Monthly Archives: October 2014

NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in SCORPIO, October 23, 2014- Go with the Light as the darkness surfaces

How are you, dear ones? Has the shifting that is taking place in our world having affecting your life in any way? I see the New Moon Solar Eclipse energy is already coming into play. The Ebola crisis is staring at you (get some nanosilver); a soldier was shot at the War Memorial in Ottawa and the Parliament was locked down; and students in southern Oregon cannot distribute copies of the Constitution. Wow! Fear and control are rampant and getting more so. As the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio comes into play watch so you aren’t thrown off balance. Wherever this New Moon Eclipse falls in your natal chart is where you will feel shifting and possible transforming effects.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs tomorrow, October 23, 2014 in 0 degrees 4’ Scorpio at 5:56pm EDT, 2:56pm PDT, and 10:56pm GMT. This is a no nonsense New Moon with the faces of Light and Dark squaring off. It is black and white; gray disappears. Have you yet acknowledged your baggage? How many of you are still resisting. A new moon gives us an opportunity for a new start in some part of your life. However, that start is held up on some level because the Solar Eclipse wishes you to purge all those things you have buried deep within. Until you do this letting go (I seem to be harping about this the last 6 months) life is stagnant and it especially get bogged down at this Solar Eclipse. So, I suggest you take a look at what it is that you are refusing to see within. Some interesting twists and turns certainly may appear in your life as the energy takes hold and pushes you down the road. It may be a big ouch if you have truly stamped your feet and said you refuse to budge.

Oh, I say, release those fears already. Old stuff may pop out of nowhere and your buttons will be pushed and how many of you will choose to shut down your feelings like a Scorpio can do at times or will you rise to the occasion and face it head on. Stay on the Light side even when you may feel trapped and wishing to escape. This partial Solar Eclipse will help you to dig deep and finally release all those false beliefs and old wounds. Now, remember something about this energy-it may not happen instantly-the release, that is.

Since Scorpio tends to stubbornness and burying feelings at times let the energy help you to flow with it no matter what comes up. Keep this in mind. No matter what is going on in your life stay in balance. This is very important due to the fact of this black and white effect. If you shove someone out of your life, it will be permanent. So, if you find yourself in an argument, discussion and you say something like this- I you are no longer a part of my life and I want you to leave. If you really mean that, look for that individual to be gone for good. This New Moon Solar Eclipse is very dramatic and since Scorpio can sting you can bet that is a done deal. Think before you say anything other than from a loving heart. Also, it is a time to find your path and move on it. This has nothing to do with anyone else’s path. If you are living your life for someone else, then life will change for you. If it isn’t your stuff, you are not responsible for it. Blame has no place in your life anymore. Keep that in mind. If you find yourself in a place which no longer serves your purpose in life (do you know what that is?) then you need to get back on track or the energy will give you no choice.

This Solar Eclipse is just about the same degree as it was 19 years ago in October. What was your dream back then? What was going on in your life? What has changed and how have you grown? Did you make the leap back then to bring you to this place today or are you still stuck in the muck of the past? It won’t be much longer until you see the shift. Any personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) or angles which are within 8 degrees of the New Moon degree will be intensely affected. I have the New Moon/Eclipse near my Chiron (wounded healer) which tells me that any old wound may come up for a healing if it hasn’t already done so. Looking forward to letting it go. It could be either with love or creativity.

Since the New Moon in Scorpio is about new beginnings and setting intentions are you ready to allow a turning point? Are you ready to find a way to let go of the old junk that has hindered your true self and kept you stuck. Let the path open to you and acknowledge it. This is about YOU -not anyone else’s path. Scorpio New Moon says you need to reach deep within the unconscious and face what you have suppressed and become aware of anything hidden. And guess what, once you bring it to the conscious mind you can actually change what you feared the most about your life, yourself or whatever it is that you have repressed. You have used distractions and addictions through your life to lock away these unconscious feelings—finally, you can change everything.

On a bright note, Venus is right on the Scorpio New Moon Solar Eclipse. This will help you look at the truth of any relationships. You see the true love as it stares at you. You have ignored it before. You cannot do that anymore. Well, I guess you can but it would make some of you more miserable than you have been. Honesty in communication is a keyword for relating. This is also about intimacy. Without sharing in your life, it is hollow. Old relationship wounds will surface and they are asking you to heal them once and for all.

Mercury goes direct on October 25 but it is still in the shadow through the first week of November. This is a time to be authentic in all communication. Games between you and anyone else are out. Walk your talk. Do you know how to reach love? Walk through those fears that pop up with this energy. I am waiting to hear how many of you are willing to take that big leap in the next few months. Love is.

Thank you so much for reading and many blessings to you. Stay in the moment and in balance no matter what goes on. Until again. Love, Jan
Update == what I said about Colloidal Silver and Ebola is not a good fix. Better to use high doses of Vitamin C since it is a virus and not bacteria.

FULL MOON in ARIES/TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE, October 8, 2014- How will the big changes affect you individually and with others?

As I sit here writing this post I am feeling quite centered yet for one moment I saw how the world is swirling around me. The energy of the world is composed of many layers, maybe more than usual at this time. I am noticing that there are those who have a game-playing corporate outlook. Then there are others who no matter what they do they are critical and blaming others for their own situations in life. Some of you may walk two sides to the middle and are preaching one thing and doing something else. What about those who are so steeped in the past that their bubbles are ready to burst? Oh yes, they are. Of course, there are those who have bottled up fear and refuse to take any steps because they are so stuck that it is overwhelming. Much of this comes from the inability to recognize your authentic self. And those that do may still have the fear factor surrounding them. And guess what the wonderfully negative mainstream media doesn’t help to rectify this condition since it is fear-mongering at his finest. And television shows are interspersed between commercials about disease. If you watch those commercials you are guaranteed to start feeling sick eventually. Take a look at your life and see what you are ready to change because as I said in the last post, you may be forced to change. That’s not the ideal way to go about this. Change is the focus of the energy coming in with the Full Moon.

The FULL MOON/ Total Lunar Eclipse occurs tomorrow, Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 6:51am EDT, 3:51am PDT, 12:51am Hawaiian time and 11:51am GMT in 15:05 degrees Aries. The Sun is in Libra at the Full Moon time and the Lunar Eclipse takes place 2 minutes after the Full Moon. Big changes and shifting relationships are on the agenda. This is truly a wake-up call for many of you. And to me that indicates that if you are walking the path or at least open to a new direction in partnerships, it is a good thing. There may be some bumps in the process. Oh, for goodness sakes, are you going to take them personal? It seems like many of you continue to do this dance and then say it is someone else’s fault. Blah, blah, blah. Seriously, get over it. I did. Yep, I did. You know why because I decided to get out of the fear arena and dance under the stars. If anyone wishes to join the dance, then put away your fear. If not, then stay in that stuck mode and waste your life. Enough said. This is no time to hang onto the past because dear ones, you will be blasted out of it.

Let’s push on further to see how it may be affecting you at the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse. If your love is secret because there is a situation which you have created then something will open up that it can take place. Partnerships which are karmic (most have some karma attached) will have the karmic bindings cut so then you can move through the blocks and begin anew. Oh, yes, many of you have had chains keeping you from experiencing a partnership as it is meant to be. The energy is too strong and intense to keep you in this bondage even though Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn and this also is tied into the Full Moon energy. Choose to move forward together no matter what happens. It is time to do so. Do I feel someone’s fear again? Come on, walk through it. You are being set free in wherever it touches in your chart. Leap already!

Are you feeling isolated? Then let those feelings move past you. As I said some challenges may arise due to the FULL MOON in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn and opposing Venus in Libra. If there is discontent within, please address it and stop blaming others in your life. Problems arise because you allow your mind to pull you into that realm. Stay in the heart and observe your ego; stop being it. If you choose to allow the ego to control you, then your life becomes miserable or you stuff your feelings and pretend you are ok. Is that what you choose to do?
Let the Mars in Sagittarius trine (good energy) Jupiter in Leo aspect bring some really good stuff to you. It may just take all this challenging energy and make a miracle happen. Guess what? That relationship may just become radically different due to the burst of energy from Aries. Let it flow. Take a look at that partnership in a new way. It is amazing what is going to take place. You bet it is. Hey, dear ones, this is about love and you know what it is a blood moon and therefore it says love is always present in the blood. So, ponder that and know that you can get angry and rage all you choose. (Aries energy does that at times.) Love is. Why am I saying this? I say if you love someone, it is always there, never-ending. If it ends, it isn’t love. Got it.? Karmic agreement it is at best. Oh, I Know you fell in love and it is over. Was it love? Doubt it. Don’t agree? It is ok. I think differently than most and I accept your view on it. (That is part of my Venus and Mars in Aries-a firecracker!)

This Full Moon /Lunar Eclipse in Aries is a time to ask for higher spiritual guidance. It will help to clarify and give you a push in a direction that may be new to you. Are you willing to do this? Also it is a time to observe those in your life. Do you accept them as they are? Do you welcome them in your life? How about those people regarding you? Do they accept you or not? Full Moon in Aries takes you on the road to your own individuality and if you walk through the fire, it will change your life for the better. Will you resist the chance to leap? It is saying to you…you can do so! If you decide to sit back and ponder, then I suggest you. See where the next few weeks takes you until the Solar Eclipse occurs near the end of October and also watch how life shifts within and without in the next 6 months until the next cycle of eclipses. Oh and one more thing-Mercury in Scorpio at 2 degrees went retrograde on October 4, 2014. Watch what you sign and any delays in communication. Will talk more about this next time.

Those who have planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn within 5 degrees of 15 degrees of Aries will be most intensely affected by the FULL MOON in ARIES/LUNAR ECLIPSE.

Thank you dear ones for your support. Comments are welcome. Until again, Love, Jan

Remember to listen to my show on BlogTalkRadio/Unseen World next Friday at 11pm EDT.