Category Archives: CHANGE OUR THINKING

Full Moon in Leo, January 25, 2024 – Emotional eruption or creative fun?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping.  I called the snow stopper and asked him to stop it. He obviously heard me and now he changed his mind to bringing in the rain. Oh well. Anyway, I have to joke once every so often so I do not go off the deep end. Life seems a bit dramatic these days and probably will get even crazier than ever.  Those out there in fantasyland will probably get more creative in their approach as to getting others to see it their way. I know all you Taylor Swift fans are jumping for joy since the Chiefs won. She is not good for the NFL in my thinking. But what do I know? I guess one will see if the Chiefs make it to the Super Bowl and how the Swift picture will increase. Have you succeeded in reaching your goals and or intentions that you put out there during the New Moon in Capricorn? As the Full Moon comes in you will want to take a look at how far they took you. Did they manifest? Answers outside the box may be what you need to get where you choose to go since the Sun is in Aquarius. And Aquarius is a visionary sign which will open up different ways to proceed. It is a good time to be creative.

The Primaries are in full force in the States.  Trump took Iowa and now Ron DeSantis stepped out of the race. Now it is New Hampshire which pits President Donald Trump against Nikki Haley. Should be an interesting day Tuesday!  Did you hear about the Haley staffer named Joan who distributed $1000 prepaid gift cards to Iowans last week? No one knows who that is. I find it interesting that air conditioners are bad for global warming yet EVs are not. That is a good one. The CDC warns about salmonella infections linked to Costco and Sam’s Club. According to Klaus Schwab elections will be a thing of the past. The WHO is starting up a Global Police Force to arrest those who post nonmainstream content on the Internet. And now there are those who want to tear down the Statue of Liberty. Censorship is likely to become a larger topic of discussion, and a strong attempt to hide information is likely. And this is already happening out there.

The Full Moon is in Leo at 5 degrees 14’ and it takes place on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 12:54pm EST; 9:54am PST; and 5:54pm GMT. The Sun is in the exact degree in Aquarius.  Sun in Aquarius likes to be different. Wherever Aquarius falls in your chart will tell you the part of your life which is different. Full Moons are a good time for releasing anything that is no longer flows for you. Full Moon in Leo comes from the heart. It is a loving and efficient Full Moon which has you at its center. It is the actor in you choosing to come alive to the applause as you seek the real you and present to all who choose to be there for you down the road.  It is the drama planet, the star, the dancing queen, the entertainer. The Full moon in Leo is quite creative. The full moon illuminates your feelings, your emotions. It is a time to let go; purge the past. Whatever you started on the New Moon in Capricorn may come to fruition now as I mentioned earlier.

Where will you be taken in the next year or more? Do you have any idea about the truth that has not been revealed as of yet? What you put out there is how you feel within. Are you aware of this? It is a time for you to say this – I will continue to dance and feel joy no matter what goes on. That is my life as the Divine inspired it to be. This is all about heart – Coeur.  And the root of Coeur is courage. A very special man once wrote a song which was titled Jan de Mon Coeur.  And impressive it was. This is a time to open your hearts (Leo Moon) and your minds (Aquarius Sun).  Find the time to dig deep into your heart finding the courage and love that it holds. This Full Moon is about thinking about how the needs of you compare to the needs of the group. It is paramount that you release what you need so that love, money and anything else in your life flows and when it does you know your magnetism has been released from the burdens that you have been carrying. Now is the time to envision joyfulness without letting anyone get you riled up over something that is not important to releasing and moving forward.  The ego will be on full display this coming week if you access the lower energy of the Full Moon. When we see someone flaunting their ego, more of us than usual will recognize that the ego is an act of the false self. Those that are self-absorbed and guided by narcissism won’t be able to easily hide their motivations. Constant moaning about everything and anything will also limit your life to a very superficial existence. Remember that Moon in Leo likes to be authentic in your expression.

Since Jupiter in Taurus is square the Full Moon it says it is a time to release so that abundance can come through and expand it .This is definitely about letting go what is not part of your heart’s truth. It also says that you can expand and create and go out and experience some joy and expand what life offers you. Uranus in Taurus goes direct a couple of days after the Full Moon and it can shake things up a bit since it is the planet of revolution and can bring more social changes. With Pluto again entering Aquarius a few days ago indicates that your emotional experiences can get a bit intense and also can help you identify where you are stuck and stagnant. Pluto is also about transformation so what will you allow to be released and shift accordingly. Mercury and Mars in Capricorn both square Chiron in Aries and the Lunar Nodes. It can get a bit testy. These are about karmic blocks and wounds which keep you from going out there and taking risks and also your ability to communicate on some level.

The Full Moon in Leo has an intense effect upon signs Taurus, Leo and Scorpio and Aquarius and for those having personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury) or their Ascendant (Rising Sign) in those signs at 1-9 degrees. Birthdays:: January 21-29; April 21-29; July 23-31; October 23-31. Some tidbits for signs-

Aries – If you’ve allowed pressure to build up inside, the release valve is finally pulled. Let it come out. And remember to enjoy the time either out there or creatively.

Taurus – Finding balance between your professional life and your personal life is tenuous at best. What are your true priorities? It brings out things not seen and also family.

Gemini – How do you share your ideas with others in your daily conversation? What changes have popped up in your environment or social media group?

Cancer – Being completely honest about your values is the most direct route to happiness. Reassess your income. Extra money – go find what you like.

Leo – Treat others with respect with the same kind you expect for yourself. Thoughts about personal stuff and how you fit in is the question. An awakening comes!

Virgo – How will you bring your dreams to reality? You may look at what has gone on in last months and be ready to clear out and take the right action.

Libra – If people aren’t encouraging you to shine brighter, it could be time to ask yourself if you’re being genuine or just putting on a show to please everyone.

Scorpio – If you truly want to be respected for your achievements, speak your intentions softly. Walk slowly daily toward progress!  Do you really like what you do?

Sagittarius – Use the smaller details to reach your big goals. You may redirect them. Have faith.  You are truly beginning to see what you want in life.

Capricorn – Business it is but you really are looking for a deep connection. How will you approach that intimate thinking? Will you choose to transform something that shows up?

Aquarius – Do others expect you to be the adoring audience? Your opinions are important too! True feelings come to light and you find out how others truly are.

Pisces – There is emphasis on the little things you do for those around you. Be authentic without a need for approval. Job offer or changes in work or daily environment

Thank you for reading. Please share if you will. Make no major decisions the day of the Full Moon. Stay in the present moment and feel love within and stay out of drama. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan

FULL COLD MOON in Gemini, December 7,2022 – Watch your words

Hello Dear Ones. Jan King here. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Did you let your gratitude flow with the Thanksgiving holiday? It is a Full Moon where you can still bring the gratitude to the forefront. Now it is coming to a season of joy for many. Of course, if you listen to those out there in the land of fantasy it will be more depressing than ever. Stay on track and let the goodness of your heart lead the way. Stay in the moment as you wander the stores or prefer to be the online shopper. That is not the bottomline of this season. Too many have forgotten that life is love and joy no matter what else is going on. Do you believe it? Yes, life is what you think. No misinformation. Can you take a leap and just have some fun and give up the fear? How many of you go out and have fun? How many of you talk to your friends and associates? How many of you have real conversations? I am being serious about this. Are you truly seeing your purpose in life? If not, then allow it in. It amazes me that in the past years I have had the opportunity to do so many things to help others and I choose to continue to want to be out there doing so. How do you feel about relating to others in person and finding how to move forward in your life? Communication is important no matter what the world says. Keep that in mind since you may be kept from doing so in the future if things continue the way they are.

The Full Moon falls on Pearl Harbor Day. +Millions of people gave their lives fighting fascism and imperialism, but Pearl Harbor was the event that forever changed the course of human history.” – Sam Graves. That was a major turning point in the American history. As life goes on and it is 81 years later it still steps in as a reminder of where life can go. If you do not see the true picture of what is happening here and now, then I send you blessings because life as it is will stand in your way and that will not be to your liking. Did you know that the new Disney Christmas Show has kids standing with signs saying We Love you Satan!. Many do not recognize the takedown of the family life as we have known it in the past. It matters not if married with family or not I am sure there have been relationships of all kinds that have taught you to reach within and find your truth. That is what it all is about. Are you aware that China owns TikTok? And this gets better – Klaus Schwab and the WEF says that Jesus is fake news and God is dead. And who knows what will happen in Arizona with the election challenge. Oh yes, the “laptop” will be a big surprise for many.

