Monthly Archives: May 2022

New Moon in Gemini, May 30, 2022 – Are you open to see reality as you take a new step?

Happy day to you dear ones! Welcome to Cosmic Leaping as the New Moon in Gemini is ready to spread its influence upon you. Memorial Day is the same day as the New Moon and I continue to wonder where this day will take you. I thought it was a day of remembering those men and women who perished in wars. To me that is a sad time. Wars are not why you came to this earth. It continues on as we go through this year. All around me is fear, anger and living in a box. That is not why you are here. When will you wake up to the truth?  What a sham the world has become. The lies, the deception have become the new norm, and really it is not new, but it is the continuing norm.  What are you going to do about it? Are you one of those who have no wish to take care of your own self and wait for an “authority type’ do give you advice. I hope not. I know there is sadness out there at the moment. I know there is taunting out there in candyland. Does that mean you will continue to follow the crowd?  Why? You are here to walk your path and find your truth. How many of you have done this already? I am sending out loads of good wishes and blessings to all at this time. And no matter what is going on allow the heartfelt joy to come out to others. It may not be easy but choose it over anything else.

Are you aware that there were mass shooting drills at other schools back in March just before the real event occurred in Uvalde?  Why did the cops at the school stand down and did not do anything to stop the shooting? The people on the school grounds at that time kept asking them to go in. They did not. I wonder what that means. And the original headline said that 13 were wounded and taken to the hospital. That disappeared and the next item was about parents screaming at police to go into stop the shooter. Did not happen for an hour! What is really going on here? What will the next storyline be? So sad for those children who died in the classroom but I am still convinced that something is amiss with this whole scenario.  Sorry to say that. On another note –NY is going to give the elderly robot companions.  Puppy torture is being carried out by NIH to test new hay fever drugs. It gets better…now K-12 schools have to put boys in girls’ bathrooms to get federal lunch money. Be ready when the W.H.O. takes over the medical arena in this country. It is going to get quite interesting. Oh and by the way H.G.Wells predicted what is going on in the world. He did it 100 years ago. Protesters are out at NRA convention.

Here comes the New Moon in Gemini on May 30, 2022 at 7:30 am EDT; 4:30 am PDT; and 11:30 am GMT in 09°03′. The Sun is in the exact degree in Gemini also. Gemini is hesitant to commit since the thought is what if it does not come through. Those Gemini types like to keep things open to assess and then will see what actually is going on. Sometimes Gemini needs to take a chance already. It is time to look at how you communicate and listen to others with their points of view. And if they do not have the same as you, enjoy the conversation anyway. There are no major aspects from other planets. It is aligned with the Fixed star Aldebaran. Of course, keeping in a more easygoing way will not be easy since Aldebaran can stir up revolution and dissent. Try to keep your cool at this time. And if someone decides to push your buttons, stay in the moment and take a breath. Keep the anger away. Even though it is a star that can stir the anger within and want war, there is a good side to it. That is Aldebaran can bring good fortune under certain circumstances.  At the time of the New Moon Jupiter and Mars have aligned in Aries within a degree or less which is very energetic and has courage and is good for sex drive. It is good for starting new projects and success appears in sports and war and business. Watch for shyness and aloofness since Mercury retrograde in Taurus (ruler of the new moon) is square Saturn in Aquarius. Pessimism, slander, meanness, and criticism may show up. Megaera asteroid is also in the picture and says that some of you are seeking revenge for crimes which are unpunished.

New moons are about new starts and this one in particular will force you to take a look at what you do not want to talk about and bring it up. All new moons are about newly planted seeds. So whatever you are doing or thinking about it is time to take a look at what your intentions are. This is a reminder to write out your goals/dreams (3 of them in a list).  Of course you may want to just make a plan instead of bursting forward with anything at this time since Mercury is still retrograde until June 3. It is a good time to be curious and hunt out those items that may not be readily found in your reading or watching videos online.

The House in the natal chart that holds Gemini should give some guidance and some hint as to what the New Moon might bring, and for all of us, it offers some new way to think of what is important to you. Those most affected by this New Moon in Gemini are: Ascendant/Sun sign in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces in 6-13 degrees. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury. Venus and Mars) in these signs and degrees then you too may be influenced.  Birthdays involved are:  May 27-June 3; August 30-Seotember 6; November 29 – December 6; and February 25- March 4. Tidbits-

Aries- Someone may be able to give you some clues about how to handle anything going on in your life. Spiritual pursuits may be the thing to do.

