Monthly Archives: July 2019

New Moon in Leo, July 31/August 1, 2019- Heart rules

lion 2Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping as the New Moon in Leo is about to arrive. Life sure is amazing these days. Do not know which way to turn my head to watch the show that is going on out there in the big world. Do you really know the truth of it all? In fact do you know your own truth? Looks to me that many are on a trail to nowhere and going quickly at that. So have you rebelled these past couple of weeks since the Mars in Leo was square to Uranus in Taurus? That occurred at the Lunar Eclipse and now has moved on. Are you facing a just inordinate amounts of constant do it my way instead of what the rules say? Just wondering! Nothing is static and the way life is these days makes my head spin. So, I decided to not be involved other than to address the truth in my life. All that I see are those of you who are the material junkies who Amazon loves. Every day a new product comes to your doorstop. Why do you get so enmeshed with this material junk? Is your life without meaning in your own heart? As I look around more directly at life since I have been unable to access some social media (Facebook) from my laptop I am stunned at the chronic anger and harassing ways of those out there. and now that I cannot access as of now I say, who cares? New computer I guess is the answer.

News stuff: Does anyone know where Epstein is? Is he alive, dead or just no one wishing to share info? I hope he is still alive so the big boys can have their special day. And if you have no idea what I am talking about then you are in dreamland. President Trump got into a bit of bashing with the Rep from Baltimore. Oh, my, it is a like a pig sty and no one seems to notice nor do they care. But many other cities are much worse. 5G antennas have been turned on in Geneva and many are complaining of a variety of symptoms like insomnia, tinnitus, headaches, and tiredness. Nice going! Just what I am looking for when they begin this in the U.S. Just remember this frequency has never been tested even though they say it was. Get ready folks.

As the world spins the New Moon in Leo arrives on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 11:11pm EDT; 8:11pm PDT; and Thursday, August 1, 2019 GMT in 8degrees 36’. The Sun in Leo is in the exact degree. It is a black moon because it is the second new moon of the month. Are you ready to begin again on a new creative project, redesign a love relationship or new ventures out there under the Sun? Are you ready to let the energy bring you to a new place since the original Leo eclipsed full moon in January? It is time. No need to stop and do nothing. Keep moving forward in your own truth. And if that is your truth is not obvious to you then go within and find it. Now that Is another story, It takes commitment to find the true new path to do something in your life. It is about removing that which no longer belongs and beginning to reach into your heart to feel what comes next. How many of you will actually do this? It is at times difficult to shift the circumstances of your life no matter what area may be involved yet it is time and the process is waiting for you to take part in it. Changes come at any time and I have noticed in my own life that it can happen in a New York minute if I may be trite or it may take a bit longer. It all depends how much you fight it and persuade yourself to do nothing. Open your heart with love and generosity at this time so that you may find a “miracle” in action. Jupiter in Sagittarius is trine the New Moon-spread the love. The New Moon in Leo and the Sun are both trine Chiron in Aries. This is a good time to let your deepest wounds come up for healing. If you have not been living from your heart then this will help you do so if you allow it, that is.

The Sun in Leo loves to entertain and be in the limelight among their family and friends. It is harmonious and caring and knows how to laze around when in that mood just like the lion does. Yet, when the time is right they are mighty hard workers. On another note the Moon in Leo likes the creative bent. They are not as outgoing as some others yet do like the spotlight too. They like to oversee that which is going on in their little circle. Sun in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus also and this is saying to stay flexible in your dealings with others. Others may surprise you with sudden outbursts and ego conflicts. Ensure that if changes are needed then go ahead and shift something otherwise the stagnant piece may be electrified and here comes Uranus with a slight shock. What actually is causing you to feel out of kilter? Stay in the heart.

The New Moon squares Uranus in Taurus saying there is some tension and unexpected change. The rebel in you may appear and is that what you really wish to bring to a relationship? Going on an adventure may bring an opportunity. Stay flexible in your emotions and dealings with others. Since the New Moon is conjunct Venus this makes for good times in relationships. If there is some improvement needed then the Leo Moon/Venus is here to help. This is a beautiful time for love and financial considerations BUT Venus in Leo is also square Uranus in Taurus which says to stay in the moment and do not get into fighting in a relationship. Changes could come in the connection or on the money scene. Two-edged sword is what it is. Can be great or not depends on your response. It is not the time for spending money on things that are not really needed.

Those intensely affected are early Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus sun signs/ascendants. Tidbits for the signs -ARIES-You are able to reveal your feelings easier. Romance, pleasure and children are in the mix. Bring out your creative notions. Nothing is impossible.

TAURUS-New things pop up that may be good for you when you are home. What are you doing with the family now? Are you planning to redecorate or redo?

GEMINI-Mercury going direct brings out warm communication with others. Take the interaction to a new level. Is a short trip coming up? Good time to experiment.

CANCER-Who enters your life who has made it rich in unusual ways? Listen closely because it may open up something abundant and new in your life.

LEO-What are you wishing for? Put it out there and watch what occurs. You are more in the center of attention so let your light shine.

VIRGO- A new creative idea may pop into your mind from out there in the ethers. Run with it. It is important to be your authentic self. Who needs your help?

LIBRA- Friends and more friends are around. Has your cast of characters changed somewhat? If you haven’t been out and about, then what are you waiting for?

SCORPIO-Your public image is important .Is the door open or is it blocked? Career matters take precedence and if adjustments are needed, make them.

SAGITTARIUS-Where will that travel take you? Are you doing things that you really love? No restriction necessary…let it go. Have fun and do it your way.

CAPRICORN-Are there upsets or are there breakthroughs? See things differently now!! What is the new goal that you are ready to manifest? Transformation comes!!!

AQUARIUS-Is there a new partnership in the works? Surprising it is. That connection that you are looking for may just pop up. Togetherness is the keyword.

PISCES-Looking for a new beginning with work then it may show up. Those ideas which are out there may be just what you need to take a big leap workwise. Stay in the moment.

Thank you for reading. Please share if you will. It is time to truly take a leap in the area of your life that is influenced.  Stay in your heart to see the truth. Many blessings, until again, love, Jan

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn, July 16, 2019 – Is it me or is it you?

full moon november 2015  Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I am sure you are having a happy time enjoying the summer of 2019. So much going on that my head is spinning. And then when I peruse what is happening out there in fantasy land…whew!! There is a hidden revolution going on and you are seeing the chaos that comes from it. The ongoing struggle between the old matrix ways in which we have been trapped for centuries is now on the way out. Those who have created this are hanging on in any way to continue to control and bombard you in any way they can. And then the Solar Eclipse just took place and I ask -how has the New Moon Solar Eclipse been treating you? I would love to hear anything that has shifted for you in the last couple of weeks. Of course Mercury retrograde has been in motion for a week now and that may have brought some snags to your dealings. Keep in mind that you can still take leaps after it goes direct if your plan is in motion. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is coming in shortly. Tthe Solar Eclipse energy does still have an effect for up to six months.  Let this Lunar Eclipse help you purge out much of the past junk that is still hanging on. See how differently your life shows up.

Other stuff:  The co-founder of Home Depot has been put down with so much bashing it is unbelievable. He has four charities to which he has donated around $117 million and because he continues to support President Trump…the haters are out in force. Do you have nothing better to do than hate those that do? Maybe look within and see what it is that you hate about yourself. And I say this to those who also hate anyone else…it is about you not those you hate. Fear has taken over your life. Period! This is only my perspective. No comment on the Lolita Express and Epstein since this will blow up any minute now? Only thing that is happening is that his financial records are now sealed. Guess no one needs to know where the money comes from. Try digging deeper than what everyone says is true. Then you may be in for quite a surprise. The big rat will talk I am certain. Interesting protection – Shungite is good for inflammation caused by damage from EMFs. It is also good for detoxification. And  what was really going on with the blackout in NYC? Not what you think or maybe it was. Deep is as deep does.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (partial) in Capricorn shows up on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 5:38pm EDT; 2:38pm PDT; and 9:38pm GMT in 24degrees 4’. Are you ready to scream out in delight or will you howl at the Full Moon? The Lunar Eclipse can put you over the edge if it is touching one of your planets. No, do not run for the hills because it may be even more intense there. There is humor in everything. The Earth comes between the Sun and Moon in a lunar eclipse. If something is clogging up your life then guess what this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon will purge it right out the door. Be ready. And stop holding on so tightly to everything and everyone The Full Moon is conjunct Pluto (within 3 degrees). That is a show-stopper by itself. This is a time to just say good-bye to whatever is in your way. Since the South Node of the Full Moon is conjunct Saturn in Capricorn then how about releasing those karmic bonds already? Did you say that tears may roll down your face? There is something good in all that occurs. Is there a move in the mix or a change of employment? Lots of things are shifting for the better.

What influences does this Full Moon in Capricorn carry to you? The Full Moon in Capricorn brings to the picture the outer complexities and restraints that come in this 3D world. Capricorn has always been more patriarchal and masculine.  The entire month has been leading up to this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. It is a time for recognizing what needs adjustment in your life. It is about the inner needs of Cancer Sun and the outer needs of the Capricorn moon. The key is to balance them. Cancer is about belonging, nurturing and most likely security. The inner child of Cancer does not like to be thwarted.  You know those times when you yell and scream and throw a major tantrum. Oh my. Yes, could be that inner child not liking what is going on. And Capricorn is like the stern father who has a kind heart yet wants you to stay on track and stop bellyaching about what is going on. So it is a matter of the balance within with a big kick to it since it is an eclipse. My natal Moon is in Capricorn and it has been influenced very much by Saturn being really close to it. Could be quite isolating but I have done much healing work and the only thing going on is that I have not had time for further transformation and introspection due to continued support of others. And even though I allowed it I have decided it is time to go back to doing my thing first with helping others as needed. Since Saturn, Pluto and South Node are all retrograding in Capricorn it can be quite annoying and so slow in getting your action plan initiated or just plain, oh who cares and do something else. Is there something just dragging along and there is no end in sight? Yes, that is what this could be all about? Keep things on a practical level for a smoother ride. Saturn is also opposite Venus in Cancer so it is time to get organized financially if you cannot resolve love relationship issues right away.The Sun in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn indicates some stubbornness may ensue. If you are resistant to any changes there may be issues that pop up. Some of you may go to the extremes in behavior and it may bring about a crisis.

For those born in the Cardinal Sun signs –Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn -from April 11-April 18; July 12-July 19; October 15-October 22; and January 11-January 18 (degrees approximately 20-27degrees  will be more intensely affected. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in any of those degrees then you too be affected. Some tidbits for the Sun signs/rising signs-

Aries- Do not let any frustrations between work and home about outer world ambitions and inner securities drive you crazy.

Taurus-Something comes into play that may instigate change and inspires you onward whether in travel plans or updating your skill set/education.

Gemini- Great time the next few weeks to firm up some financial matters. Is there an urgent matter which needs to be looked at?

Cancer-Even though you are feeling independent there is romance in the air and it is looking good. No overreacting in business/personal contacts.

Leo- Some projects need attention. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Take a break. What are you working out behind the scenes?

Virgo-You can make some improvements with your creative enterprises, children or lovers if  you stay cool . No ultimatums please.

Libra-What emotional urgency pops up at home or work? Use your cool reason to walk through and this way you can keep position intact.

Scorpio- Is there more responsibility coming to you? Avoid any rash decisions no matter what. Any upheavals will help you see something differently.

Sagittarius- Who has the power over your purse strings? Resource management is needed. Budget and consolidate so you can move ahead.

Capricorn- Stay out of having power plays since you are standing in your power at the moment. Use that inner force to bring about progress.

Aquarius-You need to regroup both mind and body. You do have hidden resources which help you reach your goals.

Pisces- Deep feelings may show up that may help with transforming your life. Watch out for any issues with those in all parts of your life.

Happy Full Moon to you! Remember the energy lasts for up to three months since it is a partial Lunar Eclipse and it is time to really let go as you make plans to regenerate and find balance. Stay in the moment and allow things to flow even though it may be uncomfortable. Be blessed. Next post up by August 31 New Moon. Until again, love, Jan



New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer, July 2, 2019 – Clear the old emotions to let light shine

solar eclipse 2019 Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Summer is in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere and the rains continue to take down the farmer’s crops in the Midwest. No one cares as I watch those around me. When the food supply is diminished in the late fall and winter months, I hope there are no complaints from those who ignore. I must say that the energy is mounting. Does anyone feel it? Does anyone see the brilliance of nature? Silly me, move on. It took me some time to find the motivation to write this due to the fact that I was trying to figure out why I am having such a difficult time accessing everything on Facebook. Then I thought to myself…who needs it? Oh, I will find a way to fix it eventually but until then, I will do without. And you know what- it has shifted me. So much is building in many ways whether it is in the sky or in the world life is changing. And if you are not paying attention you may not like it. Soon the truth will come out and it may blow you away. I have faith that you will be ok as long as you stay out of fear. Live your life today, not tomorrow.

What bothers me most about what is going on everywhere are the lies. Be your truth always. If you are a liberal then be one. If you are a conservative be one. I do not care what you are unless you tell me one thing and act another way. Lack of integrity is the problem in the world today. Oh, not everyone is acting that way yet the ones who do are blameless. Is that what you choose in your world? Andy Ngo, a conservative journalist, was attacked by Antifa and beaten to a pulp and robbed and is in the hospital. Then there is let’s change everyone’s gender to this and that and back again. The Democratic Party held their debate and everyone involved said they wanted to give illegals free health care. Let the American citizens pay for it. Insanity reigns.  Did you know there is a tracking registry online which is used when you buy something? Oh, yes, there is. It gives info so the company can either raise or lower the price to you. And the fact that President Trump and President Putin were talking at the G20 Summit makes you crazy doesn’t it? And the fact that Trump walked into North Korea …You are ready to say…X%*X (T8**&. Oh, one more thing…censorship is the name of the game. If you are spouting truth, watch out. Too many good websites are being shut down. The truth is too much for many to handle and interferes with the bigger agenda.

What intention is boiling inside of you that will take you to a brand new place of being? Is your creativeness opening to something even better than it was? Are you going to hang around with your family a bit more in the coming months? The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer arrives on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at 3:16am EDT; 12:16am PDT; and 7:16am GMT in 10 degrees 37”. This is two days before the National Birthday of the U.S. on July 4, 2019. The Sun is in the exact same degree in Cancer. This is a Total Solar Eclipse. Issues are a bit different with the Solar Eclipse energy. Some may include family and if they are supportive you may take big leaps. On the other hand if you are thinking of moving, that may occur. How and where will you invest your energy for a possible new start? How will you (my favorite thing) let go of that which you no longer need? Letting go is necessary in order to move ahead and Saturn being in Capricorn is about clearing out the weeds and starting fresh. And this New Moon Solar Eclipse is opposing the South Node/Saturn in Capricorn and conjunct (within 6 degrees) the North Node in Cancer. This conjunction may say to you that you may have ignored or not taken care of something lately due to fast-paced lifestyle and too much work. And now is the time to do so. I have a garage which is in disarray and it would take just a couple of days to put it in order. So, I guess, that is on my list. Or if there is an individual whom has gone by the wayside you may wish to reach out to them. Saturn and the South Node may be pulling you back to the past and you notice that the nurturing principle is lacking due to the loss of family members or other reasons that you feel less closeness. And if you are a young parent maybe it is time to take a look at how you are interacting with your children. How many are on the screen too much?

Another thing to peruse is your financial situation since the Sun/Moon is sextile (favorable) to Uranus in Taurus. Since Taurus is about the money thing and Uranus is also right with the asteroid Vesta (stirring the fire within) this is a good time to ensure your finances are in order and take a good look at any outstanding purchases (property or otherwise) made recently to know the value of such. If you are looking for a different job this may be time to keep your attention focused. Unexpected good opportunities may pop up. Your creative side may be activated in an expansive way. Be ready to let it out. Uranus may bring in new contacts and a bit of scattered energy compared to what Saturn in Capricorn is trying to do. Go with the flow and see what happens but keep that focus in the mix.

The New Moon and Sun are trine to Neptune in Pisces. This tells me that you may be taken in by some dreaminess which is really coming from confusion. And that may come from all the junk that is being sent through the airwaves. Will you be swayed too easily?  Also be more careful with the alcohol and drugs you may ingest. With the Moon trine to Neptune will you try to save someone or just give up your own wishes and be totally devoted to another? This Solar Eclipse New Moon will help you heal relationships. If you are looking to heal yourself in some way the Sun and Moon are square Chiron in Aries so it may take a bit longer yet it will come about. Just take it one step at a time.

Remember Mercury goes retrograde in Leo on July 7, 2019 until July 31, 2019. This is a time to reassess what you choose. Old issues from the last year may arise again to be resolved. If an opportunity to do something in any part of your life, hold out, take a breath and wait until Mercury goes direct to make a decision. Jump into nothing now even though the Solar Eclipse is saying come on, just do it. Stop, think, and breathe!  Then after the motion moves forward, decide. Got it? Good! Some tidbits for Sun sign/Ascendants: Aries-You begin to realize the importance of emotional ties. Family and home are in the picture.

Taurus- You may find some excitement in your own neighborhood. Watch for any discord!

Gemini- Are you going to be emotional about money? Looking to have more domestic security!

Cancer-You may wish to redo the outer you to reflect the inner you. Time to reach for the stars!!!

Leo-Time to recharge your energy! Spend some time with loved ones and remember –meditate.

Virgo-You may be making plans for the future. Social activity may increase. Go out and enjoy.

Libra-Sudden changes may occur. Thinking about future direction in your life-business or home!

Scorpio-Are you looking for some spiritual support? Or are you planning to go on a special trip?

Sagittarius-What do you see growing in your future? Take time to plan out what it is you choose.

Capricorn-What partnership decision are you going to make? It is time to use your intuition now.

Aquarius-Seems to be a lot going on with work, service and daily living! Emotional urgency!

Pisces-Those high expectations are coming from workplace.  Fresh and fun options for play!

Those Sun signs more intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (7-13 degrees). If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those signs then you too may be affected. Thank you for reading and sharing. If you would share on Facebook I would be truly grateful. Remember to take the time to plan out what you wish to do and do not take action no matter how much it pulls on you until after July 31. Best time to put out intentions is in the first 8 hours after New Moon and up to 24 hours after for best results. Be blessed. Happy Fourth of July!  Until again, love, Jan