Monthly Archives: August 2018

FULL MOON in Pisces, August 26, 2018- Clear your schedule and let the dream flow

PISCES full moon

Do you know what it means to take a plunge into the water with a great big lunge? Do you know what it means to take a ride on the back of a horse dancing in stride? Do you know the truth that sets you free or do you prefer your name on the marquis? Do you know the meaning of your path in life or would you just prefer to take on strife? Things shift rapidly under your nose as you walk through life in that flat out doze. Then it becomes a struggle again as you think yourself silly as you sit there morose. Along comes the storm that takes all you got and there is a no win-win making you distraught. So go for the gusto and take a giant risk and bring out the joy and the changes will be brisk.

Changes and more changes are coming and some will be unbelievable. Out there in the land of plenty most are failing to see the truth. Are you seeing the real world or are you experiencing the illusion? That is your choice, of course. And the thing most of you fear is change. OMG -how awful that word is as I write this post today. This includes the tech industry and all the Social Media sites. Yep, change is too hard to deal with so that is why there is now censorship happening everywhere. And believe it I know this personally. Someone told me their post was deleted due to not meeting the requirements of the site. Are you kidding me? Wow, and it had to do with healthy living. Something is definitely amiss here. What happened to the First Amendment? No further comment.

As Mercury just went direct on August 19 and Mars goes out of retrograde on August 28 the mixed bag of this Full Moon in Pisces is quite busy for many of you. What is on the horizon lurking about following the previous eclipses? Don’t know how your summer has been but this is the first summer in years that I ask…what happened to it? So much pushing and pulling and outrageous stuff in all realms of life as I continue to want to just take a breath, sit down and read a book. I began to read the Divine Name. It was sitting on my shelf for a long time and it fell off so I decided to take a look. Interesting!!

In the meantime the Full Moon in Pisces comes in on Sunday, August 26, 2018 at 7:56am EDT; 4:56am PDT;  and 11:56am GMT in 3 degrees 12’. And for those who are now having to deal with Hurricane Lane in Hawaii the Full Moon arrives at 1:56am HST. Water/ water everywhere…hopefully the energy rolls on out the other way. (I just heard it was downgraded to a Tropical Storm) The Sun is in Virgo at the exact degree. This Full Moon in Pisces is about the dreams and visions which you may have. On the other hand have you taken those ideas and acted upon them? Dreams are terrific if that’s what you choose to do; yet why not take those visions and take a big leap sharing them with others or allowing yourself to create that which is coming through to you. Someone asked me what I meant by leaping. To me leaping is taking that creative idea or some other thought that may be important in your life and actually allowing it to take you to a new place within and then it can carry you forward in your life.

On another note the Full Moon is about finding balance. And since the Sun is in practical Virgo it indicates looking after your health and daily activities. So many of you are out of balance due to work schedules, and everyday happenings where you have no time for you to regroup and get rid of that which no longer belongs in your life. Now is the time to do this as the Full Moon energy lasts a month why not take time to clear out negatives already and find the pleasure in your life again. When was the last time you were truly enthusiastic about anything? C’mon, you know what I am saying. IS there something that you have no time to do yet yearn to find a way to allow it your life? Clear out some items and bingo you have some time. I know you would so much like to find that passion again taking that dream of yours to a new level.

It is time to keep it going since the Full Moon in Pisces is watery with the 2 fishes seeking movement. Lack of flowing causes toxic conditions. There is a fixed star Fomalhaut right with the Full Moon (conjunct). Using your talents/gifts for the greater good is beneficial at this time. Integrity is important otherwise things can get a bit shady and go down quickly. Let your uniqueness come out and If you are looking to write some new music, paint dreamy landscapes or even let the poetry flow from within, now is the time with the Full Moon in Pisces.

The Sun in Virgo is making a Grand Trine (favorable) to Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus. This aspect is telling you to look back at what you have been doing and then take a gander at the future as to what your next step may be. You may choose to consolidate some items from your journey along the roads that you have crossed and look closely as to what they are saying to you. Uranus in Taurus is sextile to the Full Moon in Pisces which helps to bring out that creativity within. And it may just come about in ways that you least expect. You may find yourself creating something new from the old.

For those who have Pluto in Capricorn pulling the reins it is far from a good feeling if you go against the grain. So what is it that you are supposed to do as the interior walls are crumbling and you are in a stew. I was doing a bit of research about Pluto at the moment and those of you who have any personal planets, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and /or Mars between mid18- early 19 degrees of signs will feel the transformation of Pluto more strongly. I have it aspecting the Sun right now, then the Ascendant, then Mars. (Venus and Moon are still being affected in my life). This is becoming really interesting. More to say down the road! If you stay in the moment and stop fighting the changes, turning points and leaps can come. I am staying mindful.

Pluto in Capricorn is square Venus in Libra at the Full Moon in Pisces. Interesting interactions between family members may occur. If you are looking for any common ground in any relationships then this may be a time to put off the conversation until the energy settles down. Otherwise there may be confusion popping up due to the Mercury/Neptune aspect that is also present. So chill out and postpone major discussions until next week at best.

Full Moon in Pisces is all about forgiveness, compassion and paying attention to your dreams or any coincidences that may show up.  Since it is a water sign and loves to be in a dream state some things you may find that are good to do at this time—take a dip in the ocean or some other water; even a Epsom salt bath with some essential oil added would be relaxing. Another possibility to bring out the deepest part of you – keep a dream journal for the next weeks and see what comes through. Also, any of the following essences may help with intuition and relaxation – sandalwood, lavender, marjoram, myrrh and clary sage. These are just some essences that may shift you a bit. And the bottomline of everything is that some paradoxical notion may pop in to help you dig a bit deeper and let go of that no longer resonating with you.

Thank you again for reading and sharing. I would love to hear your comments on anything in this post. Stay in the moment and go with the flow no matter how bumpy or crazy it gets. The shift in your life will bring magnificence unless you try to fight it. Join me and my co-host Sprinkles on Wizards Within on Wednesday nights at 9pm EDT for some fun and insights on astrology, numerology, relating, odds and ends and readings. Be blessed, Until again, love, Jan


New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Leo, August 11, 2018- Ride the lion’s back to a higher vision

leo Lion-Head

What are you doing today as the Royal Star of the Lion’s Gate 8/8/18 comes into your realm? It is giving you an opportunity to manifest and create something which is your deepest intention. This is a powerful portal opening that says to you to keep your energy vibration high and let no one pull you into a negative influence. You may feel irritated, exhausted or just lethargic. Let that energy pass through you without fighting it and allow the highest vibration to come in so your highest desire may begin to manifest. This energy goes on until August 12 and sets a tone for the coming year until the next Lion’s Gate. Will you continue to live with the fear that continues to be hidden within the deepest parts or will you finally let it go and leap with that big intention and move forward?. Your choice. Most will sit in compliance with what everyone else chooses for you. Oh well.

I am so amazed at the lunacy of those who cannot accept other’s views. What are they so fearful to face about themselves? Well, looks like Alex Jones/Infowars has more subscribers now since being removed from Facebook and YouTube. Isn’t that a bit interesting? Oh, dear, he offended someone. Puhleese!!! So now all you can do is ensure that you like what you are told to like and stop saying things that others do not agree with. What kind of world this has become? And something that just keeps coming at you—Bayer has bought Monsanto and to me I ask what will now be included in any pharmaceuticals or even over the counter drugs? For all those who believe that stuff…maybe a look at some natural products would be to your advantage.

And as I finish writing this post the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo approaches. It arrives on August 11, 2018 at 5:57am EDT; 2:57am PDT and 9:57am GMT in 18 degrees 41’. The Sun is also in the exact degree in Leo. Both New Moon and Sun are conjunct Pallas Athene, a warrior goddess asteroid and Mercury in Leo. These are all square (unfavorable) Jupiter in Scorpio. Pallas is somewhat stronger than Jupiter at this time and will help resolve any disputers in a peaceful way. Leo the Lion shines brightly at this time since it rules the Sun. Will you allow it to light the way or will you be stymied by it? Let the wisdom of the energy come to the forefront in your life.

The Leo New Moon is about the inner child also. What do you choose to recognize from the past when your inner child was looking for something that you did not get at that time. It is important to know this now. Go into the past for a moment when you are quiet and feel what was missing then. What is it that would have changed your perspective, your likes, your dislikes and who you are today? There is joy to be found yet you may ignore it. Even if the deepest feelings were abandoned as you grew older it may be the right time to relook at how you can be that child of joy again. That inner child was programmed and most of you are still carrying that with you. Will you honor who you were then and bring that real you to the surface or will you allow the programming to continue? Take a moment or two… in fact take some time to allow the inner child to visit you and hear what it says in some quiet time. It will amaze you as to what your inner child says to you. No fear allowed. Just let the energy come forth and listen. My inner child who sat by me a few years back looked at me and asked me why I was doing something in which I had little interest. It was quite eye-opening at the time. It was a programmed type of situation. I agreed to let it go. It did take some focus to release.

What will the Solar Eclipse awaken within you? In fact, how will you allow it to shift something that is waiting for release so that you see your truth? Since Jupiter is in Scorpio it helps with the truth. It is all about heart since the Eclipse is in Leo. What does your heart say to you? Have you listened to it lately? Are you willing to open it even further and hear its song? Opportunities may show up as Jupiter continues moving forward. Keep an eye out for anything new that may show up. Yet at the same time since Mercury is still retrograde it is still a good idea to rid yourself of those things that no longer are important and have no meaning to you anymore. And this also includes junk and all that stuff that has accumulated in your life.

More spiritual leanings and inner workings may also be present as later in August Jupiter will trine (favorable) Neptune in Pisces. This trine says to you that anything that may have gone from your life is now giving you a chance for a better opportunity to show up. Since Jupiter went direct back in July the truth about certain things either in your life or the world may have shown itself at that juncture. Since this Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo is about inspiration then let it shine within so you can share it with others? How will you do this? Since Leo is all about children, creativity and romance will you allow yourself to take action as you open your heart? It is time for you to take what do out to the world without the fear. Will you take the action that will help you do so? It is the best time to take advantage of you open heart and be inspired. Will you create a masterpiece; take your romantic relationship to the next level; or go out and work with children?

Uranus in Taurus stations retrograde on August 7. It will continue to trine Saturn in Capricorn as the month continues. It may be a good idea to try different ways to achieve a goal. Uranus and Saturn are very different since Uranus is about free thinking and revolutionary ideas whereas Saturn is definitely more about order and rules. As it goes on until November 2018 it is about finance and business. Personally it may indicate taking chances even when you aren’t sure the outcome. Since the New Moon in Leo is sesquiquadrate Saturn in Capricorn there may be some things that you have to work through before the Sun can shine brightly upon you. Stop fighting the influence.

Will you ride the lion’s back to your highest vision? This is the time to truly examine what you would like in your life and you have the lion’s help to shift considerably. If you are a Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus with Sun/Ascendant between 14 -21 degrees you will be more intensely affected than most. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) in those degrees may also be affected.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing with others. The lion may roar at you. Will that keep you from hopping on its back and taking the biggest leap yet? Stay in the moment and enjoy the ride no matter what shows up. Let go of everything that longer supports your truth. Lots of blessings to you on you journey. Tune into Wizards Within OTC Radio. It is live on Facebook or Zoom on Wednesdays at 9pm EDT. Until again, Love, Jan