Monthly Archives: May 2017

NEW MOON in GEMINI, May 25, 2017- Will your repressed feelings explode in joy or anger?

new moon hyades2

Changing times have become less than amusing. I have always found humor in many situations in my life and all around me I continue to see dour faces around me. If something changes does that indicate it is “bad”? If you have a disagreement with another individual does that say it is “bad” news and you refuse to deal with it? Do you know what –who cares? I do not say that you walk in disinterest yet that is what is happening in society today. You care about those revelations that the news brings to you and get all excited and adamant about what is right and what is not so right. You become someone else’s mouthpiece since you are living from the old paradigm. You have no caring for those around you and if you do it is as if you need to e immersed in their lives so you do not have to deal with your own. Why not just be present in your life and reach out in positive ways instead of controlling everything? Do you understand this? Why am I even talking about this? Jupiter in Libra is retrograde and still squaring Pluto in Capricorn so reaching out to help others is what this is about yet it says nothing about taking over everything that is not of your concern.  And if it has come to be a concern due to other factors then get the help you need in assessing it and doing the best you can to resolve it.

What can I say about life today that comes at you daily from the news media? It is not what it seems at all. So what is the real story behind the Manchester incident? Was it done to distract from the Seth Rich story on Hannity? There are some saying this.  In fact, nothing new in Seth Rich murder since someone seems to have said “do not say anything” to the family. And now Hannity is getting bashed and torn to pieces. Can you guess who might be behind this? Oh, dear, you do not believe me. Deep State has you all immersed in Trump-bashing. Go for it.  It would be great if you would wake up already.

I am appalled at the disrespect that has arisen in this country of mine. Dear ones, what happened to you and the dignified behavior that was instilled in most? To me it is gone by the wayside because you believe everything that comes across your phone, your TV and everywhere else you hear it. Go right ahead and get pulled into zombieland.  Your choice. To me everyone is a crybaby. Does it make a difference in your life? If it does, keep crying. No one cares. Life is as you choose it to be or have you forgotten? You are responsible for your life if you are an adult. What happened to that notion? The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon on May 10 said that no matter what you are facing in life you can still display freedom within and be an individual. This is still in motion for another 2 weeks. It didn’t say bashing others is the key.

New Moon in Gemini shows up on May 25, 2017 at 3:45PM EDT, 12:45PM PDT and 7:45PM GMT in 4degrees 47’. Sun is also at same degree in Gemini. All new moons are about newly planted seeds. So whatever you are doing or thinking about it is time to take a look at what your intentions are. This is a reminder to write out your goals/dreams (10 of them in a list). Since Gemini is about communication, social situations, learning, listening and teaching and curiosity then your intentions should be in one of those realms. Jan Spiller has a great book about this. And the best time to do it is within the first 8 hours after the new moon arrives.

This new moon has no major aspects to it. So what do you do with the energy? This Is a New Moon of not so deep emotional expression. It is a bit dark and there are shadows lurking. Will you see them? Probably not going to happen! How will you respond to someone who speaks the raw truth? Well, in my observation you will probably give it right back to them. So, dear ones, if you cannot handle the straight outright to the point truth, then say nothing or you will find yourself having to deal with it.

This is a time to look for new ways to do your projects, to gather information or anything else that you have plans to do. Will you be willing to start fresh again? The New Moon in Gemini falls in a cluster of stars called Hyades which is in the constellation Taurus. That is the only aspect that touches the New Moon. There can be some exploitation for power. Some obsessiveness may occur. Watch out for that!!! This is a time for courage and determination for new beginnings.

Since the New Moon in Gemini has to do with communication it will help you to express yourself in a good way and you will be able to hear what is being said without confusion. And if there has been confusion in the past with any interactions you can take another look at it and come to understanding. This is helped by Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces.

Another aspect occurring at New Moon time is Venus in Aries 19 degrees squaring Pluto in Capricorn at 19 degrees. Oh boy, this is a doozy in some ways. What is pushing you to have the same type of relationship as in the past? Or is the past love still influencing your current way of thinking?  Are you feeling insecure or not loved and valued? Some of you may experience manipulative behavior or jealousy from partners or you may display this. It is time to transform this or it will break down negatively, create major tension and/or end. On the other hand sexual energy may erupt in a different way. It may be a bit dark and deeper than you expect. If you wish to transform your love life today you need to step back and breathe. Tell the Universe what you would like in your love life and take a breath. Call in your love and tell them how you feel. Take a breath. Or you can just write it down and meditate on your intentions with an open heart. Enough said. Life can bring you lots of enduring love if you open to it. How about some Tantric sex?

Venus also rules finances so it will help you to reevaluate and transform whatever needs to be done in your financial affairs. That is certainly a good thing. And when you are unsure as to the next step use the Mercury ruled New Moon to bring your dance to the light. Shake it up a bit and DANCE!!!!

The North Node danced into Leo on May 9, 2017. It was in Virgo for the last 18 1/2 months and was all about boundaries, commitment follow-through and your health. Virgo showed up in how productive you were. So now that it is in Leo it is asking you just how creative can you be. Will love prevail? There may be a revitalization of this concept. It is all about becoming your true self in the next 18 1/2 months. Take that creative venture and manifest a most glorious creation in the area that is your interest.

Those who are most intensely affected are the Sun signs/rising signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces 1-8 degrees.  Birthdays involved are:  May 21-May 28; August 23-30; November 23-30; and February 20-27.

Thank you all for reading and sharing if you will. No matter what is going on in the world you first have to be the authentic as you communicate and share. Times are truly changing and even though intensity may show up let the lightness of your heart shine through. Many articles of interest are in magazine.  Upcoming I will have a two-part article about lunar nodes. If you get a chance check it out. Many blessings for a terrific New Moon in Gemini! Until again. Love, Jan




FULL MOON in SCORPIO, May 10 2017-Open to an unexpected intense revelation

full moon in scorpio 2017So many changes are going on in our world and no matter how much the fear-mongering continues the Light is present and continues to help you if you truly pay attention. When was the last time you sat and just let life be, being in the moment and noticing how you are feeling? When was the last time you actually just sat in silence and allowed the energy within bring you to a new place of balance? Why am even saying this? Well, the Full Moon is in Scorpio will be arriving shortly, ta da, and that is telling you that if you are out of balance, the dark side of your inner workings will beckon you in a very big way. Before I go into that let’s look further at the world and where it is heading.

As I was perusing some worldly news among other items I was reminded of something I read years ago regarding the world and how it will be. Did you ever really think about what has been happening in this country and across the globe recently? Do you really believe that the war-mongering is necessary for your betterment and all others? Dear ones, the darkness is present like never before and you will tell me, oh, no, this is about North Korea or Iran or any other place that is in the predator’s reach. Have you ever heard of eugenics? Look it up if you haven’t. That is the one of the main pieces of what is occurring in the realm of existence. And so is depopulation. Too many people on this Earth so let’s have war and get rid of you! Doubt it? Matters not!  Then there is the stolen election in France by Macron. He wants complete Islamization of Europe. And I just heard that a small earthquake shook the Lourdes Shrine. So just another day in the neighborhood.  Oh, there is some better news…Had a great weekend with wonderful friends and relatives at two birthday events.

I suggest that you take the opportunity to listen to your dreams and your heart and then you will be appalled at what is going on. And that is an understatement. The dark is having its way and you are letting it. Your phone distracts you and you are becoming a robot. Have you noticed? I am asking you to wake up because this Full Moon is about facing the darkness. Whatever it is that shows up, you will be able to deal with it if you choose to do so.

The Full Moon in Scorpio arrives on May 10, 2017 in 20 degrees 25’ at 5:44PM EDT; 2:44PM PDT and 9:44PM GMT. Sun in Taurus is in the same degree and is trine Pluto in Capricorn. The Full Moon is sextile Pluto retrograde in Capricorn and Juno retrograde in Capricorn and trine Chiron in Pisces and Neptune in Pisces (wide trine). There are no hard aspects to this moon so some of that cruel stuff that sometimes shows up with Scorpio will not be present. Authenticity will be the word of the day and so will assertiveness. Those who are affected will have a powerful day. Take advantage of the positive influences. If you are looking for intensity then it may appear in any type of experience, It is also about financial endeavors. Since Full Moons are about looking at those things that you have not dealt with up until this point, now is the time.

This Full Moon in Scorpio is a time of relationships and some romance also. In personal interactions you will want to express exactly how you feel and so will the other individual. It will take you to a new depth of emotions in a relationship. If the relationship is no longer to be then personal transformation will take place as you go in another direction. This past New Moon also hit a bit on the dark side and now you can release any guilt or other negative items that may keep you stuck within. Go do it. What a shift will take place if you do. This is a time to truly find the clutter and eliminate any bad habits and destructive tendencies. It is important to express how you feel with this Full Moon since the energy has been building and in the next couple of weeks it is a good thing to do.

Others who you thought may have left your life may show up again. Along with them you may find that a certain individual who tries your patience may reappear. This comes to the table from Juno and Pluto both retrograde being conjunct in Capricorn as I previously mentioned. Watch out for that abusive tendency within your relationship and ensure it stays out. If not, address it now. It is also a time to go into the underground of self and discover what darkness continues to show its face to you at times. Look closely and transform it since Pluto is the modern ruler of Scorpio so transformation is the key. Pluto is also sextile (good aspect) to Neptune so intuitive powers are more pronounced. Those of you whose life is filed with good fortune may wish to help out others in charitable ways. Saturn just turned retrograde in Sagittarius on April 6. More on this the next time.

Right before the Full Moon in Scorpio shows up there is an exact conjunction of Mercury and Uranus in Aries at 25 degrees which may bring some unexpected news or you may get some truly exciting insights about some deep topics that may throw you off a bit. No fear. Walk through it please. Also the Moon goes void of course immediately after the opposition to the Sun. That says to me that there may be a course that is not programmed. Anything goes in some instances. There is no plan.

There are a couple of fixed stars which will affect the Full Moon energy. One of the stars I Zubeneschamali at  19 Scorpio which brings benefits from new and influential friends and valuable gifts, the other Unukalhai is at 22 degrees Scorpio and can indicate involvement in plots and intrigue.

Wherever the Full Moon in Scorpio falls in your natal chart and/or your Sun/Rising sign is where you will be most intensely affected. Mine says to sit back and do the basics of life and take a break from the noise and all the other things that continue to pull on me. I will hide in the basement for a couple of weeks. Oh sure, I wish. Those signs and degrees are: Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius at 17- 23 degrees. Birthdays: May 7- 13; August 9-15; November 9-15; and February 6-12.

Cardinal just flew out of one of my trees the other day as I started to write this. The cardinal shows us to be responsible and have the courage to be who we truly are. How many of you can say this about yourself? Pay attention because a surprise may be coming your way (or may have already shown up by the time you read this) or there may be a blessing helping you to move forward in creative or other endeavors.. It is also about being noble and graceful without being egocentric. I will continue to watch and listen to see if any more birds show up that may be related to this timeframe. Well, guess what, the today 5 hawks showed up circling overhead. And that has happened and was mentioned in a past post. Hawk is a messenger so pay attention to the messages that may come to you with other individuals or in your dreams. What is the hawk trying to bring into awareness? There is a need to see the bigger picture. And it can be quite unexpected.

Thank you so much for reading. Please share if you will. Spring is bright and the sun just came out. Take a leap and give a big shout. Do stay in the moment and remember to pay attention. If you get a chance check please check out (next article in July about lunar nodes). Be well and blessed. Until again. Love, Jan