Monthly Archives: December 2021

New Moon in Capricorn, January 2,2022 – Awakening

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Happy New Year to you! It has been a wild ride for many in the past year. As I look around I see joy in some and fear in others.  Where will it find you in 2022? Will you take that leap that you have been pondering since the beginning of this past year or will stay in the rut? And have you let go of the many things that no longer are pertinent to you like grudges, rivalries, past patterns, habits, fears and old behavior? Just wondering how you intend to move forward with any negativity holding you back. The energy that has been coming in has been affecting many of you and you cannot figure out why or what is happening. This energy will continue to get stronger because it is here to wake you up. Yes, that is correct. So, if you are still holding onto the past, do not. Get yourself into a peaceful place and stop bellyaching about who, what, when where and why anything happened in the past to you? Take a look at it and you know what, let it go. It is important that you do. Let the positive energy come into play.

Many things occurring will be outside of your own control. What you do have control over, however, is your response. No matter how strange things get, the key for you is to find your balance and take the high road of spirit. As you do that, you connect with the energy of hope at your core. You may need more sleep or more frequent refueling to stabilize when so much stress is in the air. Do your best to avoid taking things personally by being a neutral observer. Come back to your center often to be reminded of what really matters to you, and remember those out there in the world need your love, your light and your consciousness.

Do you believe in the Globalist agenda? If you are following the takedown of this country by those who believe they are right and you are wrong then stay tuned to see where that takes your home, your land, your money. I only know what is out there and shows itself blatantly. Aaron Rogers was on a podcast relaying the message about how he took Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D and C when he came down with Covid and was over it in 48 hours. He did not get the VAX. This is a very volatile issue so I am saying little. College basketball is having a tough time with so many postponements and cancellations due to Covid. Is there anything else in the news that is popping out at you?

The New Moon in Capricorn shows up on Sunday, January 2, 2022 at 1:33pm EST; 10:33am PST; and 6:33pm GMT in 12°20′. The Sun is in Capricorn in the exact degree. Capricorn is the third Earth sign along with Taurus and Virgo. It is also a Cardinal sign. It begins the winter season. The three other Cardinal signs begin each other season. What does this Capricorn new moon bring to you? Since Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the taskmaster, it will try to keep you on track with setting intentions which are reality grounded as the New Moon is trine to Uranus in Taurus.  This will bring in unexpected twists and turns which my lead to breakthroughs and insights which are mainly positive. New Moon square Chiron in Aries and this says are you avoiding questioning something in your life. You can change your life with this energy if you choose. Mars sextile Saturn provides the focus and discipline to achieve your goals. Mercury forms a trine with the Nodes while Jupiter in Pisces is square the Nodes so that you can see through the illusion that has been hanging about. It will help you take action with new ideas.  Venus is retrograde in Capricorn and conjunct Pluto. It says that financial or love issues may pop up to be resolved from the soul level. This energy from Venus and Pluto will run into March and it is about hidden secrets that come to the surface on a bigger level out there in the world. It is time to decide what direction you choose to take and write down that intention within the first 24 hours after the New Moon arrives. It is best to write a short list not too long after the New Moon is in effect. Remember you are climbing the mountain like the goat. Are you ready to do this?

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius begins on January 14. The shadow started December 29.That makes it very interesting since retrograde motion is about revising, revisiting, renewing, revamping and you pick whatever “re” word you like and that’s what it is also about. I know there are many of you who hear that Mercury is retrograde and you panic. No worries. Just pay attention. And stay away from signing any important papers and watch your communication. Mercury retrograde is about technology it may bring unexpected issues as I mentioned before. Life can get confusing. So what does this have to do with anything that is going on today in your life? Many of you are on your phone all the time. I wouldn’t doubt that you have it hooked to you no matter what you are doing. That is the truth, isn’t it? Mercury is about getting those messages and that is ok but an overabundance of this is out of balance. And therefore many of you are not seeing what is really right in front of you.

