Monthly Archives: June 2018

Full Moon in Capricorn, June 27/28 2018- Turning point

FULL MOON June 2018

Hello dear ones.  Summer has arrived and the fairies are dancing in the garden under the Full Moon that is just about ready to arrive. In fact I just saw a rabbit running through my yard towards the back of the property. As an animal totem message it indicates that it is time for some creative problem-solving or even just to stop, look and listen. Is there an opportunity that may show up and only be present for a moment? I will pay attention in the next couple of days. Could be interesting! And if you are looking for some fun it may be squeezed out with the more serious energy during in the next couple of weeks during Full Moon’s influence.

The World Cup is in full swing as the lazy days of summer go on. There are lots of ups and downs on the pitch. It will get more interesting in the knockout stage. Go Argentina! I just saw that New Jersey has banned guns that hold over 10 rounds. Something shady going on in Mexico elections-Obrador is only leading Meade by 6 points overnight. Really? And now it looks like they are out to begin new vaccines which will alter your DNA in order to prevent any fatal diseases. Oh, my, just the thing to do. I am sure many will be on course with that. Good luck. Global warming has been in the news now for 30 years and what has changed-that it is fake science. Oh, I know I hear screaming now from all those believers. You may wish to dig a bit deeper.

Heavy heavy what hangs over? Does it feel a bit too much leading up to the Full Moon? The serious energy of the Full Moon in Capricorn arrives on June 28, 2018 at 12:52am EDT; 4:52am GMT; and June 27, 2018 at 9:52pm PDT in 6degrees 28’. The Sun is in the exact degree in opposite sign of Cancer. Full Moons are about releasing what is no longer important to you so new energy can appear. This is a Full Moon that can help you to prioritize your goals and what is meaningful to you. This is a fantastic time to go through all the junk that has been accumulating over the past few years and throw it out. On your computer it is time to delete the files that have been taking up space and no longer are part of anything. Get rid of all distractions so you can see your path clearly.

Have you been procrastinating?  This Full Moon wants you to take responsibility. It asks you to step up yet stay out of the drama that someone else may bring in. In fact, if that happens then it is time to pull back and go within for a short time and reflect. So if someone triggers you what do you do? You respond by going within and stay grounded and emotionally in tune. Looking for a turning point then you just might get it. This Full Moon gives you an opportunity to change course or stay on the same path. You decide. Capricorn is a deliberate and practical sign and can be too serious at times.

Since Saturn in Capricorn is conjunct (a degree away) the Full Moon how about also opening to those around you who are supportive and walk away from those who are toxic. An overall detox will make a big difference at this time. Stop letting those around you pull you down. Saturn is saying find those that are your rock. Saturn likes to keep you on track and if you fall away then that old Saturn 2×4 shows up. Ouch. Yes, do stay the course and use your energies wisely. And along with Saturn’s conjunction to the Full Moon both along with the Sun in Cancer are square to Chiron in Aries. If you have repressed your anger it may rear its ugly head in very unruly ways. This goes for the anger that may have been sitting and brewing for a very long time. This can happen since Mars in Aquarius is retrograde as of June 26 right on the Full Moon and is conjunct (within 3 degrees) of South Node in Aquarius. The South Node indicates the karmic past. If you haven’t stood up for yourself in the past or you did not honor your authenticity then this is the time when these feelings may pop up within. Be kind to yourself at this time. Chiron is trine (favorable) to Mercury in the last degrees of Cancer and the North Node in Leo so it opens the door to healing. Speak your truth with love now even when the wounded places appear. Keep that compassion towards others. Just remember that Mars retrograde may say to you take a chance on doing something that may require some additional work and then see what occurs.

Sun in Cancer is opposite Saturn in Capricorn may bring to the fore any problems that you have been dealing with for the last months. Or is there some plan you choose to implement that you have put aside? Did you have poor judgement and not follow-through with plans from a few months back? You may have to face the issues now and take responsibility. If you feel pressured then regroup and let go of the fears that have been hounding you. It will be advantageous to stay out of tiffs with authority figures at this time.

Overall this is a time to restructure certain parts of your life. Are you giving away your power to others? Are you tending to do what others want to do instead of what you choose to do? In other words what are you neglecting in your own life as you take care of everyone else? Is work all you do instead of taking time for personal life, intimacy, family, or self-improvement? Work is about fulfillment. If your job has no fulfillment then how do you change it? Or do you move out of that realm and do your passion? Now is the time to go within and know yourself. It is time to address your failures and any self-doubt. If you do then the path clears and you can move on your path. Otherwise you will feel obstacles or blocks pop up when you least expect it. Any false starts can be turned around and bring success.

As the Full Moon unfolds Jupiter in Scorpio is sextile (60degree aspect-favorable) the Full Moon in Capricorn. The Moon is also sextile Neptune in Pisces. The stars are waiting for you. Are you going to reach out? And Mercury entering Leo later on June 28 helps the success factor once you pay attention to all the other items that show their face to you.  The next New Moon on July 12 in Cancer is a partial Solar Eclipse at 20 degrees.

If you wish to use essential oils to lighten up the energy–Lemon essential oil is good to cheer up your serious side if you choose. Bergamot is good for too much work. Neroli is good for inner peace,

The Sun signs/Ascendant signs which are intensely affected by this Full Moon in Capricorn are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at degrees of 2-9 degrees of the signs. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars, and Mercury) in the signs and degrees then you too may be affected depending where it falls in your natal chart. Birthdays are more affected are: March 23-30; June 23-30; September 25-October 2; and December 23-30.

Will you allow the turning point or will you choose the 2×4? Sending lots of blessings out to all of you who are reading this post! Please share if you will. Stay in the moment no matter what is going on in your life or the world. And do find some joy within even though the energy may feel heavy. Thank you for reading. Tune in June 27, 2018 on for Wizards Within or on YouTube. Tonight at 9pm EDT Sprinkles and I will be talking about words of Empowerment. Next show will be July 11. Until again, Love, Jan





NEW MOON in GEMINI, June 13, 2013- Think before you speak!

new moon in gemini 2018

Well, hello dear ones! I must have been under the crab’s shell because for some reason I kept thinking the new moon was happening on June 15. My surprise when I checked on this and saw that it was on June 13, 2018. Wow. I better get a move on. Mercury, the ruler of the New Moon in Gemini is in the sign of Cancer. Oi vey! You want to get intellectual, do you with your quick answers and wit. Not happening. You want to call your mother, that’s what you want to do and just have a kind of emotional chat or just hang on the phone so you could hear her voice. Is this too much for you to deal with?  New moons are about new starts and this one in particular will force you to take a look at what you do not want to talk about and bring it up.

There are just as many things to check out in the world these days. And it keeps getting weirder by the moment. I know it is not the New Moon so it must be something else hiding in the clouds. I do see the asteroid Chaos is conjunct (close in degrees) the Moon and Sun at this time. What enormous possibilities this may open to the world! Or not! There is so much sadness going on with the suicides of a couple of famous individuals- Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. There may be more going on that does not meet the eye because one does not always know the entire story. I just saw that yellow alerts were just issued for Mexico’s Mt. Popocatepetl and Alaska’s Great Sitkin volcano. Hawaii volcanic  lava keeps on pouring out. And President Trump has left the G-7 meeting and flew off to Singapore for meeting with Kim Jung Un, President of North Korea and agreed upon denuclearization.

New Moon in Gemini appears Wednesday, June 13, 2013 at 3:43pm EDT; 12:43pm PDT; and 7:43pm, GMT in 22 degrees 44’. The Sun will be at the exact same degree as the New Moon. Are you stuck in a mind tape that is constantly repeating and it you need to now do something different about it? This New Moon will help you out here. You may wish to rewrite the script that keeps bogging you down. This way something new or a different perspective can show up. It is a time to communicate with compassion and sensitivity. This is a super moon as will the new moon be in July and August. This is a time to use your intuitive powers more and listen to the feeling part of the words that others say to you and not the actual words themselves.

The New Moon in Gemini and Mercury which enters Cancer on June 12, 2013 are in mutual reception. That is due to the fact that Mercury rules Gemini and the Moon rules Cancer. Mercury is in Cancer until June 29. How does it affect you? Communication flows more easily and your intuition may be heightened. You may feel what others need more readily. Watch for hurtful communication due to the fact that others may take things personally. Your environment may need more warm and friendly energy. On a positive note-You may feel like being more creative in a fun way. Since Mercury is the dispositor of the New Moon then this is a time to take a chance and speak your truth about any off-the-wall ideas with sensitivity.

Taking it a step further –Mercury is now square (conflict) to Chiron in Aries and opposes Saturn in Capricorn. Ouch! Your inner child may be stirred up due to conversations that remind you of old wounds. This is about facing old issues and walking through to a higher energy so that you are no longer a victim. It is a time to come from your heart to resolve any of these old problems. As the exact opposition of Mercury to Saturn is on June 15 you may need to take some kind of committed action. You may have to make an important decision at this time. Watch that you are not overly critical in your interactions. Are you afraid to speak up and be heard?

There is a grand trine that occurred back in late May and early June which will again show up exact in August 2018 and will remain in trine until September. It was between Jupiter in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces and Venus in Cancer and continues through the summer (Venus out but Mercury first and then the Sun enters within 5 degrees of each other. This is a magical, idealistic time. The influence is still hanging on for beauty and creativity, the arts and music with some financial good fortune showing up especially early on for finances. Those of you who are water signs-Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces at 15-16 degrees will be affected more than others with this trine. And Venus enters Leo June 13 the day of the New Moon in Gemini. You will want to be out there having a grand time, being noticed and adored. Open-hearted conversations can take place and you can shine like the best.

As things change so does Chiron. Chiron is now in Aries after leaving Pisces on April 17, 2018 as I stated in a previous post. What does it mean for you? Chiron is the wound that never heals. Although the past is no longer present the wound somehow is still present. Chiron in Aries wants to help you find the courage to deal with any complications or discouragement and how to improve the situation. It is about doing what you can do even though it may not solve your problem. You can do something a bit different. The Serenity prayer may help you through this Chiron in Aries energy. Also, since it is in the early degrees of Aries you may find yourself looking at old stuff that still hangs on. Any new growth that appears may still be a bit weak so it may be time for that new approach.

Within the next 7 years, expect big changes in finance. Uranus is all about destroying the old and rebuilding something new. It is about money in many ways since Uranus is in Taurus now. Watch for something coming down the road nationally regarding the financial scene. Big shifts will come.

If you have either Ascendant/Sun sign in the following- see how it may affect you.

Aries- If you want to connect with others, travel may be the key.

Taurus- Fresh starts regarding money. Entertain at home with beauty around.

Gemini- It is a focus on you. Watch out for listening to fantasies that others bring.

Cancer- Taking a chance with a goal or an individual works.  Rewards show up.

Leo- Participate in groups. Go out and show interest in others.

Virgo- Could be a new beginning in professional life. Look for it.

Libra- Possible new partnerships form. Are there commitments in the mix?

Scorpio- Joint assets or is it a sexual interaction? Maybe you share coffee.

Sagittarius- Partnerships matter at this time. You are happy to be in a twosome.

Capricorn- New options are available in relationships. An opportunity for a fresh start!

Aquarius- Communication may be off a bit. Creativity abounds as does imagination.

Pisces- Take a chance. Work scene glows. Is there something new in the works?

Keep in mind that there are 3 eclipses coming up in July and August. July 12, July 27 and August 11, 2013. More on this will show up in July. Those most affected by this New Moon in Gemini are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces in 17-25 degrees. If you have any personal planets in these signs and degrees then you too may be influenced.

Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing! I am most grateful. Times are a-changin’ as Bob Dylan sang back in the day. Remember to set your intentions (3 at most will be more effective). New beginnings do come a bit easier at New Moon energy yet with several planets retrograde and others going soon, it may take a short while longer to take a big leap.  Have a grand New Moon in Gemini. Many blessings. Until again, Love, Jan