Monthly Archives: December 2012

FULL MOON in CANCER, December 28, 2012-Love Surrounds You if You are Real

The Long Night Moon is upon us on Friday, December 28, 2012 at 5:21 EST. The FULL MOON occurs in Cancer at 7 deg 06’. The moon is in a water sign which is good for love. The Sun is in Capricorn and is about structure. FULL MOON in Cancer brings to a conclusion a year of emotional highs and lows and those who were affected most know what I am speaking about. It all began with the Full Moon last January in Cancer also. What kind of year did you think you would have and what actually happened? The culmination was the end of the Mayan calendar. And, guess what, you are still here. But many will be seeing a change in energy, in thinking, in feelings and slowly leaping to Higher Consciousness. Do you see it yet? Probably not. But it is going to arrive soon enough. One last bang may show up before the next Full Moon. If there was no resolution to any issues that may have arrived during the summer then now is the time to look and see what you can do to resolve them once and for all.
The FULL MOON in Cancer brings you to a fork in the road going into the New Year. The Yod with Jupiter at the apex and the Saturn and Pluto sextile is quincunx Jupiter. I briefly mentioned the Yod previously. It is about raising your consciousness (Jupiter in Gemini) instead of doing the same thing (habitual patterns) over and over again. It is trying to guide you away from the long-standing grudges, prejudices and judgements that you all have chosen to hold onto for many moons. Can you bring your perspective back into balance? Can you keep your feelings unconditional? Saturn in Scorpio says there are secrets and mysteries that you know exist and need to investigate further. It also speaks of accountability of one’s actions and words. Pluto talks to you about spirit and soul. Of course, Pluto also clears the deck of all unnecessary things and people in your life who no longer resonate with your inner being. Saturn sextile Pluto will help to restructure your life.
This Cancer Full Moon is about being courageous emotionally and getting back to who you truly are. If you have been inauthentic in your feelings or you are repressing or holding back how you really feel (whether positive or negative), this is a time when a crack in the armor may occur and things get a bit rough for you. It needs to be said and now is the time to say it without fear. It is time to integrate your feelings. This is a positive growth FULL MOON. It will help you to jump over the hurdles in trusting in emotional relationships. Love finds a way. You can feel vulnerable and still move forward. Take advantage of the positive energy that it sends to you no matter how much you feel like you are hanging on the cliff. Open to the truth, dear ones. What a relief to release all the anxiety and dread that has you bogged down. Now you can finally let it all go and be in the present moment. Are you willing to take the leap into being in the moment? So many of you live in the past and the future and forget that the present exists
Stop talking and thinking about every negative thing that happens in your life. Does it make you feel any better? It is much better to stop every time a negative thought comes in and let it fly right out of your mind. ( It has been very helpful for my own thought process to do this.) Can you keep your mind free of those chaotic thoughts? If you can do this, the Full Moon will help you to choose the right path in the coming year. Family ties are also quite important at this time. You will notice that many things have changed between individuals to whom you are relating especially family members. Are you holding onto stuck beliefs from your family ancestry? Or are you actually enjoying sharing memories of your family coming from your own truthfulness.
This is a grand time to nurture and be nurtured. Who doesn’t love that? Reach out to others and see how good it makes you feel. Anyone who you may have difficulty relating to you may be actually reflecting your own insecurities. Keep to the high road in any interactions. Respond instead of reacting! With the Full Moon in Cancer opposing Pluto (old rage) and squaring Uranus (hothead) staying peaceful no matter what is truly suggested because this T-Square can set you off in a big way. Those of you with planets and asteroids around 7-9 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are most affected by this Full Moon. Please keep your cool no matter what shows up or who says what. How many of you are ignoring your sexual nature because you have some kind of belief that is keeping you from sharing deep intimacy? Is that fear controlling you? This Full Moon is about really being the true individual. Stop pretending. Be real or jump ship.
Here are some additional words to describe the different planet degrees which are in place at the Full Moon. Walk the high road. Listen to the birds. Music. Are you whining? Where is your fear coming from? Be inspired and creative. Are you talking too much? Codependent. Repressing the emotions and then a blow-up. Lightbulb moments. Sudden realizations. Jumping ship. Are you withdrawing again? Get to the point already. Only comfortable in the past. Publishing something, are you? Greed. Respecting boundaries. Is there romance in your life? Soul mates. Insincerity. Fear of commitment. Allowing love to flow in your life. Fiscal Cliff can be resolved.
Thank you all for reading my blog and thank you for who you are. Let’s shine in 2013. Create, be inspired and walk your talk. Take a deep breath in the shaky moment and know that love wins. I wish you peaceful tidings for a grand and glorious new year. And remember to take the fork in the road as Yogi Berra would say. Until again. Love, Jan

DECEMBER 21, 2012 – What Next?

Dear ones, there are many sad things going on in the world.  The stories change quickly and are creating fear amongst those who are mesmerized by the Media. How can something be true if the story is changed and the evidence is illusive in the happenings in Sandy Hook? FEAR is the name of the game. Or is it a distraction that keeps you staring too hard. Unfortunately, those beautiful children were part of the enticement to that fear and control. Where is the outrage? Where are the questions? Well? Look closely and realize that nothing, not one thing that has occurred is as it seems. Wake up all of you who believe this is a random act.  Do you recognize any of the manipulation or are you so hypnotized that you turn a blind eye?  Pluto squaring Uranus continues to bring out the risk. North node in Scorpio is also involved. Was it random? What do you think? Look again, you missed something. And you keep giving away your power by just pretending that it will go away. Pray for the people of this Nation to wake up. Those children are already in God’s love.

We are truly blessed when we come from our hearts and walk the path of truth. There are many in this season of hope who are hanging onto the notion of separateness. In order to rebirth and heal we need to stop being separated by what the Media reports. Recently I read something which talked about how all of us become annoyed, frustrated and even angry with others because of a difference of opinion.  What gets to me the most is that we are far from separate yet we all create this separateness due to a plethora of items such as jealousy, lack of acceptance, fear and just plain my opinion is better than your opinion. If there is any place in your life that separateness is taking place than NOW is the time to walk through it and bring back the harmony whether with co-workers, friends, lovers, spouses or strangers. Can we all do this? I know that if I come from my heart, my life flows with love and joy and generous actions. If I choose to separate, then I find that I get stuck in the muck of what is going on around me. I am saying this to you at this time since it is the Christmas season. It is a time of celebration no matter how you choose to sing with joy. Truth is what we all need.

As we approach the 21st of December think about how it may affect your life. There are many out there who think it is the end of days. Well, in reality it is the end of time of the Mayan calendar, the end of the design as stated in that calendar. You can compare it in your own life to releasing the old set patterns that you finally become aware of and then decide to let them go. Is it a tipping point or is it just another day?  The Winter Solstice arrives and is a turning point when the light begins to come back each day a little more. Will it be a time of reflection and you get some moments that day to see how your life has been and where you are moving on your path? Or it may be a day of fear and foreboding for you and it becomes your crisis point.  I really think it is up to each and every one of us as to how it plays out in our lives. It is about energy and if the energy that you send out is negative then that negativity will show up in your life. Years ago I spoke with others for hours about the Photon Belt and how the darkness would descend upon us with a dim light shining for 3 days. No power, no nothing except our own wise counsel coming from God. Earth has been closing in on the Photon Belt and this comes to the peak on that famous day. So, what will you do about it? The Photon energy is what is coming in through your pituitary and pineal glands as you read this. It has been going on for this year of 2012 and bit by bit through previous years. Lots of symptoms may be taking place like dizziness, fatigue, ear noises, headaches and many more. Your DNA is recoding.  Changing the old beliefs and patterns is what this is all about and some will be more affected than others. Why? Some of you will come to the forefront to help others decide if they wish to walk in Higher Consciousness. If you keep the old patterns going, then you will continue to face the demons of the past. If the light dims in your life do you have the faith to move through the days? Can it be that the reference to the 3 days can be a true lightbulb moment in your life? Everything becomes clear as to why you are here/your purpose and you get to acknowledge and move into your true calling if you pay attention? Awareness counts.

Wherever December 21st takes us will bring us to the fork in the road and many of us may be travelling down a new path eventually. The Jupiter Yod (spoke about this in a previous post) continues to affect us which has Venus opposite Jupiter and is most powerful on the 21st. There are still polarizing effects which are taking place. Also, there are some things that may be changing in the government/corporate axis for the better or there may be uprisings by the people against the status quo and higher taxes. Time will tell. And then there are those who may choose to take more control and create havoc to prove the point as to who rules. Stop getting hooked into the maelstrom of evil. Believe me it is out there!

I send you blessings for a most peaceful Christmas for those who are celebrating. May the Christ Consciousness reach out to you and keep you protected as the world churns from the release of the old paradigm. The Full Moon is on December 28th. Stay safe and healthy. Thank you for all you are and all you do. Until again. Love, Jan




NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS, December 13, 2012- A New Direction

Are you leaping yet? What’s holding you back? It is 12/12/12 and there is much shifting going on within us if we allow our mind, body and spirit to open to it. Will you and I do that? The stars are in reach beginning now. Will you reach for them or will you stay in the quicksand of yesterday? You know that the New Moon is tomorrow and before I get there I will say this. In my own life I felt really in a murky place about a week ago and I decided that being in that mood, which has been reflecting many around me, is the pits. I now give it up. No matter what, life is really on my side and it can be on your side too. What the rest of the world does is their choice. I know deep inside of me that if I choose to be in the joy place, I will shift and be present to who I really am and what I am here to do. And that means you too can leap in a big way walking through the junk that is thrown at you and let it go. My turning point came the other day and I have no idea where it is leading me but I am fully, completely and totally onboard. Join me and see how your life can change.

The NEW MOON in Sagittarius is at 21degrees 45’ on December 13, 2012 at 3:43 am EST. After the last two eclipses this is a regular lunation. Since Sagittarius is a Fire sign the quick to do it is at hand. Rushing into things and flying away into a new venture is likely part of this New Moon. Sagittarius is fun-loving and adventurous but can be a bit sensitive at times. Optimism and highspirtedness are the keynotes.  So this New Moon is taking us on a ride to new possibilities and a different direction.  Sagittarians can talk anyone into anything most of the time because they tend to inspire and excite but those Earth and Water signs will tend to hold back if pressured too much. If your birthday falls on December 13 plus or minus 5 days then you will find changes that will give you big opportunities in the new year, Just remember Sagittarians that December 14 will help you be at your creative best due to the Mercury /Uranus aspect. Take advantage of the highest thinking because Mercury is pulling out of the retrograde shadow also.

The New Moon is about looking for new ways to take leaps but much patience is in the mix. Oh, I know, that word is like a bad one to some of you. Sometimes, it just reeks. Yet, that is what is needed at this time. This is also about asking yourself just what are you willing to sacrifice for those big dreams that are on hold.  Now is the time to get excited about any new plans you may have recently thought about and share them with others and get them on board also. Lilith asteroid is conjunct Jupiter in Gemini which says to me that women are militant with its trine to Eris but it can also mean there is an insatiable desire for a sexual interaction.  Jupiter also is at the apex of the Yod with Saturn sextile Pluto. Jupiter still has those big dreams and Saturn can help reach them. If you are feeling in your shadow energy, then make it conscious and look at what is really riling you up. Can you do that? Wouldn’t that be a breakthrough of some sorts if you can actually admit that so and so makes you really upset. Wherever the Yod is pointing in your chart is where the shadow is in this Yod. Mine is in my 12th house and has Saturn and Pluto sextile from the 5th to the 7th house. Something in a relationship is bringing out a past shadow. On the other hand I already feel the Saturn support has brought me to a new inspired awakening.  It can also indicate for you that a counselor type will help you figure out about the shadow and how to walk through it.

Watch out then early in the day for some unexpected event or otherwise. Uranus goes direct in Aries at 4 degrees 36’ and trines Mercury.  Wherever it falls in your chart will be the area that there may be a surprise or could be exciting news.  New Moon is also trine Eris asteroid which brings to the table a kind of eccentric behavior in someone or yourself yet the mystical aura is present and others are pulled to you without knowing why. This can also bring to the forefront mediumship. Don’t forget that Uranus is still square Pluto and continues to bring about the tearing down of old to allow the new to surface in unexpected ways.

Venus goes into Sagittarius later Saturday and then squares Neptune. Watch illusions around a relationship because it may seem dreamy but the disappointments can show up sooner than later. Watch that movie instead.  Be cautious of jumping into a new interaction presently because it may be something that will pull you into the seedy side of life. 

