Monthly Archives: February 2021

FULL MOON in Virgo, February 27, 2021 – Be flexible as change comes

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The question is- Where do you go from here? It took me awhile to come up with the energy to write this post. When many are out there and no one chooses to interact in person, inspiring moments take some time to show up. The Full Moon is upon us and it is about making changes that are overdue. Are you up to the task of this energy? As you ponder this for a short time I ask you if you have experienced any new directions in your life or have you been hiding away as many have been doing? What I see out there are big changes coming yet are not quite ready to be revealed. So much of the world is sitting in fear and it is not what you came here to feel. It is amazing to me that many are not using the time to live in the truth of their own making. Yet there are some of you who are digging deep within to find your uniqueness. Fear does not bring a creative bent to it nor does it allow you to do what you came to do to better yourself.  This past New moon gave you an opening to do this inner search. Did you allow yourself to explore within?

Of course I finally found myself taking time for me and allowing things to show up in my life. As I said earlier, it took longer than I thought.  Even though the world is frenzied on some level I still will watch March Madness in the next month. Life is about doing things you love and finding new ways to look at life. I turned off the News and will only watch briefly to stay in the know or research online. Life is becoming so regimented and to me it hampers creative thinking. Have your ideas flowed as you sat the last year worrying about money or health or any other thing that you were told to fear? Of course they have not. So why not start looking at what is making you sit in the corner and let it go already. I know I have said many things before and it is beginning to stifle me…the MASK and the fear that others show me. And in France 25% of healthcare workers have gotten ill after taking the “vaccine”. So, this is for the greater good. It matters not how many may become ill and more. Just go ahead and sacrifice your life. No The lies are beyond belief about this virus. And just because I feel this way does not mean I have not empathy or sympathy for those who have died. I am tired of the constant barrage of faulty information. Did you know that GAB, social media site, has been cancelled by three banks because of all the bad things the press says about GAB.  Do not believe me. It matters not. The shock will be immense when the truth does come out. Take a break and put the phone down and live your life the real way.

Now is the time with the Full Moon energy in Virgo to get rid of junk of the beliefs of others whether ancestors, parents, friends or whoever. Drop it now. It is time and this Full Moon will give you the opening to move through it. It is time to reinvent your own self and stop believing the BS that is thrown in the media, in your family, in your own mind. If you have a passion…do it. If you are looking to something new in your job…what are you waiting for? If you are dancing in a relationship or however you wish to describe it, go for it. Life is short. Does it matter what others believe or think? NO. By the way the past New Moon was all about finding out what makes you happier in your life.

The Full Moon in Virgo arrives Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 3”17am EST; 12:17am PST and 8:17am GMT in 08°57′. The Sun is in the exact degree in Pisces. The Full Moon in Virgo is an Earth sign which has a focus to it. And the Sun in Pisces is all about the spiritual nature. Heaven and earth are opposed to each other. The Moon in Virgo is going about your service and daily business with much concentration. It is all about the details. Yet Sun in Pisces is about dreaming. Virgo governs life-saving services, the general condition of a nation, physicians, recipes, and teachers and teaching as well as veterinarians and volunteering. This is a good full moon for freeing yourself of burdens that are no longer your responsibility.

The best way to use this Virgo Full Moon energy is to look at what seeds you’re planting and whether you have provided the right amount of soil, fertilizer, water, warmth and sunlight—all the things needed for a new endeavor to grow. Some adjustments may need to be made. In addition, what are you harvesting now that has been developing over time? What kind of karma are you reaping? If your previous actions have been falling short of what you hoped would be abundant results by now, this is a time to evaluate what worked, what didn’t and how you might do it differently next time. As unsatisfying as that might sound, it really is true. In addition, what are you harvesting now that has been developing over time? I have no planets in Virgo- I look to have courtesy for others. And that is another part of this Full Moon. It is a time to observe. Do not react to whatever shows up because it may be as I said not what it seems when it comes to you. Think about how you say things at this time so that there is no offense in the communication. And do not let someone prod you into reacting in a volatile way. That is what they are looking for so the individual can say it is your doing.

Full Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus and sextile to the Sun in Pisces says that you need to be more flexible. This helps you to make positive changes. Full Moon quincunx (150 degrees) Saturn in Aquarius is telling you there may be some insecurity that comes in. Your personal and professional life may be out of balance. Saturn in Aquarius is square Uranus in Taurus and that is the main focus for the year of 2021. Some changes will be positive and you like them. Others may pull on you and stir you up. This is also a main point of this Full Moon.

Those who are more intensely affected by the Full Moon in Virgo influence are:  Gemini/ Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces at 5-11 degrees. If you have any personal planets other than the Sun at those degrees (Mars, Mercury, Venus, Moon) you will also be affected. Tidbits:

Aries –Pay attention to your health at this time. It is also a time when you can share some ideas that you have kept hidden.  What changes are needed?

Taurus – It is time to open to all possibilities. Where will you allow your creativity to take you? Children important too! Go within and start to love yourself more.

Gemini – Get out and about doing things with your family. Too much career stuff may enter into the picture. How is the balance in your life? Let the tension go!!!

Cancer- Is it time for you to get out and relax Remember the dream needs action now so it opens doors. Get some more education or revise your communication skills.

Leo – Finances are in the limelight. Keep your head in the game so that there is no setback. Transformation can occur with money. Write it down so it goes out there.

Virgo – Let intuition guide you so decisions flow? Working along with others can bring an abundant surprise. Partnership is in mix. Keep the joy flowing!

Libra – What is it you really wish to do? Take care of you and stop stressing and let go what needs letting go. Is there anxiety over work? Forward motion comes.

Scorpio – Is this really you opening your heart to love? Change for the better possible in relationship. Other connections may recreate themselves bringing abundance.

Sagittarius – Are your dreams arising to a new level of possibility? Positive growth is coming in and do be ready. You may leap forward. Visualize!

Capricorn – Think big and set realistic goals. Is there a new path that comes into focus?Or you may get an opportunity to help more people. Meditate!

Aquarius –Figure out what values are important and if you need to make transactions, sign anything, do it. Where do you wish to go creatively? New opportunities come.

Pisces – Enjoy the time together with your partner and it gets even better. Stay grounded. Practice some self-love.  Keep the balance and nurture your soul.

Thank you for reading. Share if you will. Enjoy the March Madness of basketball tournaments but do not let the madness of the world take over your life. Flow with the energy and if you need to clear anything now is the time. Look for miracles along the way. Many blessings, Until again, Love, Jan

NEW MOON in Aquarius, February 11, 2021 – Share the vision with love

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Even though life sure has gone on a whirlwind ride the past couple of weeks love is out there for those who are open to it. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, stay in your heart with love. With lockdowns and more dystopian plans – how in the world will love be possible for those who are looking for romance? I will get to that shortly. It is very interesting that so many out there would rather be vindictive and follow the crowd rather than having something original come from their minds and show love. How many do you know who are in your circle and actually use inner wisdom to help them discover the truth? I truly would like to know. Will everyone be surprised when Aquarius pops up with the use of individuality and independent thinking and doing? Well, that sure can bring the ire out for those who are not like that at all. Will you allow your own thinking and feeling operate or will you choose to jump into the maelstrom of heavy hitters taking down everything that pertains to the truth? Maybe the Aquarian New Moon will give you the opportunity to open your eyes to a different perspective on what is going on in your life and the world in general. It is quite interesting these days of separation that is affecting most out there. What is it helping you do? Oh, I forgot the virus. It certainly has disappeared some places in the last few weeks. Why is that do you think? Do you realize that if you are negative then others will respond in a negative way? And what you think will manifest exactly the way you think it in most cases. Keep that in mind because Aquarius is outside the box and a visionary. Unexpected reigns!

I see that Mike Lindell of MyPillow fame is banned from the world. Well, not quite. His video Absolute Truth was taken down by many sites since it spoke of that verboten term about the election. And why is the White House dark every night since the new term of office began? Just curious I am. Gee whiz – Tom Brady did not wear a mask during the Super Bowl on the bench or afterwards. Excuse me-if you were as healthy and in shape as Mr. Brady then why wear a mask. He should be shaking in his shoes. And by the way if you read beyond the MSM you can see that the “vaccine’ is not a real vaccine but an mRNA gene altering injection. And one more thing – it cannot get any better than this- a woman complained viciously about a neighbor who helped clear the snow from her driveway and said he was like Hezbollah giving things for free. Unbelievable!

Onward- The New Moon in Aquarius shows up on Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 2:06pm EST; 11:06am PST; and 7:06pm GMT in 23°16′. The Sun in Aquarius is at the exact same degree. The New Moon is conjunct Mercury (retrograde) and square Mars (quite wide aspects). Since Mercury is within range there is some kind of farseeing communication going on. The sun and moon are joined in Aquarius by Venus (love) Jupiter (luck) and Saturn (rules). This stellium in Aquarius definitely says together we need to go forward. The New Moon itself is excellent for doing something to improve yourself and also it good for expanding relationships in love. It charges up our goals with an innovative and unconventional flair. This is a great time to get inventive and break out of your usual box when it comes to new ideas. New Moons are about starting a new project or doing something in a different way. The asteroid Pallas Athene will also be in the mix. Pallas Athene loves new things and technology. It is time to be in charge of your own life rather than the ultimate father figure in the background who you leaned on in the past. It is telling you to be in your own power. Be responsible for you and look for alternative solutions and ways to move forward. Pallas Athene gives us the courage and helps you to be a light in this world which ripples out into the entire Universe. 

Since Mercury will be Retrograde until February 20th do make sure that you do not make hasty decisions. Let the Universe be your guide if you have any setbacks or delays. Be careful with your words as this is not a good time to react quickly. If things have been topsy turvy lately perhaps Mercury retrograde has something to do with it.

As the New Moon energy comes in Venus is exactly conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius on that day. It may bring about changes socially. It can bring good karma from good deeds of the past. Relationships are a focus of this energy and it is intensely wonderful. It is warm, friendly and harmonious. If you are looking to fall in love or even improving a current relationship…take the leap if opportunity shows up.  And whatever you focus on is more likely to manifest with this New Moon due to the Venus/Jupiter energy.

Mars in Taurus is sextile to Neptune in Pisces asking what you wish to fight for in a good way. There is also a sexual energy which abounds with this. Some may find that a soulmate shows up. One negative note is that Saturn in Aquarius is square to Uranus in Taurus. Some change may show up that is not to your liking. You can shift this energy if you just take it one step at a time.

This New Moon in Aquarius may help set it all straight in an unexpected way. I guess it will manifest the way one intends it to do so. And along with the New Moon the Chinese Year of the Metal Ox arrives on the next day, February 12th. If you are looking to climb to new levels in all areas of your life then here is your chance to move forward with loyalty, hard work, determination, confidence, and discipline. The Ox signifies strength through peace, industry, and unity.

If you have the Sun/Rising signs in Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius at 20-26 degrees you will be more intensely affected. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) at those degrees may also have some affect. Tidbits for the signs:

Aries – Go out and network and socialize. How can you make things happen? Focus on what you are fighting for not against other individuals.

Taurus- New ideas pop in and unexpected changes may occur. What is now your vision? Are you looking for a new way to be out there professionally?

Gemini- New horizons may beckon you. Have an adventure.  New trends are in your vision and it is time to share with others. Learn something new.

Cancer- What no longer nurtures you? Transformation comes now even though you try to push it away. Relieve self from toxic relationships.

Leo- Relationships may be changing and that’s a good thing. A deeper commitment or new partnership comes into being. Do things together with partner. Shake it up.

Virgo- Try something different healthwise to stay on track!  New direction workwise may show up down the road. Clear out the old so you are ready.

Libra- What holds you back from being inspired? Get together with others to get creative juices flowing. Also your love life and children are a focus.

Scorpio- Redesign your life. Do you wish to relocate? Things are shifting within and around you. Release the past burdens already.

Sagittarius- Feeling stagnant? Think about what you want, intend it and it shows up. Connect with others and share your insights.

Capricorn –Looking for an opportunity to do something other than the norm? It is there in front of you. Get a new financial plan ready.

Aquarius- Be inspired and let your inner glow guide you to new starts which are coming your way. How can you show yourself some love? Focus is on you!

Pisces- It is time to let go of outworn patterns. Spirituality is important now. Focus is on love, joy and peace. Allow it to show up in your life. Be true to self.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful to you who take the time to read my posts. If you disagree that is perfectly fine because I write this to energize your thinking and hope that you do go beyond what everyone out there tells you. Do the research and find the truth for yourself. This new moon in Aquarius invites you to begin anew in a different way that does bring you joyous feelings and big dreams. Many blessings and be safe in the weather. Until again, Happy Valentine’s Day, love, Jan