Monthly Archives: June 2021

FULL MOON in Capricorn, June 24, 2021 – Go for it!!!!

As the Summer Solstice came in at 11:32pm EDT Sunday, June 20, 2021 there are fairies and a rabbit and a groundhog family in my yard and garden. The longest day of the year it is!!  The heat is rising in the western part of the America and it is not a good thing. Temperatures rose above 115 in Phoenix and 128 ii Death Valley. And no it is not due to climate change.  I think many would like it to be winter. There has been so much chaotic, confusing energy up until a couple of days ago. Where has the love gone?  Rudeness seems to be where it is at right now. So many to whom I have encountered in my daily life are living in a different world than I even know. Things are changing so dramatically on some level. Believe me it is not for the highest good. That is just my perception. That is why I continue to share with others that one needs to stay in the moment at this point and stop stressing. What is the point of getting agitated?  Many are trying to change the world in negative ways, yet if you keep your heart open you will not get pulled into the gunk. Have you been authentic in the last 3 weeks? Have you listened to your inner self? How many of you have not done so? Confusing times it has been due to the planet Mercury being retrograde. So it turns direct on June 22 and maybe all the confusion will leave. Stay in faith and life will be less dark. Dear ones, it is time to open your eyes and see what is happening in the world as the powerful Full Moon in Capricorn comes to you.

Cole Beasley NFL player said he will quit playing if a shot becomes mandatory to be on the team. Looks like Disney is charging $800 per room catering to those with big money. And with all the info that one can find online…did you know you can take a license plate number that is on the car in front of you, throw it in the National Registry and find out a ton of items about that individual? Life is. I see that Trudeau and Biden are going to continue to keep the border between Canada and U.S. locked down.  Looks like the origins of the “virus” are still being bounced around by those in the know. No comment. I made a statement back when it first began as to where it was conceived.  And I still think it is true. Do the research dear ones. The cover-up continues. Why was the Oroville dam drained of all water? CVS workers get $6500 a week to give the “shot”. Look it up!  The Feds seized $85 million in cash from safe deposit boxes in LA after they were to just inspect the boxes for drugs. I saw a video that someone was asking questions of children regarding geography and few knew any countries in Europe or South America. Many gave states as answers.

The serious energy of the Full Moon in Capricorn arrives on June 24, 2021 at 2:39pm EDT; 11:39am PDT; and 6:39pm GMT in 03°27. The Sun is in the exact degree in opposite sign of Cancer. Full Moons are about releasing what is no longer important to you so new energy can appear. This is a Full Moon that can help you to prioritize your goals and what is meaningful to you. This is a fantastic time to go through all the junk that has been stuffed away for a long time and release it or throw it out. This Full Moon gives you an opportunity to change course or stay on the same path. If you are looking for a new job then it may show up. On the other hand if you are looking to move forward and nothing occurs then why not go ask to be considered anyway? You decide. Capricorn is a deliberate and practical sign and can be too serious at times. I should know since my natal moon is in Capricorn which could bring out this part of me. The Full Moon in Capricorn has only one main aspect to Jupiter in Pisces. Since the Full Moon is sextile Jupiter in Pisces some of the main themes of this energy are joyfulness, good fortune and honesty. Success may come through making new friends who are authentic and even influential.. Family members may be of assistance at this time. Jupiter is retrograde on June 20 and lasts until October 18, 2021. Since this is a Super Full Moon it will tend to draw out of you that which no longer feels right or is needed. You may feel the release intensely or it can be a welcome thing. Capricorn energy stands the test of time. If you are holding any regrets then they may come to surface to be let go once and for all. There can be drama, power struggles, intimidation and possessive actions in your close relationships since Venus in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn in Capricorn is still square to Uranus after being most intense on June 14. The tension continues. The final square takes place on December 24.  This aspect brings unexpected change whether you like it or not. What is blocking you from progressing forward? If inspiration is missing at moment then you may have to try a new approach.

There is an asteroid Pholus which is conjunct the Full Moon in Capricorn.  Past wounds may be triggered at this time. There may be some search for ancestral information also. It is about a turning point and this can occur as the full moon comes in. Something shows up that you may not understand at that moment.

The Sun signs/Ascendant signs which are intensely affected by this Full Moon in Capricorn are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at degrees of 0-6 degrees of the signs. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars, and Mercury) in the signs and degrees then you too may be affected depending where it falls in your natal chart. Birthdays are more affected are: March 21-27; June 21-27; September 23-29 and December 21-29. Some tidbits for the Sun signs and rising signs-

Aries- Frustrations between work and home about outer world ambitions and inner securities. New job offer or promotion can appear. Step into your power. 

Taurus-Something comes into play that may instigate change and inspires you onward. What will you debut with this energy? Build connections and have fun.

Gemini- Great time the next few weeks to firm up some financial matters. Good stuff. Surprise money is big in the mix. Balance in a relationship is on tap.

Cancer-Turning point comes in a relationship. Good for long term plans. How is it shifting for you? Are you going to get closer to what you choose or not?         

Leo- Some projects need attention. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Take a break. What needs finishing in your job? How about a diet or exercise program?

Virgo-You can make some improvements with your creative enterprises, children or lovers. It brings you closer in your partnership with passion and sweetness.

Libra-What emotional urgency pops up at home or work? Use your cool reason to walk through.  Something needs to be addressed with the family. What changes come?                                                                                                    

Scorpio- Is there more responsibility coming to you? Avoid any rash decisions no matter what.  Is there a contract that needs to be signed? There may be a presentation to do.                                                                                                             

Sagittarius- Who has the power over your purse strings? Resource management needed.  A large raise or payout is may be on the horizon. Keep up the hard work. It is paying off.                                                                                                                      

Capricorn- Some differences come to light and are charged up. Rebuild on solid ground.Know what you want out there and know what you are worth. Turning point!!                                                                                                                          

Aquarius-You need to regroup both mind and body. Some urgency in your daily work possible   Watch for burnout and something shows up to put you in the limelight.

Pisces – Look for that friend or community ally to help you get that project going. You can do it. You may discover that you can have your wildest dreams come true.

Several essential oils work at this Full Moon. They are Cedarwood, Frankincense, Ylang -Ylang and Bergamot. It is a good time to meditate and you may choose to call in Archangel Metatron to help. You may say help me to awaken the inner child within my heart. Light a white candle also.

Thank you for reading and I would love if you share. Comments are always welcome. No matter how crazed those around you get know that you can stay in your moment without them affecting you. Thanks to the Full Moon and the Summer Solstice opening. Allow the good things to appear. Enjoy the energy as it flows to you. Until again, blessings and love, Jan

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini, June 10 2021 – Clear out the fog and let in the new

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As I sit and write this post I look out my window and see how beautiful the trees and flowers are in my garden. And there are now 3 baby groundhogs with the 2 other ones. The birds are still singing and that is special to me. Someone said to me that I seem very calm in the chaotic energy that hangs on. Is it wise to get riled up? Life is about living and not existing. I see many around me and those who are elsewhere who continue to talk about the shot. Is it making your life better? Or are you using it as a way to avoid all that matters in life such as why you are here on this earth? You tell me. Worry and fear and total lack of peace are keeping you and those around you from the joy that your life can bring you. Yes, there may be obstacles and distractions. Is it your place to feel so uptight about every little thing that comes across your path? Why? I give up. It makes little sense to me. I feel sad for those who are hurting I am talking about you and how you approach your life and why few want to be joyful and supportive of others. What is your fear about? Fear and faith do not hang in the same room. I know my favorite topic it is. Well, if you knew what you feared then you can change your thinking about it. Try being in the moment as the Solar Eclipse New Moon comes in. The energy from the Lunar Eclipse a couple of weeks ago will continue until late year. How is it going to shift your perspective? Will you allow it? Important at this time is to raise your vibration and let love in to be a part of you. Love, love and more love! Or do you prefer the darkness?

So Constitutional Rights are no longer relevant in NY. The Governor has pushed for shot passports for large and medium sized venues. The right to assemble is being taken down. Will the rest of America follow? I know many of you out there in this land of ours have agreed to follow the lack of science. To me that is a choice. There is much behind the scenes that is finally showing up. Why was there no video of the hundreds of thousands of people in London last month marching in the streets? Why are those who are wearing masks the most likely ones getting the so-called virus? Why are the protestors without masks not getting Covid? Shots anyone? My body, my choice Funny thing about that! So Dr. Fauci is on the hot seat. I believe I said something way back when! The Nuremberg Code is being violated.  It was such a joy to see there is a 124 year old woman still living in India. Bless her. She may be the oldest living in the world.

Here comes the Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon in Gemini on June 10, 2021 at 6:52am EDT; 3:52am PDT; and 10:52am GMT in 19°47′. The Sun in Gemini is in the exact degree as the Moon. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is conjunct Mercury and square Neptune in Pisces. If you think you have been somewhat busy lately, well think again. This energy from the New Moon Solar Eclipse is frenzied with so much communication, short travel, appointments, neighborhood chatter, and some decisions. I am hiding. It is right on my Uranus in Gemini. HELP! The misfit in me is still around. Finding who really resonates with me is going to be interesting at this time. Anyway, Gemini loves to interact and communicate. And curiosity is its middle name. This is a good time to open your mind to things that may be unique and maybe a bit out there. Sometimes it is when your mind may open to new things that you pushed away in the past. Even though Gemini is more light and airy in conversations sometimes it can still have deeper information show up.

This Solar Eclipse that comes with the New Moon will help reveal what isn’t working at this time and therefore gives you opportunity to recreate. It is like a wild card and it will make you pau attention to what in life needs to change. Ready for this, are  you? Since the New Moon is in Gemini which is ruled by Mercury the focus is on starting fresh in communications, learning something and also how you interact. These are the main theme. However Mercury is still retrograde in Gemini and that may stir up the bumps in those areas. Since there are many mercurial activities in our daily existence those things affected are: telephone and computer malfunctions; car repairs; appointments cancelled; delayed mail; and plans that go awry. Had enough? Me too! One of the major items to remember is to watch what you say so that you keep yourself from having any misunderstandings. This is a very easy thing to do with the retrograde motion. Other effects include deception and confusion since Mercury is square Neptune in Pisces as is the Sun and Moon in Gemini. It can bring you a time to look back before going forward. The Sun in Gemini is square Neptune which says watch for feelings of guilt and some insecure moments. You need to stay true and honest in all dealings or things will go awry.

Saturn in Aquarius is square (conflict) to Uranus in Taurus which could indicate unrest politically and personally; new ideas versus old ideas; lots of pressure to change something or staying in the old paradigm; cyber security issues and pushing freedom limits. Those are just some things that can go on with this aspect. And one more thing-ut can bring some changes that are not what you choose.

Wherever the Solar Eclipse falls in your chart will activate that house and what goes on.

The Solar Eclipse may inspire, motivate or pressure you, depending on the nature of your needs during the transit. The main thing is watch out for misunderstandings and total lies.

Those most affected by this Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Gemini are: Ascendant/Sun sign in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces in 16-22 degrees. If you have any personal planets in these signs and degrees then you too may be influenced.

Aries- Someone may be able to give you some clues about how to handle anything going on in your life. Spiritual pursuits may be the thing to do.

Taurus – It is all about your resources which do include your time, your skills, and your knowledge besides money.  Look for ways to increase income. Do you write at all?

Gemini – Who are you? This may be a great time to find your true self that you have been waiting for. Your dreams and goals are in the spotlight and so are you.

Cancer – Take a deep look within and gather some wisdom as to what you choose to do in life at this time. Stay away from burning the candle at both ends.

Leo- This is good energy for you to make new connections or reach out to those who are in tune with you. Be receptive to a friend’s ideas. Find a diversion.

Virgo – Take advantage of your own ability to see things and be the one that knows how to do the job.  Use your insight to work through anything that may be difficult.

Libra- Do not let your imagination run wild. Fantasies are sometimes wonderful -yet now is the time to take them and put them to use in your own reality.

Scorpio – Who is there that you choose to be in tandem with? Now you can put the togetherness to work. Shared assets may be part of the focus.

Sagittarius – Life tells you to reach out to someone and find out what you do not know about this individual. There may be much more than you realize. New relationship?

Capricorn – Shift some of your daily routines. Have you thought about some pleasure with your business? Now is a good time for that to take place. Mix it up a bit.

Aquarius – What kind of creative insight will show up in your mind? Something on a new level which you have never thought before?  Consider many possibilities in creativity.

Pisces – Take a look at the inner you and be amused by what you see. It is amazing how you can shift your perspective. Find a way for work and home to blend better.

Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing! I am most grateful. Things are going to heat up and truths are coming to the forefront. Keep your eyes open for further truths to come to light. Remember to set your intentions (3 at most will be more effective). New beginnings do come a bit easier at New Moon energy. Have a grand Solar Eclipse New Moon in Gemini. Many blessings to all of you! Until again, Love, Jan