Monthly Archives: September 2019

NEW MOON in Libra, September 28, 2019-Allow balance and love to share the stage

NEW_Moon_Libra 2019  Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The Autumnal Equinox just came in on Monday, September 23, 2019.  It is a time to recognize that we all are connected. It is a time to look at how you wish to finish this year. And it is about staying in balance. Are you taking any leaps today? Have you done so recently? Life sure is on the road to nowhere at this particular moment for some of you. I have been sitting and pondering life and relationships lately. It is an interesting topic and now that the new moon is soon to appear then things are going to shift a bit in unexpected ways. Moan and groan is the mantra of recent times. Those behind the scenes wish to take over your life completely and you are sitting there yammering about things that have nothing to do with anything. Have you noticed that you may be out of balance? Oh sure, what do I know? Are you willing to take the high road to where you wish to go? Or will you get pulled into the fracas of the dark energy that abounds at this time. It is your choice and only your heart will show you the way out of the dark. Of course, that brings about a new process and it may get a bit overwhelming to those of you who are caught in the web of deceit. By the way hating only tells me that you dislike something about yourself.

Many are caught in some illusions since the Full Moon was just in Pisces. Pull yourself out of the dreaminess even if it is a good feeling. It is time to move forward again since Saturn is now in direct motion until May 2020 and that says take those plans and move on with them. What a change you will see down the road. “There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience.”(Jean de la Bruyere)

It is just another day in the neighborhood dear ones since what comes next is nothing new. I guess this new chaotic world is what many choose. Your DMV information is being sold to those who profit most. There are many protests against Chick-Fil-A yet it has experienced immense growth since 2011. The real victims in the Epstein world are being threatened and silenced. And the top is coming off the Biden family escapades. I am sure many will not believe it since one of the videos was scrubbed by YouTube. What else is new? Climate change strike-give it up already. You are being manipulated. When was the last time you took a walk or used your head to think instead of what your phone told you? If you are a conservative then Mr. Zuckerberg truly wishes to censor your writing, thoughts and anything you do. Wake up. Question-Is the way you breathe racist? And if you are white-they want you removed from this Earth. The Kool-Aid drinkers are out of their minds. Oh, by the way, I am so glad I live in a vicious, nasty country according to Jim Acosta of CNN.

How can you negotiate to bring an area of your life back into harmony? Libra is about balance, diplomacy and even win-win situations. It is about loving, joy, relationships and lots of fun too!!! Libra says no need to be aggressive at all. The New Moon in Libra comes in on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 2:26pm EDT; 11:26am PDT; and 6:26pm GMT in 5 degrees 20’. The Sun in Libra is at the exact degree. Libra New Moon says let’s look for balance in life and in relationships. Is there something that is not working as well as you would like it to do so in a connection?  Then perhaps Chiron in Aries which opposes the New Moon in Libra is trying to tell you to come up with a new way to address it. It may point out that something is not working as well as it could and you decide to let it go once and for all. On the other hand, it can bring mating or creating a new relationship which takes you on a new road of enjoyment.

Support is there is you are looking for it? This may be the best time due to Venus being in Libra also. If you have to compromise about anything it doesn’t feel that bad to do so. It is a good time to look for the highest good since Jupiter in Sagittarius is in good aspect to Venus. And remember that love is all there is so go for it no matter how it looks at first. So go out and party it up for once. And Mercury in Libra also makes the communication a bit loving since it is with Venus.

The New Moon is also inconjunct (150 degrees) Uranus in Taurus. It can bring to you a new insight or you may not notice it at all due to a blindspot.  You may wish to do something a bit differently to make things a bit more flowing for you and those around you. As I stated the Chiron in Aries is opposing the New Moon. The New Moon is also on the Mars/Saturn midpoint. Look out for old wounds in relationships to pop up. And also if you have health issues there may be misdiagnoses. Search for alternative ways of healing. Upcoming on October 3, 2019 Pluto turns direct and will be in forward motion so it is a good time to seek counseling if needed or just take the time to look inward since it can help you transform whatever needs to be. There also may be scandals in the headlines or hidden items coming to the forefront in the world. Keep in mind New Moons are all about new starts for the next month or a new project. By looking at past behaviors and patterns also it will give you an opportunity to do things in a new way. Stay in the moment with relationships and no matter what shows up- be patient. Uranus in Taurus plays a big part in this New Moon in Libra energy so watch how you react to any unexpected occurrences.

Those signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in degrees of 2-8. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in those degrees then you may be affected also. Birthdays are: March 22-27; June 22-27; September 24-29; and December 22-27. Here are the tidbits for Sun/Rising Signs:

Aries- If you are looking for a new start in relationships then it happens. Watch out for unexpected disruptions that interfere in starting again. Who is it that comes in and brings joy?

Taurus- Rebelliousness will not work here. Who is standing in your way? This is a time to look at your home, your workplace and your relationships and improve something.

Gemini-What unexpected happening comes in and stirs you up? There are good times to celebrate and play in a relationship. Get your creative mode back in action.

Cancer – Smooth over those differences in your home. Express yourself. Are you looking to move into a new home? Stay harmonious no matter what is going on.

Leo – Watch for imbalance in relationships and other connections. Let the harmony reign supreme as you look to be a bit more creative in your communication or interactions.

Virgo – Take a closer look at finances as the New Moon appears. Try to create a more realistic budget. If you are looking to make more money then what are you waiting for? Go for it.

Libra – This is your time to shine since you are in the limelight. Do you seek to change something about yourself or just stay at your best? Is there a new direction now?

Scorpio – Try to put things in perspective. You may need to just pull away a bit and find a quiet time for you. Choose what you want in a wise way and get closer in a relationship.

Sagittarius – If you are planning a late night party it would be better to bring harmony  to the time. Loved you are so plan to move forward with new plans and friendships.

Capricorn – What is your ambitious choice at this time? Do you wish to take a step doing something else? It looks like good things are coming your way. Be patient.

Aquarius – Someone new may pop in at this time. Keep the love and harmony shining through! Travel plans may come about soon or are you planning to take a new course?

Pisces – Changes, changes and more changes are showing up. Keep the flow going so that transformation may take place. Credit or purchases may be on the table.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am grateful that you do. Celebrate you and your relationships at this New Moon in Libra. Let love shine through and enjoy. There can be reconciliation or new romance.  Stop the fear and leap. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan

FULL MOON in Pisces, September 13/14, 2019- Does the inner knowing bring rebirth or conflict?

full moon in libra Hello Dear Ones. Cosmic Leaping welcomes you. Everyone is upset as I read and watch and just be. I hear those say they worry about this about that about every little thing that is life. I am confused. And you say why am I confused? My inner self says to me that those of you who worry and get upset about everything are disconnected within. Yes, you heard me, disconnected to your truth. You are following whoever shouts out those powerful distracting words. I know many of you who read this will say not so. This is who you are. Then I missed something along the way. And since this is more an astrology post than anything else I will say something that has been staring at me for years. The Kassandra asteroid is within reach of my Mercury and Sun and it is about sharing ideas and thoughts and feelings except its influence brings out a piece of I do not believe it which comes from others. Now perhaps it is just in the mainstream stuff that is untrue or a part of your own self which has not caught sight of it. Most of you who follow astrological influences do realize that the energy is in motion. Maybe the reason I do this is to get you to look within and see your own true self or at least ponder the information and let it come to you in a flowing fashion instead of hitting you like a tire iron and then you react and yell and scream about what you do not like. And maybe it is just you that you do not like. This Full Moon in Pisces is about paying attention to your inner wisdom. Of course, you may go the other way and be totally confused and do nothing.

It is getting a bit over the top out there in fantasyland. Join the Facebook dating app so they can monitor you in bigger ways and dig deeper into your privacy. Are you kidding me? If the big tech is so interested in me and what I think and do then hey, give me a shout out and ask. I will gladly tell you what makes my heart sing. And the continued crap (pardon me) about bringing the 5G to make your day better!!!!!  Wake up already. This is doom and early bye to all of you and me. Fakenews networks are definitely suffering if you haven’t noticed.  From the past – Read an article from a few years after 9/11 which had a photo of a woman standing on the 94th floor of the North Tower holding onto a window frame and another one on the floor next to her. Says something else!!! It was a most horrible thing to happen that changed the face of America. Yes, more untruths are being slashed. The co-founder of LinkedIn is hooked to Epstein. And the indoctrination of the children continues. Those who have not recognized this will soon be in for a rude awakening. And your favorite Walmart seems to know just what you need in your life. I feel deeply for those who were affected in a catastrophic way in the path of the storm, Dorian. So, here comes the Full Moon in Pisces to add to the dance of those who have the hidden agendas.

The Full Moon in Pisces comes in Saturday, September 14, 2019 at 12:32am EDT; 4:32am GMT; and (September 13, 2019) 9:32pm PDT in 21 degrees 5’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Virgo. With the Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune now says to trust your inner knowing. Yet, at the same time there is that opposition to Sun/Mars in Virgo which can bring about some uncertainty in your decision process. The subtle energies of the inner voice may not be noticed if you are scrambling around in the outside world at high speed. How do you know if the information/direction is right for you if you are not hearing the quiet voice? At this time your body may give you the right answer if you have not paid attention. Since Mars is involved trying to stir the pot it may give you a stab of pain saying maybe stop right there and think about something. Or there may be a better feeling that comes over you and you know you are on track. If there are any relationship challenges which are affecting you then this is a good time to resolve the issues. There will be some angry outbursts which may be confusing due to the Moon conjunct Neptune opposite the Sun/Mars in Virgo and square to Jupiter in Sagittarius. Then Pluto in Capricorn arises up and says hey wait a minute you can transform a myriad of things so a rebirth can happen since it is in good aspect to both the Sun/Moon. Which do you choose?

Best laid plans of mice and men may dissolve in the ongoing waves of Pisces dreaminess. Stay present no matter what is going on since who knows where it may take you. This may be a time that you feel that you do not know where you are heading yet on the other hand you may feel inspired to get going on your next step to some new goals which may be hiding in the depths of you heart. This way if you look deep to discover beyond the daily minutiae that surrounds you constantly you may find a new opening and make a decision as to what is next on your goal list. Stop fighting with yourself and take a breath. You may wish to stop thinking…yes, you heard me, stop thinking and let the truth wend its way out. Or you can just sit there and get caught up in the everyday junk.

Both Mercury and Venus enter the sign of Libra on the day of the Full Moon.  This is a time of balance and harmony in your interactions. Do watch in this search for balance that a kind of manipulation or evasion undermines the connection. And in this desire for a solution to any conflicts make no assumptions regarding how the other individual feels or thinks. This is a good time to balance your interests with those of others. What else can you do …pay attention to your dreamland. You may get signs or symbols of importance. Could be the answer you are looking for! Be more compassionate. Write some poetry to a lover or someone you would love to know. Pisces Full Moon may remind you to just relax, refresh and get more sleep as long as you do not get agitated over something another says- it may be better than you thought.

Aries-Since Mars is in the mix take advantage of the electric energy that you may feel. Recent goings on regarding work and health and maybe a pet come into focus.

Taurus- Are you looking to be rewarded for the work you have been doing? It does come to you. Lots of energy on the creativeness that is yours plus a bit of romance!!

Gemini- Think about what you want from life, and make your plans accordingly. Career//home interests are pulling at each other. Restore the peace with family.

Cancer- Don’t dismiss dreams of a different future. Decisions you make right now could really open up and give you a sense of meaning and purpose. You may choose to travel.

Leo- The secret is to let go of whatever needs to be let go of, and allow yourself to be changed. Do not let fiscal issues get out of control since something may confuse you.

Virgo-.Find a balance between what you need and what others would like. There may be partnership tests at this time or you may meet someone who is truly special.

Libra- Focus on the reality of moment.  Find what needs to be healed within and around. Stay calm and protect your health since you may be vulnerable

Scorpio- You might discover something that really gives you joy. You may be quite creative at this time. A love connection may take you to a new feeling.

Sagittarius- Finding time for home and family matters may take some doing and may bring some agitation to the forefront. Be careful as upsets may occur.

Capricorn- Some accolades that you were not expecting may show up. If you are working on a project then it is important that your ideals are in tune with practicality.

Aquarius- Put your own well-being first and break some bad habits that hang on. Watch that your security is not overturned by unusual behavior.

Pisces-See the uniqueness within and look for self-discovery. Your connection to others is intensified. Where do you allow it to go? Watch for misunderstandings.

Thank you for reading and sharing. It is a pleasure to know that what I may write may trigger an “aha” moment for some of you. I love to laugh and no matter what anyone else says, I laugh when something stirs my inner joker. Try it more as the days of summer start to wind down. Tune into Wizards Within with my co-host Sprinkles as we talk about a variety of interesting things upcoming on September 19, 2019 at 9pm EDT. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan