Monthly Archives: March 2020

NEW MOON in ARIES, March 24 2020 – Be still and open your eyes

new moon in aries 2020

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The sun is shining and I am thrilled because glorious spring just arrived on March 19, 2020 11:49pm EDT and it is a new beginning. And as spring approached I was all ready to watch the NCAA College Basketball March Madness but another kind of madness has come upon the world which I live in. In a thousand years I would never have guessed that the population of the world and precisely America would go off the deep so easily. You can yell at me and ask me as to how can I be so laid back about this. Well, I am not laid back. I am in observing stage and following the money and the behind the scenes movement regarding this whole scenario. Does any one of you know the truth about the government actions? The reality of what is going on? If you do, good going!! I dislike being locked down and having this entire escapade affecting my First Amendment rights and all the other ones since the Constitution is in quarantine. I know that there are deaths that have come about since the beginning of this novel COVID-19. It reminds of many novels. Oh, that’s right nothing but fear allowed. It has been a fear-mongering media from the start and everyone out there has bought it. Well, maybe not. Do you not see the truth about what is going on? Open your eyes Dear Ones. In my perspective it may be a fight between the Darkness and the Light. MONEY talks!! Yes, I know. Stop saying what the programming brings in. I am sorry that some have died due to this charade. I hope they are at peace. So why did the US CDC advertise for Infectious disease quarantine officers in November 2019? Yes, they did. Oh my, what is really going on here? And if you do not take it seriously you are shamed. Maybe you should investigate and see the truth. Check out If you research then you will find where it started. The fear which is being promoted is beyond insane. So what is the bottomline here? Perhaps it is part of an illusion for a transformation to take place. In the meantime the New Moon is almost here and brings a stillness to it and that may be what everyone needs at this time. It may help with the social distancing which is upon you or not.

This past Full Moon in Virgo was about finding new ways to do things and not sticking to the same old programs. How many of you have been stuck in the programming? Have you even noticed this? Or has the panic overshadowed the truth. Oh, my, that says it all. And deception is still ongoing maybe even scandals that hang on. Think about it and you may find your answers as the New Moon arrives. Here comes the warrior and explorer of the world – Aries. The NEW MOON in ARIES shows up on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 5:28AM EDT; 2:28AM PDT; and 9:28AM GMT in 04 degrees 12’. The Sun is in Aries at the exact degree. Is there a fire burning within that can take you to a new place instead being stuck amidst the muck of the insane world? It looks like there will be a waning of the intensity of that which is now in motion as long as you can quell your fear and panic state. There is no fear is you are awakened and attuned to your heart. Remember what you think is what comes to you. This is a big truth and no matter what anyone says I have said this for years that if you change your thinking your life will change. Period! Try it and see what happens. Most will not due to severe programming from out there in fantasy land. There is a Chiron conjunction at 5 degrees 17’ Aries with the New Moon in Aries. Since Chiron is about healing it may be enough to take you to that place in your life. Remember to heal there must be release of old junk as far as I am concerned. Healing comes only when you are able to let go that which keeps you stuck in the fear of your own making. If a new issue pops up then take care of it promptly. This period is great for anyone who woks alone. Where the Moon falls it does not emotionally lean on anyone and most likely will work solo. Those touched strongly by this Aries New Moon are also not taken in by what is popular or listen to other individual’s expectations. It is a time of projects which are unique.

Saturn in Aquarius is in sextile to the New Moon/Sun in Aries but will start to get further away as the New Moon moves on. A bit softer atmosphere may begin to appear. Perhaps this could mean that the current energy surrounding the pandemic will start to wane and eventually go away. That certainly depends on taking responsibility for your own life. Do the right thing already. There may be some lesson that you have to learn and through this history which is repeating itself may bring it about. It is time for self-discipline and courage along with integrity. Mars and Pluto are conjunct (together) in Capricorn and are intensely present when you are going after your goals. If there is any kind of manipulative behavior then it will stand in your way and attract enemies into your realm. While this is going on there is an addition to the mix of Jupiter which can bring to you insights that open up to what is truly going on and is a blessing. Positivity reigns if you allow it and good outcomes come to the surface. Mars in Capricorn is trine to Venus in Taurus which makes for good interactions in love and relationships. Be open to receive and a new level of pleasure and love are more powerful than before. Open up to love.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 1 – 7 degrees. If you have personal planets (Mercury, Moon, Venus and Mars) at those degrees it will have some effect also. Birthdays affected more than others: March 21-28; June 21-28; September 23-September 30; and December 21-December 28.

Aries- This is about you at this time. Go out and shine your light brightly and soar high or just know that good things show up in time. Be true to self.

Taurus – You feel a bit laid back and private. At times just  do it yourself. Is this your feeling now? Delve deep with the fiery spirit and insights show up.

Gemini – Who are your true friends? Time will show them to you. Maybe keep in touch with them by texting and video chatting. Spread your ideas this way.

Cancer – Where are you going professionally? Who can help you? Keep in touch and know that it is a good time for working on your career ideas.

Leo –May be time for an adventure, new courses to take or even a new start wherever you choose to take it. Make sure those around you support your ideas.

Virgo- Put your needs first. Work on some investment planning and let the inner part of you come forth in order that transformation takes place. Sexual loving?

Libra –Relationships especially regarding partners and business associates are in the forefront. If you have an inner circle now is the time to pull it together.

Scorpio – This energy can put you out there as a mover and shaker showing others how to do it in the workplace or healthwise. You can make it right.

Sagittarius- Now is the time to put your efforts into your creativity. If you have a creative project in mind, then go for it.  Is love in the cards?

Capricorn – What is you choose to fix with your home? Or is this something you can choose to do with your family. New insights emerge and you leap in this area.

Aquarius – What do you wish to communicate at this time? If you need to catch up on emails this is a great time for that. Avoid gossiping. Do family bonding.

Pisces – Now is the time to leap forward in the money game. Fix any past errors and you do well. Also work on the budget. Something new is coming down the road.

I am always open to questions or even if you choose to know more about your own life through the aspects let me know in comments. I do readings and counseling and look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for reading. Share if you will. Do take a breath. Look for miracles along the way. Put out intentions in the first 24 hours of  New Moon. Be blessed.  Until again, love, Jan


FULL MOON in Virgo, March 9, 2020 – Express it now

full moon virgo 2020

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. There is much to say or maybe there is nothing to say. You pick it. The madness has been taking over life for the past few months and now momentary madness in March NCAA basketball descends upon us. For those who cannot take the world at the moment then do jump into the court-side energy. It will be interesting. The Villanova University basketball coach is a Capricorn who has been through much positivity in the last few years. And so is the coach of Kansas U a Capricorn. Both have become awesome but I favor Jay Wright, VU Coach.  His energy is so upbeat. The next weeks will be interesting when the NCAA tournament is taking place.

With life in the world today I feel much of the energy is at a very low point since the dimming of the skies and that definitely takes away the good energy. Life is about joy and love and peace in the deepest sense and somehow many have lost that in their lives. Constant bombardment of negativity in the news has taken hold of many. The atmosphere appears tense for those of you who cannot get rid of the baggage. Does joy ever enter your life at this time? I know there are many issues that come up, yet I have no comprehension as to why you allow the junk to stir you up so much. I know in my heart that life is good and if those who choose otherwise then stop complaining and sit in your own junk or let it go once and for all. Things are shifting considerably in this grand world so allow the shifting to take place in your own life. Just a memory- 9 years ago on March 11 2011 Fukushima happened and it still has a continuing effect on Japan and the Western States in America due to the residue hanging in the ocean. I started my blog that day since I knew there was something else going on.

Some newsy tidbits-What does it matter that Wuhan was the place where 5G towers hang mightily over the city since late 2019? What does it matter that Iran has 5G in testing phase? Do you know the symptoms of 5G sickness? And the news of this day and every day upcoming until further notice will be about CoVid19 and how many are dead from it. Do I know the truth regarding CoVid19? Nope. The numbers are numbers and many cases are lumped together. Watch for cybercriminals using fraudulent websites to offer home test kits to you. Let’s move on because you won’t believe me anyway. It is all about the money. The MONEY!!! Wait; is there other news out there? Oh, yes, Mr. Biden is now running in the Democratic Party for President. And Mr. Sanders is going to heal the world. Oi vey! Open your eyes already. Just remember that everything free is also everything controlled. Just another day in the neighborhood my dear ones! And keep on shopping because that’s all that life is about. Spend money so the big boys can live a great life. By the way our Gemini President is truly a representative of the collective anger according to his chart. He is in the position to basically shake everything up. Is that what you fear the most? Remember that a house divided falls.

The Full Moon in Virgo arrives on Monday, March 9, 2020 at 1:47pm EDT: 10:47am PDT; and 5:47pm GMT in 19 degrees 37’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Pisces. What will this Full Moon bring to your life? The Virgo Moon is about details, neatness and order as unlike the intuitive, dreaminess and sensitivity of Sun in Pisces. So where does it take you? The Full Moon in Virgo is an Earth sign which has a focus to it. And the Sun in Pisces is all about the spiritual nature. Heaven and earth are opposed to each other. The Moon in Virgo is going about your service and daily business with much concentration. Heaven and earth are opposed to each other. With the Sun in Pisces conjunct (within 2 degrees) Neptune there is a chance to not seeing what is really in front of you. Neptune sometimes brings a bit of confusion since it is opposing the Moon. Yet, there is something that triggers the mystery within and brings about an intuitive grounding to your presence. Also, there is some kind of deception that may be hanging on in intimate relationships. It is between reason and emotion along with thought vs. feeling. It is time to look at what is going on within you and be ready to move ahead. Yes, that leap is staring you in the face and many will ignore it. This Full Moon also is about problem-solving in your life. It is not about overthinking but flow. Wherever it falls in your chart will tell you what the issue may be and just notice it and allow the answer to come to you Whatever the dissatisfaction may be it will dissolve if you just open to the truth of it.

Deep changes take place. Relationships will be affected since the Virgo Full Moon is trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Trine makes things easier as the energy evolves but it could just go unnoticed. If you are looking for transforming emotional effects then you have it. A trine is a bit easy but it will still bring about a significant shift. New intense relationships may come in or a current one changed and transformed. Pluto is also sextile the Sun in Pisces which brings a psychic sensitivity into the picture. It is about looking after you and maintaining your health. There is also practical action needed since the Full Moon is trine other planets also – Jupiter (brings joy and happiness), Mars, and asteroid Pallas Athene. By the way for those who have experienced a Mercury (the trickster) retrograde event then take a breath and know it goes stationary direct in Aquarius ( I almost said it was in Pisces–tricky) on March 9, 2020. Hope you did not sign anything the last few weeks.

The Sun Signs/Rising Signs most intensely affected at the Virgo Full Moon are: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius in 16-22 degrees. Birthdays are: March 6-12, June 6-12, September 8-14 and December 8-14. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus) within a few degrees then they will be influenced.

Aries – Will you get some recognition? Stay in the moment and pay attention to your well-being at this time. You need to let go of something.

Taurus – What will you do to become more organized on a daily basis? Where will you allow your creativity take you? No fretting since it is falling into place.

Gemini – Get out and about doing things with your family. Too much career stuff may enter into the picture. Are you lacking structure? Bring balance in.

Cancer- Is it time for you to get out and relax? Dreams about the future come into play. Remember the dream needs action now so it opens doors.

Leo – Seems like finances are in the limelight. Keep your head in the game so that there is no setback. Transformation can occur with money.

Virgo – Let intuition guide you so decisions flow? Stop fretting and let the details create a new way to shine. Partnership is in mix.

Libra – What is it you really wish to do? Take care of you and stop stressing and let go what needs letting go. Intuition helps.

Scorpio – Is this really you opening your heart to love? Do keep it going! Imagination and creativity sing out. Any questions poking at you? Just ask!!!

Sagittarius – Are your dreams arising to a new level of possibility? Whatever happens jobwise is positive. New solutions come in. You may leap forward.

Capricorn – Think big and set realistic goals. It is time to establish stronger commitments. Your dreams can become a reality.

Aquarius – Do you really have to spend that much money? Figure out what values are important and if you need to make transactions, sign anything, do it.

Pisces – Enjoy the time together with your partner and it gets even better. New friends enter your life. Possibility of new job prospects! Stay grounded.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for you and what you do. Stay in the moment since this is a more intense Supermoon and will have greater influence on parts of your life. My statement right now is for you to clear out the junk and get your dream out there even if it is minuscule to begin. And stop the fear!!! Many blessings and love, until again, Jan