The Full Moon in Gemini/Cold Moon is the last full moon of the year and arrives on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 11:08 pm  EST; 8:08 pm PST; and 4:08 am GMT(December 8) in 16degrees 2’. The Sun is in Sagittarius at the same degree. The energy is building. Do you intend to be caught in the crazy holiday mix and have it take over your life?  Where is your mind today? How about your communication? This Full Moon is more on a mental axis where Gemini rules the lower mind and Sagittarius is all about the higher mind. Gemini is more about staying in the neighborhood or local area whereas Sagittarius likes to venture out and explore new possibilities. If you haven’t been into much communication lately now is the time to reach within and find those feelings and express them.  Although there is much mental interaction between the two signs it is a truly emotional time for you. Look back at your achievements in the past year and pat yourself on the back and then t is a major time to release those things that are no longer in your life yet you keep hanging onto them. You can do it. Go with the Full Moon energy and intend the release of all things that hold you back including being in the thinking mode too darn much. And do not forget to intend to allow yourself to get off the freaking screen already. Take a breath and take a leap. At least do it for a couple hours a day to start. It is time to reflect and look forward.

The Full Moon in Gemini is conjunct Mars in Gemini. And the energy gives you the desire for fulfilling anything that you are passionate about. The energy brings lots of courage. And don’t forget the sex appeal! Watch your words so you do not get yourself into a fight or attract a rude individual. Since Mars is retrograde you may choose to look at how you care about others and not try to control them. The Full Moon wil occult(hide)Mars as it rises for a short time. Full Moon in Gemini is also square Neptune in Pisces It is a T-square with the Sun and Neptune. Neptune is the planet of intuition, so we may find ourselves receiving confirmation for something we have had an intuitive insight about for some time. But your intuitive side may be off since Neptune is not in a good mood and may bring delusions instead of truth/facts. So what you hear and see out there is not coming to you in clarity. One must dig deeper for the facts or you may find yourself in lies. Many things may not be as clear and beautiful as they could be.

Mercury which rules communication and Venus, attraction planet both enter Capricorn on the 6th and the 9th.  Practical matters may be discussed at work or home. Mercury and Venus together bring out clear communication and diplomatic efforts. No big decisions at this time as the Gemini Full Moon conjuncts Mars and there will be a lot of excitable energy interfering with rational thought!.

Stop sometime in the middle of the Full Moon time this week and be open to the Divine blessings that come in and around you. Appreciate those spiritual blessing that help you move through the chaotic time. Some essential oils which are great now are patchouli, geranium, frankincense, and myrrh. Gem stones are serpentine, hyacinth, peridot

Those affected most intensely will be Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces (Sun signs/rising signs in 13-19 degrees. Also the birthdays affected: June 4-10; September 6-12; December 6-12 and March 4-10. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mars, Venus, and Mercury) at these degrees, than it may have an affect also. Some tidbits for Sun/Rising signs:

Aries-Make your plans and be ready to communicate. Some travel shows up too. Find more spirituality in your life You may wish to expand your mind too.

Taurus – Finances and investments are in the forefront. Tense about finances? Resolution comes about. Take a break; relax and find time to meditate.

Gemini – Relationship joy comes. Cooperation comes in personal interests. Watch words. Try to get out of your rut. You are in the limelight. Go for your big desire.

Cancer – Make adjustments in everyday living. Lots of vitality and optimism is present! Restructure your personal goals. Make adjustment in relationships.

Leo- Some excitement comes in. Watch sensitivity. Some balance in group affairs. A journey of the heart shows up and new insights appear.

Virgo – There may be some changes in home life or even in the business arena. How does your career seem to be? Maybe some new insights regarding home.

Libra- Do not go overboard. You can be out there feeling liberated. It is a prime time to be communicative and to go forward with a new project.

Scorpio – New financial goals in the making. Watch out for emotional extremes.What do you value most? Is there a bit of intimacy or new ways of thinking?

Sagittarius -You are adventurous. New way of life can come into being. Take a chance. Is there a loving way you approach your relationship?

Capricorn – Small group get-togethers with family. Love from a friend. Look inward. Spend some time regrouping within. It is a period of renewal.

Aquarius – A partner brings comfort. New people come in. No more indulgence. Reach out to those who you have not seen lately. Have fun in love.

Pisces – Dreamily affectionate! Make new business contacts. Have fun with family. Decorate your home in new ways. Stay focused and it will be worth it.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for those who follow Cosmic Leaping. Stay present and pay attention since this can be a confusing time. Watch your words and know that some deception may be present. Have a great Full Moon and look for the New Moon post right before it shows up on December 23. If you have a question about how it affects you message me. Until again, love, Jan

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, November 8, 2022 – Stay out of the fear-mongering energy

Hello Dear Ones. Jan King here! Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Where are you as the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse shines its mighty face upon you? The spooks are gone away or so you think they are. HA. Went to a Halloween party and my daughter was a clown. Do you know how much that just threw me for a loop? Clowns are scary but she was quite awesome. It is so hard to believe that it is now November and the clocks are now going back one hour. Dark and more dark as the days get shorter. I ask do you see the truth as to what has actually happened in your life and around you and why it the way it is? I have learned much in the past few years and truly make a habit of living in the present not the past or the future. Do you realize by living in the present that you can truly create joie de vivre (joy of life) if you allow it to occur? Why is it so difficult for all to see that what you experienced in the past may be a good thing or not and what the future shows you is a mystery. Oh, yes, you can plan out your life totally and be a robot or you can let it flow and let it guide you as you pay attention. So, how will you take a leap or will you continue to stay in the past? It is quite easy if you go with the flow and have faith. Darkness tries to pull you in.? Fear is hanging about!! Allow the Light to be in your life

I see the rats are at it again. Amazing how the imagination creates stories that are so deeply imbedded in those who pay no attention. The energy out there in fantasyland is getting crazier by the moment. Why hasn’t the video from Pelosi’s house been released? I guess that would contradict what the police said. Have you figured it out yet? I do send well wishes to her husband if he truly got hammered. Do you see the streets of Philly, Portland and San Francisco? Look for it. Too much to take in! Did you ever think that what is happening out there is really is related to the unrest you feel within.  Kimberly Zapata Milwaukee Deputy Director of Elections got fired after she demonstrated how elections got stolen. And Jamie Raskin, Congressman, stated that “Russia must be destroyed since it is Orthodox and has traditional values.” How much more will the United States Constitution be violated? Wearing a mask does not work!

This is the first time in history that a total lunar eclipse will take place on Election Day.beginning and ending before the polling stations open. The next time a total lunar eclipse will happen on Election Day will be on Tuesday, November 8, 2394. The Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will arrive on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 6:02am EST: 3:03am PST; and 11:02am GMT in 16 degrees Taurus. The Sun is in the exact degree in Scorpio. Since Scorpio Sun is about hidden or secret matters, sexual stuff and power-seems as if, yes, power has been the word of the day lately. Who has it, gets it or gives it up. That is truly Scorpio energy. Are you looking for more security? Then Full Moon in Taurus is listening. This is a time to follow your senses-.tasting the good wine, listening to music/dancing, looking at the beauty of nature or your beloved, smelling the roses. Taurus is patient and will wait forever for everything to unfold as it is deemed. Now, I know there is a negative side to a Taurus energy which is resistance. That comes when one is out of balance. Since Taurus is ruled by Venus it is the creativity, arts and love. Taurus needs that Scorpionic balance so as to not get stuck in just surviving instead of thriving. So whatever you are holding onto too tightly needs to be loosened up. There are some aspects that are conjoined with both. This Full Moon is emotionally sensitive so it is wise to use your intuition to help any conflicts in relationships. The Full Moon is opposite Mercury which could lead to arguments due to confusion /no understanding. Be astute with any contract negotiations at this time. The Full Moon is conjunct Uranus in Taurus and it brings out impatience and impulsiveness. There may be upsets in relationships, Although you may have insightful flashes there may be snags in that and bring fear due to the Full Moon opposite both Mercury and the Sun and square Saturn in Aquarius. If you feel like life has just started to be on high speed then this is due to Mercury opposite Uranus in Taurus. This could bring complications in several areas. And Mercury square Saturn says there may be misunderstandings. Be patient.. But there is lots of fear that is going to come out again and I suggest you stay in the moment or you will find yourself stuck.

