Monthly Archives: August 2014

NEW MOON in VIRGO, August 25,2014-Breaking Free to Heal and Find a New Start

As I write this there has been a 6+ earthquake in Napa Valley area, which is in Northern California. Mother Earth is saying something quite strongly. It is quite interesting since California is a VIRGO sign. This past week has been quite chaotic for many of you including myself. There was an unexpected turn of events in my life which will make me consider a new direction on my path. Although I was a bit shocked I know it is a blessing in disguise and I am grateful. This was a time for karmic conditions to clear out as the New Moon approaches. This is a time to really look at what is in your life and what your new intention will be. It is time to take the first step to new horizons.

Lots of insecurity set in about relationships in the past few days which led to actions which may have been less than favorable. It is now time for you to put aside your differences in work, relationships, family and plan to regroup and relax. As the new week begins today the New Moon will show up tomorrow, Monday, August 25, 2014 at 10:12am EDT, 7:12am PDT and 2:12pm GMT. The NEW MOON is in VIRGO at 2 degrees 18 minutes. It represents service to others and being detail-oriented/ organized. Where does it fall in your chart? It affects those of you who have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in Virgo around 2 degrees. Those who are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces from 0 degrees -6 degrees of those signs will also feel it more intensely than others. The NEW MOON in VIRGO is opposed by Neptune in Pisces (6 degrees), the dreamy, cloudy planet. Will illusions mislead you or will you have wonderfully inspiring ideas?

The energy is still a bit sluggish although things will begin to shift once October shows up. Of course, then Mercury will go retrograde and that’s a whole different story. This is a gradual shift which may not come in a big energy burst. Have you have been impatient with the ongoing slow movement of this turning point? I know you have. You need to be persistent and stay in the moment at this time. This is about the NOW and the future will take care of itself. You will know when to act if you pay attention. If something in your life is coming to an end, then stop whining and believe in yourself. If it is an ending, let it go. Mine was an ending. I don’t care is my new thought pattern. Do you know why? Because life is what it is and nothing I can do will change it. Get it? Good. Think about the possibilities and then take the next step.

The sign of Virgo is the Virgin. Many say it is the Divine Feminine coming into play. The Virgin in the Catholic Church is the Virgin Mary. It is an archetype of the Great Mother. Virgo is about purity and it comes into play in this NEW MOON. Unconditional love is represented through the Divine Feminine. This is the time which tells you to be the best you can be and create. The New Moon is on the star Regulus which is about the return of the Goddess energy. So there you have 2 different frames of reference to the Feminine side of our lives. Patriarchal ways are beginning to disappear. Money and power are fading out slowly. Oh yes, but it is not an overnight occurrence. This is about manifesting something better in our world. Won’t it be outstanding if everyone in the world wakes up to truly see the amount of horrible suffering, abuse, wars and pillaging that has taken place? Soon it happens.

Virgo is everything about the mind, body and spirit. Do you give love and acceptance to yourself? As I said in my radio show Friday night, you have to love yourself before you love anyone else. Without self-love then how can love flow to you? Virgo says to take a walk in nature and to see the beauty and purity of the sky, the forests, and the oceans. It is a time for quieting your mind. How many of you can take your thoughts and put them on the shelf so that your feelings can come through? Notice whether you do that.

The NEW MOON in VIRGO is asking you to intend what is good for your next step. It says it is important to bring about self-awareness and ongoing growth. Do you use both sides of your brain? Why not? If you begin to do this then you can truly create healing within. This is important to do now. Your rational mind is a wonderful thing but it not good to use it without the creative intuitive side. It is about matter and spirit. It is about integration, wholeness and healing. It is a time to break free of any limitations. It is a time to place emphasis on spiritual rather than the material.

To top off the NEW MOON is the stifling Mars/Saturn conjunction in Scorpio. Oh drat. I smell a rat. This is Mr. No-Nonsense as they hang together. If you aren’t into following rules and regulations well, you can be undermined. Watch out. They are asking you to be self-disciplined and ride with this wave. Put all your effort into one thing at a time and forget all distractions. It wants you to harness its power to help you with the New Moon energy. It wants you to stay put, think about what is going on, ponder some more and go for a walk. Make no decisions yet. Either make the plans for the long-term project or take action now if your plans are ready to go. When you find something…invest yourself in it. Jump into it with both feet and arms and your whole self. This is the Scorpio way to begin anything. Be patient yet ready to roll if something turns up. By the way, watch for any anger or frustration that may show up.

If you can take that leap, do it. Some of you just hold fast and be in the moment as you look at the direction you wish to go in. I wish you well and send blessings to all. Thank you for reading. Any comments are appreciated. Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON in AQUARIUS, August 10,2014- Fire and Ice Dance for Change

Here we go again. It is another month and more chaos in the world. Things are getting desperate for those in control. Vets aren’t getting the healthcare they need. Iraq is back in the news. The Gaza situation is out of control. Think about it because that could be you being shot at instead of those women and children. Bankers are being killed. There are lots of weather changes. Life is going to get a bit dicey in the next few months. Keep your attention focused. It is totally not what it seems. Wake up already. War is a racket and profits no one except the PTB. I know, why be concerned, it isn’t affecting you. Or is it? There are many of you out there on this Earth who are holding the energy of the Light. You need to continue doing so without letting down. We are at a continuing turning point since the Grand Cardinal Cross energy is still in the background.

Dear ones, it is time to look around you. What do you see? Are there changes in your life which you are allowing or are you still hanging onto the past? Tomorrow you will notice the major SUPER MOON taking place. And it is truly the most important Super Moon of the year. The FULL MOON occurs in Aquarius, Sunday at 2:09pm EDT, 11:09am PDT in 18 degrees. Wherever it falls in your chart is the focus of the next few weeks. Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio signs will be most intensely affected. And you also may be affected if you have any personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) between 13 and 21 degrees of those astrological signs mentioned.

Aquarian Moon loves to have an open mind and think outside the box. And sometimes Leo Sun doesn’t like the unexpected that this Full Moon brings out. Well, I guess it may also mean you don’t like the twist that appears in your life. Go with it for goodness sakes. Changes may take place on this Full Moon in Aquarius. Will you even notice them? Oh, my, did you say you dislike what is happening? Aquarian likes changes even though they can be inflexible (they are a fixed sign you know). Usually Aquarian Moon is full of life and they share much joy. They are universal in their love approach and want everyone to be peaceful and happy. Sound familiar? And don’t forget they are hard-working and very loyal. Aquarian Moon can be very cool and detached unlike the Leo Sun who is fiery.

Since this is a Full Moon it is also a time of releasing old patterns and beliefs. Have you been doing this lately? I know there are some of you who choose to hang onto the past. What is it doing for you? Aquarian Moon is about living a vision. Find it and work with it at the present time since this a great opportunity to move on a creative venture or at least recognize that your creative urges are real. It is also a time of reaching within and finding your sexuality and sharing in a new way with your partner. Creative innovation arrives in all parts of your life.

With the Sun in Leo opposing the Aquarian Moon it helps your intention to be powerful. Just remember to stay out of the ego place because now that can make things difficult. The Leo Sun who allows things to flow will take big leaps. If Leo Sun decides to hold on that is when the problem arises. There is another aspect that is affecting you during the Full Moon.

That old Cosmic Cop, Saturn, is squaring the Full Moon in Aquarius from its place in Scorpio. How limiting it can be! Since it is square to both the Sun and the Moon it is a T-square and will tend to be restrictive. If you have a problem with an authority, watch out. Saturn will try to get your attention in anyway it can. Think of a child who continues to whine and pull on you. Oh well, you eventually pay attention, don’t you? That’s like Saturn in action. It can pull you out of balance as it makes you pay attention. It is trying to shift something; maybe it is your perspective or clearing out the ruts. Stop resisting and you will walk through it. The more resistance and ego that rises up within you then the more difficulties may occur. If you choose challenge, it will be there. Stay detached as the Aquarian Moon. Evaluate what is the best for all.

Your intuition may be even stronger at this time. And if you need to change something about yourself or something in your life then do it now. This is a perfect time to change something in your life which you most likely wouldn’t do before. Aquarian Moon is there to support you. Just watch out that you don’t step outside the boundaries. Remember Saturn is present. Of course, if you want to be wild in your dress or crazy in your behavior and it is all for the good, look before you act upon it. And really get ready to party shortly because the gentle Venus in Cancer is going to enter Leo on August 12. It is time to shine!

For some of you there may be a turning point where you change something in your life or take on more responsibility. Some may find the job changes and others of you may see an unexpected move or travel. In my chart the Saturn T-square Full Moon/Sun is opposing exactly my Sun in Taurus. It is about self-evaluation and how to grow from the experience that presents itself. This has been an ongoing part of my life for the past months. It is almost done. Yay! There are many of you who may have the same thing happening with a similar Saturn aspect. Jupiter will conjunct my Pandora asteroid in the house 3 very close to cusp. We shall see how this manifests in the next couple of days. What surprise will I find through communication? Or will I dig a bit too deep when I am talking to someone?

Keep in mind that a unique quality to your creativity may show up to help you shift your perspective.

Be well and have an outstanding FULL MOON in Aquarius. Go with whatever occurs. Stay in the moment please. Please share with others if you are so inclined. Blessings to all and thank you for reading. Until again. Love, Jan