Monthly Archives: April 2014

NEW MOON Solar Eclipse in Taurus, April 29, 2014- Transforming words may open to pleasure

Where are you heading on your path? The Lunar Eclipse occurred 2 weeks ago and the Grand Cross became exact again on April 23, 2014. The planets and signs involved were Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Libra all at 13 degrees. That squaring of planets is helping to push you out of your rut and into motion again to let go of the past. Oh no, not that again. You say you like the past. It’s ok to ponder for the things you learned and maybe enjoyed. Why hold on? Let it go already. Eclipses are about releasing yet bring about new beginnings. Things present themselves differently. This upcoming New Moon Solar Eclipse is just one opportunity to help you release that which no longer is an important part of your life. Many things are changing and have moved out of the past even though you may fail to see this presently. There is still much darkness hovering around and the deceptive qualities of those who are walking in the darkness continue to seep through. And Sabian symbol says that it is a decorated Christmas tree. Speaks of keeping the Light shining no matter what negatives appear around you.

The NEW MOON Solar Eclipse in Taurus at 2:14am EDT on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 is at 8 degrees 52’. Those of you who have planets between 4 and 12 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius will be more intensely affected. What does this New Moon say to you? Taurus is all about values. Taurus likes walking in nature and is very patient. Taurus until pushed will be quite accepting of all but pushed one step too far and that angry bull shows up. It happens only in extreme circumstances. Whatever you enjoy and appreciate is about Taurus. It can be mental, spiritual, physical or emotional. Where do you cling to something? Taurus tends to do that if out of balance. In your chart you can tell where this may happen. Tagore said,” Why did the flower fade? I clutched it to my heart in excess of feeling and crushed it. Why did the lamp go out? I shielded it with my cloak and it got no air.”

That is what this NEW MOON Solar Eclipse is about. Letting people and things go that no longer are a part of your life. The purpose has been served. Where it falls in your chart also indicates a place where you can be more productive beyond the material world. Are you fearful of losing loved ones or possessions? This New Moon leads you to be more established and secure on all planes of existence. A Taurus is very sensual in aspects of life. It likes the sensory world- to touch, to feel, to experience fully all that surrounds them. I think that is where the hugging the tree comes from. . How have you been holding up your ego? This is also a time of sacrificing your ego for something else. Openings come if you do this.

Mercury is conjunct the New Moon in Taurus and trines Pluto in Capricorn. This truly is about using words to heal. Yet many of you will be pulled into the mainstream news which is a form of conditioning and does work in a negative way. So words can be used many ways. Just watch for the brainwashing that comes out of the media which can flow so smoothly and affect you without you being aware. Put your good intentions out there now after the eclipse takes place. Mercury is helping you stay focused and without being overwhelmed. You may have brought back your power at the Grand Cross and also done some intention writing. This is the time to check on those intentions and use your imagination to bring them to you. With Neptune sextile (good) the New Moon there is a fantasy influence to this energy. Focus on being creative also since you may come up with a winner. Since Pluto is trine the New Moon Solar Eclipse it may also help you to transform your life through your values where it is in your chart without too much effort. If you are looking to improve your self-worth and need to release the negative, go for it now. It can be magical. Trust your gut feelings and watch who you choose as your guru these days.

In my own chart the New Moon is quincunx (inconjunct) to Neptune. I may find the opportunity to refine my higher vision and bring that truth to the world. Tells me to stop taking on too many things (Sun inconjunct Neptune). I cannot do everything for everyone. And It is worth waiting for if it is in line with my vision. Sun/Moon square Pluto is a time to purge old emotions and use it to create something which is powerful. Unusual concepts may arise and come to fruition. YAY!
This New Moon Solar Eclipse is connected to the Saros Cycle eclipses of 1995. What were you doing back then 19 years ago and where were you on your path? Are there any similar occurrences going on in your life? The energy of the Solar Eclipse will travel through much of the summer. A door may open in that timeframe and you may recognize it only if you pay attention. This can be a big kickstart for a new direction. Some relationships may have closed a chapter yet now are opening to deeper intimacy and true connection with material support. Integrity is very important here too! It is time to go beyond the before and be in the now. The old you has gone and whatever pain is still lingering and old wounds kept you stymied it is now time to let go and release them totally. Your power is waiting for you within. Detach and let go completely.

This is a Solar Eclipse New Moon about our stuff. What you own, desire, pine over and how it makes you feel. Whether it is a piece of art or an old porch; whether it is a stack of CDs that overtake your den or a comfy couch that everyone chooses to recline; that is your stuff. And what is it that makes you feel pleasure? That also is included in the mix. Jump into the senses because along with all the craziness of the other energies, this is who Taurus is. Endurance is the word and if you get bored with being in the moment, try it anyway. It may change your life.

Happy good luck to you on the path enjoying the moment. Many blessings and a big thank you to all who read this. Until again. Love, Jan

GRAND CROSS in CARDINAL SIGNS, APRIL 23, 2014 – Where do we go from here?

Dear Ones, we are now at a turning point in our consciousness. There is a Grand Cross in Cardinal signs on Wednesday, April 23, 2014. It takes place exactly with Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Libra at 13 degrees. Where will you be on this day within and without? Are you ready to open to your own truth, your own power? This is a time during the next few months when a change can happen. Allow it to come into your energy field and bond with it so that the power that you have kept suppressed is now bursting forth. Oh no, can you really deal with this power? This is about you…not that other person. It says to you that it is time to realize why you are here on Earth and what you are going to do about it. Do you choose to live other’s lives, do everything for approval, or be part of the crowd? Or do you choose to be your authentic self and walk with integrity and inner power that gives you the opportunity to transform your life into what it is meant to be. What do you choose?

When this Grand Cross takes place jump on board and pray, meditate, journal, sing or dance your intentions to go into the energetic that is taking place and find that lost power. This is about the now. It is about acknowledging that power and letting it help you leap when the time is right. If you have already reclaimed that power within then I say go for it. Any past barriers that you have created will stand in your way until you allow that power to break them down. You can choose to connect to the Grand Cross or you can stay still and it may just thump you out of the doldrums. How about taking charge before you are forced to make a change abruptly? Lots of unusual intense energy occurs with this Grand Cross. There is also a Grand Trine between Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces which does help things to flow a bit. With Mars in Libra retrograde and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn you may find you are not moving as fast as you like and get stuck in the mire. Just know that the retrograde doesn’t last forever and it gives you an opportunity to take another look at what you choose in your life and let go of anything that no longer resonates.

So, here we go dear ones. It could be the leap you have been waiting upon. I feel it is a time that divides the before and after. What you did as this approaches will certainly shift gears into a different paradigm once it takes place. Have you come into your heart space and given it the acknowledgement it desires? Heart comes through with the authentic self and has integrity and truth walking side by side. Heart is truth. Any more lies, deceit, negativity will continue to be unraveled. Those who seek chaos will have it in their lives. Go with the heart always. Where will your life shift? Coming up is the Solar Eclipse on the 29th to solidify the intentions.

Until again. Many blessings and love, Jan

FULL MOON in LIBRA, April 15, 2014 – WIll you reignite the loving balance or will it flow away?

The FULL MOON in LIBRA is upon us. As it comes into our realm in the middle of the night on the East Coast of the US, I find myself bogged down with last minute tax clients. Oi vey! They come out of the woodwork. So instead of playing and meditating tonight before the Full Moon descends I will be taxing and thinking too hard. Yes, you might say I have become a renaissance woman carried over from the 20th century. I can hang a shingle out and say choose something, I can do it. No joke.

Too much chaos is taking place right now on an unseen level. The PTB are running scared. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. The Government is taking what it can get from you and me as they continue to do so for the last umpteen years. Congress gets whatever they want from all the special interest groups. Nothing new! The Malaysian 370 flight disappearance is a spinning top. Do you really think it is at the bottom of the ocean? The stability of the financial markets is like walking across the Grand Canyon on a thin wire. Stable? It goes up and down like a see-saw. CHANGES are coming and they are BIG. Now, you can be in your sleep state and ignore the factors or you can ride In balance. Many will continue in the deep sleep because the change is too much to handle. Those who slumber may just be sleeping too deeply that they see nothing but what they choose to see. Many of you have truly awakened to the truth. It may be a bit shaky at first when it pops out at you, but it is real and you need to recognize that life is changing especially with relationships.

The FULL MOON in LIBRA Lunar Eclipse arrives on April 15 2014 at 3:42am EDT, 12:42PDT and 8:42 am GMT at 25 deg.16’. The Full Moon is about opposing Sun and Moon and this time since it is in Libra it adds a balance to the energy. Sharing things and reaching out in a caring way with love in your heart may keep you in a stable mode. This Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is leading up to the Grand Cross in the second half of April 2014. It is in the cardinal planets with Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. Times are definitely changing. Mars has no love for this square at all. Mars is energetic and wishes to get along. This time round he may be pulled into the chaos and will be unhappy. Lunar Eclipse FULL MOON in Libra likes peace and flowing relationships. Don’t count on it unless you allow the universal love planets of Venus in Pisces trine (good) Jupiter in Cancer to carry you as the world shakes around you. Since the Ring of Fire is active (of course they say none of the quakes are related) Mother Earth may be rumbling a bit in the next few weeks.
The Full Moon in Libra is asking you if you are truly being the real you or are you being how others wish you to be. Are you one of those who gives and gives a bit more and you have no boundaries? Can you say NO when need be? Since Libra is about relationships it gives you the opportunity to recognize how you act with others and whether you are walking in balance with your family, friends and romantic relationships.

This Full Moon is a mirror to the one that occurred on October 18, 2013. Have you gotten a new perspective as the months went by? What happened in the last 6 months that is guiding you to look at what you are doing now that may be in need of rearrangement or starting fresh again? How about new intentions regarding situations that may have arisen in your life regarding relationships? When this energy occurs you may choose to reassess what it is that is holding you back when it comes down to true relating. No one can force you to do anything but I imagine many of you have been holding onto a past thread of someone or something and you have an opportunity to let it go or rearrange it. Whatever happens is truly for the better. Change does bring truth to the surface. It is time to do this. Don’t you think so? Watch for some triangles in relationships which may stir up the works.

This influence has been building for the past months and will shift something within you wherever it falls in your chart. This is a time when astrological influences are to the forefront although there are many of you who still think it is hogwash. Ok with me for you to think this way. The rearranging will take place in a sweet kind of way for those of you who are open to it. Venus, ruler of Libra, is in a heavenly place in Pisces and conjunct Neptune. This will help soften any interactions and help with the change which takes place whether you weathered the storm and are now starting anew or you are breaking up. It still is for the best whatever happens. Since Venus is almost near Chiron (the wounded healer) you may find some core wounds surfacing and now you really take charge and clear and heal yourself. The energy is right for this to occur. Of course, that is up to you to acknowledge. There is a destined feeling about this Full Moon in Libra due to the fact that it is near the North Node (new direction) in Libra.

Those who struggle with change will find this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Libra a trigger to open up the inner world and get yourself on track. Others who have had the awakening through many struggles in the past few months will find a kinder way to travel on your path. The most intense energy will be felt by those who have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) and ascendant/descendant and MH/nadir in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn from 20-28 degrees. In my own chart I have the Sun conjunct my Mars and Moon opposite within a few degrees. I have to watch I am not over the top with my energy and get into a fighting spirit. That hasn’t happened for a long time. For the Grand Cross I have favorable influences from Pluto and Jupiter and Mars and Uranus. Yippee.

Remember that the days between April 20 and 23 are most intense and critical. Pay attention and get your head out of the programming. April 22 is power in the making with the Grand Cross taking place. This is major astrological event. There is a grand trine on April 21 with Jupiter/Saturn and Venus. It will be interesting If you want to keep track and let me know how you weathered the influences. By the way, Pluto is stationary retrograde today and it will help you clean out the corners of your mind and release the outworn patterns and communication patterns for the next months until it goes direct again on September 23 2014.

Thank you all for you and your support. Stay in the moment always. Until again. Love, Jan

Listen to me on BlogTalkRadio/Unseen World every other Friday. I speak about lots of different topics –i.e. spiritual/relationships/emotions along with astrology. Feel free to call in. Next show is April 25 at 11pm EDT.