (phone, TV, or internet) decide to take a break and go walk in nature, talk to friends, meditate or just be in the moment. Life can shift dramatically if you walk your truth and communicate with love and joy. Life is going to change soon, for better or worse. Which way will you go? The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse will help you to see what needs to go by the wayside and in which direction you choose to leap.

Are you aware of the millions of people around the world who have been protesting all the lockdowns? If you have not it is because you may not see it on mainstream news in USA. As I said previously this can get extremely bad if you say nothing.  Whether you got the jab or not eventually all will be victimized. If you know German history then you will see what is coming. And it is not saying you have to believe it. By the way the new variant as they say is named Omicron-an anagram moronic. And it is the name of a Sci-fi film from 1963 where an alien takes over Earthman so he can learn about the planet and then his race can take over totally. Lots of psychological warfare is out there in fantasyland. Jack Dorsey is stepping down from Twitter. So are the CEO’s of Walmart and CNBC. I just saw that a first grader in Wildwood cannot play sports while one in the next county over can do so. “How many times can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn’t see?” (Bob Dylan)

The Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius shows up on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at  2:42am EST; 11:42pm PST (December 3, 2021) and  7:42am GMT in 12°12′. The Sun is in the exact degree as the Moon. This is a time of finding your way through a twisting road where you cannot see that well. And on top of that it is a time of also letting your past behind which I have spoken about for several years. I still find many stuck there. This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is truly asking you to figure out what is still holding you back and walk through that darkness already. Let the beam of light on your helmet help you forge ahead to a new year and a new start. The Solar Eclipse helps you to stay in balance emotionally and there could be a burst of energy coming in. The New Moon is conjunct Mercury and sextile Saturn in Aquarius and quincunx Uranus in Taurus. This helps you share a deeper connection to loved one. It is a good time to talk of family home topics and commitment. Sagittarius is all about freedom, truth and your philosophy. The energy will help to set goals for the upcoming year of 2022. Mercury and the New Moon bring in communication and lots of action with friends, sharing ideas and making plans. The New Moon quincunx Uranus says there may be pressure coming in is pushing you to change something. Could it be a boss or someone else? It just may be nervousness and anxiety because the energy is intense. If you have any tasks that are looming this is a good time to do them with New Moon sextiling Saturn. Any difficult tasks are easy to face at this time. Still in the mix is Saturn squaring Uranus. This has been active for many months and it comes to a climax on December 24. Have there been changes which you disliked in the past year? Was there any crisis that appeared out of nowhere? Did you deal with it? Continue to be on track since it is still in effect. It has been all about working with opposing needs to come into balance.

Sagittarius is about truth and purpose and a new meaning. The Sagittarian is generous with money and time. Fires burn wherever desire takes them. The Sagittarian can shoot the arrow into the air and it can go out there, anywhere it chooses or can shoot and the arrow comes back with a vision.

With the Solar Eclipse it is a time of big and strong changes. Remember that not everything goes exactly the way you want it to go. If someone around you acts in ways that are unusual then know that it may not be the entire picture. Your awareness will help to cope with the scenario of the individual acting strangely. Also know that this Solar Eclipse energy lasts about 6 months so take advantage of good energy that may show up shifting a few things in your life even though you may not recognize it at first. Release what is not needed and your new year will be on track for big new starts.

Those who are more intensely affected by the New Moon in Sagittarius are the Sun signs/Rising signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces at 9-15 degrees. And if you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in those signs/degrees then you may also be affected by the energy. Birthdays include:  May 31-June 6; September 2-8; December 2-8; and February 28- March 6.  Tidbits:

Aries-There may be a crisis in morals. Want to travel this is a perfect time. New way of life can come into being/socially exciting. A spiritual teacher may help.

Taurus-Trust comes in. You may be looking at the shadow side of your life if you need to. You finally may see the truth about an issue. Is there new money coming in?

Gemini- Break new ground and get out of your rut. Excitement is in relationships. Are you going to pine away for the mystical half? Legal contracts are highlighted.

Cancer- Put that new fitness plan in action. Make adjustments in everyday living. Period of adjustment comes when you see if you are out of balance. Slow down.

Leo- You get closer to someone. A journey of the heart in many ways shows up. Fun is healing. You need leisure time. Children keep you on a merry go round.

Virgo- It may bring up childhood wounds that you ignored. You may want to visit where ancestors came from. Foundations of your life are being re-set. Family dynamic shifts!

Libra- You may get obsessed with some new topic and study it deeply. You are looking to get new information. Old connections may show up in your life. 

Scorpio -New financial goals in the making. Some feeling of ideal love comes to you. How committed are you to your path? How much do you value yourself?

Sagittarius-You are adventurous. Be careful what you wish for because it may just decide to show up. If you wear a mask to others…it is time to take it off. A fresh start comes in.

Capricorn – Look inward. What are your dreams telling you? If you are into music this is a good time for letting it come in. Let intuition break down the walls. Recharge!

Aquarius-Stop brooding. Lots of excitement presents itself. New people come in. More mobility! Get out there and find friends who are on the same wavelength.

Pisces – Make new business contacts. Professional activities come into play. Face your fear of rejection and go out and shine. Ask for that promotion or a raise.

Thank you for reading and sharing Dear Ones. Listen to your intuition instead of your mind. Let your beliefs sit back. There may be major deception out there and use caution in any dealings. Find your truth within and be blessed as the energy appears. Frankincense is a great oil for this New Moon and Malachite is a good gem to use. Until again, love, Jan

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, July 4/5, 2020 – Emotional reset

full moom fireworks Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I know there is a mess out there in la la land and the world has gone off the deep end. Are you too going in that direction? I hope not. It is summer in the Northern Hemisphere and it is always a beautiful time to regroup and enjoy.  Winter is starting in the Southern Hemisphere. The Fourth of July is here upon America and what will it bring- another round of set-up protests or something more devastating?  This was always a grand time in America and it may just be another day to many. For me being alive in a country that is free is joyous, except now if it continues on like it is since some freedoms are slowly disappearing. Do you not see this? The ongoing struggle between the old matrix ways in which we have been trapped for centuries is now on the way out. Those who have created this are hanging on in any way to continue to control and bombard you in any way they can.  Hatred is the underlying principle at this time. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if you choose to do what you came to do on this Earth. Does it bother you if you are forgetting that what you put out there is what comes back to you? This past Solar Eclipse has been asking you to look within and take that step forward in your life. The energy will be in effect for months and with the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon coming up it is time to look again at what you choose to purge once and for all and allow yourself to truly take the heart energy and let it bloom into something magnificent. How can I say this with all the ‘crap’’ that is going on? Well, it is your choice to do nothing and hope it all turns out good or do something in your life to create a favorable change.

What I am about to say is just my perception. I never thought the zombie apocalypse would be in my reality but I see it has already happened.  Yes, it is right in front of me as I go out to the store or take a walk or just watch the cars drive by me on the interstate. I am astounded at the mind control that has taken over this land.  Masks are the new norm. Wow, Batman has nothing on me. Soon, it will be mandatory to wear a full face mask and maybe then there will be more sickness than before. I give up. Why doesn’t anyone question anything? Please tell me. I have read so many articles about masks and they will make you sick eventually and this is coming from medical doctors. And the only mask that works is the N95. Does it matter? Nope. I guess I will do what is right for me and take my chances. It saddens me to see this whole scenario play out to the extreme. And do not forget to take away the history of America. And it is really about destroying America any way that is possible. And the best- abolish the police. Sick stuff it is. Totally political and no one does anything to reign it in. Too bad, many do not see the truth. Scary it is I think for many of you. Enough is enough. Follow the crowd or think for yourself…your choice… Is your heart closed and you dislike yourself? The truth is within you. Look for it and your life will turn around for the better. What do you wish to create in your life? If you believe what you are hearing on a daily basis and you continue to support it then don’t cry when the limitations come. Please wake up!!!

The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn arrives on July 5 2020 at 12:44am EDT; 4:44am GMT; and July 4, 2020 at 9:44pm PDT in 13 degrees 38’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Cancer opposite the Full Moon. It is a time of relationships and romance and purging. Where it falls in your chart will tell you what needs resolution. Capricorn has always been more patriarchal and masculine whereas Cancer is more home and family nurturing. This is all about balancing the commitment between home/family life and professional/public life. How you do this will be up to you but once you do there will be a sigh of relief. So take that time to pause and give it a thought as to how to achieve this balance. What needs shedding from the last 6 months in your life so the balance show up? Is it a take time out for you without any interruptions for a bit so your head can be set on straight and your life now flows? What do you wish to change in your professional and personal life? Think about it and move on it when the time is right. This is the last Cancer eclipse for a very long time. It is time to consider what is causing any harm in your lives, your families, and the world. If you stay grounded the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will help you have the ability to express with patience and wise words. There is a wide conjunction (10degrees) with Jupiter/Pluto aspect in Capricorn at 23 degrees. It may be a bit wide but it can have a positive effect. The Full Moon is also trine Uranus in Taurus. Mercury is with the Sun in Cancer opposite Full Moon. Communication and feelings are important. Watch for disagreements. Mercury is also square Mars in Aries which makes for possible arguments. This is the final eclipse since the lunar nodes moved from Cancer and Capricorn into Gemini and Sagittarius, so it ends a major cycle. New friends may appear and that can bring joyous times.

Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn tell you to look within and it will help find your true inner purpose. It was together at 25 degrees if Capricorn on June 30. It is about transforming your beliefs. It is asking you to reach for truth and balance the inner and outer mental and emotional states. Do you measure up to the highest integrity? Are you ready to help transform the world around you in ways that are true? Mercury retrograde in Cancer goes direct on July 12. And since it is still there you may consider looking at what changes may come which may give you second chances. If there is a problem at this time you may wish to wash it with lots of emotional energy that is supportive. This may help to dissolve anything that needs to be released.

The Sun signs/Rising signs affected most are: Cancer, Capricorn, Libra and Aries between degrees of 10-16 degrees. Any personal planets (Venus, Mars, Mercury, Moon) at these degrees may also be affected. Some tidbits for the Sun signs and rising signs:

Aries- Frustrations between work and home about outer world ambitions and inner securities. New foundation comes so both areas prosper.

Taurus-Something comes into play that may instigate change and inspires you onward. Is there travel on the schedule or doing something in an education area?

Gemini- Great time the next few weeks to firm up  financial matters. Good stuff. Are there improvements needed to be put into action? Take and give with balance.

Cancer-Your independence can put you at odds in a relationship. You are in driver’s seat. Watch out for any disputes in the coming weeks. Affection is important now.

Leo- Some projects need attention. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Take a break. Let any old patterns go for this will move you forward in a big way.

Virgo-Watch for any emotional extremes that pop up! No ultimatums please. Are there creative pursuits that interest you now? If so, then immerse yourself.

Libra-What emotional urgency pops up at home or work? Use your cool reason to walk through. Are you in balance with your home life and those out there in public?

Scorpio- Is there more responsibility coming to you? Avoid any rash decisions. Communication is in the forefront. Let it flow to others and see how it resonates.

Sagittarius- Who has the power over your purse strings? Resource management needed. If you are not confident enough, the energy will help you.

Capricorn- Some differences come to light and are charged up. Rebuild on solid ground. Get what you want by being your truth. No power plays needed.

Aquarius-You need to regroup both mind and body. Some urgencies in your daily work possible. Hidden resources help you out. Your dreams are definitely in reach.

Pisces -Look for that friend or community ally to help you get that project going.  Deep feelings show up and help you transform. Tap into that inner creativity.

Happy Full Moon to you! It is a time to express any feelings that have been held back. Remember the energy lasts for a few weeks and it is time to really let go as you make plans to regenerate and find balance. The upcoming New Moon is on July 20. Check out Wizards Within for a show on the New Moon. It is the second one in Cancer. See you then back here. Thank you for all you do and are. Be blessed and stay in the moment. Until again, love, Jan

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, June 5, 2020 -Truth or lie?

sagittatius full moon  Hey Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I know you are distracted by all the commotion especially across the America and the world but take a breath and remember what you intended at the Gemini New Moon. Did you put out some wishes at that time? If so, from now until the next New Moon will tell if they are in process.  It has been a heck of a show out there and I know many of you are buying the story line which is fine if that is what you choose to do. Others of you have begun to realize that what you see is far from real. Now, for those who are going to stomp on this statement…wait. No one told you to believe what I say or not. I am saying what I see. As I look around my life and think about what others are saying and doing I am aghast. Why? Because many of you are reacting to what is in front of you. The news is in your face; entertainment is in your face; political figures are pulling on you and you have not even noticed. Is this really what life is about? The mind games that those behind the scenes and those in the forefront play are keeping you under control. That is not life. That is not you. This is not me. It is a total distraction to keep you from doing anything in life especially if you are so easily following the crowd. And it is all about the money. Period!  Has the world reverted to 1917? I guess I need to reread Gulag Archipelago.

And then there is the coronavirus. Ok, where is it? It has disappeared to some degree or not. Anyone who still believes that masks are needed then I suggest you pick up your Science 101 book and read. Well, I am sure it is around but the Media finds other things more important since the virus was a flop even though it killed enough to their satisfaction. It is quite interesting that there is a new virus which happens to be riots and looting along with peaceful protesting. And the bricks were placed strategically around the cities where the looting took place. Oh sure, they just appeared. Did a magician wave a magic want to place bricks in the cities? To me this is organized to the max and you can say what you choose, to me this is not about George Floyd’s death but about taking down the country. Did you know that the coroner that was on the case of Jeffrey Epstein was there for the autopsy of Mr. Floyd? And President Trump held a bible in his hands. How disturbing to you. Do you know anything about American history? Do you see what is going on here? Are you happy with the gaslighting? Wake up!!!!

Do you want to be shocked? Because down the road there will be such a shift and the truth coming out that until you wake up, and if you do then you will you be shaken to the core-no doubt about it. In the meantime, take that breath. Things are going to get testier. So I suggest you pay attention to your thoughts and feelings instead of getting pulled into the deception. And it is a grand deception with what will go on with the upcoming Full Moon. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on June 5, 2020 at 3:13pm EDT; 12:13pm PDT; and 7:13pm GMT in 15 degrees 34’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Gemini. There is a tight square between the Sun/Moon and Mars/Neptune in Pisces. Full Moons tend to make us purge and release things from our lives, so we need to make sure that you are in control of this and no one is forcing your hand! Sun is also conjunct Venus in Gemini. As my Dad often said it is time to observe and wait before taking any action. Also the Lunar Eclipse may say that there is a falling out in a relationship and it may end, On the other hand it may just happen to bring two of you together in a relationship because out of nowhere you may need to be with them. It can also involve other parts of your life where awareness shows up and it comes up out of nowhere to do something. With this Full Moon being in the mental frame Gemini is all about thinking and Sagittarius is about intuiting. So which will you turn to? The Lunar Eclipse is about making some changes in your life. Staying in touch with your emotional side will help you decide what you choose to keep in your life and what needs to go. Due to the Square mentioned earlier in this writing this may find you being more impulsive than usual and looking to leap before looking. There may be improvements that you may wish to bring about in various areas of your life.

Truth is important but it may elude you since the Full Moon and the Sun square Neptune/Mars in Pisces which could lead to lies and deception wherever it falls in your chart. Look out for sexual frustration and impatience in everyday life. It is not the best time for relationships with Moon in Sagittarius opposite Venus retrograde in Gemini. And again the Mars square does not help with keeping that anger in check. Watch you do no harm and please avoid conflict if you can. Unconditional love and patience is very important at this time. Then as the Mars energy enters into your life…chaos could break loose. The anger and volatile emotions that are lurking in the background will break loose again if you go in that direction. Stay cool or the rashness will overtake you and your interactions and that is far from a good thing. Since Mars is conjunct Neptune in Pisces there may be a turnaround and you find yourself having more courage to move ahead or into the next step then exploding with anger. Confusion may reign here also. You can fight in a way that is better than jumping into the cesspool.

There is the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21, and the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 5. Interesting things are coming. Look to the house the eclipse falls in your natal chart. The affairs of that house will be activated. Does the eclipse fall on a planet in your natal chart? That planet will also be activated. The sign of the eclipse plays a role in the likely events that the eclipse will trigger. Those Sun signs/Rising signs affected more intensely are: 12- 18 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Birthdays: June 2-8; September 5-11; December 4-10;  and March 3-9 .  Tidbits:

Aries – Your view of the world may change now. Go out and learn and travel too.Interactions with neighbors, family!  Restlessness takes charge. How will you use it?

Taurus- What is going on with the money and budgets that you are handling? Will you speak up for yourself with others? Transformation works. 

Gemini- Relationships are to the forefront. Changes are in the mix and how will you handle them? Be prepared for any of these shifts that show up. Stay calm.

Cancer- Oh, how you wish to retreat and refresh right now. Will you choose to do so? Hectic work/other daily stuff are getting to be too much. Keep yourself in good health.

Leo- What are you doing to optimize your opportunities? Have you thought about what creative ideas will do for you? It will be good for you to explore this possibility.

Virgo – Are you having a work and home dilemma? What do you need to complete now.? And if you have done so, now is a good time for you to sit back and relax already.

Libra- Activities and more activities around the local area take place. On another note you may be traveling at a moment’s notice. Will you take time to just be centered within?

Scorpio- Money matters may be to the forefront.  Are you spending recklessly these days? Truth is important now so do not hesitate in saying something that is right.

Sagittarius-Take some time out to nurture yourself and enjoy some down time and just being. Make good plans with others for the future and stay optimistic.

Capricorn- Time out is needed. So much stuff going on and find a way to just chill out and regroup a bit. More action coming so just do this now! Innovative solution comes.

Aquarius- If you stay grounded then you can say anything is possible with others in your life. Stop being pulled into social drama. Let honesty get you through the show.

Pisces- It seems that it is a conflict between who needs you most – work or home. Well a solution shows up soon. You may wish to bring some fresh energy into your home life.

You may want to use the essential oils orange or frankincense at this time. These two are just some of those that are good for this Full Moon.

Thank you for reading/commenting if you like. Keep your heartlight shining so love comes through whenever the chaos surrounds you and just leap higher. No matter how crazed those around you get know that you can stay in your moment. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan

Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo, January 21, 2019 – Stay in your power if the unexpected shows up

full moon wolf 2019Pree

Welcome Dear Ones to Cosmic Leaping. The ride is now getting more intense as the supercharged Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is about to ascend upon you. Since there was just a Solar Eclipse on January 5, 2019 this is a time of finding out where you are in your life. This New Moon Solar Eclipse which just passed gave you an opportunity to begin to take charge of your life and the Lunar Eclipse will support this. Think back to what was going on last July/August 2018 when the previous two eclipses took place. This year of 2019 will be a time when you can take big leaps if you are ready. Many stumbled through last year and did little since there were so many retrograde planets. Now it is time to truly move forward. If you are unwilling to go with it then this lunar eclipse will throw you into a quandary.

On another note- So much has happened through the last two years and there is constant talk of Russian collusion. Well, guess what, it is far from truth. Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin have a composite chart (combining both natal charts) that was affected by last August’s Solar Eclipse since their composite Sun is in Leo 18 degrees. And then this upcoming Lunar Eclipse conjoins Jupiter. This indicates that prosperity and security are the main issues. Also with other influences occurring in his chart and country’s chart Mr. Trump has no intention of backing down. Not happening. A stronger economy comes about and this will increase his popularity. There are many out there who have not done the research to find the truth. Have you? I find it interesting that the dance of those so opposed to truth has reached a new height. And I am not talking about the WALL. Heaven help me if I bring that up to those who supported it back in the day of Clinton, Shumer in 2006, and Obama. It obviously does not fit the picture right now. And it is now immoral. The Kool-Aid must be spiked. Quote from a senior official in the Administration: “A referendum to end government plunder must happen. Wasteful government agencies are fighting for relevance but they will lose. Now is the time to deliver historic change by cutting them down forever.” And this massive winter storm that is set to blanket the country is nothing more than Chemtrails -manufactured weather. Clouds are not real ones. And it is not climate change. Would you like some more Kool-Aid?

The Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo (Wolf Moon) at 0 degrees 51’ arrives on January 21, 2019 at 12:15am EST; 5:15am GMT; and (January 20, 2019) 9:15pm PST. The Sun is at the exact degree in Aquarius. Emotions reach a peak during a Full Moon and more enhanced with the Lunar Eclipse. You are mainly in tune with your own intentions so anything that comes from others will be picked up immediately if it throws you out of balance. So what do you choose to throw away that has been in the mix for the last six months? Are you ready to clear out emotional baggage already? This effect combined with the previous Solar Eclipse on January 5 will take you to the July 2, 2019 Solar Eclipse in Leo. This Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo says much about intimate relationships, love and romance, family and home and creativity. Leo rules the Fifth House in astrology. It is about heart. What is in your heart? Do you follow your heart?  If you are looking for patience it may be difficult to find with Uranus in 28 degrees Aries is squaring (conflict) the Full Moon. This can also bring about the unexpected in so many ways. And you said you wish to relax, is that right? Well, sorry but that will take some doing on your part since something new is starting to emerge from the depths and that may make you start to anticipate what is coming. This aspect may create a bit of boredom and restlessness. Stay in your power and do not be pulled out of where you need to be. Whatever has been below the surface will come to light. Address it.

Watch your words and keep things a bit lighter than usual in your conversation. If something pops up that is not to your liking then let it slide. Many of you will not. If you are in the middle of a creative venture or on the other hand have no idea what you would like to create, well, something may just show up to turn this around. Endings can come or needs may be met more than ever. All depends on you. Mercury in Capricorn is square (conflict) Uranus in Aries and this can cause you to feel nervous. Watch for any misunderstandings in your communication in any form. It just is not a good time for getting things done the way you wish. The energy is intense and it makes you even more so. Mercury also is opposite the Full Moon so that too has much to do with communicating. Watch your friends and coworkers don’t start making trouble if they are envious. Double-check travel plans and meet-ups with others so you stay on track.

Full Moon is also conjunct (within 4 degrees) the North Node in Cancer saying to you that new beginnings are truly possible if you open to them. They may come in from a new direction then what you expected. Or it can just indicate you have new emotions and feelings that pop up and you have a new attitude. Children may get a bit rebellious. Nurturing works in every way for everyone. So try a different approach and see what happens. Venus in Sagittarius is conjunct (together) Jupiter in Sagittarius which indicates positive energy surrounds you. This is a grand time for good luck and love since it is exact the day after the Full Moon.

Are you ready and willing to step out of the old cycles that continue to pull you back? Will you stay in your power and be focused and ready to take a leap, I know I keep saying to purge and leap. Well, this is the perfect time to begin to go in that direction of your dream. It is time to lay the groundwork of what it is you choose to bring about. Keep your mind on the road ahead and keep the distractions to a minimum. May not be easy to do yet it is imperative that you stay in that place. Stay out of the chaos that may come about from others. Remove yourself from it if necessary. And watch for anger over things that come to you suddenly without warning.

Those Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected are Aries 27 degrees-Taurus 3 degrees; Cancer 27 degrees-Leo 3 degrees; Libra 27 degrees-Scorpio 3 degrees; and Capricorn 27 degrees-Aquarius 3 degrees. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those degrees then you may also be affected. Approximate birthdays are April 17-April 23; July 19-July 25; October 21-27; and January 18-24.

Aries- Romantic prospects are good. There is joy revolving around achievement of loved one.

Taurus- There is a free feeling regarding changes in home, property, or career matters.

Gemini-New perspectives show up. Communicate and network; travel.  Be a good listener.

Cancer-What choices are shaping your finances/ cash flow? Watch impulsive actions.

Leo-Love and cheers come after some shifting takes on your big frustrations.

Virgo-Meditation helps clear your mind and brings insights. Climax involving work/health.

Libra- Go out and create some great friendships which are joyful. Let go of frustrating moments.

Scorpio- What’s going on professionally? Go get that extra income. Conflict comes to a head.

Sagittarius-Are you arguing over money? Let it go and find some interesting foreign flavor.

Capricorn-Who is demanding what? Financial affairs need to be set right. Have a plan.

Aquarius-Partnership issues arise. Turning point comes and then joy shows up.

Pisces-Diet/healthy living are the focus. Stop rebelling and count your blessings.

Remember that you can leap or you can sit and watch as the opportunity comes and goes. It may take a few weeks for the energy to reach out to you. In the meantime any unexpected influence may shake things up and will go by the wayside if you stay in your power and refuse to get pulled into it. Create your dream because it will take you where you choose to go. Thank you for reading and sharing. And stop being pulled in by the mainstream junk. Many blessings to you! Enjoy the ride. Until again, love, Jan



New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn, January 5/6 2019- Wake up and allow the dream to happen

solar eclipse new moon

Happy New Year dear ones! Where will this New Year take you? It is time for you to move forward and release that which no longer serves your purpose. And do you know what helps you to leap? It is you connecting with the spiritual side of your nature. Digging deep within and finding the answers by quieting that noise that surrounds you most of the time. Getting off Social Media is just a start. You are being programmed and you are ok with it. Since Mars just went into its own sign of Aries on December 31, 2018 it will be a new cycle for two years of this Mars energy. Will you allow it to guide you? Mars is all about masculine influenced energy and it can go either way with courage and action or ego and conflict. So what will you do now? I suggest claiming what you would like to occur. I have come to realize that you can say thank you ahead of time for anything that you claim. I have found it truly works. There is major shifting taking place some of which cannot be seen yet. This New Year will bring about shocks to some as it progresses and wonderful surprises to others. There may be a complete turn of events as the year rolls on. Of course, how it goes in your life will depend on your action or inaction. And Dr. Peter Vincent Pry (Task force on Homeland Security) tweeted “that you need to stockpile food, water and means to acquire” ASAP.

So now I am a racist because I am white. Really? The ideas that have come forth in the past few years are beyond my comprehension. Maybe I need to become more robotic in my actions and thoughts and I will understand it. Where has the sun gone? And I see lately that the Southwest has temperatures in the 30s. I have to go back to sleep and wake up again because this is getting bizarre. Of course, there are many things going on that are truly controlled and most of the world buys it. The President Trump naysayers have calmed a bit since the government is still in shutdown mode. The California fire was a DEW attack. And if you continue to believe the MSM “story” then you will be one of the shocked down the road. More investigation has been going on into the NYC transformer breakdown. And you think it was really just a malfunction. Money is missing from the government and it isn’t the debt part. I am sure many will give me an answer that is the propaganda. Now there is a lookout for money leaving pension funds. Oh, by the way, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez grew up in Yorktown Heights, a wealthy suburb of NYC not the Bronx hood. A bit of misrepresentation, wouldn’t you say? Karl Marx will soon be the name you will be spouting in history books. The truth sets you free, but it may scare you.

And here you are just getting into the New Year and along comes an eclipse five days into the first week. Are you ready to have intense new starts or will you just shove it away and be the same ol’ same ol’?  I would love to hear from those who decide to take a leap in the New Year.

The New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is at 15 degrees 25’ and arrives Saturday, January 5, 2019 at 8:28pm EST; 5:28pm PST; and January 6, 2019 at 1:28am GMT. The Sun is in the exact degree in Capricorn.  Usually New Moons are about fresh new beginnings. It is like you plant the new seeds in your garden and watch the flowers appear. They will appear quicker than usual this time around due to the eclipse effect. This eclipse supercharged new moon brings in a kind of energy reboot. How will you approach this? Habitual thinking stays in the background and a more unconscious, intuitive side comes out if you allow it. 2018 had many planets going retrograde (moving backwards) throughout the year. This year starts with everything flowing in the same direction except for Uranus which goes direct January 6. It is a time when you may wish to change your diet or at least modify it since the New Moon falls on the Saturn/Pluto midpoint. it can be so there are those of you who may be more critical at this time. It is also saying it is time to cut back on frivolous expenditures and pull yourself together

The New Moon and Saturn are sextile Neptune in Pisces which tells me that you can start that creativity up again if you have put it aside lately. It is an inspiring and healing kind of energy BUT you may not feel like doing something and yet it is a matter of just doing it because the outcome may be better than you think. Ok, that tells me that no matter how much I am finding everything else to do, I am getting those brushes and canvas out and just doing it. Beautiful art work that you create can shift you out of the doldrums and keep your feet on the ground. Otherwise you are going to be wondering why you are fluttering about without any grounding at times. The Neptune in Pisces influence touching the New Moon and Sun in Capricorn can bring about a romantic flair to your love life. Watch your total attention to your lover doesn’t have you forgetting about your own path. It can be exciting and fantasy-prone. Since Neptune is unstructured right now there may be a tendency to deception at times. Keep an eye on the truth and you can see through it all. Pay attention please. Dancing in the moonlight is great. Just stay in balance. If you write poetry then by all means write to your lover/partner. If you sing or write music…do it for your love. On another note-propaganda will thrive in this energy. Stop believing the nonsense that is being thrown at you. It is a distraction to keep you off your own spiritual path and your truth. Saturn sextile Neptune may bring dreams to reality if you keep working at it and stop finding excuses as in the past.

Psychic and intuitive flashes are the norm with this partial Solar Eclipse New Moon. You may have vivid dreams. And with Mercury in Sagittarius trining (favorable) Uranus in Aries it enhances the creative and intuitive even more. Creating a website may be a new interest. Computer technology may be pulling you in or expanding that knowledge if you are involved already. Lots of interesting people may show up and it is wise to hear what they have to say. New friends may appear yet may disappear down the road just as quick. Was there a message?

If you have the Sun/Rising sign in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 11-18 degrees you will be more intensely affected. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) at those degrees it may also have some affect. Tidbits for the signs:                     Aries- Challenges to previously made plans. You realize a companion appreciates you.

Taurus – Travel and networking possibilities. What kind of decisions will have impact?

Gemini – There is a dead-end situation that you need to release. Finances, budget need work.

Cancer – Possible surprises regarding relationship. Transformation may bring tension.

Leo – Real estate and shared assets may be in the works. Unstable relationships are rumbling.

Virgo – It is a happy time with your loved ones. What decisive action is needed in career, with children and creativity?

Libra – Is there a change in how you live? Watch for unexpected expenses. Take constructive action.

Scorpio –Is it time for a new start? Influences around the neighborhood may have an effect.

Sagittarius – It is all about the money. Make good focused decisions in that area.

Capricorn – Focus on wellness and your good reputation. Something needs you to tear it down and rebuild. Tensions mount.

Aquarius – It is all about surrounding yourself with peace. A bit edgy in tone; yet it is time to release the past and live in the now.

Pisces – Are you ready to bring out humanitarian principles? Changes in the works in friendships! Maybe join a group!!

Thank you for reading and sharing dear ones. I appreciate you and all you do. Stay in the moment and know that shifting is going on yet your creative bent is important. Be ready to take a leap after some focused work. Until again, Love, Jan






Manifesting with Solar Eclipse Energy -February 2018


Hello again dear ones. Are you out there in the crowd, walking the talk or shouting out loud? Or are you peering within to view, the magnificence of the inner you? It has been a very unreal week of intense agony, unpredictable anger and just plain nonsense in other cases. What have you been doing to walk through the chaos which accompanies the intense Solar Eclipse energy? It has been a week since the New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred on February 15, 2018. (I just entered 2017…must be the craziness) What have been your intentions? Are there some seeds you truly wish to plant now so manifestation can take place in months ahead? The eclipse energy lasts about six months. If you are willing to give it a go then here are some suggestions for this next week before the Full Moon shows up on March 1-2, 2018. You still have time to do so since it is best to do this before this next full moon comes in..

The first thing to do is to find a quiet spot wherever you are at this time. Get a pen and paper and write down your list of things that you would like to come to fruition. I suggest about 50 minimum; more if you are ambitious. And do keep them positive and dream big!!!

Here are some examples:

  1. I will start a new business.
  2. I will buy a horse.
  3. I will go out in the world and help others.
  4. I will go on a wild water adventure.
  5. I will take a break from texting.
  6. I will be a TV star.
  7. New friends come into my life.
  8. A promotion comes to me.

Keep writing!  You need those 50 intentions.

Once you make your list put it in an envelope, seal it, write date on it and put it someplace safe that is special to you. Or you may wish to give it a blessing and put it in your desk or other drawer. Do not open again for about 6 months and see what you have manifested in your life from that list.

Just wanted to take a moment and share this with you. It took your mind away from all the noise that is going on around you. Stay in the moment and have a beautiful week. Full Moon in Pisces is arriving on March 1-2. If you haven’t been bringing more simplicity in your life then the Full Moon will help. Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in Aries, October 18,2013- Let your true self come forth in order to relate

Another day has come to pass as you play the game of life. When was the last time you thought for yourself? When was the path so clear that you walked without strife? This is a wake-up call from your highest self. Was that really an earthquake that took place off the coast of South Carolina? There is so much turmoil going on in the background that you only see what you choose to see. Are you that conditioned? I hope not. Do you really think the new health insurance is for your benefit? Have you ever thought about really getting healthy with good food, exercise and prayer or meditating? How about a walk in the park? I am asking you to stop being so distracted that your highest self is put to the side and you forget that you can access anything if you choose. Of course the polluted air does interfere with thought processes at times and your ability to actually focus on the truth. Have you allowed the dark to enter your life? Pull yourself out of the swamp and do what you came on earth to do. For those of you who are on the path of Light please know that you are being bamboozled by many around you. You need to discern the truth from your highest self or you will continue to live the lie. Find those who resonate with you and have fun together even in these times of chaotic energy. Smile. You can you know. Enough said. The Lunar Eclipse Full MOON is upon us.

The FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse takes place on Friday, October 18, 2013 at 7:39 pm EDT at 25 degrees Aries. The Full Moon in Aries is intense due to the eclipse effect. Aries is about self and being the explorer, the self-reliant type, the warrior. I am going to do it my way and that’s the way it is. Period. That is the tone of Aries moon. An Aries moon is an energetic type who is like the fire it is burning on the trail behind and moving with forcefulness like no other. Aries knows it and does it and walks past you if you don’t agree. Libra is about relating and negotiating and compromise. Oh yes. How many of you are where you choose to be in a relationship? Is there an obligation which is fuzzy in your life and you feel held in place by it physically or financially? This is a really good time to look at your relationships. A time when the facade comes away and you see the truth or do you choose to live in the land of fantasy and pretense? Clarity may be hiding behind the Lunar Eclipse. Look a little closer and you may just see what is real and what is out of balance. It is quite easy to be pulled off the track and get bogged down with this FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse and then the frustration rears its head and you get ticked off or more angry than need be. Is your relationship supporting your needs? What if you aren’t in a relationship? You may be thinking about how to create that possibility in your life. Pay attention so there are no 2x4s coming at you. Rude awakenings are diminished if you choose to stay balanced.

This ARIES FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse brings a time of major changes/shifting. If you aren’t prepared to see the truth it will blindside you. Stop resisting the changes. I suggest you go with the flow. It is time to balance your own creative/relationship urges with others. As I said, relating is the key. Anger can erupt at any time if the balance is absent. What does life choose to show you and you continue to bury your head in the sand? The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is here to help you see what you need to strengthen and balance and let the rest fall away. Libra/Aries is about love and war. Which will you choose within yourself and also bring to others around you? Society has become impersonal and that is creating much dissonance within us. Ok, maybe down the road you can telepathically send a message and even now some of you do this. That’s a good thing. Until you all arrive at that point- how would it be if there is actual communication such as talking with others face to face? Scary? Put away the texting and emails, Facebook and Twitter for a couple of days and reach out in the old fashioned way. Living in a world of technology is good as with what is going on with Pluto square Uranus, but there has to be that balance again. No whining please. What would you do if it all went down and you couldn’t use technology? Be prepared. The Lunar Eclipse is affecting those of you who are born in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn the most. Any of you with planets in those signs at 25 degrees plus or minus 6 also will be affected.

Let me remind you also that Pluto continues to square Uranus. It is exact again on November 1. This square will continue to tear down old ways and frustrate many of you until mid-2014. It is giving its all to transform what is no longer needed to free you up in ways that will resonate with who you really are. It does make a difference where it actually falls in your chart. This is also about many technological advances that bring about a new paradigm. It is awakening our deep soul consciousness to help unify us. Do watch out for any lightning bolts that may be thrown at you from Uranus. Then again this may trigger your genius.

Mars opposing Neptune is taking place right now and may indicate spiritual warfare or the lies and deception. Oh joy! It can also speak of poisonous effects such as thoughts, words or real poison in the air or somewhere in your life. How about chemtrails? It can indicate what is good for you personally or what is good for the group. There are some of you who may escape to your sexual fantasies.
As I wrap up this post please note that Mercury goes retrograde on October 21. Do not sign agreements for they may have to be redone when it goes direst on November 20. Watch yourself in traffic and with how you communicate. Muddled words may bring unreliable feedback.

If you get an opportunity to listen to my show on BlogTalkRadio/UnseenWorld I would greatly appreciate it. I do a show every other Friday night at 11pm ET. Next show is October 25. I would love to hear from you as a caller.

Pay attention dear ones and keep your hearts open to love. I am sending tons of blessings to help you through the next month of big shifts. Thank you. Until again, Love, Jan

PS- Just keep an eye on the Cyber drills on banking in the next couple of weeks. Make sure you have some cash on hand, just in case. There was one this week without any incidents with 1000 banks taking part.

**Please know that if you choose to repost this blog on another site, please post a link to the original Cosmic Leaping post due to copyright matters. I thank you for your consideration in this.

FULL MOON/Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, May 24/25, 2013-Creative Expansion or Foggy Thinking?

Oh how the web is being woven! The illusions come with the silence and yet the silence is overwhelmed by the false promises and underlying deception. Nothing is what it seems anymore. Gee that was what it was so very long ago yet the rumblings and intensity were absent the last time this occurred in 1993-1994. Where does it take us, this FULL MOON in Sagittarius? What gifts does it bring? What corners does it light up that were so deeply hidden? The FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS and the Lunar Eclipse takes place on May 25, 2013 at 4 degrees 8 minutes at 12:25 am EDT. “Round Midnight” as Monk used to play. Those in other zones of the USA and farther on west will experience it on May 24. The fog may be thick in our minds. Yet, the Full Moon in Sagittarius brings out optimism. This can be overdone with the Neptune aspect. This is not a silent Full Moon since the Sun is in Gemini with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. There is smooth talk and lots of thinking. Watch those promises. If you cannot keep them, stop talking about them.

Much has been taking place since the first eclipse in this cycle occurred in April. What have you encountered since then? Has anything happened to bring on a new perspective or do you continue to whine and whimper about how your life isn’t the way you would like it or how those around you are stuck in the muck of another time. It gets worse, dear ones because you may be the only one who is awake in your circle. The awakening is coming and it will take many by surprise. There still may be some shaky times for those of you paying attention and flowing. Neptune squares this Full Moon in Sagittarius and boy it sure does like to keep those hidden things buried or it will come blasting out at you and throw you off. I think it will be the first scenario because the Powers that Be will not want anything hidden in front of you to actually be noticed by you. Did you notice the same person appeared in the TV blurb about Sandy Hook and Boston Marathon? Have you seen the evidence that Fukushima contaminants are on the east side of Hawaii and moving towards the mainland? The new DSM5 is coming out. If you forget something and tell someone you may have some kind of disorder or if a child or adult throws a temper tantrum…watch out- medication is on the way. How desperate the PTB are! Apparently many of you may be having mental health screenings under Obamacare. Wow, it gets weirder by the day. Oh, I forgot about the leaders who are meeting in South America regarding controlling the internet in some way. Gotta love that!!! Not!

This FULL MOON/Eclipse can bring lightness to your world if you have gotten through the fixed feeling of the New Moon/Solar eclipse a couple of weeks ago. Most of the planets in Taurus except for Mars have moved into Gemini so that does make it feel a bit less stuck, maybe. Oh, dear ones, how many of you have taken the leap and truly opened the door to a bigger world out there. Who among you has taken the risk and followed your heart? Old stuff is continuing to fall away and I know many of you have gotten caught in the clearing out and are confused as to what is going on. Right? And how many of you stay tethered to a past life, event, or even a time in this life where the living was easy. You cannot go back. The door is shutting.It only keeps you mired in your own fantasy and that is what this Neptune square will continue to bring to your life if you allow it, more confusion or unfulfilled dreams. BUT, you can change it with a walk in the park or a meditative state to clear your confusion. Neptune is also spiritual and rules Pisces. It can bring out the best creativity you have had in years. Do it. Jump into the creative moment and instead of that fantasy ruling you and keeping you stuck, let it bring out the best in you and it may help you leap.

With the Full Moon/Eclipse in Sagittarius many of you may be travelling in the next few months. That is part of the Sagittarius influence. And then others may be philosophizing. It can be a mystical revelation with the grand magician’s influence or it can bring disillusionment. Have you thought about delving into your soul and allowing the music of that sphere to evolve? I keep repeating that the deception can be grand and you may be swayed very easily into a cloud that is not for your highest good. Keep that in mind when someone is trying to convince you and your heart says I don’t think so. There are endings that may show up, new beginnings which take place, or a major breakthrough may occur. I know it covers all bases yet it really doesn’t. Some of you will experience only the subtlety of the Full Moon/Eclipse while others of you may be blasted right out of your inertia. Continue paying attention or the change may be so drastic like Medusa’s head flying off. She happens to be in the picture also.
Stop chattering and listen. And please no serious talks with your partner until well after the eclipse’s influence has moved on. The intensity continues and how does that affect you? The Full Moon has Cupid asteroid near it which says to me you have to take a look at where you are giving into your Cupid desires over everything else. Also, there may be a need to take out those demons that you keep hiding from others. Depending where the Full Moon falls in your chart will tell you where the disposal has to take place. Those of you who are mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) will be most affected. Others may be if you have planets near 4 deg 8 minutes of Sagittarius. I have a south node close by. It is time to correct any old habits regarding people in my daily living and workplace. What was lacking in the past still may feel the same right now. It also showed up with the Solar Eclipse and was in my 12th house. Old unconscious thought forms from this and past lifetimes will surface to be cleared. I am jumping for joy!

One more thing-watch what you write and say near an eclipse. If something happens during the eclipse effect it probably will be irreversible and you need to just move on. Any eclipse including this Full Moon in Sagittarius eclipse is about moving forward and taking that leap, whether you like it or not. Celebrate yourself no matter what is going on. Life is what it is and you need to remember that. May you be blessed! Thank you all for reading and any comments. Until again. Love, Jan

Dancing with the Eclipses Around the Maypole

The Eclipse cycle is upon us. Hope you are all taking a deep breath and moving forward in some way. May is upon us and the dance is just in motion. This eclipse cycle changes everything and maybe nothing. You have the opportunity to pay attention and then to act on it or act out against it. May is an extraordinary month. Those of you who are probing deeply and most likely on track will continue to move forward and if you deviate from the Path it will come back at you immediately. Those of you who choose to live in prior conditioning will feel really stuck once you take notice. No one said you have to change. It is about becoming aware of what the reality of this lifetime is all about. Resisting the flow has little transformation connected to it, but an entropy and stagnation that seeps through you and pushes others away. Most of you reading this are most likely following the Path and looking for your truth to surface. Those who choose the old paradigm, it no longer serves you unless you really have no dream to take a creative leap in life.

The Eclipses are here to shake you up or support your efforts or in some cases both things are occurring at the same time. How do you choose to live with the influences? Are you still in the fear mode, stuck in the muck of yesteryear? Do you find yourself wishing to run for the hills because the need to relate has become a moot point? Relating today is about social media and no real human interaction. It is like the TV of years ago. Nothing against technology but if it all goes down, then what? Who needs any kind of actual personal communication? Many have little knowledge of what is reality, even how to speak appropriately or a dozen other things that take you off track. Is this what you choose in life? Social media is fine in moderation but it is a trap. Give that a thought. Brainwashing is in effect in an extreme way and very subtly it envelopes you.

I suggest you pay attention to the open door which may show up at any time in the next months. The effect of a lunar eclipse lasts about 6 months and a solar eclipse up to a year depending on what is going on in your chart. More about that with the New Moon blog post. If the clue comes and it is strong then do something. Stop lollygagging in the fantasies of yesteryear. Pay attention to your intuition and tell the incessant talk of the ego to back off already. And for goodness sakes remember to open your heart to love.

If you cannot hear the whispers within than you must be hooked to what the talking heads say? The news is a fabrication and has been for years. Are you positive that what is being told to you is real or is your conditioning so intact that an illusion slips by and you are muddled in your thinking? Dear ones wake up; 3D world is ending. Many of you have stepped out of it yet at times you get pulled back because you are fearful of what is ahead. The times are shifting and it is a good thing. The next months will bring dramatic changes for the better to many of you. Some will change jobs out of the blue; others of you will find the perfect love; and many will take big leaps to new beginnings. Do you have so little trust in the Divine One? Do you have so little trust in your highest self? Does it matter what others want you to be, to do, to say? Take advantage of all insights, intuitive flashes or whatever comes to you at this time. It will open the door to a new paradigm in your current life. Be positive. If there is doubt, nothing works. If there is fear, it all collapses and dies. If there is joy, it lights you up and others wish to be lit up also. Change comes every day of your life. Be ready and at the appropriate time if you allow it, you will leap through that open door and change your life in a masterful way. Happy Eclipsing!!

Solar Eclipse New Moon is on May 9/10. A truly new energy is coming to you and for many your life will transform if you allow it to do so. Thank you for reading and be blessed. Until again. Love, Jan