Monthly Archives: October 2019

New Moon in Scorpio, October 27/28, 2019-Is there a transformative surprise?

new moon in scorpio 2019

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. At present the one thing that is constantly knocking at my door is the inability of those who speak to have a real conversation. I know that the New Moon in Scorpio is not really about talking and all that, yet as I travel through life the more I go out and about the less I notice anyone conversing. And that is because everyone is on that wonderful phone that has taken over the world. Why do I bring this up now? Because I see what damage it has done to society in general, especially in America. I am aware that this thinking is against the norm of many individuals with whom I come in contact. And then at times I get a surprise and someone tells me they are not on the phone every five seconds. Then when I do speak I need to be cautious because who knows what will happen if I say something that is unacceptable to them. If you heard some of the things that I heard through the years your head would spin and fly away. And guess what, no one took it personally. If you think that life is going to get better with the outrageous lambasting of anything and everyone who does not agree with anyone out there then you are in a downward spiral. What you hear is not the truth most of the time. Do you welcome the truth-your own or of those around you? I see that many fight the truth. Yet, if you look within you will know of this. If you could go back in time and see what was coming to you and your life, you would probably jump for joy if you allowed your heart to rule. And today, instead of researching and seeking truth many would rather just jump on the bandwagon. Today the propaganda is so real that you actually believe it. Wake up. And with this in mind the shocks will show up with the New Moon in Scorpio since it is opposing Uranus in Taurus. Look out for it. Just saw this quote from an article. Confucius said “when words lose their meaning, people will lose their liberty.”

Before I talk about the upcoming New Moon here are some bits and pieces. I just read that there are some Geomagnetic Storms possibly hitting Earth around October 24/25. This according to what I read may make you cold and then hotter than anything. It was mentioned it was the crystalline frequencies. I just saw that Google has taken over the Drudge Report. How fantastic is that so now you can get more propaganda. Move on. If you are news savvy you will note that there is social unrest in France, England, Ecuador, Chile, Lebanon, Hong Kong, and other places. The riots continue on. First Amendment is under fire. Apparently a good portion of society wants it changed due to hate speech. And dang it I cannot say something that someone may not like. Get over it already. Oh, I know, shame on me for saying that. And one more thing-if you are looking for impeachment, look again, not happening. Protection abounds. Due process is now on the way in the impeachment inquiry.

The New Moon in Scorpio arrives on Sunday, October 27, 2019, at 11:38pm EDT; 8:38pm PDT and October 28, 2019 at 3:38am GMT in 4°25’ and is opposite Uranus in Taurus. This makes the energy unpredictable and shocking. It will make people impulsive and even crazy. The Sun is in the exact degree in Scorpio. Scorpio is always about power, sex and money. Hot items, yes!  Scorpio is suspicious at times and can be quite secretive about true motives. Usually this is due to the fact Scorpio feels vulnerable. Scorpio has emotional intensity and when it is channeled properly it can give great endurance. Scorpio Moon/Sun has great ambition yet has no interest in being in the spotlight. The New Moon is about new beginnings in intimate relationships, increasing passion in your sex life, self-mastery, empowerment, and crisis-management skills. Scorpio Sun can bring up thoughts about past betrayals (ugh!) yet lead you to find your trusting energy again. New Moon with Sun in Scorpio is about drama and darkness. It sits there just dwelling in the cellar. It rules your eighth house in your chart and ruled by Pluto. And it just may bring about a transformation.

This New Moon in Scorpio gives to you an insight regarding love. Through this feeling you find the power of heart and soul. What is your heart’s deepest desire? This is a time that you can shift the patterns to which in many cases you pay very little attention. Since it is opposing Uranus what does that tell you? Good surprises or shocks in some way. At times Scorpio is so deep that others around may not quite fathom what is actually going on within the individual.

Mars went into Libra and stays there until November 18/19. This speaks to you about fairness and balance in relationships. It is time to weigh the factors and find the right decision in relationships. It is a matter of defending and not attacking. Venus has been in Scorpio since October 8. If you have any business dealings to address now is the time to do so. Relating is the key wherever Venus and Mars show up in your natal blueprint. Mercury retrograde begins on October 31, 2019 and lasts until November 21. Oh, yes, do not sign contracts or buy a car etc. This time Mercury is conjunct (exact place) with Venus and a star which is about wounds. So perfect time it is to heal old love wounds if they are still hanging around. It is time for those who passionately look for truth to do so. Your psychic abilities with Mercury retrograde may increase. It is time to reevaluate whatever is pending. Old friendships may be renewed.

Most intensely affected by this New Moon in Scorpio are Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius between degrees of 1 and 8.  Those of you who have planets around those degrees may be affected somewhat also. Write down 10 wishes in the first 24 hours after.

Some tidbits for Sun signs/ Rising signs   Aries- Gains can show up. Shared resources are in the mix. Please watch who you share confidential information with. Control issues about money/sex.

Taurus- New phase in relationships arrives. No time for being a hermit. Someone new around you has amazing potential. All systems go. Listen to feedback from partner.

Gemini-It is time to transform your well-being with a long-term plan. Is there a way that you can help others also with their problems? Be gentle with actions. Organize work.

Cancer- Good fortune in love and it expands even more. Express yourself creatively. Travel may be in the picture. Self-confidence helps you get your executive ability going.

Leo- What big changes are coming in your life this month? Make no changes that unsettle your security. Positive new developments show up. New job maybe?

Virgo – Are you feeling lucky? There may be a reason. Get your ideas out there if you are feeling creative. How about humor in your conversations? Social activities are favored.

Libra – Are there some fears hanging about? What are they saying to you? It is time to transform your fiscal affairs. Look for ways to let it grow for the future.

Scorpio–   Magical thinking appears. Be optimistic. Do you really think you can solve everyone’s problems and transform them? There is a new sense of leadership and drive.

Sagittarius– What do you need to change and so that transformation can occur? If you feel vulnerable let others be aware. Opportunities come to you. Was that one?

Capricorn– Give thoughts to future plans. Connect with those important people. A happy friendship can expand. Are your ideas  set in stone? Victory in some area comes soon.

Aquarius– So you are controlling your emotions, are you? And the magnetism that comes through may come in handy. Transformative new start in business is available.

Pisces – Whatever you are visualizing can be real. Future plans are on the docket. Stay on your path and no matter what; create how you intend it to be in the coming months.

It sits right on my Chiron. Boo hoo. Will I be more intuitive and have an ability to read you even better? Or will it take me to my leftover wounds and bring them up for healing? Time will tell. Thank you for reading and sharing, I am most grateful for your support. Be blessed and stay in the moment. I would love to hear from you in the comments. Until again, love, Jan


FULL MOON in Aries, October 13, 2019 – Transforming power

full moon in aries 2019 Hello Dear Ones. Welcome aboard to Cosmic Leaping. The days are getting shorter and the world is getting more insane. What else is new? .Did you know that peace is a good thing? Oh, I know it makes no money. Oops!  I saw a spider working its way down from an awning to a hedge the other afternoon. It says the reality in my life is created by me so if I do not like it dig deeper and change it.  And things are not as they seem. A ha! “The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes—and ships—and sealing-wax— Of cabbages—and kings— And why the sea is boiling hot— And whether pigs have wings.”. (Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass) Full Moon in Aries is just about ready to show its face and it may bring a feeling of being stuck. What can you do? Stop being entranced by the Matrix and start to take a major look within. What do you think? Are you ready to do that for a new beginning?

Something came to me this morning as I opened my eyes ready to start my day. Something said stay still. I did and a whole scenario came to me and it was about astrology and how it is a basis for looking at oneself and one’s life. Many have no interest because they say it is against the Divine. In my life my mother who was a very spiritual church-goer presented me with a hardback book about astrology when I was ready to graduate from college. She said I needed to read this book so I would understand life and others who were in my life. I took the book and just went on. About 10 years later it showed up buried in a box, I opened it and my life changed. I was already seeing this but my brain was doing something else. I worked on charts with a pencil (remember them) and a notepad and proceeded with logarithms and calculations by hand. No computers back in the 80s. And my point is this. What do you know about the individual who you say you like or do not like? Did you know that by looking at a chart you can see anything about anyone? Just to give you an example—Donald Trump has his rising sign (Leo) in an anaretic degree (last degree of sign). That is fated. His Sun sign is in Gemini which means his mind is constantly working whether in a positive or negative depending on aspects to it. All those who hate him see him differently. His career is secure in Taurus. He needs no one since he is quite independent. And he will go after anything that matters to him in a concerned way. And beneath it all he has a deep knowing which he at most times he does not let out. Astrology does not lie. That is why the elite use it.

A few items — Did you know that the entire human genome can be sequenced out of an MMR shot. Can that be part of what is causing AUTISM? Seattle public schools have stated there is no correct answer in math…and you are a racist if you claim that there is. Pope Francis wants to combine religion and it will be called Chrislam. Are you kidding me? How much crazier than someone asking “Why do we need 8 inch or 10 inch kitchen knives with points?” Where am I? So they shut down the power in parts of California and it isn’t because there are wildfires pending. If that is the case they could cut the tree branches away from the lines. And they are saying that Ham Radios will be outlawed.

The Full Moon in Aries is upon us. And it is about bringing the harmony back into your life. Of course there are many aspects which will affect that process. The Full Moon in Aries comes in on Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 5:07pm EDT; 2:07pm PDT; 9:07pm GMT in 20 degrees 13’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Libra. The Full Moon and Sun are square to Pluto in Capricorn within minutes. The Full Moon Aries is trine to Jupiter in Sagittarius. Here we go with a conflict that can actually turn from fearing something to the betterment of your life and a new beginning.

Watch for emotional confrontations as you wander through life at this time. Pluto is the transformer and at this time it will take you from the depths of your fears. Are you feeling threatened? It will bring you to a type of rebirth that will help you stand in your power. The bottomline is that you need to let things go. It is a time of rebalancing relationships and letting that passion flow. It is all about emotions which are deep so will you go with the expression of them or will you blow up and blame? Weathering more storms may be on the horizon. And any ideas that were rejected before may come to pass since Mercury in Scorpio is sextile to Saturn in Capricorn. Think before you speak. Also, Neptune in Pisces is sextile Saturn in Capricorn which talks of blurring of boundaries which in the case of the world today can indicate some kind of cover-up or it could be about changing perspectives. It is not a hard aspect so it may not be as unusual and hard as it can be. With Pluto going direct on October 3 and Saturn also in Capricorn in forward motion this may be a time that you reap what you sow for better or worse. That includes beyond the scope of the personal too including on a bigger scale. Keep that in mind dear ones. If you are looking for a civil war you may get what you are wishing. This is a great time to make positive changes since Jupiter in Sagittarius is semisextile Pluto in Capricorn and is also good for spiritual growth and creating more wealth and advancing in your career. Kozminsky Symbol for degree of Full Moon – A man is struggling with a fierce serpent whilst others armed with large knives are hurrying to aid him. Victory is temporary in a dualistic world.

Those who are affected most intensely are: 16-23 degrees of Sun signs/Rising signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at these degrees they will be influenced. Birthdays included are: April 7-14; July; 9-16; October 10-17; and January 7-14.

Aries- Good fortune may come about. Relationships and partnerships in forefront. Yet it truly is all about you this time around. Take that energy and be you for once.

Taurus – No matter what others tell you as to what is going on it is about your intuitive feelings that make the difference. Pay attention to this in your life and it is beneficial.

Gemini – Someone new may enter your life. Look for people who share your ideals. New ways of thinking may come to you. Watch for problems in a friendship.

Cancer – You may get charged up as usual and it may just take you to a new direction/career. Right now you need to hide nothing. You came a long way. Be you.

Leo- Good things may show up on the travel front along with education and creative gifts. Stop for a moment before a big step forward. Find a way to keep your energy going.

Virgo- Use your common sense to make any choices now!  Do not take any big risks at this time. Even though the money may be tight, you do know how to do it.

Libra – It is a time for tact when broaching a topic so no one takes it personally. Good fortune may show up through those you know or just meet. Light the fire within.

Scorpio – Before you open to someone and trust them take a good look at the connection first. If you believe in something even if there is a risk, you know what to do.

Sagittarius- If you are looking for an opportunity, then now may be a good time to open to it. Also it is a time for sharing yourself and your gifts with others. Be generous.

Capricorn – Forget the emotional issues that are now bombarding your life. Look at those achievements that you have. Let others know you care and put them at ease.

Aquarius- Looking for a new friend then get yourself out and about in the next few days. You may even want to start planning a trip so you can do something different.

Pisces – No need for emotional urgency even though this is a fiscal type energy for you. Enjoy getting out there with others. Moderation is the key. That ship coming in is close.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I would love to hear your experiences as the Full Moon takes place.  Stay in balance even when any shifting takes place. And stop letting the energy of those who are not in your favor stop you from leaping forward. Keep your heart open to love. May you be blessed. Until again, love Jan