You may be already starting to feel this energy as Tuesday approaches, and for a few days afterwards. It does go on until the next Full Moon, It could feel rather intense.  But the good news is that whatever process this generates for you, it will be smoothed out by Friday with the 11/11 energy of balance.  November 11th, 2022 is that day to align yourself with the energies the day brings, as they will bring you clarity and show you the precise steps or paths to take. Get in touch with your subconscious mind.  Be receptive; reach out to the spiritual realm. If you do you will negate the good that comes from 11 11. This is a time for positive thinking. I know it is crazy out there yet you can still keep your thoughts inline and be in a place of good thinking. If you want the goodness of life then you have to think in the positive and let go all the craziness that you are seeing on TV, your phone, social media and on and on. Do you get this? Your life can change to a higher and brighter path. Focus on what you want and do so at 11 11am or pm.

Anyone with Sun/ Rising sign conjunct Taurus will feel this even more powerfully along with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from 13-20 degrees. If you have any personal planets (Mercury, Moon, Mars, Venus) also near the degree then you will also be affected in the house it falls. Tidbits-

Aries -Are you paying attention to your real gifts? What are you invested in? Pay attention to your finances. Right action grows love and also money/business

Taurus -You are oozing sensuality. Be your true self and results may be amazing. Stay poised since you are in the limelight now. Make any changes. Relationships- shifting.

Gemini – Avoid the crazy energy that is out there. You may wish solitude and that is good. Peak healing may come in a dramatic or subtle fashion/letting go of the old paradigm!

Cancer Be alert to flashes of ideas that come from the future! What you like may now be changing. New friends or old will play a bigger part. Watch triggers. Take a creative approach.

Leo -You might sense it’s time for a bold move, or that work and home life are out of balance. It is time to bring the family together and enjoy the time. What brings you joy?

Virgo – What you are doing needs to have soul purpose and deep meaning. Interactions with those in law, travel, relatives or education requires commitment and decisions.

Libra -It is time to break away from toxic situations and go for deep inner changes. Are you selling your soul to feel safe? Someone motivates you to go with a new idea.

Scorpio -Intimacy comes when you bare your soul for once. Partnerships become better if you let go and share. Some new idea pops up and it may not happen instantly yet it is coming.

Sagittarius -What are you doing to strengthen your daily workings? Share new ideas and treasures that you have kept hidden. Watch your resources! Use to start a new project.

Capricorn -Want to attract? -look great. You are in the creative mode. Enjoy connections. Your intuitive powers are very strong. Stop pushing and take time to enjoy!

\Aquarius -Think how you are in the home and also out there in the world. Fixing up your abode is a good thing. Passion comes back to you in your creativity. You are recognized.     Pisces -How can you get the social energy working to your advantage? Amp up the interactions and maybe there is some travel. Discard the old patterns and see how your life shifts

Thank you for reading and sharing Take those steps forward. Keep getting rid of the old beliefs and see how much clarity you have. Let the fire that is burning within help you leap to places not experienced before. Stop the fear already. Blessings to all, until again, love, Jan

New Moon in Libra, September 25, 2022 – Look deeply within and find balance

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The Fall Equinox just came in and many good wishes for a beautiful time to come. I feel like I am living in an alternate universe than most. With the crazy world out there it may be pulling you off your path since the energy tends to be a bit negative.  No matter what is going on the heart rules and it will make a difference if you follow it. There are many of you who are looking to escape what is going on and are really not paying attention. And then when you do come out in the world you may find yourself so overwhelmed because you are thinking too much about things that have no importance. I can hear the groans now. It took me a very long time to bring myself to a place of peace within. Why are you not allowing it? You came to live your true purpose and some of you do and many do not. What is the fear about? And why do you care what others think about you? Wake up to who you are so your life is truly the one you choose. Follow the crowd and nothing is promised. It is going to get really “hot’ out there soon. Be aware of all that is around you. Remember love wins, hate loses and fear just makes it worse.

News tidbits: The Queen is dead. Long live the King. An interesting thought is this-the news is no longer the news as it used to be. Taiwan earthquake happened. Possible typhoon in Japan could occur as I write this. If you talk about the vax in any way on social media you will be banned totally. The AI named Aladdin is totally supported by those in power and this AI will conduct the takedown of the market and bring on the crash. Do you see what is going on here? And how will the King of England Charles III do in the coming months? That will be interesting. Did you know the Queen had a twin sister? Surprising info! Where will Pennsylvania be after this mid-term election? For someone to be running for Senate I would think that the individual would choose to be open. Guess again. There will be one debate and no disclosure regarding Fetterman’s true health situation.  Many things are not as they seem. And Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom need to take a look at how their actions will affect every one of you down the road. Oh, they do not care. Welcome to a third world country.

The New Moon is in Libra on September 25 2022 at 5:54pm EDT: 2:54 pm PDT: and 6:54pm GMT in 2°49’’. The Sun is in the exact same degree in Libra. The New Moon is always about looking where you have come from and where you are going. Since it is in Libra it is about harmonious interaction and balance since Libra is about both.  How do you balance your need for freedom and your wish for connection? Do you choose to control or are you compliant? Are you interested in interacting in a balanced co-creative way, tuned into the other individual? What you put out there is what you will get in return.  It is time to get of the stagnant mode and be in balance. Finding balance is not always your chosen thing to do. You may just want to leave it alone and only because it works for you. No matter how it works for you it is your track. Since Libra is a Cardinal air sign the New Moon says to lighten up a bit in your interactions and feeling the wind behind you as a burst of energy may bring you some motivation to take action on your deepest dreams. New people and new ideas may just come in as you take a leap. Just ask if you are out of balance in your life and how can you recreate something better?

The New Moon in Libra is in opposition to Jupiter retrograde in Aries which accents peace and harmony as the goal.  You may find more creative energy in relationships. This is a time also for taking a look at the values and ethics and how to share them with others. It can bring some exaggeration and over-the-top energy. So keep your wits about you when it takes you to a more exciting place. Mercury retrograde in 27 Virgo is conjunct the New Moon. This is more a reflective feeling that you may have. New starts may not show up as of now. It is a time to plant seeds for when Mercury goes direct in early October. Venus in late Virgo is also with Mercury and the New Moon. It says to take a look at how you speak, react and attract.  It is the mirror in your relationship. Are you giving out more than others give to you. Do you give in instead of being in balance of your own making? Mars in Gemini is trine to Saturn in Aquarius which brings respect for your hard work and helps keep you grounded.

The bottomline is you are looking to balance a relationship with the New Moon. And it is time to be who you really are and not who others want you to be.  And if you are looking for transformation to happen to you and your life then Pluto in Capricorn trine to the New Moon in Libra will help you. Just remember that once Mercury goes direct on October 2 whatever you intend with this New Moon may magically appear. Keep in mind New Moons are all about new starts for the next month or a new project. By looking at past behaviors and patterns also it will give you an opportunity to do things in a new way. Stay in the moment with relationships and no matter what shows up be patient.

Those signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in degrees 0-5. And the end degree of 29 of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius (If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in those degrees then you may be affected also. Birthdays affected are: March 19-25; June 19-25; September 22-28; and December 19-25.

Here are some New Moon tidbits for the Sun signs/Ascendant signs:

Aries- Lots of nurturing between you and others and shared purposes. New start in relationships can occur. Who comes in and brings you joy?

Taurus- A new healthy regimen may begin. You may socialize with coworkers. Keep the rebelliousness in check. Who is standing in your way?

Gemini- Romance, creativity, and expression are the main themes. What comes in a stirs you up in good ways? Time for relationship play! Creative mode comes.

Cancer-Emotional complications may pop up as you bring new energy to your home. Are you looking to move into a new home? Stay harmonious!

Leo-Busy time for connecting with others. Learn and nurture. Also travel. Let the harmony reign as you look to be more creative in communications/interactions.

Virgo-Watch the little things do not upset you. Balance you money plan. Try to create a more realistic budget .If need to make more money, go for it.

Libra-Nurture is the urge. Watch uneasy attachments with others. Harmony is the word.  Go out there and shine. Is there a new direction in the works?

Scorpio- Take a chance on inner peace. Seek some balance and harmony within. Choose what you want in a wise way. If you need to pull away a bit, do so.

Sagittarius-Lots of pleasant friends want your company. Heal past wounds from those earlier days. Find the harmony that is good for you. New plans may come.

Capricorn- Business zone is highlighted. More positive associations are coming to you. Be patient. What is your main ambitious choice at this time?

Aquarius- Find some meaning in life- It is time to heal.. A trip may show up. Something new may find its way to you. Is a new course in the works?

Pisces- Mutual resources and affections help you. It is time to make a fiscal move. Keep the flow going so that transformation may take place.. Changes!!!

Essential oils to use during the New Moon in Libra are pine, rosemary, vanilla and basil.

Some herbs that are helpful are calendula, yarrow. The herbs to balance energy are chamomile and lavender. Ginger will increase energy.                                                                                

Be blessed at the New Moon in Li bra and the Equinox. Thank you for reading and please share if you will. Stop hiding and get out there with love but keep and keep your relationships in balance. You can do it. There can be reconciliation or new romance.  Stop the fear and leap. Until again. Love, Jan

Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, May 15/16 2022 – Let the spiritual shift transform you

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I just noticed that I have a bird in a nest on my porch. And it sings every morning which sometimes wakes me up. Oh joy it is on one hand and the other says go away. It is an interesting energy that is present at this time. I look around and see so many still stuck in the vax world wearing masks and cowering in fear. What is the purpose of all the continued conversations about this whole dynamic? It is truly time to wake up. I know I say this so often yet no one wishes to hear that life is about going within and finding your truth. Life is a spiritual adventure which takes you to places that are fascinating. Are you on this journey in your own life? Some of you have begun to see the light and others dismiss the truth since the mainstream tells you something different. Life is about finding that joy and letting it be the way. Some will ask me why I am happy. Oh, believe me I can find a way to get down in the dumps and cry the blues. No way. Been there, done that eons ago. Why not take a leap in a step at a time and take those fears and throw them out the window? Try it. And stop thinking about things over which you have no control. . It is apparent many are not in the mood for awakening and taking leaps at this time. Do not fret. It will occur and many will be shocked at the outcome of all the deception that is taking place.

There are many things out there in candy land that I would talk about yet I feel that it is better to just mention them. .Did you ever really think about what has been happening in this country and across the globe recently? Do you really believe that the war-mongering is necessary for your betterment and all others? Dear ones, the darkness is present like never before I know this is a big story now regarding the baby formula at the border. Why do you think this is being done? It is interesting that a few years back I said this– the whole economy is drastically in need of a revamping. Of course this is a time that you are given the opportunity to change your thinking about what is happening with the whole money thing. What happens if your bank account goes down? Yes, it has to change and the time is in the next few years. Well here it is showing up fully out of control. It took some time yet it did not disappoint. And Ukraine marches on with the hidden stuff that is mind-blowing. How will you react when the truth appears?

The dark is having its way and you are letting it. Your phone distracts you and you are becoming a robot. Have you noticed?  I am asking you to wake up because this Full Moon is about facing the darkness that surrounds you.

The Full Moon in Scorpio arrives May 16, 2022 at 12:15am EDT; (May 15 2022) 9:15om PDT; and 4:15am GMT in 25°17′ The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. Scorpio is all about deep feelings and secretiveness. What is being hidden in your world? It is a Total Lunar Eclipse and whatever it is that shows up, you will be able to deal with it if you face it with patience. The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is a turning point. Will it shake you up or not? It may bring things to you that occurred back about 3-6 months ago. If there are past painful situations especially in regards to finances in your life you may need to let them go. It is time to liberate yourself and let go.  There is a T-square between Saturn and the Sun and Moon. That is totally about control. On the other hand Mars and Neptune are both in Pisces. That is more indicative of a spiritual energy that is present. This will take the edge off the control tactics that are happening in this country and the world. There is a trine to Mars from the Moon and a sextile from the Sun which bring some harmony into the mix. Pluto (the transformer) in Capricorn is now retrograde and trine the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Scorpio. Stand in your power. It is a good time to let go that which no longer makes you smile. Go within and connect with the depths of your being and go into Nature to see the beauty. The total lunar eclipse shines its light on those parts of your life that need to be addressed. It may come to you in an unexpected way. There is a rebirth that may take place as the seed was planted and now it is ready to bloom. That is asking you – are you ready to fully bloom? Spirit will help you if you do not hang onto the box that the seed is in.  Let the Scorpio Full Moon purge your emotional baggage once and for all so that transformation can take place and you discover the truth. There can be much harmony but know that big pokes can appear to make you look at what is truly going on.

Guess what Mercury is now retrograde as of May 10 2022. It was a good day anyway celebrating my birthday. I hear groans out there among some friends. It is ok. Calm down. Mercury is in 4° Gemini.  And its energy will affect any technology, communication issues, and any nervousness you may have. And things may get a bit dicey out there in the public domain. It is square the Moon in Scorpio. This may create intimate arguments among other kinds of disagreements.  Avoid the moodiness that it wants to place within.

Women are in the picture in big ways. Mercury goes direct on June 3 2022. Yay! Jupiter entered Aries on the same day. No matter what changes appear now, deal with them so you can take a step forward with the plans that you wish to initiate. Jupiter helps the blessings to come to you when the old is let go.

Wherever the Full Moon in Scorpio falls in your natal chart and/or your Sun/Rising sign is where you will be most intensely affected. Mine says to sit back and do the basics of life and take a break from the noise. Those signs and degrees are: Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius at 22-28 degrees. Birthdays: May 13-19; August 15-21; November 15-21; and February 11-17.  Some tidbits:

Aries –The Full moon is in your money zone so watch what you do with your money. Be careful of your communication with others and news may come regarding money.

Taurus- What will you do that will surprise others? Relationship will come into focus in the next couple of weeks. Do talk about any issue that may arise.

Gemini – Need to find balance in your work and home life. You may find yourself irritated and stir up something for the heck of it. Chill and find time for you.

Cancer- Emotions rise and you may find yourself wondering about a connection to a child or lover or friend. Communicate your feelings to lessen any tension.

Leo – There is a turning point in career or home life. Be calm and stay in the moment.  Will you find yourself in the middle of a conflict that is not really necessary?

Virgo – When was the last time you really looked within at your own workings?  And if you need a discussion, do so in a knowledgeable way. Travel would be a great dream.

Libra – Think before you undermine security or creates a loss with some purchase that is not really needed. And keep any power struggles out of the picture.

Scorpio- You seem to have a knack to problem solve with others. Important developments with your close relationships may come to light. Shifts are coming

Sagittarius – Good time for healing in major ways. Stop letting worries get you down. Some exciting thing may occur that is unexpected. Take time to breathe deeply and rest.

Capricorn – Great time to see that your motivation and goals are now paying off. Watch your approach to others when communicating especially with those close to you.

Aquarius – Looks like many good things in home life are coming to fruition. Stay in your power when out there in the work world.  Good things are showing up again.

Pisces – Changes are coming and most likely positive. There are lots of things you may choose to do with neighbors or siblings. And maybe some vacation plans in the making.

Thank you so much for reading. Please share if you will. Spring is bright and the sun continues to hide. Take a leap and give a big shout. Do stay in the moment and remember to pay attention. Let spiritual transformation take place within. Allow yourself to return to wholeness. Restore what is best for you. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan

Full Moon in Aries, October 20, 2021 – Shake Up!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. How is life going for you? I feel as if I am living in an alternate reality since most around me have no clue about life as it presents itself. Now, please understand that my life is different only because I choose it to be. What do you do that is more unique than it was say ten years ago? Have you aspired to your greatness? Have you released the past? Have you found your specialty in the grand scheme of things? I am interested in knowing what you are doing as the craziness continues. As the world turns it clamors over who is going to be rich; who is going to take down those who disagree; and who is on track. What is it that hounds you so much that you need to continue to live in the illusion that is brought to you by those who hide in the depths of the back pages of humanity? It is time for to take a breath and actually regroup. As I finish writing this post I ignore so much out there. Fear-mongering by the mainstream media is so boring and ridiculous. And it continues on and on. How many of you actually believe them? Dear ones, I am asking you to wake up because life will not be the same if you allow this charade to continue. And I am not talking about the mundane that may infiltrate your daily living. I am speaking of your freedom. Those in charge are desperate and have begun to come apart at the seams. So what can you do to bring back a real country of true values, spirituality and support for you? Please wake up or it may shake you awake.

The FULL MOON in Aries (Sun in exact degree opposition in Libra) arrives on Wednesday, October 20 2021 at 10:56am EDT; 7:56am PDT; and 2:56pm GMT. It is in 27°26′ Aries. This Full Moon opposes Eris and Mars in Libra and squares Pluto in Capricorn which forms a T-square. This can indicate deep tension and/or a tug of war. This Full Moon in Aries is also about taking power. (That sure says it all.) Manipulation may occur (Pluto square Sun and Moon); and also watch for tense relationships. The Sun is conjunct Mars and Eris in Libra. This part of it states that adventure may present itself and doing something that may not be familiar. You can even do something extraordinary. Since Mars rules Aries it may be time to get rid of the fears that have been within for a long time. Since Mars is the warrior you may find it beneficial to take action in the upcoming weeks. Is there fear involved in the forward motion that comes to you now? Are you hesitating because you are pulled into the dread that you hold within you? Did your set intentions from this past year come to fruition or did you drag your feet and stay stuck in the fear that encompasses your desire to act. Take a look at anything you have put out there and see if it happened or not. If not, fear was the bottomline. This time with the Full Moon in Aries is a reality check.

Mercury goes direct on October 18 and as it proceeds forward it will for a moment shine the truth upon you. It lasts briefly so if you aren’t paying attention it may be difficult to see. Will those who have been attacking others continue to do so? This is a time when the truth comes forth as to how you have been acting. Will you notice or will you let some major mistakes come into the mix? Mercury in Libra is opposite Chiron the planetoid and the Wounded Healer mythically. Watch for misunderstandings. Use this time to reevaluate what has occurred and make new decisions. Mercury retrograde brought craziness in communication and travel plans and all those other tiny things that made your head spin. The Trickster is finally going to be moving forward. Mercury retro is about revisiting what isn’t working particularly in relationships this time around and how much your ego is ruling your life. Did you reorganize your thinking in the past three weeks? Are you going to stop the hatred and the bullying that is still showing up out there in fantasyland? Jupiter is going direct on October 18 and that will eventually take it out of Aquarius in December away from Saturn. It is now the time to begin to move into the thinking of truth and freedom on a global scale collectively.

Do you wish to make the cosmic leap? That is your choice since at the moment much of the negativity and control that is happening in your life is here to stay unless everyone truly wakes up (which I am sure is happening). For you to dance with your truth as you go forward in your life it is an important factor to raise your vibration and fear does not allow that to occur. So again I mention that darkness within has to be released in order to take that leap. Those out there in the control faction have no interest in your becoming your truth or getting you out of the dark. The controllers are not going to give up and will continue to keep it going for as long as they can. This is just my perspective on it. Life is challenging at times and this is why I feel that many of you do not wish to experience your life totally. Walk through what you create, connect with the God self and your vibration will be high and major shifting within will occur.

Sun goes into Scorpio on October 23rd. It is about exploring your passions and probing the secrets within you. There is an intense feeling and Scorpio challenges you to take a closer look at how that intensity manifests in your psyche. What are you passionate about and what fires up that passion? There may be a transformative effect that may bring about a rebirth for the next few weeks until Sun leaves Scorpio. What makes you feel alive? Pull yourself out of the routine and see what happens.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs that are affected most intensely are: 24-30 degrees of Sun signs/Rising signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at these degrees they will be influenced. Birthdays included are: April 15-21; July 17-23; October 18-24; and January 15-21.                                                            

Aries-Are others creating chaos? What do you choose to do now? Take a walk or get a massage. Nurture yourself. Find balance between you and others.

Taurus- Whatever surfaces from your inner workings sit with it and gently let it go. Let the shifting within happen. As you take a relaxing moment things start to unfold.    

Gemini-What can you do in a different way? What you want to do and what you ought to do is the question. Be true to you is the answer. Lots of social activity is possible        

Cancer- Changes may appear in what you do for a living. In the long term it will work if you stay grounded. Think before acting. Your true direction in life may show up.        

Leo- If your beliefs are restricting you then maybe you need to challenge them and let go. Someone may say something and you see things differently. A new vision may appear.

Virgo- If you have any unhealthy habits or dependency then something will disrupt the flow. You will feel the power within if you focus on talents.                                              

Libra- Will you allow other’s behavior to affect you? Some positive developments may occur and if so keep moving forward.                                                                                  

Scorpio-What can you change in your health or work life? It will not be good to rush aimlessly forward. Take a breath and nourish your inner self.                                         

Sagittarius- How have you been expressing yourself lately? Let go of things that are not yours to carry. Is there a new direction on the table? Dare to be different.                  

Capricorn- What from past shows up?  Disrupting forces in home or family area! Stop trying to keep things the way they are. Don’t let the upsets keep you off guard.            

Aquarius -Time to shift thinking and see things from different viewpoint. Is a habitual response holding you back? Let go of it and feel the freedom. What do you wait for?

Pisces- Flexibility is the keyword this time around. Be detached no matter what shows up. House of Money/Finance is in the limelight. Break free from old thinking

Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing this post! The bottomline of this Full Moon is Aries is whether you can let go the old stuff and slowly go forward either alone or leading the group. What is the shake up about? Stay in the moment as it arrives. Lots of blessings to you as you move forward. Until again, Love, Jan

NEW MOON in Libra, October 6, 2021 – Where will the high energy take you?

Good day, dear ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I sit and watch this country’s folk in disarray. What has happened to the heart of all? Does it take the back seat to those who wish to create the chaos that is occurring now? One can examine what is going on and many of you will fail to see the truth. Why is that? Because you may have set beliefs which interfere with your ability to see through the illusion.. How do we get past the anger and aggression that may show up with the New Moon in Libra who very much wants harmony to be present? It is time to get out of the stagnant mode and be in balance. When you’re in balance, you are at peace, centered and grounded. If something happens to throw the balance out of whack, you can usually bring yourself back to center again without too much trouble. Finding balance is not always your chosen thing to do. You may just want to leave it alone and only because it works for you. No matter how it works for you it is your track. It is about caring and compassion. Fun is no longer acceptable according to those out there in fantasyland. If you question on social media…here comes online censor. What is good for them is not good for you or me. Many of you around me and out there in the big world live in total fear. It is quite interesting to me that fear is the predominant emotion in life at this time. It has gotten so out of control that I am beginning to see through the looking glass and it ain’t good. Does your heart not matter? What keeps you in the throes of just floating through your life? Now, I am not saying you do not love. I am saying that you do not love who you are within. Fear would be gone when you love yourself. Go within and start anew to move on with a release of the fear. “If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken.”— Carl Sagan, astronomer and writer

Some tidbits from out there — Many lawsuits will be coming soon regarding firings due to not getting the jab. It will be interesting. Babies are on the list for the jab. Do you know how much autism has grown over the years? It used to be 1 in 100,000 and now it is 1 in 50 children have it. That tells me that there is something deeper going on that no one is seeing. And it makes me crazy to see little ones as young as preschool to be more attentive to the phone than playing outside. How will this affect them? The volcano in the Canary Islands is more aggressive.Facebook and Instagram just went down. Fired hospital workers in NYC are burning their scrubs. Massive oil spill off Huntington Beach continues. The government wants the IRS to track when you have a transaction of $600 or more.

