Monthly Archives: October 2017

NEW MOON in LIBRA, October 19, 2017- How do you respond to the unexpected?


Hello dear ones. Oh my. What an interesting week that is flowing into the New Moon. How is life in your world? Are you the workaholic of old or are you a new millennial workaholic? Nothing fascinates me more than those who continue to excel at this material world conundrum. As I write this the moon is in Virgo so I guess someone wants me to bring up the work issues of the now. HA! Cute! Maybe it is time to take a breath and just be in the moment. What do you think? More work gets done with the flow than with a push. Of course, most likely anyone in charge has no knowledge of that since Material Girl is the answer. C’mon. Really?

I have been sitting and pondering life and relationships lately. It is an interesting topic and now that the new moon is soon to appear then things are going to shift a bit in unexpected ways. In the meantime let me just look at some worldly stuff for a moment before I move into the new moon. Saw that a valet for the Mandalay Bay who carried the “lone shooter’s” bags has disappeared and so has all the information that was written about him by a Hawaiian journalist. Now they say he has not been missing. Right? And a woman who questioned the reporting of an alphabet agency regarding Las Vegas has died. On another note- I am totally disturbed by the umpiring in both baseball championship series. The strike zone got much bigger. Weird. Autumn has been slow to come to my part of the northeast. Interesting! Does this mean that winter will show up earlier than usual? Something truly unusual- in 20 years science is saying individuals will get AI implants and that way you can control your home environment. All you need to think it and light turns off. Well, if everyone weren’t so crazed these days you may have already been able to do this without an implant.  And what is with the Facebook game that encourages kids to go missing? Unbelievable.

And the Libra New Moon shows up on October 19, 2017 at 3:11pm EDT; 12:11pm PDT; and 7:11pm GMT in 26 degrees 35’. The Sun is at the same degree in Libra. So, what does this grand New Moon have to say? Well, it is saying that relationships are shifting with some unexpected things showing up since Uranus in Aries is exactly opposite to the New Moon in Libra. If you are stuck in an indecisive mode then Eris in Aries, Goddess of Discord, is also opposite the New Moon in Libra. She definitely may take you out of that place and even shift that people-pleasing side. Ah ha! How radical are you willing to be to get that relationship on track again? Think about it and get it moving so your relationships can be more harmonious and in balance. That is what the New Moon in Libra would like you to do. It is also saying to you that your reflection comes from another so if you see something you do not like, acknowledge and change it.

Since Uranus in Aries is obviously running part of the show you may wish to buckle your seat belts in case it rocks your world. And it loves to bring the unexpected to the mix. Just be prepared for who knows what. It is a changing scene and life shifts considerably. This could help the balance come about since New Moon in Libra sometimes needs to be shoved off the mark to regain equilibrium again. With both Eris and Uranus in Aries there may be some triggering of old wounds. If you react the same way as always then the pattern will continue to come around each time. How will you respond differently instead of creating drama? Watch your reaction instead of jumping into the melee of discordance. With opposing Uranus to the New Moon there may be rebellious acts from partners with a possible need for more freedom. Watch that a minor disagreement doesn’t turn into a major controversy. It helps that Saturn in Sagittarius is sextile the New Moon in Libra since it will bring about a more stable energy to the unexpectedness of Uranus. This will help you recognize the opportunities that may come forth and your patience will be rewarded.

The communicator Mercury is conjunct the New Moon thus combining intuition and logic. Your timing may be right on. This also adds charm and humor. Get the laughs going!!! On another note Venus in Libra is not aspected to the New Moon energy. This is asking whether you love yourself or are you expecting love to come only from others. Has the love within disappeared or has it been buried so deeply within?  Venus is also square to Juno in Capricorn which tells you that something is blocking the way to intimacy. Is there a lack of understanding?

Jupiter just entered Scorpio on October 10, 2017 and with Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio conjoined you may wish to deepen the intimacy in partnerships for mutually empowering both of you. This combination will help you show your vulnerability and will help you take part in much deeper conversations which brings about more energy and closeness.  Some may find this uncomfortable at first but it will lead to truth and understanding. Check out my post from last week regarding Jupiter in Scorpio and how it may affect your life in the coming year.

Even though there may be some unexpected energies abounding around you, Chiron in Pisces may help heal some old patterns since it is quincunx (150degrees) the New Moon. The bottomline of Pisces inconjunct Libra is that it says to you through healing the connection to the divine it will reflect back through your relationships.

The Fixed Star Spica is also conjunct the New Moon in Libra at 24 degrees in the Virgo constellation. Spica is very favorable for wealth and help from friends; some preferment. It is saying that you reap what you sow. Pay attention to what you are putting out there because it will show up in your life.

Keep in mind New Moons are all about new starts for the next month or a new project. By looking at past behaviors and patterns also it will give you an opportunity to do things in a new way. Stay in the moment with relationships and no matter what shows up be patient. Uranus in Aries plays a big part in this New Moon in Libra energy so watch how you react to any unexpected occurrences. And please cut down any risk-taking. Have a wonderful New Moon in Libra. Keep that balance present in relationships. Look for new ways to begin again in projects, jobs or love.

Those signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in degrees of 22-29. If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in those degrees then you may be affected. Birthdays are April 12-20; July 14-23; October 14-22; and January 12-20.

Thank you for reading. I would greatly appreciate if you would share. May the new moon bring you lots of joy and peace no matter what else goes on!  Patience does work wonders. Be blessed. Until again. Love, Jan






JUPITER in Scorpio, October 10, 2017-November 2018- Digging for buried treasure

scorpioHello dear ones. Even though it is Fall in my area the leaves are still green around me. Some trees are starting to turn but it has been a hot summer and early fall season. And as the leaves are turning Jupiter is heading into Scorpio on October 10, 2107. Jupiter has energy which helps you to expand your understanding and abundance. It also says to you to be optimistic. Have you balanced your relationships in the last year when it was in Libra? Jupiter is leading you to go after your heart’s desires by being intensely passionate. Jupiter is a water sign which is all about expressing your feelings out in the world. Intimacy is important to Jupiter in Scorpio. It is time to develop it within and with others. Sexual connecting is as important as communication when you are in a relationship. Magnetism is important since Scorpio tends to bring that about and Jupiter wishes to expand it for healing. He roams through Pluto’s domain looking  for the buried deep treasures.

This is a time to build that character and personality rather than status in the world. Also if you have given up on a having a relationship, this may be the time to reconsider being involved. The magnetism may just tend to pull you together in a new way including combining resources in order to do something favorable. Some may choose to be alone if the relationship is not flourishing. Jupiter loves to be out there and Scorpio tends to just be within more of the time. In the next year huge changes can show up regarding close intimate relationships.

Scorpio likes to dig deep into the unconscious and dream state. From October 10 to November 2018 it would be good for you to keep a dream journal to see what comes through during that time. Sometimes you may be able to resolve some old issues by just paying attention to those dreams or some unexpected messages from the unconscious when you least expect them. Automatic writing will also help to connect to Scorpio, the King of the Underworld when Jupiter is that sign. Jupiter likes to bring to your life whatever is for your highest good.

Scorpio is the natural 8th house of the zodiac and rules such things as joint finances, credit, sex, lots of intensity and determination.  Watch out for power plays!! There can be some manipulation. Light- hearted, jovial, happy go lucky Jupiter may be a little uneasy since it may be a bit deeper into the mix than he likes.

What really matters to you? That’s what Jupiter will be asking you as it wends its way through this yearlong transit in Scorpio. It is about expansion and you may find yourself overdoing it wherever it falls in your natal blueprint. For instance: I have Jupiter in Scorpio in my natal Sixth House and when it begins its transit in Scorpio it will still be in my Fifth House. So as the transit begins some improvement in creativeness or romance will occur through new ways to connect yet watch for excessiveness. It can also bring out other creative talents which are coming into focus. Then once it transits the Sixth House in my chart it may indicate that I may team up with someone and create a new business and/or bring about some kind of healing to me or others. This should make for an interesting energy in your life depending where it falls in your chart in the next year.  Here is a sampling of Jupiter in Scorpio transiting the houses of your natal chart:

First House- You may discover that you now begin to have a new perspective. Some may have access to power and privilege. Watch that diet because it will expand you. You are shining out there. Others are drawn to you now.

Second House-Some money may be flowing to you soon if you haven’t already got some coming your way.  If you do not know how to say no you may learn to do so. Also big financial effects!!! Just stay in balance so you don’t overdo spending.

Third House- It can be a very busy time in the neighborhood. Good energy to communicate effectively. If you haven’t been doing so now is the time-how about writing or singing? Reach out to others and tell them about you and what you do. Bet that hasn’t happened for awhile.

Fourth House- Reconnect with family members. Some of you may decide to move to a bigger place. Your home may be the place to be. You may find it is also a good for digging deep within. Perhaps a renovation to something around the house happens.

Fifth House-This is your time to have fun and enjoy life. If you haven’t tried writing then now is the time. Maybe your first book will be written. It energizes your romantic life. Play the lottery.

Sixth House- You will be working harder now but rewards do come. Watch your weight. Even though you will be working or of service, do take time for some leisure. A new opportunity may appear. You may be magnetic to powerful people.

Seventh House- All kinds of partnerships are an important part of this time whether they be business or personal. New opportunities to enrich your life may show up. All kinds of good things for relating come to you in a current partnership or business venture.

Eighth House- You are in the mood to get things done and work in an intense way. Joint resources, money and investments work out well. Sexy times in the bedroom with your partner. It is also time to go within, take a look and heal whatever needs to be healed.

Ninth House- It is a great time for travel to foreign countries and get to know others from a different culture. If you need to further your education now is the time. Also good for pondering deeply now that you may have a chance. Sow your seeds for down the road.

Tenth House- You may choose to change jobs or stick with one you already have and make a big advancement in position. Everyone likes what you do out there. You have been working hard for a long time and this is it. Reap the rewards. Lots of luck surrounds you.

Eleventh House- Good for doing things online…business, friends!  Good things going with friendships. They may help you without any kind of request from you. Those hopes and dreams are coming to fruition through groups. Get those goals in gear and rock them out.

Twelfth House- This is a time to meditate and get into a deeper spiritual state of mind. Take the time to find out who you are and plant seeds for further on in your life. Jupiter here may bring things from the past to be healed. You never know what can show up!!! Be ready.

Keep this in mind! There are no difficult aspects from outer planets to Jupiter for the entire year that it is Scorpio. Yay!! So, enjoy what it can bring into your life if you are paying attention, dear ones. Thank you for reading and do share if you will. Have a beautiful autumn and those in the Southern hemisphere enjoy the spring. New moon post should be up before the 19th. Blessings to all!  Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON in ARIES, October 5, 2017- Fiery desires may bring new starts

Hello dear ones. Life has begun to unravel due to the influence of those behind the scenes. I am sorry to say that those of you who are hooked on the mainstream media will be in for a totally rude awakening or not in the next 6 months. Instead of being so entranced by the Matrix you need to shift gears and look within. That is something I have been suggesting for months yet I see around me that many continue to react to what is being presented. Why do you take things at face value? What happened to the ability to discern the truth and then respond accordingly? When the ducks come off the pond (as my father would say) then you may be a bit shocked at the truth. Your choice!

Really? A lone gunman? This is not what it seems. Those who were killed were victims of those who choose to control your minds and I do not care if you believe it or not. Do the research and truly look into what is going on here in the world, My heart goes out to the families of those who were killed. The man who supposedly did the Las Vegas shooting killing over 50 and injuring over 500 people could not have done this.  Those at the concert said someone was there warning the crowd that they were going to die. Why were there 10 full auto rifles in the room where the shooter was found? Why didn’t the concert goers run away from the scene? And just out of curiosity why were there no ambulances in the area at the time of the shootings? And today the story has changed. Newsweek retracted the story about the girlfriend? Why? Wake up!!!!! Some are happy about the incident because they said the concert goers probably were President Trump supporters. SICK!  On another note-Why was Tim Tebow not allowed to kneel in prayer before a game but NFL players can kneel to dishonor the country and flag?

Full Moon energy is coming on strong. It arrives October 5, 2017 in Aries at 2:40pm EDT, 11:40am PDT and 6:40pm GMT in 12 degrees 42’. The Sun is in Libra at the same degree. So where are you going to let this volatile fire sign full moon take you?  Will you allow the passion to create be first and foremost, whether it is in a relationship or out there in the world? Or will you go negative and take on the anger that it brings out? Your choice, dear ones! Where will you let the intense energy take you? Have you been stuck like I feel I have been or just not feeling like taking that next step because there is too much old stuff hanging on? Then, here is the chance to take the ball and run with it. Will you let the opportunity in and take a leap with it? On the other hand, some may be triggered due to old subconscious patterns that are in the way. Will you explode with anger regarding all negatives that now come up? Is that how you choose to be? Let the fire burn off your past junk and then instead of getting all riled up, you will be able to see what the next step is. Oh yes, that easy. Of course, some are still blaming everyone and everything in sight for their issues. Pluto in Capricorn is squaring the Moon and Sun and is part of the factor creating this. Yet there is also something that Pluto is trying to tell you. Delve deeper into the emotions to decide if you are helping someone just to make you look better or are you doing it just because it is a good thing to do. Authenticity is important here.

This Full Moon in Aries which is ruled by Mars is saying to you to let the feeling of you heart show for once. It is a time of rebalancing relationships and letting that passion flow. It is all about emotions which are deep so will you go with the expression of them or will you blow up and blame? I guess you will soon see how it works out. Mercury in Libra opposes the Full Moon in Aries which says to you to speak with sensitivity regarding the truth about that which is important at this Full Moon.

Venus in Virgo is ready to conjoin Mars in Virgo at 19 degrees at the time of the Full Moon in Aries. Leading up to this conjunction of the love birds it is the beginning of a birthing of something new. As the Full Moon in Aries takes place Venus and Mars will create a new connecting link in a relationship. Those who are ready will know what I am speaking about. Keep your heart and eyes open to see if the shifting has taken place.  Or it may be in process for more aliveness in relationships and some additional transformative effects. If there is something you still wish to do in regards to a relationship take advantage of the time between the Full Moon on October 5 and October 10. Venus and Mars in Virgo will be grounding the energy of the Full Moon in Aries. They are also celebrating the sacred marriage of Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. If there is something in your relationship that is not working then Saturn square the Venus/Mars conjunction will help to determine how to better keep your relationship in tune with the higher purpose. Chiron is opposing the Venus/Mars in Virgo conjunction which says you may have to find a way to stop triggering each other’s past wounds.Will you choose to do this? A new relationship may show up or there may be a few shifts in the one already in motion.

This is not the time for boxes. You are an independent spirit and it is when you balance your thinking with your intuition is when you can be more individualistic and see things as they really are. And at this time many of you are being led to be controlled by those who are in power. Is that what you truly desire? In fact what is the desire that pushes you forward at this time? Or is there no ability to discern that you have been boxed in and that is just the way it is? Dear ones, you are here to love. Many question love being present with so much agony and oppression. Love anyway. Hate does not work here and will only get you in the wrong ballpark doing nothing that has to do with your desires and pretty much stuck in the box. Jupiter in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries has brought many to a new place regarding open doors, unexpected connections and disconnections in the last 10 months when it was last exact in aspect  This is the last of the third exact opposition of the two planets. Jupiter will be heading into Scorpio on October 10.

Some essential oils in tandem with the Full Moon are: Rose, Patchouli, Clary Sage and Ylang-Ylang. Stirs up that passion and also keeps you evenly balanced so no depression comes in. Sabian Symbol for this degree of the Full Moon in Aries says that a hidden bomb fixed to explode does not explode. Sun in Libra Sabian symbol is bursting one’s bubbles. Perhaps your intuition is overpowered by ego and you believe the unauthentic version of what ego tells you.  You put the two together and let the truth come to you.

Those who are affected most intensely are: 8-15 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. If you have any personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at these degrees they will be influenced. Birthdays included are: March 29-April 5; June 29-July 6; October 1-8; and December 30-January 6.

I would love to hear your experiences as the Full Moon takes place. Use the energy wisely. Stay in balance even when any shifting takes place. And stop letting the energy of those who are not in your favor stop you from leaping forward. Keep your heart open to love. Many you be blessed. Until again. Love, Jan