Monthly Archives: February 2020

New Moon in Pisces, February 23, 2020 -What dreams come to you?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Wow. Since the Full Moon about ten days ago things have been crazier than normal. To me it is beyond my comprehension. When I am out and about in society it amazes me how people act and communicate. I feel as if there is a giant tarp over them. Why? What kind of conversation have you had recently? Oh, I mean a real conversation not some “texting” collaboration. And then there is streaking (Snapchat). That way you can be on your phone forever. Seriously, does anyone speak to others anymore? I am so serious in asking this because I find many out there have nothing to say at all. NOTHING! And it was Valentine’s Day and what went on for you? Did you communicate? Did you feel the love in your heart come through and flow to others? Or did you feel fear since that is what is going on out there in the world? Fear is the opposite of love so if you have any fear, love is nonexistent. In love you have it all. Without it there is only chaos which may bring the fear to the forefront. Of course, sometimes there is a need for the unexpected but there is no need for chaos. Stay in the moment of the New Moon and changes that are truly wonderful may show up.

Bits of news – Were you aware that a Harvard scientist has a connection to China–Charles Lieber of the Chemistry department has been suspended because he had dealings with China. Do you know that an item bought back in 1913 for 5$ would cost you around 130$ today-the inflation rate 2,505% which is brought to you by the Fed with your Congress approval. Outstanding! And it was interesting to note that Kobe was buried in Corona California. How strange is that considering the advent of the Coronavirus? Is this whole China debacle connected to Lieber? Just keep this in mind that without sufficient oxygen one does not do well. That is part of the problem in China.  Hey did you hear that Bayer and Monsanto have merged? Pay attention and you will see the truth.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 10:31am EST; 7:31am PST; and 3:31pm GMT in 4 degrees 21’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Pisces. Keep your heart open or you may be missing really good energy especially with this New Moon.  It is sextile Mars in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus which are in a grand trine to the New Moon. The New Moon in Pisces is also conjunct the fixed star Fomalhaut which can add to spirituality or can come off as a plain old alcoholic. It is a Royal Star and it can bring good things in or be ugly and cutthroat. Maybe it may even bring a material existence into a more spiritual side of life. Do you have to sacrifice to move on? Sometimes it may indicate that you need a bit more strength to just deal with what is in your life at this time. It also can be that you are in la la land and just do not want to deal with anything. ? Are you going jump on the bandwagon to destruction and live in the controls of those who wish to take over your life? Or will you stand in your power for once in your life and walk through the door at last? The New Moon is conjunct Mercury which is in 9 degrees Pisces. Sometimes since Mercury naturally rules Virgo and it is opposite Pisces it may tell you to be careful how you speak or what you do not say in conversation. On the other hand Mercury with the New Moon/Sun together says some positive may arise at this time including new projects or doing things with others.

Uh oh, guess what is going on? Mercury the Trickster went retrograde on Sunday February 16, 2020 at 12 degrees and does not go direct until March 9th. Run for the hills. Not really. It is time for going within to your subconscious by praying, meditating and doing some spiritual practice since Mercury is in Pisces. Use the retrograde period to slow down and do less running and more taking a breath. Since it is a time that the energy is pushing you forward to goals take your time getting to them. This way you can let go those that no longer hold your interest. Since Mercury in Pisces sometimes clouds the issues find any untruths that you told or were told to you and settle it already. You know what they are. Focus on the positive aspects of Mercury retrograde instead of going back to the negative talk about how communication foul-ups, transportation snafus, electronic failures, and so forth. Stay with the positive so you manifest the good. It is a time for honesty. The New Moon in Pisces sextile Mars in Capricorn brings out more confidence within and will help you to take action with the higher-ups in your workplace. Also the New Moon is sextile Uranus in Taurus. This can show up as an unexpected development in your life which can lead to something interesting. And even if you do not know the whole story at the time of it showing up, it may be just what you need to do. Jupiter in Capricorn is sextile to Neptune in Pisces which indicates a time to invoke compassion and generosity. Go out of your way to help those in need

The New Moon is a time for fresh starts in a variety of things including projects. I feel though that if you start something different right now with Mercury retrograde that you may have to go back and evaluate it or revise something. Sometimes you may wish to change some old habits to help you shift in a different direction. Since it is occurring in Pisces then choose those things which are ruled by Pisces. Some would be: trusting the Higher Power, psychic sensitivity, addictions, imagination and happiness within. For instance you may write: “I wish to meditate daily” or “I wish to have support from the Angels in my creativity projects.”

Those most affected are birthdays February 19-February 26; May 21-May 28; August 23-August 30; and November 23-November 30. Sun signs and rising signs intensely affected are Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius degrees 1-7 degrees. If you have any personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Moon) at those degrees also are affected. Some basic influences for the Sun signs/rising signs:

Aries- It is time to fade out and take care of you. Time out! Watch reactions. Are you looking for a new path?

Taurus- Friends may be warmer. You may have a vision and do hang with those who support it. Protect the future.

Gemini-Is it a pipe dream or a real vision can manifest? Open to be inspired. Career is important now.

Cancer- You may not be able to relax like you wish. Emotions are in the forefront with some magical insights.

Leo- You may be thinking differently about money. Watch deceptive financial interests. Take a leap.

Virgo- New patterns emerge in your relationship area. Plant new seeds now and get rid of old ways of thinking.

Libra-Watch out for argumentative and pushy others. What do you need to rearrange in your home life?

Scorpio-Enhanced love and personal affairs are in the limelight. What creative project do you have in mind?

Sagittarius-Look before you leap! It is time to dream big since you are more confident. Home life needs attention.

Capricorn-Soothing words and intuitive thinking may be what you wish. Get yourself out there and manifest your dream.

Aquarius-Set your goal and get out and make the money that you desire. You may see yourself in a new way now.

Pisces-Whatever you begin now has long term impact. You may get what you wish to manifest. Ask for insights.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful to those who follow Cosmic Leaping. The New Moon energy is here to help you find that inner wisdom and take it to others when it is the moment to do so. Stay positive and stop letting others interfere. Then miracles may manifest. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan  

FULL MOON in LEO, February 8/9, 2020 – Act from your heart

full snow moon in leo 2020 Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It has been so dark out where I am residing that I may as well be in a cave. But then one day the sun broke through for a moment. It must be the Leo effect. Gloom may be present with all the lunatic fringe energy that has taken over the planet. So much is going on and then again maybe it is just a hologram to make you crazier than you choose to be. Tell me what is real because it is getting more difficult to assess the truth. On the other hand, the truth is within so that will keep it on track. Do you know what bothers me most? Assumptions!!! How do you know what is true unless you dig deeply within and then go out and find the factors that make it authentic. And most have lost the ability to do this since the screen is more important than the conversation with another. Is it really you or are you so programmed that you cannot see the truth? I am observing the constant rant against that which has occurred in America. What happened to your free will? My only question remains-what is the hatred about? What you hate in others is what is within you that you dislike very much. Yes, it is true and I continue to harp on it.  And no the Full Moon will not be impeached. Oh, I know, not funny.  And shortly it is love and Valentine’s Day!!!

The WHO declared the Coronavirus a pandemic with a variable amount dead. I am saying nothing because I suppose if we are done on this Earth then it will happen and only the few will survive according to those who are in charge. And guess what? The 5G network began in Wuhan only weeks before this whole scenario took place; oh well, what can I say? No one will listen. Most are only interested in the Super Bowl halftime show and the depravity of it. Well, I did like J Lo but now she is off the list of those to whom I will even give a thought. Agree or disagree. No biggie!! This whole world is going to hell in a hand basket. Sex and drugs is the way to go these days. Oh sure!! And let me not forget Kobe. I always felt he had something good about him. Is there another part of his life that I am failing to see and I do not mean the early days? Also, did you see the cartoon that had Kobe’s helicopter crashing? A bit strange, if I may say. Many blessings and healing to the families who lost those in the helicopter!

The dancing queen Full Moon in Leo (Snow Moon) shows up in the sky on Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 11:33  PM PST; Sunday, February 9, 2020 at 2:33 AM  EST; and  7:33 AM  GMT in 20 degrees. The Sun in Aquarius is sitting at the exact same degree. What is the Full Moon in Leo trying to say?  Keep the drama to a minimum since Leo loves the dramatic picture. If emotional issues arise then it is time to address them and let them go already. Yes, let them go. Being creative to some indicates a sort of rebellion. If you are in a creative place then that means you are on a path of your own following. Any drama will tear down the creative platform and intuition. What is better than staying in the moment and getting inspired? Leo likes to have favor from others and this may not happen with the Full Moon exactly as you would choose. The Moon in Leo usually grants much courage. So this may be a good thing for those who are affected the most. On the other hand, The Full Moon is trine (favorable) to Mars in Sagittarius and this leads to an easier way to open up some barriers or ice blocks with someone else. If you have been having difficulty with someone then down the road may be cleared and relations can be back on track. This is a good time to take action on something that is important to you. Stop being lazy and take charge. If it’s a new job, diet change, taking steps forward in a creative mode, whatever you choose is good. Begin it and take it forward as you let go of the junk. Heart wins.

Sun in Aquarius likes to be different. Wherever Aquarius falls in your chart will tell you the part of your life which is different. I have my Midheaven in Aquarius so I am truly an independent in the career area since it trines my Ascendant (rising sign at birth) and may look at life in manner unlike you do. . It may be time to stay with the Aquarian Sun and look for answers outside the box. Get moving into that visionary part of you as you create. Then again, you know everyone will be looking for attention with the Full Moon and if you do not give them attention…what happens? Can you say revenge or some kind of scandal on high levels? Moon is quincunx Neptune in Pisces could have you feeling more sensitive and could lead to confusion. You may have sensitivity to environmental toxins that are present. You need to trust yourself and not get pulled into something that may be unreal. Stay away from being a victim if you will. A reminder- Mercury goes Retrograde on February 16 in the evening Eastern time.

The Full Moon in Leo has an intense effect upon Taurus, Leo and Scorpio and Aquarius and for those having personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury) or their Ascendant (Rising Sign) in those signs at 17-23 degrees. Here are some tidbits for the Sun/Rising signs: Aries- Creativity needs to be released where you are stagnant. New things will appear. You may choose to make plans to do something with the children.

Taurus-Release that which has something to do with your home and work balance! There may be a breakthrough that shows up quickly.

Gemini-Release what you are not in tune with your siblings and if there is something you want to share with them it is time. Also take some time with the neighbors.

Cancer- How you think about money and what you do with it is present. If there is a bold money move that you can make then it may be time to do so.

Leo=How do you perceive how others feel about you? Time to let go! Relationships may be shifting for the better. Be cooperative and in a diplomatic place.

Virgo- Your project is finished. Are you going to sit there or move on from it? Let that lion roar and move on with an opportunity that reveals itself.

Libra- Social groups may tend to bring a test to you or maybe it is your love life. Emotional issues may be intensified at this time.

Scorpio-Career moves are possible yet what is holding you back? Let go of old stuff regarding home and work. Something shows up. Pay attention if you want that success.

Sagittarius- What trip is showing up? Traveling far or near or is it you are looking for more education? The hold-up may be the money factor.

Capricorn- Is there a money matter that has come to completion? Will you be shifting your financial plan or is there money showing up? Transform it.

Aquarius- Matters with relationships or business partnerships show up. Will there be a new level of commitment that comes into being?

Pisces New diet will shift how you feel. Let the old go out the door. Look to the bright side of life and take care of what needs at work and health.

I pulled three Pages of Shustah cards for the Full Moon. First-The Diamond/ Does the light shine brighter or is it dim? It is asking you to open to understanding. Second-The Angel of Spring/Shape new growth and let the seeds be ready to grow down the road. Third- THe Magical Horse/If you want to win you have to prepare. Watch timing.

Thank you for reading. Stay in balance, in the moment and be authentic as you create. I am most grateful to you who take the time to read my posts. If you disagree that is perfectly fine because I write this blog to energize your thinking and hope that you do go beyond what everyone out there tells you. Do the research and find the truth for yourself. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan