Monthly Archives: August 2023

Full Moon in Pisces, August 30 2023 – Reset

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Lately it has felt that everything has gone down the tubes in a giant way. And ever since Mercury went Retrograde I have encountered craziness with whom I have contact. And drivers are speeding more than ever; prices are through the roof and it is just another day in the neighborhood. And how are you in this turbulence? It is interesting lately that I have seen few birds in my yard. Usually they are chirping every morning and not lately. Very strange it is. I hope you are ready for what is going to happen in the next year. Life is not what it seems at this time no matter how much you are drawn into the illusion of the darkness. Are you inspired in your life? Are you laughing? Are you on your path? Or have you taken a ride on the spinning wheel and do the same thing all the time never looking at the joy within? In order to take a leap you need to let the past go and stop talking about things that no longer matter. That is what Full Moons are about. Releasing!!

So FEMA actually demanded that first responders and relief workers stop posting images and videos from Maui disaster. Wonder why the road out of Maui was barricaded? I think I understand their motivation. Yep. And aid to the Ukraine keeps going yet not a dime to the Maui incident. Governor of New York wants taxpayers to pay the bill for the illegal aliens getting jobs. And of course NBC news is making Donald Trump’s mugshot more orange. What country do I live in? And a new Covid variant is on the way. And if you are vaccinated, be careful because it may affect you (just repeating what the CDC is shouting out) And Penn State University is allowing qualifying illegal immigrants in-state tuition whereas out of state regular students are paying the usual amount.. And Tucker Carlson is in negotiations to interview Mr. Putin. I hear the screams now.

So here comes the Full Blue Moon in Pisces to add to the dance of those who have the hidden agendas. It arrives on Wednesday, August 30.2023 at 9:36pm EDT; 6:36pm PDT; and 1:36am (August 31 2023) GMT in 7 degrees and 25’.  The Sun is in the exact degree in Virgo. Moon in Pisces usually is dreamy, creative, wishing to drift through life at times, needing to escape yet desiring empathetic relationships and creating fantasies. So, this Full Moon tells you some things may be stirred up that you may not choose to happen. You wish to look past the current and just drift away from it when it doesn’t fit into your plans. Since Neptune rules Pisces astrologically, some parts of that Pisces Moon may appear deceptively. Now why allow that when you can take the creative bent and thrive. Virgo Sun does help to keep you grounded during this Full Moon. If it is afflicted in your chart you may find yourself feeling a bit disillusioned. And as you know full moons can be a bit unsettling so you may wish to ground yourself in mundane chores, physical exercise and some healing body awareness techniques. The Full Moon is conjunct Saturn in Pisces. Helps you stay realistic and a bit serious and look out for family. Since Saturn is opposite the Sun it may bring some restrictions around you and you may feel uneasy sharing your feelings. Rejection may be the feeling when you connect with others. It is time to reset your self-conscious with positivity. On another note the Full Moon is about finding balance. And since the Sun is in practical Virgo it indicates looking after your health and daily activities. So many of you are out of balance due to work schedules, and everyday happenings where you have no time for you to regroup and get rid of that which no longer belongs in your life. Or you can just sit there and get caught up in the everyday junk. What else can you do …pay attention to your dreamland. You may get signs or symbols of importance. Could be the answer you are looking for! Be more compassionate. Write some poetry to your partner.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces. Oh boy, watch what you say it may come out unclear and if you have to make major decisions at this time, hold off. Plans can change totally. And please watch that you aren’t taking everything said personal. Your path is waiting and timing is paramount to moving forward.  If you chart the house where Mercury is retrograding will be where this influence has a greater impact. And if it aspects a planet in your natal blueprint then that will also stir up the energy. And if the degree at which it turns retrograde is conjunct a planet in your chart it will affect the entire retrograde period. Then you will be able to release the negatives. There are many who still are skeptical. Perhaps the young souls among you hesitate to listen to their intuitive nature since they have yet to experience the flow of the universe within. It is a time to look through the veil and see the inner visions you have. Keep in mind that six planets are in retrograde motion in the two weeks following the Full Moon. You may feel like you are not in this world and quite different than others and it may be difficult to understand others. Uranus in Taurus starts its retrograde motion on August 28. It is the planet of shocks and surprises. As Uranus slows down it can bring breakthroughs. It is now trying to help breakdown that which you take for granted. Good time to take a look at what you choose and do not.

The Sun/Rising signs more intensely affected are 3-10 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) at those degrees may be also affected. Birthdays are: May 26-June 2 ; August  28-September 4; November 27 – December 4  and February 23-March 2. Some Tidbits:

Aries- Recent goings on regarding work and health may come in focus. Take down time for you. Move on and close the door to what is no longer needed.

Taurus- This is all about finding those who are in sync with you. Raise your frequency and you will be uplifted and attract those who are in tune.

Gemini- Think about what you want from life, and make your plans accordingly. Career/home interests are pulling at each other. Are you ready to take charge?

Cancer- Don’t dismiss dreams of a different future. Decisions you make right now could really open up and give you a sense of meaning and purpose. Travel?

Leo- The secret is to let go of whatever needs to be let go of, and allow yourself to be changed. Do not let fiscal issues lead to any kinds of uncertainty.

Virgo- Find a balance between what you need and what others would like. There may be partnership tests at this time or you may be confused with partner.

Libra- Focus on the reality of moment and find what needs to be healed within and around. Stay calm and protect your health since you may be vulnerable

Scorpio- You might discover something that really gives you joy. You may be quite creative at this time. A love connection may take you to a new feeling.

Sagittarius- Finding time for home and family matters may take some doing and may bring some agitation to the forefront. Find your heartfelt feelings.

Capricorn- Some accolades that you were not expecting may show up. Did you know the impossible is actually possible?  Let changes come into play.

Aquarius- Look at what makes you comfortable. Watch that your security is not overturned by unusual behavior. Balance the give and take of intimacy.

Pisces-See the uniqueness within and look for self-discovery. Be assertive. Your connection to others is intensified. See the positive in a relationship.

Some essential oils to use during this time frame are the following: Ylang Ylang –stabilizes the nervous system; Myrrh- a tonic that soothes; Frankincense-spiritual healing; and Lemongrass-renews and refreshes. Also good to have around are some stones such as: emerald for organizing and smooth communication, aquamarine for clear communication, and amazonite for harmonious communication. Hematite is also good for pulling out the negative energy from your body and grounding you.

I love to laugh and no matter what anyone else says, I laugh when something stirs my inner joker. Try it more as the days of summer start to wind down. Thank you again for reading and sharing. I would love to hear your comments on anything in this post. Stay in the moment and go with the flow no matter how bumpy it gets. The shift in your life will bring magnificence unless you try to fight it.  Be blessed, until again, love, Jan

New Moon in Leo, August 16 2023 – Time to stand in your power

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. With the last months going out to pasture to some degree I see how many of you have become stuck. This inability to move forward is due to what is being told to you in candyland. They are right you say. Unfortunately, it is up to you to take care of your own being. Why do you let the media rule your life? If you say it is not- it is because you have become a victim of the power play energy. In the meantime those who carry love in your hearts are the ones who will come out of this with more than you can imagine. Why? What does love have to do with it? Those who carry the heart full of love are not intimidated by what is going on. Look around you. How many of you still continue to fear everything? Do you agree that those who harm others are virtuous-that they have love pouring out of their hearts? If you do then you are going to be in for a rude awakening and maybe that is what has to occur for those who have such deep fear to wake up to the truth. How many out there follow the crowd? You would be surprised as to how little it takes for you to be susceptible to the conditioning. Many of you may be on the verge of breaking out. So, keep moving forward for now is the time. It may not bring you exactly what you choose immediately but it will give you a big opening. This is a time for letting go completely of all that has no meaning in your life. A new life is in front of you, are you going to go for it? If you stay enmeshed you need to allow the energy to begin to unravel your ties and the sooner the better due to upcoming events that may decide for you. On the other hand, this is a good time for revolutionary changes in your relationships.

As the Light glows about us, there is so much controversy seeping through the cracks.  Did you know the Maui Police Chief was the Incident commander for the 2017 shooting in Las Vegas? Now three towns have been destroyed in Maui and if you think wildfire then maybe you need to do some more research. Media does not like Rich Men North of Richmond song by Oliver Anthony. I guess songs like this do not fit their program. Looks like Disney+ is collapsing since many dislike the programming. Why is David Weiss who is a US Attorney and part of the government allowed to be Special Counsel for Hunter Biden? It is illegal since Special Counsel has to be outside government. And child trafficking continues to accelerate. Investors are buying up houses all over the country.

On Wednesday August 16, 2023, the NEW MOON in the lion LEO commands our attention as it takes place at 5:38am EDT; 2:38am PDT; and 9:38am GMT at 23 degrees 17’. The Sun is in the exact degree as the Moon in Leo. NEW MOON In LEO glows even though it is invisible to us. The Sun is in Leo which is all about the creative within. It speaks of courage and confidence. More paramount than anything is taking charge of your lives. This is about you and moving into your heart. Yes, your heart. The Lion has a big heart. Of course, some Leos get stuck in their egos especially if they let their pride get in the way. Successful resolutions to problems may come to some of you especially on the home front. That comes from facing your inner truths. So now the Moon is also together with the Sun and both are trying to say let the creative part of your life come through strongly. Find the courage to do what your heart cries out in passion to do.  Looks like a time of unexpected happenings since Uranus in Taurus at 23 degrees is squaring the New Moon in Leo.  Your freedom is at risk since there is so much authoritarianism out there. It could be in relationships or otherwise. Does not mean it definitely will occur. If a relationship problem is present…make-up already. And this also includes the basic family where some are more in a cult-like bubble as opposed to a family of all included. Some early trauma from childhood can pop up in your memory and maybe it is time to just recognize and let it go already. It is not an easy task but is recommended since it is interfering with your moving forward. And Uranus is saying be who you are, that unique self who is always true and if others disagree, that is their issue. This is not a time to fit in. The free heart speaks. Seriously, dear ones, this is an outstanding time to start fresh, renew your interest in what is truly you and take a leap. Now I realize I am always talking about leaping. It is true though. You can take a mini leap or a giant one.  If you dislike what you are doing and your interest is not present, then find something that makes you roar like the lion of Leo. On the other hand it is truly about coming to a compromise if that is needed. Know that it is time to take a stand in your power without being too proud. Got it?? And then there is Venus in Leo conjunct the New Moon. Focus on your relationship with yourself and how you are when others are in your presence. Mars is trine to Uranus in Taurus and this gives you the drive to reach and push through whatever you are looking to achieve.

Are you willing to choose happiness in the present moment? Sun/Rising signs affected more intensely are Taurus, Leo, Aquarius and Scorpio at 19-27 degrees. If you have personal planets – Mars, Mercury, Venus and Moon at those degrees may also be affected. Birthdays are: February 9-17; May 10-18; August 11-19; November 11-19.

Aries –Romantic involvements are highlighted and children too!  New love may enter picture. Could be lots of entertaining in your surroundings? Creativity comes through.

Taurus -Are you looking to bring more beauty to your home or getting a new one?  Are you planning to redecorate or redo? What are you doing with the family now?

Gemini – It is time to get away. Take a short drive or go take a walk in the woods and see how your energy changes. Lots of communication with others! Do some writing.

Cancer –Your self-esteem gets a charge. Financial talk and planning may take you in a new direction and even bring in some added revenue to the table. Some changes occur.

Leo – What are you wishing for? Put it out there and watch what occurs. You are more in the center of attention so let your light shine. Is there a change in your image?

Virgo– Hang back a bit!  Go within and find your spiritual center to bring about a shift in your living and be authentic. Run with the new idea that pops in at the moment.

Libra – New goals are in the picture so go for it in the next months. Also, new friends show up and old ones are ready to be there. Enjoy the camaraderie. Changes!

Scorpio- Where is your career headed? Do you have a new direction in mind? How do you intend to advance? Stay in the positive. Make adjustments where needed.

Sagittarius- Where will that travel take you? Are you doing things that you really love? No restriction necessary…let it go. Have fun and do it your way.

Capricorn—Intentions about work, travel and good interactions will make this a grand time. What new skills and talents are waiting for you to take up? Transformation is key!

Aquarius – Is money coming to you out of the blue? Is there a new intimate connection coming into your life or is the one you have getting better? Togetherness is good.

Pisces –This is an excellent time for connections of all sorts. New work may come into the mix in the next couple of months. Good ideas show up. Chill out/ stay in good health.

Keep those heartfelt thoughts flowing and stay in the moment. Thank you for reading and sharing if you will. Sending well wishes and blessings to you as the New Moon energy comes in. “Don’t give into your fears, if you do you won’t be able to talk to your heart.” (Paolo Coelho) Get your intentions out in the next couple of days. Until again, Love, Jan