Monthly Archives: March 2017

NEW MOON in ARIES, March 27, 2017- Who are you and where will you allow the energy to take you?

new moon in aries 2017

Oh dear me. I have disturbed your phone time. Don’t get me wrong I have a phone too but do you know what? I use it for calling and some texting, that is it. Why not more? Phones are good for communicating when you are not with the individual; phones are good for texting a time to meet someone; phones are not a replacement for in-person communication. I really don’t care that you wish to use your phone, but soon you will see to what I am referring. Is that too harsh? As I did some research on this New Moon in Aries I found that you can dig deep into your core and take your power back. Don’t you wish to know who you are? Wouldn’t that be a good thing? It matters not what age you are, it is time to wake up already, dear ones. This is your Earth and it is in control of monsters of the deep. You just laughed at that, didn’t you? Ok. No big deal. You are totally controlled and you do not even recognize it. You have no money; you have no time; you are being used to do the dirty work. Get upset with me, I do not care. All I know that if you go within you can find that real part of you with New Moon in Aries.

By the way are you one of those individuals who lambast the President of the US of A? Just wondering! Are you not for the children of the world? Many are so into pedophilia (how dare I say this?) and if certain things happen within the country then many will go to jail. It is just one of the reasons there is so much dissension stirred up in the masses. Those who are involved will do anything to protect their kind. Dysfunctional is the word of the day. I am talking about child abuse and how this is a part of the plan along with trafficking.

And I ask you this? What is it within your own being is so fearful of change? Think for yourself already instead of being a robot.  I pray that you wake up. Nothing, NOTHING is as it seems. Wake up now to the truth. You do not have to believe me…go find it out by doing research and communicating. Take time to meditate to find the joy in your heart and discover the true you If you have not already done so.

Oh, yes, the New Moon in Aries energy is coming in fast and furious. It arrives at 10:57pm EDT 7:57pm PDT Monday, March 27, 2017 and 3:57am GMT on March 28 in 7 degrees 37’. The New Moon is a cosmic reset; a new beginning for all. It is tempered by the Mars (the ruler of Aries) in Taurus sextile to Neptune in Pisces so there is romance and sensuality in the picture and on the other hand can lend some moral guidance. The New Moon tells you to step back before you take action and even use your intuitiveness in the process. You may tend to reign in your impulsiveness also at this time. Yet it is time to go out and do it with some pizzazz after some consideration. You still have to take the initiative to get that project started. This New Moon is asking about who you are and what you intend to do with it. Do you know what is within?

The New Moon in Aries is unafraid to work on his own and emotionally leans on no one. New Moon is looking for affection and will keep all in line and peaceful to find it but may get overwhelmed as it goes on. Along with the softer Mars energy the New Moon in Aries is conjunct retrograde Venus in Aries. You may put your calling before your relationship which may be the thing to do at this time. Aries is fiery and fearless. Aries chooses to go out in and assert its place in the world. Of course on the shadow end it is really selfish. Which do you choose? Your passion lives in Aries and so does your drive and your ability to just get it done. If you want confidence then Aries is the energy for you.

A good thing with the Moon in Aries conjunct Venus it is all about luxurious things. But look before you leap into going over the top since the retrograde of Venus advises against the purchase. And if there is something in your chart touched by this then you may very well have the abundance it is creating but it may be delayed. Only problem may be the manipulative others who show up at your doorstep. Watch for that!  If you are looking for love you most likely get it with the right conditions.

Where is the New Moon in you natal blueprint? In mine it is opposite Neptune and a very wide conjunction to Venus in Aries. It tells me it is about creative endeavors and not practical stuff. Oh my…I have to be on top of any mathematical computations I have to do. Also, deceptions or backbiting from others is a possibility. Wonderful! Not. Maybe I shall hide and meditate the figures to appear on the forms.

Seriously, Venus retrograde just wants you to look at what is in front of you once again and then take action accordingly. With Venus retrograde conjunct the New Moon in Aries it could also mean for some of you a fated kind of love which brings something from a past life so you can work it out once and for all. Also, love may show up but for some reason there is a delay in the going forward with it. Have patience. It is going to happen.

I will reiterate that it is truly a time to acknowledge the love you have for yourself. It is about manifesting what you choose once you find the love within. So it is about you right now. If you are doing something that makes you unhappy then only that love will help you extract yourself from just doing anything and being your authentic self and loving what you do which then opens the way to manifesting your dreams. Just remember to take it a step at a time.

Another aspect at this time is Jupiter in Libra square to Pluto in Capricorn which pushes you to succeed in whichever way you choose to do so. But, be careful the energy can bring about ruthless actions and going for the gold in ways that are corrupt. So many planets in Aries opposing Jupiter also can make for expanded energy. And Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn will definitely take you to where you choose to go, without a doubt.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 2 – 10 degrees. If you have personal planets (Sun, Mercury, Moon, Venus and Mars) at those degrees then the New Moon energy will bring intense flavor to any of those also. Birthdays affected more than others are: March 22-30; June 22-30; September 24-October 2; and December 22-December 30.

I pulled an Animal Powers card for the New Moon in Aries and the Cat appeared. The Cat is about confidence. How appropriate since Aries is in most cases very confident and self-assured. Cat needs no one else’s approval. Call on Cat to make adjustments to your plan. Cats do not give up when chasing their goals. Ask Cat to show you your time and purpose. Ask Cat to help with balance in life. Cat will show you how to go your own way. This is perfect for Aries New Moon.

Thank you for reading. Share if you will. Enjoy the NCAA Final Four for those who love basketball like me but do not let it take you over.  Flow with the energy and if you need to clear anything now is the time to find out about you. Check out where I have a monthly article along with other wonderful insights from others. It comes out around the first of each month. Also take a gander at the Spiritual Guidance Network/ proboards where I have a page. Do take a breath. Look for miracles along the way. Many blessings! Until again. Love, Jan


FULL MOON in VIRGO, March 12, 2017-Look ahead as you heal and transform

full moon in virgoInteresting times are happening and the madness will reach a new level. Oh no, you say how can that be? Well, before I address the worldly madness let’s take a look at another kind of madness that descends upon March. The winds just blew it in again and I sit and am overcome with a thought…what else matters at this time? Nothing! Ok, it does. March madness and the upcoming NCAA college basketball tourney have taken my life by storm. Trite? Yes, very trite. Anyway, it is so true and I will refrain from expounding anymore about it for now. Oh, drat, let me say this one more thing – Coach Jay Wright of the Villanova Wildcats is a Capricorn and he has been through much transformation in the past years and he has now become a premier coach which most would have denied years ago. Well, guess what, Capricorn’s take it one step at a time and the older they get, the better they are at what they do.

In the meantime as I write this new post I notice the anti-Trump brigade is biding their time. Maybe you need to dig deeper and see what actually is going on instead of riding the bandwagon of anger and hatred. Do you really know what is behind the scenes? If you do then I would love to hear it because only through proximity to the White House will you know. Otherwise, all I can say is that many feel that he is the wrong individual to be in the White House. If you support those who are banding together to take him down then I ask the following? Are you ready for a civil war? Are you prepared to be targeted for anything that is now wrong in the eyes of those fueling the hatred? What is the truth? Is it what you find on your TV news or is it what you have been led to believe and you take it as your own? Just curious! Have you lost your heart and fear has taken you to the depths of yourself? Think about it. Oh, by the way, since Donald Trump is a Gemini he is like the catalyst of a new beginning. Of course, no one will ever agree that he is supposed to be in the current position. Dear ones, if you think that removing him is going to resolve the issues, then I hate to see what you will feel after it does and life becomes the very thing that you are protesting against. Wake up and get rid of the illusions. The Solar Eclipse from 2 weeks ago has been prodding you to do that. By the way our President is truly a representative of the collective anger according to his chart. He is in the position to basically shake everything up. Is that what you fear the most? Remember that a house divided falls.

Virgo Full Moon arrives at 10:53AM on Sunday, March 12, 2017 in 22 degrees 13’ EDT; 7:53APM PDT; and 2:53PM GMT. The Full Moon is about what you desire versus what you already have. The Sun in Pisces is opposite the Moon in Virgo. It is a polarity and it is about your higher self in opposition to your earthly self. Whatever you began a couple weeks ago on the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces on February 26, 2017 may show up now in some way but the final impact most likely will appear at the Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21, 2017.

Deep changes take place. Relationships will be affected since the Virgo Full Moon is trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Trine makes things easier as the energy evolves but it could just go unnoticed. If you are looking for transforming emotional effects then you have it. A trine is a bit easy but it will still bring about a significant shift. New intense relationships may come in or a current one changed and transformed. Pluto is also sextile the Sun in Pisces which brings a psychic sensitivity into the picture. It is also about looking after you and maintaining your health.

It is between reason and emotion along with thought vs. feeling. It is time to look at what is going on within you and be ready to move ahead. Yes, that leap is staring you in the face and many will ignore it. Through the next few weeks your new awareness is unfolding and expanding and the Virgo Moon is lighting up your path. Will you pay attention to what it is revealing? Or will you allow it to bring out the victim within you? This is similar to an alchemical energy which changes the difficulties of the past to a lighter energy of the now. Keep this in mind as your frustrations mount or you decide you need to hide out until it goes away. Stop fighting yourself. The Sun (the soul) and the Moon (personality) in full moon energy are present to be united. Venus, Eris and Uranus in Aries are triggers to help the process of ridding yourself of all that is no longer needed. Whatever is limiting you will be helped by Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries. This is another push to finding out your truth. Of course, you need to realize that Jupiter opposite Uranus is also about freedom. Whatever the situation you are in now is where you need to be. Just remember with Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries that you may be a bit too optimistic in a new relationship. It is best to take it one step at a time. This is a time of connecting with the Source and allowing the love energy to support you in what occurs. Love is all there is. It is about being present to the love within. This will help you recognize what your truth is.

This Full Moon also is about problem-solving in your life. It is not about overthinking but flow. Wherever it falls in your chart will tell you what the issue may be and just notice it and allow it to come to you-the answers that is. Stop pushing towards the goal. Whatever the dissatisfaction may be will dissolve if you just open to the truth of it.

The asteroid Pallas Athene is conjunct the Sun in Pisces, Chiron in Pisces opposing the Full Moon in Virgo. She seeks to find truth in order to resolve the situation. She won’t take any action unless provoked. Right now she is trying to help you heal the pain that has been going on within. Wherever she is in your natal chart will tell you what it is about so then you can sit and heal.

A cleansing of your home with Palo Santo smudge stick or incense will be truly a good thing. Go get some and let it clear out all the stagnant energy that has been building in the last months. Since the Full Moon in Virgo is about organization so get going with getting things in order so that life will go smoother.

Pages of Shustah cards drawn for the Full Moon in Virgo are the following: The Magical Horse says you are on track with good health. The Celestial Bees join in and say use your soulfulness to be creative and keep moving. The Winged Winter asks you to listen. Your thoughts are a reflection of how you are feeling. Archangel Gabriel is around. What is the message you wish to send or receive? You are on your own though in what you do.Thank you Pages of Shustah and Archangel Gabriel!

The Sun Signs/Rising Signs most intensely affected at the Virgo Full Moon are: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius in 18-25 degrees. Birthdays are: March 8-15, June 9-16, September 11-19 and December 11-19. If you have personal planets within a few degrees of these degrees then that will be influenced.

Thank you for reading. Share if you will. Enjoy the March Madness of basketball but do not let the madness of the world take over your life. Flow with the energy and if you need to clear anything now is the time. If you want more insights regarding this Full Moon in Virgo tune into Going Beyond Astrology  on on Tuesday March 14, 2017. I will also cover some other influences going on in the world and the upcoming Ides of March will check in. Take a look at where I have a monthly article along with  wonderful insights from others. It comes out around the first of each month. Do take a breath. Look for miracles along the way. Many blessings. Until again. Love, Jan