The New Moon in Libra arrives on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 7:05am EDT; 4:05am PDT; and 11:05am GMT in 13°24′. The Sun is in the exact degree in Libra. The Sun and Moon in the same sign for the next 28 days is a start of a new cycle. If you are looking to begin again then this is the time to do it and is best to start something new until October 20. The New Moon is always about looking where you have come from and where you are going. The Sun and Moon are both conjunct (within minutes) of Mars in Libra. Watch out- it may get tense and unruly. So watch your actions in the next couple of weeks. Both Sun and Moon are quincunx (150degrees) Uranus in Taurus. Oh boy, that is so out there. It can bring to you a new insight or you may not notice it at all due to a blindspot.  You may wish to do something a bit differently to make things more flowing for you and those around you. The New Moon conjunct Mars in Libra says the following- How do we move through the conflict that may appear as Mars is hanging with the New Moon? The energy is very high and can be positive or it can bring you to a place where you become impatient and annoyed and create difficulties. Positive can bring passion and romance.

Chiron in Aries is opposite the New Moon in Libra. Often what is underneath the anger and rage is a deep fear and grief that needs to be made conscious. We all need safe places where we can own the complex feelings that are arising and feel held in safety – and not judged. Sharing with friends and even writing a journal can be helpful. The communicator Mercury retrograde is widely conjunct the New Moon thus combining intuition and logic. Your timing may be right on or not due to the motion of Mercury. This also adds charm and humor. Laugh already!! New Moon quincunx Uranus can make you nervous, tense and anxious. You might find it hard to relax as your intuition senses change or some drama is on the way. There may be a buildup of electric energy within. Mars quincunx Uranus may make you impatient…tense energy builds up…you may start to feel agitated and restless. You must find a constructive outlet for this unstable energy through physical safe activity. Avoid all risks! Karma asteroid is conjunct the New Moon so be careful what you put out there. Good brings in good and bad actions are not the best choice.

New Moon in Libra is about coming together with everything and integrating the aspects of the selves that are different. If you have disowned parts of yourself then you will attract that to you in stronger measures than you may choose. What I am talking about is the patterns, the beliefs and any disharmony you may have. Yet on the other hand you may also repulse them. How do you balance your need for freedom and your wish for connection? Do you choose to control or are you compliant? Are you interested in interacting in a balanced co-creative way, tuned into the other individual?

Most intensely affected are Sun signs/Rising signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, 10-16 degrees. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those signs/degrees then you may be affected also. Here are some New Moon tidbits for the Sun signs/Ascendant signs:

Aries- Lots of nurturing between you and others and shared purposes. New start can happen in relationships. Watch for disruptions to interrupt the new beginning.

Taurus- A new healthy regimen may begin. You may socialize with coworkers. Rebelliousness will not work. Is there someone standing in your way?

Gemini- Romance, creativity, and expression are the main themes. Good times and play can happen in your close connection. Let the creative mode flow now.

Cancer-Emotional complications may pop up as you bring new energy to your home. Smooth over differences. Are you planning to move? Express yourself!

Leo-Busy time for connecting with others. Learn and nurture. Also travel. Be more creative in your communications or interactions with others. Harmony is the word!

Virgo-Watch the little things do not upset you. Balance you money plan and take a good look at your financial realm. Looking to make more, the go for it!!!

Libra-Nurture is the urge. Watch uneasy attachments with others. Harmony is the word. This is the time for you to shine since you are in the limelight. New direction may appear.

Scorpio- Take a chance on inner peace. Seek some balance and harmony within. Try to put things in perspective. Choose wisely in what you are looking for.

Sagittarius-Lots of pleasant friends want your company. Heal past wounds. Find harmony if you are out to party. Plan to move forward with new friends and plans.

Capricorn- Business zone is highlighted. More positive associations are coming to you. Do you wish to take a step doing something else? Good things come. Be patient.

Aquarius- Find some meaning in life- It is time to heal old wounds. A trip may show up and you may choose to take a new course. Someone new may show up at this time.

Pisces- Mutual resources and affections help you. It is time to make a fiscal move. Keep the flow going so that changes show up. Credit or purchases may be on the table.

And don’t forget to make your intentions clear. Write them out (10 at most) and look at them in the morning and at night. What are you looking to create in your life? New Moons energize those intentions and you never know what just might show up.

Thank you for reading and celebrate you and your relationships at this New Moon in Libra. I would greatly appreciate if you would share. May the New Moon bring you lots of joy and peace no matter what else goes on!  Patience does work wonders. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan

FULL MOON in Capricorn, June 24, 2021 – Go for it!!!!

As the Summer Solstice came in at 11:32pm EDT Sunday, June 20, 2021 there are fairies and a rabbit and a groundhog family in my yard and garden. The longest day of the year it is!!  The heat is rising in the western part of the America and it is not a good thing. Temperatures rose above 115 in Phoenix and 128 ii Death Valley. And no it is not due to climate change.  I think many would like it to be winter. There has been so much chaotic, confusing energy up until a couple of days ago. Where has the love gone?  Rudeness seems to be where it is at right now. So many to whom I have encountered in my daily life are living in a different world than I even know. Things are changing so dramatically on some level. Believe me it is not for the highest good. That is just my perception. That is why I continue to share with others that one needs to stay in the moment at this point and stop stressing. What is the point of getting agitated?  Many are trying to change the world in negative ways, yet if you keep your heart open you will not get pulled into the gunk. Have you been authentic in the last 3 weeks? Have you listened to your inner self? How many of you have not done so? Confusing times it has been due to the planet Mercury being retrograde. So it turns direct on June 22 and maybe all the confusion will leave. Stay in faith and life will be less dark. Dear ones, it is time to open your eyes and see what is happening in the world as the powerful Full Moon in Capricorn comes to you.

Cole Beasley NFL player said he will quit playing if a shot becomes mandatory to be on the team. Looks like Disney is charging $800 per room catering to those with big money. And with all the info that one can find online…did you know you can take a license plate number that is on the car in front of you, throw it in the National Registry and find out a ton of items about that individual? Life is. I see that Trudeau and Biden are going to continue to keep the border between Canada and U.S. locked down.  Looks like the origins of the “virus” are still being bounced around by those in the know. No comment. I made a statement back when it first began as to where it was conceived.  And I still think it is true. Do the research dear ones. The cover-up continues. Why was the Oroville dam drained of all water? CVS workers get $6500 a week to give the “shot”. Look it up!  The Feds seized $85 million in cash from safe deposit boxes in LA after they were to just inspect the boxes for drugs. I saw a video that someone was asking questions of children regarding geography and few knew any countries in Europe or South America. Many gave states as answers.

The serious energy of the Full Moon in Capricorn arrives on June 24, 2021 at 2:39pm EDT; 11:39am PDT; and 6:39pm GMT in 03°27. The Sun is in the exact degree in opposite sign of Cancer. Full Moons are about releasing what is no longer important to you so new energy can appear. This is a Full Moon that can help you to prioritize your goals and what is meaningful to you. This is a fantastic time to go through all the junk that has been stuffed away for a long time and release it or throw it out. This Full Moon gives you an opportunity to change course or stay on the same path. If you are looking for a new job then it may show up. On the other hand if you are looking to move forward and nothing occurs then why not go ask to be considered anyway? You decide. Capricorn is a deliberate and practical sign and can be too serious at times. I should know since my natal moon is in Capricorn which could bring out this part of me. The Full Moon in Capricorn has only one main aspect to Jupiter in Pisces. Since the Full Moon is sextile Jupiter in Pisces some of the main themes of this energy are joyfulness, good fortune and honesty. Success may come through making new friends who are authentic and even influential.. Family members may be of assistance at this time. Jupiter is retrograde on June 20 and lasts until October 18, 2021. Since this is a Super Full Moon it will tend to draw out of you that which no longer feels right or is needed. You may feel the release intensely or it can be a welcome thing. Capricorn energy stands the test of time. If you are holding any regrets then they may come to surface to be let go once and for all. There can be drama, power struggles, intimidation and possessive actions in your close relationships since Venus in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Saturn in Capricorn is still square to Uranus after being most intense on June 14. The tension continues. The final square takes place on December 24.  This aspect brings unexpected change whether you like it or not. What is blocking you from progressing forward? If inspiration is missing at moment then you may have to try a new approach.

There is an asteroid Pholus which is conjunct the Full Moon in Capricorn.  Past wounds may be triggered at this time. There may be some search for ancestral information also. It is about a turning point and this can occur as the full moon comes in. Something shows up that you may not understand at that moment.

The Sun signs/Ascendant signs which are intensely affected by this Full Moon in Capricorn are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at degrees of 0-6 degrees of the signs. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars, and Mercury) in the signs and degrees then you too may be affected depending where it falls in your natal chart. Birthdays are more affected are: March 21-27; June 21-27; September 23-29 and December 21-29. Some tidbits for the Sun signs and rising signs-

Aries- Frustrations between work and home about outer world ambitions and inner securities. New job offer or promotion can appear. Step into your power. 

Taurus-Something comes into play that may instigate change and inspires you onward. What will you debut with this energy? Build connections and have fun.

Gemini- Great time the next few weeks to firm up some financial matters. Good stuff. Surprise money is big in the mix. Balance in a relationship is on tap.

Cancer-Turning point comes in a relationship. Good for long term plans. How is it shifting for you? Are you going to get closer to what you choose or not?         

Leo- Some projects need attention. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Take a break. What needs finishing in your job? How about a diet or exercise program?

Virgo-You can make some improvements with your creative enterprises, children or lovers. It brings you closer in your partnership with passion and sweetness.

Libra-What emotional urgency pops up at home or work? Use your cool reason to walk through.  Something needs to be addressed with the family. What changes come?                                                                                                    

Scorpio- Is there more responsibility coming to you? Avoid any rash decisions no matter what.  Is there a contract that needs to be signed? There may be a presentation to do.                                                                                                             

Sagittarius- Who has the power over your purse strings? Resource management needed.  A large raise or payout is may be on the horizon. Keep up the hard work. It is paying off.                                                                                                                      

Capricorn- Some differences come to light and are charged up. Rebuild on solid ground.Know what you want out there and know what you are worth. Turning point!!                                                                                                                          

Aquarius-You need to regroup both mind and body. Some urgency in your daily work possible   Watch for burnout and something shows up to put you in the limelight.

Pisces – Look for that friend or community ally to help you get that project going. You can do it. You may discover that you can have your wildest dreams come true.

Several essential oils work at this Full Moon. They are Cedarwood, Frankincense, Ylang -Ylang and Bergamot. It is a good time to meditate and you may choose to call in Archangel Metatron to help. You may say help me to awaken the inner child within my heart. Light a white candle also.

Thank you for reading and I would love if you share. Comments are always welcome. No matter how crazed those around you get know that you can stay in your moment without them affecting you. Thanks to the Full Moon and the Summer Solstice opening. Allow the good things to appear. Enjoy the energy as it flows to you. Until again, blessings and love, Jan

New Moon in Pisces, March 13, 2021- Let the love and compassion flow

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Did you take a leap today or are you still cowering in your home fearful? The fear-mongering has been going on for 1 year. Have you had enough yet? One day soon the truth will arise and you will be quite shocked. And it will be so interesting to see what the overall reaction will be when it does show up. This is a changing time in this world of ours and as the transformation continues one’s life will begin to shift if you allow it. Many at this time are mind-controlled. Well, show me something that you know that is actually true that is being shown to the world? if you truly pay attention to you and what is going within you – those around you will either be there or leave. Truth is not to everyone’s liking. How many times have you gotten attached to a past belief, someone else’s belief or just keep the negative going?

My goodness the world has changed immensely since my children were young and even more so since I was a child. Back in the day one can say anything about anyone and no one complained or jailed you for doing so. Fun was fun and it did not matter what you said or did not say and no one cared. Yet in today’s world if someone says I am white then the individual is totally diminished to a nothing being. The Coach of Creighton University men’s basketball team said in a tough loss speech to the team that they should stay focused on being on the plantation. Oh, guess what, suspension and more allegations possible. And he apologized. Guess he did not wish to take the A train out of town. Now the latest in this play is the fact that six books of Dr. Seuss are not being published for racist content. Amazing!  It sounds like Germany in the 1930s if you know your history. Derangement syndrome has arrived. Many I see out there are totally into controlling the thinking of others. And many of you agree with this? I missed the message somewhere. If you are unaware that what is going on is not in your best interest then I will move forward with joy and love. You can join me if you wish. Do you know why because fear and love do not mix and if you pick fear, love does disappear?  And the New moon is all about finding loving and spiritual gifts. Let your creativity flow with your dreaming about what you wish to begin at this time. Stop letting others disrupt this. Take charge and merge with the deeper energy.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on Saturday, March 13, 2021 at 5:21am EST; 2:31am PST; and 10:21am GMT in 23°03′. The Sun in Pisces is at the exact degree. New moons are always good for having a fresh start or starting a new project. It is also a good time to look at your old beliefs or habits to recreate them in a different way. Both Sun and New Moon in Pisces are conjunct Venus and Neptune in Pisces. This Pisces New Moon on March 13th is telling you to honor your dreams. Have you taken a leap of faith lately? You know you can if you choose. This is a great time for you to make changes in your life. Pisces is all about dreams, meditation, sleep, taking time for fun, and even music and art. Tell me now will you leap or choose to be a martyr? This is the shadow side to the Pisces archetype- the victim-the martyr. It’s said the things that bother us most in others are the things we deny in ourselves. And while it makes one furious to entertain the notion, I suppose there must be some disowned little part that longs to sink to the fainting couch with the smelling salts and hear someone say, “There, there.” It is the part of everyone that overextends and then feels victimized when any contributions are overlooked or criticized.

New Moon conjunct Neptune conjures up images of nocturnal sea with a mist and inky black oceans. It is the mermaid, sliding in and out of the waves, impossible to catch. It’s hard to trust your eyes at this time. Neptune is musical, but Moon/Neptune plays a haunting, ethereal tune. Neptune conjunct Sun can bring out health problems in some of the collective due to lack of having your shield up from external penetration, psychically or physically. You can tend to be self-sacrificial. Neptune brings poetic imagination. Be careful of deception ad illusion at this time. On the bright side of this New Moon in Pisces, Venus and Neptune are exactly side by side and very close to the Sun and Moon during this new moon in Pisces. It’s a deliciously heart-warming combination. Since Venus is exalted in Pisces it is a time to create more love. And when I say more love, I don’t mean co-dependent love. I’m talking about ecstatic union with the divine. Also, open to feeling the spiritual warmth of empathy, and joy in your heart. With three planets still in Aquarius, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn, during this new moon, there will be a push, though hopefully gentle, to bust out of the old and into the new. Let go of all the outer chatter in the world that mainly is based in fear and find your inner truth. Take this time to cultivate a deeper sense of self love so that you can be the light that’s shining out into the world. Your light is the transformative energy that is needed on the planet right now. Setting out to sail on the seas of new beginnings may be exactly what you need to do unless that March wind roars and you may have to pull back a bit for calmer waters. You will know how to move through it. 

This new moon will give you a gentle nudge to step into your power without overpowering others. Be strong but also vulnerable. Most people don’t see vulnerability as strength. You need to learn how to find strength in your vulnerability. Do you know how to do that? Some oils to use for better feeling and dreaming- sandalwood, eucalyptus, It is the perfect time to settle yourself into a relaxed state and just allow your intuition to roll out. New relationships come in for those who are out there; old ones leave when the energy is no longer good for growth

Sun/rising signs intensely affected are Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius degrees 20-26. If you have any personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Moon) at those degrees also are affected. Some tidbits for the Sun signs/rising signs:

ARIES – Time to let go of any anger, sadness. You need to balance what is out of line with your inner and outer worlds. This will help in work, service and health areas.

TAURUS- Gate to future opens. Why does it sound difficult? Get rid of hidden, fears and doubts. Friendships will deepen. You will look to bring service to humanity.     

GEMINI -Turn over a new leaf for new beginnings to arrive. Embrace them and walk forward. Do your own thing. Shifts come across your career house. Be realistic.

CANCER-You need to integrate all items. Clearing out cupboards or organizing at work. Health or daily routines are getting in way of possibilities. Be satisfied and efficient.         

LEO – Changes come and you need to be ready also for transformation. Are you too responsible? Try to relax a little or a block shows up. Stop the doing and just be for now.

VIRGO – Possible new beginnings in relationships.. Heal old wounds and be more assertive. You need to integrate you with home and loved ones. Is there someone new? 

LIBRA – Are you ready to start a new health regime? Is there a new job or environment in the picture? Think it and get it. Transform daily living. You need to rest and recoup. 

\SCORPIO – Let your intention be to create a more joyful life. What can you do to live more authentically? How about bringing more romance in your life? Be more creative.

SAGITTARIUS – What door are you closing on your home, family or past? You need to take charge and deal with what comes up. Positive opportunity comes.

CAPRICORN – Time to create unity in your head and heal whatever needs healing. Meditation will help if you choose this. You seem to know what need to change.

AQUARIUS – What is going on with money?  It is time to turn over a new leaf and bring on the new beginning. Patience needed. What is going on beneath the surface?

PISCES – Chapter ends and new start comes in. Align your intentions with the powerful energies. Write them down. Let go of suffering, Feel the joy and happiness.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful to those who follow Cosmic Leaping. The New Moon energy is here to help you find that inner wisdom and take it to others when it is the moment to do so. Stay positive and stop letting others interfere with your dream. The Wizards Within radio show on Facebook will resume on March 22, 2021. Many blessings and love, until again, Jan

FULL MOON in Virgo, February 27, 2021 – Be flexible as change comes

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The question is- Where do you go from here? It took me awhile to come up with the energy to write this post. When many are out there and no one chooses to interact in person, inspiring moments take some time to show up. The Full Moon is upon us and it is about making changes that are overdue. Are you up to the task of this energy? As you ponder this for a short time I ask you if you have experienced any new directions in your life or have you been hiding away as many have been doing? What I see out there are big changes coming yet are not quite ready to be revealed. So much of the world is sitting in fear and it is not what you came here to feel. It is amazing to me that many are not using the time to live in the truth of their own making. Yet there are some of you who are digging deep within to find your uniqueness. Fear does not bring a creative bent to it nor does it allow you to do what you came to do to better yourself.  This past New moon gave you an opening to do this inner search. Did you allow yourself to explore within?

Of course I finally found myself taking time for me and allowing things to show up in my life. As I said earlier, it took longer than I thought.  Even though the world is frenzied on some level I still will watch March Madness in the next month. Life is about doing things you love and finding new ways to look at life. I turned off the News and will only watch briefly to stay in the know or research online. Life is becoming so regimented and to me it hampers creative thinking. Have your ideas flowed as you sat the last year worrying about money or health or any other thing that you were told to fear? Of course they have not. So why not start looking at what is making you sit in the corner and let it go already. I know I have said many things before and it is beginning to stifle me…the MASK and the fear that others show me. And in France 25% of healthcare workers have gotten ill after taking the “vaccine”. So, this is for the greater good. It matters not how many may become ill and more. Just go ahead and sacrifice your life. No The lies are beyond belief about this virus. And just because I feel this way does not mean I have not empathy or sympathy for those who have died. I am tired of the constant barrage of faulty information. Did you know that GAB, social media site, has been cancelled by three banks because of all the bad things the press says about GAB.  Do not believe me. It matters not. The shock will be immense when the truth does come out. Take a break and put the phone down and live your life the real way.

Now is the time with the Full Moon energy in Virgo to get rid of junk of the beliefs of others whether ancestors, parents, friends or whoever. Drop it now. It is time and this Full Moon will give you the opening to move through it. It is time to reinvent your own self and stop believing the BS that is thrown in the media, in your family, in your own mind. If you have a passion…do it. If you are looking to something new in your job…what are you waiting for? If you are dancing in a relationship or however you wish to describe it, go for it. Life is short. Does it matter what others believe or think? NO. By the way the past New Moon was all about finding out what makes you happier in your life.

The Full Moon in Virgo arrives Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 3”17am EST; 12:17am PST and 8:17am GMT in 08°57′. The Sun is in the exact degree in Pisces. The Full Moon in Virgo is an Earth sign which has a focus to it. And the Sun in Pisces is all about the spiritual nature. Heaven and earth are opposed to each other. The Moon in Virgo is going about your service and daily business with much concentration. It is all about the details. Yet Sun in Pisces is about dreaming. Virgo governs life-saving services, the general condition of a nation, physicians, recipes, and teachers and teaching as well as veterinarians and volunteering. This is a good full moon for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility.

The best way to use this Virgo Full Moon energy is to look at what seeds you’re planting and whether you have provided the right amount of soil, fertilizer, water, warmth and sunlight—all the things needed for a new endeavor to grow. Some adjustments may need to be made. In addition, what are you harvesting now that has been developing over time? What kind of karma are you reaping? If your previous actions have been falling short of what you hoped would be abundant results by now, this is a time to evaluate what worked, what didn’t and how you might do it differently next time. As unsatisfying as that might sound, it really is true. In addition, what are you harvesting now that has been developing over time? I have no planets in Virgo- I look to have courtesy for others. And that is another part of this Full Moon. It is a time to observe. Do not react to whatever shows up because it may be as I said not what it seems when it comes to you. Think about how you say things at this time so that there is no offense in the communication. And do not let someone prod you into reacting in a volatile way. That is what they are looking for so the individual can say it is your doing.

Full Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus and sextile to the Sun in Pisces says that you need to be more flexible. This helps you to make positive changes. Full Moon quincunx (150 degrees) Saturn in Aquarius is telling you there may be some insecurity that comes in. Your personal and professional life may be out of balance. Saturn in Aquarius is square Uranus in Taurus and that is the main focus for the year of 2021. Some changes will be positive and you like them. Others may pull on you and stir you up. This is also a main point of this Full Moon.

Those who are more intensely affected by the Full Moon in Virgo influence are:  Gemini/ Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces at 5-11 degrees. If you have any personal planets other than the Sun at those degrees (Mars, Mercury, Venus, Moon) you will also be affected. Tidbits:

Aries –Pay attention to your health at this time. It is also a time when you can share some ideas that you have kept hidden.  What changes are needed?

Taurus – It is time to open to all possibilities. Where will you allow your creativity to take you? Children important too! Go within and start to love yourself more.

Gemini – Get out and about doing things with your family. Too much career stuff may enter into the picture. How is the balance in your life? Let the tension go!!!

Cancer- Is it time for you to get out and relax Remember the dream needs action now so it opens doors. Get some more education or revise your communication skills.

Leo – Finances are in the limelight. Keep your head in the game so that there is no setback. Transformation can occur with money. Write it down so it goes out there.

Virgo – Let intuition guide you so decisions flow? Working along with others can bring an abundant surprise. Partnership is in mix. Keep the joy flowing!

Libra – What is it you really wish to do? Take care of you and stop stressing and let go what needs letting go. Is there anxiety over work? Forward motion comes.

Scorpio – Is this really you opening your heart to love? Change for the better possible in relationship. Other connections may recreate themselves bringing abundance.

Sagittarius – Are your dreams arising to a new level of possibility? Positive growth is coming in and do be ready. You may leap forward. Visualize!

Capricorn – Think big and set realistic goals. Is there a new path that comes into focus?Or you may get an opportunity to help more people. Meditate!

Aquarius –Figure out what values are important and if you need to make transactions, sign anything, do it. Where do you wish to go creatively? New opportunities come.

Pisces – Enjoy the time together with your partner and it gets even better. Stay grounded. Practice some self-love.  Keep the balance and nurture your soul.

Thank you for reading. Share if you will. Enjoy the March Madness of basketball tournaments but do not let the madness of the world take over your life. Flow with the energy and if you need to clear anything now is the time. Look for miracles along the way. Many blessings, Until again, Love, Jan