Monthly Archives: April 2019

Full Moon in Libra, April 19, 2019 -Energy shift brings a turning point

full moon in libra pinkHello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The Full Moon is rising and shining bright as it hangs in the sky in the darkest night. Yes, the Full Moon is just about upon us and these two weeks since the New Moon in Aries have been crazy for me. My tax clients have filed and now it is back to finding my way forward on other paths again. Which way will I go? Which way will you go? And if you look back at Tuesday night hopefully you will have gotten new inspiration but maybe forgot how to be tactful. Well, what was it? I was not in the mood to write yet it started to pull me to sit down and just do it. And as I do so, it is amazing how it just keeps on going and my desire to stop is …not happening. How were your couple of weeks leading up to this Full Moon?  I am curious to hear your thoughts or feelings. Thanks, if you would be so kind. I noticed that many have been out of control as I drove the open roads meeting clients. It makes no sense to me the aggressiveness that surrounds me as I travel.  I find it interesting that the more I am out there the more I would like to just stay away from those who need drama and conflict in their lives. It amazes me as to the difference that has come about in the last ten years. Fear has no place when you have faith. In this Easter season it may be a good thing to think about.

As I write this the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris has been burning and I am saddened to see this. They say it was not arson yet it just burst into flames. There was no electricity in the area where the fire was burning. They thought the Crown of Thorns was destroyed, but I just saw that it was not. Some back news is saying a dark sacrifice. And unbelievable but true-, a fire broke out at a holy Islamic site, the Al-Aqsa mosque in Occupied Jerusalem around the same time the Notre Dame Cathedral was burning. Coincidence? On another note- Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, apparently is in a super secure prison in Europe and there may be some influence to get him to The United States. Time will tell. And the book he had when arrested was by Gore Vidal-The History of the Security State. How interesting. Assange has a T-square in his chart lodged between Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Uranus. Eris tends to create scapegoat energy. And as this is going on Brexit has taken place. Interesting note about WikiLeaks- James Dolan who was a co-creator of technology there has been found dead. He exposed the Podesta emails and DNC leaks.

Since the Easter season is now upon us and the Full Moon is on Good Friday in the world of the Christian faith then maybe there is something most forget that Jesus Christ was fighting those who kept the truth from the people back then. He spent his adult life speaking truth challenging the status quo of his day. Remember He did push back against the Roman Empire. Search for the truth always!

In any case the Full Moon in Libra is a Blue Moon since there was another Full Moon in the very early signs of Libra back on March 20. This Full Moon in Libra is in 29 degrees 6’ and arrives at 7:12am EDT; 4:12am PDT; and 11:12am GMT on April 19, 2019. It is in an anaretic degree. This is a fated or Karmic point.  It can indicate too much or too little of something.  And something has come to an end. The Sun is in the exact degree in Aries.  A Blue Moon does emphasize the beginning and ending of signs. What you started back around the last New Moon in Aries may come to fruition at this Full Moon. Aries likes to be independent and do its own thing. As for Libra it likes to be around lots of other individuals and groups. And even if you do not agree there is still a place for harmonious interaction. Full Moon in Libra is opposite Uranus in Taurus, so there may be disruptions and more unexpected changes that could bring about nervousness. But that does not mean it is negative. Maybe there is a surprise in the works. Love at first sight could be present. How restless you are at this Full Moon in Libra. What are you going to do about it? Run for the hills to get some freedom or will you just go wild in every way possible? Do you feel a strong urge to break free from routine? Watch decision-making when it comes to relationships. If you feel different now it is still acceptable. Libra likes the balance as I stated earlier yet it is not uncommon to feel somewhat different. Your values may be a bit different than others.  Even though others may question what you choose you are as special as they are and can value what it is that matters most to you just as they can do the same.

The Sun in Aries is conjunct (3 degrees) Uranus in Taurus and brings unexpected change and freedom. This influence may make you more aggressive since it is impulsive and rebellious. Watch that you stay centered and moderate your mood or you may say something that is out of kilter and someone including your boss may not like it. Reputation may be affected if you go off the deep end. Venus in Pisces is quincunx (150degrees) to the Full Moon. There is a sort of disconnect when it comes to a relationship on some level. One of you is giving more than the other. There is an imbalance in other words. No matter what the relationship it is important to address the issue and bring it to some kind of give and take on a more harmonious level. Flexibility is a good thing to keep in mind.

Pluto retrograde begins on April 24 2019 at 25° Capricorn and ends on October 3 at 20° Capricorn. The major influence this year is that Pluto is conjunct Saturn in Capricorn. This is all about serious business attention and hard work. It is a time of thinking about control and power in your life. Who is manipulating you? Who is controlling you? You need to let it go. If you have been too controlling of others or situations then it is time to let it go. And Dear Ones, how about do stop being compulsive. The Full Moon also is in T-Square to Pluto. Are you feeling powerful and is there something or someone who is making you feel disempowered? This is a time  to take some kind of action.

Chiron is in Aries at the Full Moon with Mercury in Aries exactly conjunct it. Since Chiron is about opening up the old wounds to be healed, do you think that Mercury sitting with it will change something within your thinking or communicating that will turn things around in your life? Talking about old wounds that need healing may be paramount to some extent. On the other hand Mercury is full speed ahead in Aries so go after what you really choose. And since Jupiter went retrograde in Sagittarius last week and that is saying to you that if something is not working no matter how much you are chasing it and probably are not even interested anymore …let it go. Is there something like that in your life? What are you waiting for? LET IT GO. Mercury says full speed ahead and Jupiter says do it but stop going after what has nothing to do with your dreams.  This is a big turning point and if it hasn’t happened then allow it to do so.

Those Sun signs/Ascendant signs most intensely affected are: Aries 26 degrees-Taurus 2 degrees; Cancer 26 degrees-Leo 2 degrees; Libra 26 degrees- Scorpio 2 degrees; and Capricorn 26 degrees – Aquarius 2 degrees. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in those Sign degrees may also be somewhat affected. Wherever this Full Moon falls in your chart will tell you where you need to rebalance. It may also bring about a turning point in your life.

Thank you for reading and sharing if you will. Life is changing as I write this and I ask you to stay in balance as you make decisions and let go what no longer is part of your path. You will know what that is if you take a breath and allow it to come to you. Keep your faith and let go of fear. Happy Easter to those who celebrate and many blessings to all! Until again, love, Jan

New Moon in Aries, April 5, 2019- Face the challenge and break on through


Hello dear ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It has been a very unusual time these past couple of weeks. The Full Moon energy is winding down and the New Moon in Aries will be arriving. My life has been filled with last minute tax clients and my head is spinning for the moment. Oh, yes, all this will pass yet it meanders on for another 10 days of digging into the new laws and terms of the tax code. Where has this energy been taking you? Have you seen the opportunity for the leap or are you still stuck in the past mode? It is a time to truly relook at the whole dynamic and be ready to take charge of your life if you have not. The Full Moon of a couple weeks ago said watch for burnout. How many are still feeling that? Why not a restful weekend to reenergize yourself? Find some fun. Watch March Madness…on second thought, that may get you too worked up again. Weigh the options.

What is with the chaos? So much fear surrounds everyone. Maybe Pluto is taking over the realm instead of humans. Pluto talk will be back in a bit. In the meantime I have never seen so much negative energy ever. Those who are behind the scenes just do not let up. 5G wireless hotspots are now ready to be installed despite health risks. Thousand Oaks and Simi Valley in California are the places this is going to happen. 5G is unsafe and untested. And those who have done studies have said forget it because the energy may create lots of health issues. And guess what the FCC will not let those in the area object to the installations. You are kidding me. Sign the national petition to stop this lunacy. Also, did you know Facebook assigns every user a reputation score? This predicts your trustworthiness. What? Oh, yes, everyone knows everything you do. It is ironic that I was on the phone with a friend and spoke about going to the Hawaiian Islands and later in the day I noticed in my feed a new sponsored source about those islands. I have to figure out which part of my electronics is picking this up. I love saying things and see what happens afterward. UK has obviously left the European Union as of March 29. Time will tell. One more interesting tidbit which is nuts- Bill Gates is funding a Harvard group that is attempting to block the sun’s rays to help with climate change. Unbelievable!

Here comes the warrior and explorer of the world – Aries. The New Moon in Aries arrives on Friday, April 5, 2019 at 4:50 am EDT; 1:50 am PDT; and 8:50 am GMT at 15 degrees 17’. The Sun in Aries is at the exact same degree. Aries looks to take action. It is a fiery element to say the least. This New Moon is the best time to lay the groundwork for a new venture; a truly new beginning to a project that you have desired to do for a long time. It is the perfect New Moon to reach within and find the initiative and spirit to start fresh and it will pay off down the road. That patience that I mentioned around the Full Moon is still needed since it will help your focus and determination. I know Aries just wants to leap yet it is paying attention this time around. Remember that thought when you get impulsive and start going around in circles. This is a time to being motivated and bringing out the new energy of spring and Aries. Check for any weaknesses that you may have and take on the strength of the New Moon fire and see where it can take you. You may have to face some challenges before the good things come into the picture which is all about Alpheratz, a Fixed Star. The New Moon is in good aspect to it. Riches, honor, Independence, freedom, love and a sharp mind come with this part of the picture.

What is a New Moon? It is a burst of new energy which lasts until the next new moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. This new moon is a time to be free and not let anyone tie you down in the sense that you are totally commanded by someone else. It sounds like something I have been in the last couple of weeks on the road traveling here and there and everywhere in my other profession/tax consulting. Maybe the New Moon missed the message. Just kidding!

The challenge comes with the initiator Aries Moon when it is square (conflict) to Saturn in Capricorn. Uh oh! Which one is going to budge or not? Life may take a few twists and turns and may also take longer to complete something. It is not a time to give up because it does come about when the time is right. This applies to projects and relationships so if you are lagging behind in your schedule know that it will happen in time. It is about being ready to act when the moment arrives. Keep that in the front of your mind. Last year at this time the New Moon in Aries also had Uranus (the shock planet) nearby. The energy was more electric. It sure was…I took a spill. Ouch. Of course, that was because I was not paying attention. If a barrier shows up due to some disagreement or otherwise it is all right. Try to get along with your neighbors or friends especially if you may not have the same attitudes or likes as them. Even with differences the energy may be there to help in another way. If you want the positive then you have to work hard and stay out of the pessimistic and negative attitude. No poor me junk being spouted out. Got it?  It will require that you “face the truth” and perhaps re-balance the power between two people or things.

Another aspect is Saturn in Capricorn which is conjunct (within 2 degrees) the South Node of the Moon which is in Capricorn also. What traditions from the past are you so steeped in that they are keeping you from progressing down the road? And Pluto too is right with the South Node too and may bring into play some hidden situation that is saying it does not have to be a power play more like a rebalancing. There can be some turning point at this time or in the next couple of weeks. Capricorn is a realist and has much focus. You may wish to choose patience over the fiery breakaway. Do not let old wounds affect you anymore. Can you do that? Let them flow right down the river of life and stop holding onto them.

If you are thinking of starting something new in the culinary arena or taking a trip to get some needed downtime then the New Moon in Aries trine the dwarf planet Ceres (Earth Mother archetype) in Sagittarius will give you the good energy to do so. This aspect can bring sensuality to the foreground. Some may just go out and lavish much attention on others.

Are you feeling good now that the Trickster Mercury is now moving forward slowly? It is still confusing, foggy and just downright disturbing in some ways until next week. So keep your head in the game and pay attention. The reason is that at the New Moon time Mercury is just 1 degree past (still conjunct) Neptune in Pisces. Dream on in your pajamas…otherwise not.

The New Moon in Aries will be more intense for those of you who have Sun in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at degrees of 12-18. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at those degrees then you also may be affected. Approximate birthdays are: April 1-7; July 5-11; October 6-12; and January 3-9.

FYI-I am always open to questions or even if you choose to know more about your own life through the aspects let me know in comments. I do readings and counseling and look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for reading and sharing this post. I am most grateful for those who follow this blog. Take a breath as the new moon arrives and see what wondrous things can begin anew. And remember let the past go so forward motion can take place. Many blessings and joy to you, until again, love, Jan