So where will you let this New Moon take you. What new direction will appear in your life? Has it already shown up? Anyone of you who has a planet on or within 5 degrees of the New Moon energy will be affected more intensely. The signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

Soon the light returns and the days begin to get longer. Winter solstice is near and so is the tipping point for possible changes on 12/21/12. We all await to see the direction it takes us. Thank you for your support. If you wish to be reminded when a new post is published, do click on follow on the main page and you will be notified. Many blessings and warm wishes for those who celebrate Hanukkah. Until again. Love, Jan.

SOUL SEARCHING -12/12/12 and 12/21/12

The merry-go-round is going faster and faster. Are you on it or have you seen the truth and jumped off? As I look at articles on the Net and I skim the papers it amazes me the hype about the end of time. Well, is the Mayan prophecy real? Sure is. Does it apply literally to our lives? Meaning do you know exactly what was meant by it when it was written? If you do then you have transcended time and space and are capable of knowing the Universe fully. Do I dispute it? NO. Do I understand it? NO. I am sure there is an element of truth to it as it applies to our lifetime. If December 21,2012 comes and goes, what then? Misunderstood message? Can it be that it is the end of time as we know it or is it the Zero Point, a time of spiritual rebirth collectively? Does earth go through the Photon Belt and time slows down and everything is in this phase for 3 days? Or is it a consciousness-raising turning point? Will you still be influenced by the matrix or will you choose to step out of it?

What about December 12, 2012? Isn’t that a one-time happening? 12/12/12. This is the same kind of thoughts from the Hopis. It is a time of transformation and the old is passing to make way for the new. That is my take on this whole timeframe. And if you are fearful of change, then how will you brave a storm?  My suggestion is to pay attention. Not everything is as it seems these days. What is good is bad and what is bad is so good according to those who run the news. There may be earth changes—earthquakes, fires or storms. Are they real caused by Mother Nature or are they manmade? You tell me. I say be careful in certain places with lots of water. Astrologically there is an indication that there may lead to an event. False flag or real…?

There are many of you out there in the world who are very fearful of these changes and it is being exacerbated by the Media among other factors. Of course, Hollywood scares you too! The fear factor is what they bring to you to keep you tethered to the post. How many of you have been paying attention to the reality of this planet Earth? Right now I am more concerned about the harmful conditions that affect us in the GMO foods we eat, such as corn, soy(certain  alternative dairy milk), wheat and canola oil; the fluoridated water we drink; the environmental damage from chemtrails (oh, I know many think they are nonexistent); and prescription drug overload. What about the massive effects of Fukushima? Nutritional supplement companies are being raided and have to pay money to the FDA to stay in business  How many think you are being monitored on the NET? This is serious business The list goes on and on. The Media loves to up the fear level periodically to make us uncomfortable when there are changes to be experienced. The fear that comes up in most of you when there is to be a change is over the top. CHANGE is like a very bad word yet changes occur every moment of every day. Do you ever see the changes that take place? Are you the same every day? Do you conduct your business the same way every day? Then again, maybe you are more robotic like the Media and PTB like you to be. No questions, no interest, just the same things going around in circles as the merry-go-round.

How about changing things in your own life? Are you ready for a leap? What a concept that would be. Stop eating foods or drinks with high fructose corn syrup or you will be part of the obesity epidemic. Stop the water from being fluoridated. Stop all those excessive vaccines that do no good to the children who get them. Were you forced to get a flu shot? Are you aware what actually is in a flu shot? (Thimerosal, formaldehyde, aluminum, ethylene glycol(antifreeze, phenol, among other things.) Have you been so conditioned to accept everything the Media and PTB say to you? Many of our foods today are from GMO seeds which are brought to you by Monsanto.  They can trigger an emergence of new diseases and also can affect the immune system thereby creating allergic reactions. Why do you think many of the plants and animals are dying off? Wake up, dear ones!!!!

Lots of good things can affect us in the coming days. Let’s think more positive and keep the good energy flowing. I believe you and I will be seeing the 22nd of December. Whether there is an event one never knows and since the Dragon’s Head (Moon’s North Node) is in Scorpio, life can be dicey for awhile. I think that there will be many economic difficulties due to past indulgences and outrageous spending habits. Stay in the moment and pay attention please. Remember astrology shows you the plan but it is up to you to take action. Even in the worst times you can come away with good fortune if you learn the lesson it is trying to teach you.

Sending many blessings and good luck to all. The New Moon arrives on December 13, 2012 the day after 12/12/12. You will need much steadfastness. Thank you for all your support. Until again. Love, Jan