Some essential oils to use during this time frame are the following: Ylang Ylang –stabilizes the nervous system; Myrrh- a tonic that soothes; Frankincense-spiritual healing; and Lemongrass-renews and refreshes. Also good to have around are some stones such as: emerald for organizing and smooth communication, aquamarine for clear communication

The most intensely affected Sun signs and personal planets are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 9-15 degrees. Birthdays affected are March 30-April 5; May 31-June 6; October 3- October 9 and December 31-January 6. Stay positive!! 

Aries – You have the impetus to start something new that is fully aligned to your truest ambitions. Be authentic in your actions. You are so ready to take a leap.                                                     

Taurus- It could feel like the journey to achievement requires that you pay a steep price. Do not let your own negativity get in the way. Time to focus on what to do!

Gemini- A new period of growth shows up. You may think you must relinquish your imaginative and playful self to grow up. “The great person never loses a childlike spirit.”

Cancer- Reassess your commitments!  You long for safety and security but the search for those qualities might seem more like a business transaction than a loving connection.

Leo- Reframe your idea of what it means to live a good life and you might just discover pursuing self-care brings you a deeper sense of joy. Bring in healthier habits.

Virgo- Don’t romanticize suffering or toiling; what seems like a good idea may prove to be a burden later, so temper your admirable ambition with a dash of common sense..

Libra- Stop watering the weeds in your life and start watering the flowers. Bring your ideas to the forefront and create an environment that will encourage it to grow.

Scorpio – You must decide whether you want to fearfully build walls around your mind or to openly explore new ways of learning. Strict censorship is not the way to go.

Sagittarius- You feel the push to put your budget in order and it might seem as if you must limit your spending more than you expected. True worth comes from within.

Capricorn- A new emotional cycle is beginning and hangs in the air. This is renewing your sense of purpose and direction. Balance needed between self-care and ambition.

Aquarius – Time to put greater emphasis on your inner world. The austere energy of brings forth an image of a holy person living alone in isolation. Use meditation!

Pisces- You’re ready to dedicate as much as possible to an organization On the other hand, you’re wondering if you possess the stamina to maintain the efforts.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for your kind support. Keep your heart open to unconditional love and let the fear be gone already. Some things are shifting dramatically and speeding up yet at the same time the energy is giving you an opportunity to take it slowly one step up the mountain at a time. Paradoxical at best! Comments are always welcome. Many blessings to you, until again, love, Jan

Full Moon in Gemini, December 18/19,2021 – Realigning your feelings and thoughts

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Where are you on this day as the Full Moon arrives? Are you coming from a lower self or higher self place within? Many of you are living on the edge as you walk the path. Are you letting the energy of the world keep you from shining? Have you got caught in the hive mind? I hope not. Did you get to see who people really are in the last weeks? So many openings are occurring yet many of you refuse to accept them. Life will bring great joy if you truly change your belief. WILL YOU choose to do that? On the other hand are you willing to fight for what is rightfully the truth? This is all about communication since Mercury rules Gemini and the Full Moon is in Gemini. It has been a very intense week of shifting for some and resisting for others. So many holidays (holy days) between now and end of year. Christmas for those who celebrate is almost upon us. Joy to the world lives in your heart. And remember that on December 21 is the Winter Solstice which is the shortest day of the year and a time for looking to take a leap and being in a quiet place within.

Twitter banned thousands of accounts in their latest purge of dissenting thought. Klaus Schwab was arrested a month ago. He was looking to seize all properties with the goal of having those whose properties that would be seized they then would live there free but then work for those in charge. Debt relief is about forfeiting your assets. Julian Assange who is currently in a prison in Britain just suffered a mini stroke. If you got a jab at CVS then your records may be turned over to Bill Gates since “they are partnering with Microsoft for a data-driven personalized privacy compliant customer experience.” Dawson Springs Kentucky was totally destroyed by the tornado that rolled through last week. Where did all the 1.7 million illegal immigrants go after crossing the border? The PA AG is freaking out since there is a 2020 election audit going on in the state.

Ok, Dear Ones, here comes the Full Moon in Gemini on Saturday December 18, 2021 at 11:35pm EST; 8:35pm PST; and December 19 at 4:35am GMT in 27°28′. The Sun is in the exact degree in Sagittarius. This Full Moon is about communication and how it occurs. The energy is building and many of you will be caught in the chaotic holiday mix. Therefore you may wish to take a breather and see if you are living in reality or a big illusion since there is a square between the moon and Neptune in Pisces. Full Moons are truly about reassessing and deciding what stays and what is thrown out. Is there something that you would rather be doing than enjoying a momentary lull in the madness? It is certainly up to you yet, I feel there is some kind of hesitance with many who continue to sit in the past and therefore nothing changes. Wake up from the brainwashing already. Where is the joy within you? I say that you take the time to be in the moment and show love to those who come around you this holiday season. It is a perfect time to communicate in a truly perfect way. I live with joy in my heart no matter what goes on. This is a six month point since the May 25 New Moon in Gemini. Are you doing the project that you started back then or are you shifting something within? 

This is a very positive Full Moon since the Moon is trine Jupiter in Aquarius. And that does much for the love light to shine in your life. Love can be truly fantastic if I may say so. Your interactions and relationships will benefit if you are honest and open.  Be respectful since this will benefit business and intimate connections. It is a good time for investments and new starts in business or opening your own. Good fortune may surround you. There will be opportunities which come in so pay attention. Have conversations about hopes and dreams. There is a quincunx (150degrees) between the Moon and Venus in Capricorn. Venus is also conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. And on top of this is that Venus goes retrograde about 6 hours after the Full Moon. This means you can take another look at the ways things have developed. With Venus hanging with Pluto there may be a magnetic attraction that appears. There is also a need for deeper more intense involvement.  You truly are looking for love and affection. With Venus going retrograde watch out for financial issues. Stop the compulsive need to spend your money foolishly. Mercury is square Chiron helps you change your perspective to past wounds and help clear path if looking for new love.

Full Moon quincunx Pluto says to be on the lookout for jealousy, possessiveness and secrets may create a bit of anxiety. Be aware of destructive behavior if your fear is showing up. Also, the fixed star Betelgeuse is with the Full Moon in Gemini. This gives honor and an active mind. Immense strength can come through. Wealth is also indicated.

The Saturn/Uranus square is here one last time on December 24. In this instance, you will feel the need to let go those things from the past in order to bring in a specific goal that can motivate you. Saturn likes to rule and control; Uranus likes to think out of the box. This is a final time for this energy. Which way will it take you?

A Full Moon makes us aware of what we’ve been unconscious of. So step back and take a look at your core beliefs then look at what you’re thinking. The Full Moon is all about letting go. Watch what you throw out with the bath water as the saying goes. Think and then throw it out so that 2022 can be a truly loving time.

Those affected most intensely will be Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces (Sun signs/rising signs in 24-30 degrees. Also birthdays affected: June 16-June 22; September 18-September 24; December 17-December 24 and March 15- March 21. If you have personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mercury and Mars) at these degrees, than it may have an affect also. Here are some tidbits:

Aries It shines a spotlight on what comes out of your mouth and that will be quite interesting. Make plans and be ready to communicate. Some travel shows up too.

Taurus It’s wise to consider how much you’re giving away, both monetarily and energetically. And you will feel more like hanging out at home than going out.

Gemini This Moon lights you up. Be honest with yourself about the closest relationships in your life. Something may shift. Cooperation comes in personal interests.

Cancer During your downtime reflect on your work obligations and the promises made to those you love. You may want to lighten your load. Let go. You are optimistic.

Leo- Some excitement appears in your social network. Good time to surround yourself with those who love and care for you. Much falls into place and it works out.

Virgo- It highlights stellar performance on the job.  A stable foundation supports your personal and professional success. Is that recognition in your career finally showing up?

Libra- Attention is on what you truly think. What do you wish to do? What is the inspiration behind your thoughts? Is there lots of travel on your mind?

Scorpio The sooner you settle accounts, the better for everyone involved. Embrace a new way to move forward when the time feels right. Investment possibilities!

Sagittarius Relationships are the focus. What do you really want from a partner? Talk about it and share. Reach inward for intuition to help you in relationships.

Capricorn Carefully aim your ambition in the right direction and success will be yours.  It is time for health and wellness. Daily living needs some extra attention. Let go.

Aquarius- Have fun, but err on the side of caution when it comes to matters of the heart. Communicate what you truly feel in a relationship. Creativity may be a new road to take.

Pisces- Do right by your career, but do right by your heart, too. You can’t help one and leave the other behind. Build a nurturing energy in home and family now.

Helichrysum essential oil is a good oil for the Full Moon. It promotes the healing of psychic and emotional wounds. Sandalwood and lavender are good also.

Thank you dear ones for reading my post and sharing it. Celebrate this season of Light with joy and peace. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate and a Happy Holiday season to everyone else! This is the last Full Moon in 2021. Let it shift you to new ideas and a positive beginning to the New Year! Stay in the moment and see how beautiful life is when you let love flow. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, December 3/4 2021 – How will you respond to the unexpected changes?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Did you have a pleasant Thanksgiving? I hope you were able to have a peaceful day with those you love. And I would also like to take a moment to remind you of the Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance, December 7th as a reminder of the attack on the fleet in Pearl Harbor and in honor of those who served in the Armed Forces and those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor in World War II. It is not even winter and I am tired of the gloom. The sun has disappeared where I reside. It was amazing during the Thanksgiving holiday that I stayed off the internet, the main TV channels and enjoyed talking to those who I was around. What a difference that made. And how did you spend the time? As I write this I think of how grateful I am for those who relate to me and even those of you who may not. Life gets more interesting as the days go by and staying in one’s heart is such a wonderful feeling as the chaos continues to amp up. Of course in the outer world I see how many are under the spell of the fear that continues to come into play. As a clinical hypnotherapist I see there is still much brainwashing going on. That would end abruptly if those who are constantly on any screen, (phone, TV, or internet) decide to take a break and go walk in nature, talk to friends, meditate or just be in the moment. Life can shift dramatically if you walk your truth and communicate with love and joy. Life is going to change soon, for better or worse. Which way will you go? The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse will help you to see what needs to go by the wayside and in which direction you choose to leap.

Are you aware of the millions of people around the world who have been protesting all the lockdowns? If you have not it is because you may not see it on mainstream news in USA. As I said previously this can get extremely bad if you say nothing.  Whether you got the jab or not eventually all will be victimized. If you know German history then you will see what is coming. And it is not saying you have to believe it. By the way the new variant as they say is named Omicron-an anagram moronic. And it is the name of a Sci-fi film from 1963 where an alien takes over Earthman so he can learn about the planet and then his race can take over totally. Lots of psychological warfare is out there in fantasyland. Jack Dorsey is stepping down from Twitter. So are the CEO’s of Walmart and CNBC. I just saw that a first grader in Wildwood cannot play sports while one in the next county over can do so. “How many times can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn’t see?” (Bob Dylan)

The Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius shows up on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at  2:42am EST; 11:42pm PST (December 3, 2021) and  7:42am GMT in 12°12′. The Sun is in the exact degree as the Moon. This is a time of finding your way through a twisting road where you cannot see that well. And on top of that it is a time of also letting your past behind which I have spoken about for several years. I still find many stuck there. This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is truly asking you to figure out what is still holding you back and walk through that darkness already. Let the beam of light on your helmet help you forge ahead to a new year and a new start. The Solar Eclipse helps you to stay in balance emotionally and there could be a burst of energy coming in. The New Moon is conjunct Mercury and sextile Saturn in Aquarius and quincunx Uranus in Taurus. This helps you share a deeper connection to loved one. It is a good time to talk of family home topics and commitment. Sagittarius is all about freedom, truth and your philosophy. The energy will help to set goals for the upcoming year of 2022. Mercury and the New Moon bring in communication and lots of action with friends, sharing ideas and making plans. The New Moon quincunx Uranus says there may be pressure coming in is pushing you to change something. Could it be a boss or someone else? It just may be nervousness and anxiety because the energy is intense. If you have any tasks that are looming this is a good time to do them with New Moon sextiling Saturn. Any difficult tasks are easy to face at this time. Still in the mix is Saturn squaring Uranus. This has been active for many months and it comes to a climax on December 24. Have there been changes which you disliked in the past year? Was there any crisis that appeared out of nowhere? Did you deal with it? Continue to be on track since it is still in effect. It has been all about working with opposing needs to come into balance.

Sagittarius is about truth and purpose and a new meaning. The Sagittarian is generous with money and time. Fires burn wherever desire takes them. The Sagittarian can shoot the arrow into the air and it can go out there, anywhere it chooses or can shoot and the arrow comes back with a vision.

With the Solar Eclipse it is a time of big and strong changes. Remember that not everything goes exactly the way you want it to go. If someone around you acts in ways that are unusual then know that it may not be the entire picture. Your awareness will help to cope with the scenario of the individual acting strangely. Also know that this Solar Eclipse energy lasts about 6 months so take advantage of good energy that may show up shifting a few things in your life even though you may not recognize it at first. Release what is not needed and your new year will be on track for big new starts.

Those who are more intensely affected by the New Moon in Sagittarius are the Sun signs/Rising signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces at 9-15 degrees. And if you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in those signs/degrees then you may also be affected by the energy. Birthdays include:  May 31-June 6; September 2-8; December 2-8; and February 28- March 6.  Tidbits:

Aries-There may be a crisis in morals. Want to travel this is a perfect time. New way of life can come into being/socially exciting. A spiritual teacher may help.

Taurus-Trust comes in. You may be looking at the shadow side of your life if you need to. You finally may see the truth about an issue. Is there new money coming in?

Gemini- Break new ground and get out of your rut. Excitement is in relationships. Are you going to pine away for the mystical half? Legal contracts are highlighted.

Cancer- Put that new fitness plan in action. Make adjustments in everyday living. Period of adjustment comes when you see if you are out of balance. Slow down.

Leo- You get closer to someone. A journey of the heart in many ways shows up. Fun is healing. You need leisure time. Children keep you on a merry go round.

Virgo- It may bring up childhood wounds that you ignored. You may want to visit where ancestors came from. Foundations of your life are being re-set. Family dynamic shifts!

Libra- You may get obsessed with some new topic and study it deeply. You are looking to get new information. Old connections may show up in your life. 

Scorpio -New financial goals in the making. Some feeling of ideal love comes to you. How committed are you to your path? How much do you value yourself?

Sagittarius-You are adventurous. Be careful what you wish for because it may just decide to show up. If you wear a mask to others…it is time to take it off. A fresh start comes in.

Capricorn – Look inward. What are your dreams telling you? If you are into music this is a good time for letting it come in. Let intuition break down the walls. Recharge!

Aquarius-Stop brooding. Lots of excitement presents itself. New people come in. More mobility! Get out there and find friends who are on the same wavelength.

Pisces – Make new business contacts. Professional activities come into play. Face your fear of rejection and go out and shine. Ask for that promotion or a raise.

Thank you for reading and sharing Dear Ones. Listen to your intuition instead of your mind. Let your beliefs sit back. There may be major deception out there and use caution in any dealings. Find your truth within and be blessed as the energy appears. Frankincense is a great oil for this New Moon and Malachite is a good gem to use. Until again, love, Jan