Taurus – It is all about your resources which do include your time, your skills, and your knowledge besides money.  Look for ways to increase income. Do you write at all?

Gemini – Think about who you are! This may be a great time to find your true self that you have been waiting for. Your dreams and goals may come out to shine.

Cancer – Take a deep look within and gather some wisdom as to what you choose to do in life at this time. Are you continuing to burn the candle at both ends?

Leo- This is good energy for you to make new connections or reach out to those who are in tune with you. Be receptive to a friend’s ideas. Find a diversion.

Virgo – Take advantage of your own ability to see things and be the one that knows how to do the job.  Use your insight to work through anything that may be difficult.

Libra- Fantasies are sometimes wonderful yet now is the time to take them and put them to use in your own reality. Do not let your imagination run wild.

Scorpio – Who is there that you choose to be in tandem with? Now you can put the togetherness to work. Shared assets may be part of the focus.

Sagittarius – Life tells you to reach out to someone and find out what you do not know about this individual. There may be much more than you realize. New relationship?

Capricorn – Have you thought about some pleasure with your business? Now is a good time for that to take place. Mix it up a bit. Shift some of your daily routines.

Aquarius – What kind of creative insight will show up in your mind? Something on a new level which you have never thought before?  Consider many possibilities in creativity.

Pisces – Take a look at the inner you and be amused by what you see. It is amazing how you can shift your perspective. Find a way for work and home to blend better

Just a reminder that much that Is going on is a total distraction to keep you doing nothing in life especially if you are so easily following the crowd. I am sure many of you will say that you have a good job, family who loves you and so forth and so on. Are you doing what stirs your soul?  Keep that in mind as you walk the path in the days ahead.

Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing! I am most grateful. No matter what is going on in the world you first have to be the authentic as you communicate and share. Even though intensity may show up let the lightness of your heart shine through. Have a grand New Moon in Gemini. Many blessings to all of you! Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, May 15/16 2022 – Let the spiritual shift transform you

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I just noticed that I have a bird in a nest on my porch. And it sings every morning which sometimes wakes me up. Oh joy it is on one hand and the other says go away. It is an interesting energy that is present at this time. I look around and see so many still stuck in the vax world wearing masks and cowering in fear. What is the purpose of all the continued conversations about this whole dynamic? It is truly time to wake up. I know I say this so often yet no one wishes to hear that life is about going within and finding your truth. Life is a spiritual adventure which takes you to places that are fascinating. Are you on this journey in your own life? Some of you have begun to see the light and others dismiss the truth since the mainstream tells you something different. Life is about finding that joy and letting it be the way. Some will ask me why I am happy. Oh, believe me I can find a way to get down in the dumps and cry the blues. No way. Been there, done that eons ago. Why not take a leap in a step at a time and take those fears and throw them out the window? Try it. And stop thinking about things over which you have no control. . It is apparent many are not in the mood for awakening and taking leaps at this time. Do not fret. It will occur and many will be shocked at the outcome of all the deception that is taking place.

There are many things out there in candy land that I would talk about yet I feel that it is better to just mention them. .Did you ever really think about what has been happening in this country and across the globe recently? Do you really believe that the war-mongering is necessary for your betterment and all others? Dear ones, the darkness is present like never before I know this is a big story now regarding the baby formula at the border. Why do you think this is being done? It is interesting that a few years back I said this– the whole economy is drastically in need of a revamping. Of course this is a time that you are given the opportunity to change your thinking about what is happening with the whole money thing. What happens if your bank account goes down? Yes, it has to change and the time is in the next few years. Well here it is showing up fully out of control. It took some time yet it did not disappoint. And Ukraine marches on with the hidden stuff that is mind-blowing. How will you react when the truth appears?

The dark is having its way and you are letting it. Your phone distracts you and you are becoming a robot. Have you noticed?  I am asking you to wake up because this Full Moon is about facing the darkness that surrounds you.

The Full Moon in Scorpio arrives May 16, 2022 at 12:15am EDT; (May 15 2022) 9:15om PDT; and 4:15am GMT in 25°17′ The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. Scorpio is all about deep feelings and secretiveness. What is being hidden in your world? It is a Total Lunar Eclipse and whatever it is that shows up, you will be able to deal with it if you face it with patience. The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is a turning point. Will it shake you up or not? It may bring things to you that occurred back about 3-6 months ago. If there are past painful situations especially in regards to finances in your life you may need to let them go. It is time to liberate yourself and let go.  There is a T-square between Saturn and the Sun and Moon. That is totally about control. On the other hand Mars and Neptune are both in Pisces. That is more indicative of a spiritual energy that is present. This will take the edge off the control tactics that are happening in this country and the world. There is a trine to Mars from the Moon and a sextile from the Sun which bring some harmony into the mix. Pluto (the transformer) in Capricorn is now retrograde and trine the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio. Stand in your power. It is a good time to let go that which no longer makes you smile. Go within and connect with the depths of your being and go into Nature to see the beauty. The total lunar eclipse shines its light on those parts of your life that need to be addressed. It may come to you in an unexpected way. There is a rebirth that may take place as the seed was planted and now it is ready to bloom. That is asking you – are you ready to fully bloom? Spirit will help you if you do not hang onto the box that the seed is in.  Let the Scorpio Full Moon purge your emotional baggage once and for all so that transformation can take place and you discover the truth. There can be much harmony but know that big pokes can appear to make you look at what is truly going on.

Guess what Mercury is now retrograde as of May 10 2022. It was a good day anyway celebrating my birthday. I hear groans out there among some friends. It is ok. Calm down. Mercury is in 4° Gemini.  And its energy will affect any technology, communication issues, and any nervousness you may have. And things may get a bit dicey out there in the public domain. It is square the Moon in Scorpio. This may create intimate arguments among other kinds of disagreements.  Avoid the moodiness that it wants to place within.

Women are in the picture in big ways. Mercury goes direct on June 3 2022. Yay! Jupiter entered Aries on the same day. No matter what changes appear now, deal with them so you can take a step forward with the plans that you wish to initiate. Jupiter helps the blessings to come to you when the old is let go.

Wherever the Full Moon in Scorpio falls in your natal chart and/or your Sun/Rising sign is where you will be most intensely affected. Mine says to sit back and do the basics of life and take a break from the noise. Those signs and degrees are: Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius at 22-28 degrees. Birthdays: May 13-19; August 15-21; November 15-21; and February 11-17.  Some tidbits:

Aries –The Full moon is in your money zone so watch what you do with your money. Be careful of your communication with others and news may come regarding money.

Taurus- What will you do that will surprise others? Relationship will come into focus in the next couple of weeks. Do talk about any issue that may arise.

Gemini – Need to find balance in your work and home life. You may find yourself irritated and stir up something for the heck of it. Chill and find time for you.

Cancer- Emotions rise and you may find yourself wondering about a connection to a child or lover or friend. Communicate your feelings to lessen any tension.

Leo – There is a turning point in career or home life. Be calm and stay in the moment.  Will you find yourself in the middle of a conflict that is not really necessary?

Virgo – When was the last time you really looked within at your own workings?  And if you need a discussion, do so in a knowledgeable way. Travel would be a great dream.

Libra – Think before you undermine security or creates a loss with some purchase that is not really needed. And keep any power struggles out of the picture.

Scorpio- You seem to have a knack to problem solve with others. Important developments with your close relationships may come to light. Shifts are coming

Sagittarius – Good time for healing in major ways. Stop letting worries get you down. Some exciting thing may occur that is unexpected. Take time to breathe deeply and rest.

Capricorn – Great time to see that your motivation and goals are now paying off. Watch your approach to others when communicating especially with those close to you.

Aquarius – Looks like many good things in home life are coming to fruition. Stay in your power when out there in the work world.  Good things are showing up again.

Pisces – Changes are coming and most likely positive. There are lots of things you may choose to do with neighbors or siblings. And maybe some vacation plans in the making.

Thank you so much for reading. Please share if you will. Spring is bright and the sun continues to hide. Take a leap and give a big shout. Do stay in the moment and remember to pay attention. Let spiritual transformation take place within. Allow yourself to return to wholeness. Restore what is best for you. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan