Category Archives: Consciousness changes

New Moon in Pisces, March 10, 2024 – Let your intuition guide you

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I apologize for this being later than usual. It has been a crazy time. The Pisces New Moon is just about ready to arrive. The weather all over the country and the world has been crazy. Mountains of snow and rain out of nowhere continued through the last few weeks. Nothing I can do about the weather but I can do something about me and my life. What are you ready to let go in your lives since it is the end of the year with this New Moon’s arrival Sunday and the Spring Equinox coming a week plus later. Are you ready to take that leap, big or small, forward? Have you given up taking everything personally? Is compassion taking the place of anger? A rebirth is going to take place as the new astrological year begins with the Spring Equinox. Have you noticed that time is shifting dear ones. And where it takes you is up to you. It may make you seem more tired than usual again.  If you are on TV and Social Media constantly it is definitely keeping you stuck and you are missing what you are here to do. I see many of you still have resistance to things that pop up in your lives. What does that do for you other than keep you stuck in the muck? Why do you keep bringing up the negative part of your past? Does it serve you or take you down? There is so much animosity, madness, crazy talk, you name it. You are allowing yourself to be chained to that which surrounds you. Is it really you that is doing what you are doing or is it your set in stone patterns, your beliefs, your lack of self-esteem, your lack of love?

News tidbits: Censorship is the name of the game. Soon there will be no free speech and you will be tracked totally if something does not change. Are you willing to allow this to happen? I must say it was confusing to watch the State of the Union the other night. Who was that speaking? I question since the coherence was noticeable and how does Biden fumble through sentences yet was totally speaking clearly without mumbling or hesitating? It makes little sense to me. Fani Willis is heading to criminal charges.

The New Moon in Pisces arrives on Sunday, March 10, 2024 at 5:00am EDT (top of the morning to you); 2:00am PDT; and 9:00am GMT in 20degrees 17’. The Sun is at the exact degree of the New Moon. As I said this is a major shift time. Reach within for any answers that may be needed to take a leap. Clear your mind and take a breath and just be present for a few minutes and see what comes to you. Pisces is all about dreams, meditation, sleep, taking time for fun, and even music and art. What have you been doing in these areas? Anything? Nothing? Take some time to explore and relax a bit before moving forward. New Moon in sextile Uranus in Taurus and this indicates a time to move out of restriction. Some changes that are positive can be the answer. There may be a chance to take the problem and create new opportunities. Also New Moon in Pisces is semisextile to Mars in Aquarius which still is in harmony on some level. These three planets must be looked at since they may bring new developments out of the problem. On another note Mars in Aquarius is square Uranus in Taurus and this is totally rough. From this the sextile brings harmony yet there is something irritating and it must be looked and released on some level.  Whatever the problem is you must choose to acknowledge it and solve it. If there is no creative outlet with this going on it may cause you to be tense and irritable no matter how positive things may be. Be totally aware each moment at this time of the New Moon.  It is time to do nothing and just be. Go with the creativity within and let your mind wander. It is best to start new projects is between March 10 and the Lunar Eclipse on March 25.  Open yourself to the Universe and your intuitive guidance. Remember that the pre-shadow of Mercury retrograde is on March 19, 2024 and it goes totally retrograde on April 1 2024.

Sun/rising signs intensely affected are Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius degrees 16-24. If you have any personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Moon) at those degrees also are affected. Birthdays affected are: March 7-15; June 7-15; September 9-17; and December 8 -16.

Some tidbits for the Sun signs/rising signs:

ARIES – Time to let go of any anger, sadness. You need to balance what is out of line with your inner and outer worlds. This will help in work, service and health areas.

TAURUS- Gate to future opens. Why does it sound difficult? Get rid of hidden, fears and doubts. Friendships will deepen. You will look to bring service to humanity.     

GEMINI -Turn over a new leaf for new beginnings to arrive. Embrace them and walk forward. Do your own thing. Shifts come across your career house. Be realistic.

CANCER-You need to integrate all items. Clearing out cupboards or organizing at work. Health or daily routines are getting in way of possibilities. Be satisfied and efficient.         

LEO – Changes come and you need to be ready also for transformation. Are you too responsible? Try to relax a little or a block shows up. Stop the doing and just be for now.

VIRGO – Possible new beginnings in relationships.. Heal old wounds and be more assertive. You need to integrate you with home and loved ones. Is there someone new? 

LIBRA – Are you ready to start a new health regime? Is there a new job or environment in the picture? Think it and get it. Transform daily living. You need to rest and recoup. 

SCORPIO – Let your intention be to create a more joyful life. What can you do to live more authentically? How about bringing more romance in your life? Be more creative.

SAGITTARIUS – What door are you closing on your home, family or past? You need to take charge and deal with what comes up. Positive opportunity comes.

CAPRICORN – Time to create unity in your head and heal whatever needs healing. Meditation will help if you choose this. You seem to know what need to change.

AQUARIUS – What is going on with money?  It is time to turn over a new leaf and bring on the new beginning. Patience needed. What is going on beneath the surface?

PISCES – Chapter ends and new start comes in. Align your intentions with the powerful energies. Write them down. Let go of suffering, Feel the joy and happiness.

Some oils to use for better feeling and dreaming- sandalwood, eucalyptus, It is the perfect time to settle yourself into a relaxed state and just allow your intuition to roll out. New relationships come in for those who are out there; old ones leave when the energy is no longer good for growth. Setting out to sail on the seas of new beginnings may be exactly what you need to do unless that March wind roars and you may have to pull back a bit for calmer waters. You will know how to move through it. 

Thank you for and reading and commenting and sharing. I am most grateful to those who follow Cosmic Leaping and for the new beginning this New Moon brings to all. Be patient and all will flow. Take the next step and bring out your creative ideas. Take a chill pill and relax. Until again, love, Jan

FULL MOON in VIRGO, March 12, 2017-Look ahead as you heal and transform

full moon in virgoInteresting times are happening and the madness will reach a new level. Oh no, you say how can that be? Well, before I address the worldly madness let’s take a look at another kind of madness that descends upon March. The winds just blew it in again and I sit and am overcome with a thought…what else matters at this time? Nothing! Ok, it does. March madness and the upcoming NCAA college basketball tourney have taken my life by storm. Trite? Yes, very trite. Anyway, it is so true and I will refrain from expounding anymore about it for now. Oh, drat, let me say this one more thing – Coach Jay Wright of the Villanova Wildcats is a Capricorn and he has been through much transformation in the past years and he has now become a premier coach which most would have denied years ago. Well, guess what, Capricorn’s take it one step at a time and the older they get, the better they are at what they do.

In the meantime as I write this new post I notice the anti-Trump brigade is biding their time. Maybe you need to dig deeper and see what actually is going on instead of riding the bandwagon of anger and hatred. Do you really know what is behind the scenes? If you do then I would love to hear it because only through proximity to the White House will you know. Otherwise, all I can say is that many feel that he is the wrong individual to be in the White House. If you support those who are banding together to take him down then I ask the following? Are you ready for a civil war? Are you prepared to be targeted for anything that is now wrong in the eyes of those fueling the hatred? What is the truth? Is it what you find on your TV news or is it what you have been led to believe and you take it as your own? Just curious! Have you lost your heart and fear has taken you to the depths of yourself? Think about it. Oh, by the way, since Donald Trump is a Gemini he is like the catalyst of a new beginning. Of course, no one will ever agree that he is supposed to be in the current position. Dear ones, if you think that removing him is going to resolve the issues, then I hate to see what you will feel after it does and life becomes the very thing that you are protesting against. Wake up and get rid of the illusions. The Solar Eclipse from 2 weeks ago has been prodding you to do that. By the way our President is truly a representative of the collective anger according to his chart. He is in the position to basically shake everything up. Is that what you fear the most? Remember that a house divided falls.

Virgo Full Moon arrives at 10:53AM on Sunday, March 12, 2017 in 22 degrees 13’ EDT; 7:53APM PDT; and 2:53PM GMT. The Full Moon is about what you desire versus what you already have. The Sun in Pisces is opposite the Moon in Virgo. It is a polarity and it is about your higher self in opposition to your earthly self. Whatever you began a couple weeks ago on the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces on February 26, 2017 may show up now in some way but the final impact most likely will appear at the Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 21, 2017.

Deep changes take place. Relationships will be affected since the Virgo Full Moon is trine to Pluto in Capricorn. Trine makes things easier as the energy evolves but it could just go unnoticed. If you are looking for transforming emotional effects then you have it. A trine is a bit easy but it will still bring about a significant shift. New intense relationships may come in or a current one changed and transformed. Pluto is also sextile the Sun in Pisces which brings a psychic sensitivity into the picture. It is also about looking after you and maintaining your health.

It is between reason and emotion along with thought vs. feeling. It is time to look at what is going on within you and be ready to move ahead. Yes, that leap is staring you in the face and many will ignore it. Through the next few weeks your new awareness is unfolding and expanding and the Virgo Moon is lighting up your path. Will you pay attention to what it is revealing? Or will you allow it to bring out the victim within you? This is similar to an alchemical energy which changes the difficulties of the past to a lighter energy of the now. Keep this in mind as your frustrations mount or you decide you need to hide out until it goes away. Stop fighting yourself. The Sun (the soul) and the Moon (personality) in full moon energy are present to be united. Venus, Eris and Uranus in Aries are triggers to help the process of ridding yourself of all that is no longer needed. Whatever is limiting you will be helped by Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries. This is another push to finding out your truth. Of course, you need to realize that Jupiter opposite Uranus is also about freedom. Whatever the situation you are in now is where you need to be. Just remember with Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries that you may be a bit too optimistic in a new relationship. It is best to take it one step at a time. This is a time of connecting with the Source and allowing the love energy to support you in what occurs. Love is all there is. It is about being present to the love within. This will help you recognize what your truth is.

This Full Moon also is about problem-solving in your life. It is not about overthinking but flow. Wherever it falls in your chart will tell you what the issue may be and just notice it and allow it to come to you-the answers that is. Stop pushing towards the goal. Whatever the dissatisfaction may be will dissolve if you just open to the truth of it.

The asteroid Pallas Athene is conjunct the Sun in Pisces, Chiron in Pisces opposing the Full Moon in Virgo. She seeks to find truth in order to resolve the situation. She won’t take any action unless provoked. Right now she is trying to help you heal the pain that has been going on within. Wherever she is in your natal chart will tell you what it is about so then you can sit and heal.

A cleansing of your home with Palo Santo smudge stick or incense will be truly a good thing. Go get some and let it clear out all the stagnant energy that has been building in the last months. Since the Full Moon in Virgo is about organization so get going with getting things in order so that life will go smoother.

Pages of Shustah cards drawn for the Full Moon in Virgo are the following: The Magical Horse says you are on track with good health. The Celestial Bees join in and say use your soulfulness to be creative and keep moving. The Winged Winter asks you to listen. Your thoughts are a reflection of how you are feeling. Archangel Gabriel is around. What is the message you wish to send or receive? You are on your own though in what you do.Thank you Pages of Shustah and Archangel Gabriel!

The Sun Signs/Rising Signs most intensely affected at the Virgo Full Moon are: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius in 18-25 degrees. Birthdays are: March 8-15, June 9-16, September 11-19 and December 11-19. If you have personal planets within a few degrees of these degrees then that will be influenced.

Thank you for reading. Share if you will. Enjoy the March Madness of basketball but do not let the madness of the world take over your life. Flow with the energy and if you need to clear anything now is the time. If you want more insights regarding this Full Moon in Virgo tune into Going Beyond Astrology  on on Tuesday March 14, 2017. I will also cover some other influences going on in the world and the upcoming Ides of March will check in. Take a look at where I have a monthly article along with  wonderful insights from others. It comes out around the first of each month. Do take a breath. Look for miracles along the way. Many blessings. Until again. Love, Jan






GRAND CROSS in CARDINAL SIGNS, APRIL 23, 2014 – Where do we go from here?

Dear Ones, we are now at a turning point in our consciousness. There is a Grand Cross in Cardinal signs on Wednesday, April 23, 2014. It takes place exactly with Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Libra at 13 degrees. Where will you be on this day within and without? Are you ready to open to your own truth, your own power? This is a time during the next few months when a change can happen. Allow it to come into your energy field and bond with it so that the power that you have kept suppressed is now bursting forth. Oh no, can you really deal with this power? This is about you…not that other person. It says to you that it is time to realize why you are here on Earth and what you are going to do about it. Do you choose to live other’s lives, do everything for approval, or be part of the crowd? Or do you choose to be your authentic self and walk with integrity and inner power that gives you the opportunity to transform your life into what it is meant to be. What do you choose?

When this Grand Cross takes place jump on board and pray, meditate, journal, sing or dance your intentions to go into the energetic that is taking place and find that lost power. This is about the now. It is about acknowledging that power and letting it help you leap when the time is right. If you have already reclaimed that power within then I say go for it. Any past barriers that you have created will stand in your way until you allow that power to break them down. You can choose to connect to the Grand Cross or you can stay still and it may just thump you out of the doldrums. How about taking charge before you are forced to make a change abruptly? Lots of unusual intense energy occurs with this Grand Cross. There is also a Grand Trine between Saturn in Scorpio, Jupiter in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces which does help things to flow a bit. With Mars in Libra retrograde and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn you may find you are not moving as fast as you like and get stuck in the mire. Just know that the retrograde doesn’t last forever and it gives you an opportunity to take another look at what you choose in your life and let go of anything that no longer resonates.

So, here we go dear ones. It could be the leap you have been waiting upon. I feel it is a time that divides the before and after. What you did as this approaches will certainly shift gears into a different paradigm once it takes place. Have you come into your heart space and given it the acknowledgement it desires? Heart comes through with the authentic self and has integrity and truth walking side by side. Heart is truth. Any more lies, deceit, negativity will continue to be unraveled. Those who seek chaos will have it in their lives. Go with the heart always. Where will your life shift? Coming up is the Solar Eclipse on the 29th to solidify the intentions.

Until again. Many blessings and love, Jan

SOUL SEARCHING -12/12/12 and 12/21/12

The merry-go-round is going faster and faster. Are you on it or have you seen the truth and jumped off? As I look at articles on the Net and I skim the papers it amazes me the hype about the end of time. Well, is the Mayan prophecy real? Sure is. Does it apply literally to our lives? Meaning do you know exactly what was meant by it when it was written? If you do then you have transcended time and space and are capable of knowing the Universe fully. Do I dispute it? NO. Do I understand it? NO. I am sure there is an element of truth to it as it applies to our lifetime. If December 21,2012 comes and goes, what then? Misunderstood message? Can it be that it is the end of time as we know it or is it the Zero Point, a time of spiritual rebirth collectively? Does earth go through the Photon Belt and time slows down and everything is in this phase for 3 days? Or is it a consciousness-raising turning point? Will you still be influenced by the matrix or will you choose to step out of it?

What about December 12, 2012? Isn’t that a one-time happening? 12/12/12. This is the same kind of thoughts from the Hopis. It is a time of transformation and the old is passing to make way for the new. That is my take on this whole timeframe. And if you are fearful of change, then how will you brave a storm?  My suggestion is to pay attention. Not everything is as it seems these days. What is good is bad and what is bad is so good according to those who run the news. There may be earth changes—earthquakes, fires or storms. Are they real caused by Mother Nature or are they manmade? You tell me. I say be careful in certain places with lots of water. Astrologically there is an indication that there may lead to an event. False flag or real…?

There are many of you out there in the world who are very fearful of these changes and it is being exacerbated by the Media among other factors. Of course, Hollywood scares you too! The fear factor is what they bring to you to keep you tethered to the post. How many of you have been paying attention to the reality of this planet Earth? Right now I am more concerned about the harmful conditions that affect us in the GMO foods we eat, such as corn, soy(certain  alternative dairy milk), wheat and canola oil; the fluoridated water we drink; the environmental damage from chemtrails (oh, I know many think they are nonexistent); and prescription drug overload. What about the massive effects of Fukushima? Nutritional supplement companies are being raided and have to pay money to the FDA to stay in business  How many think you are being monitored on the NET? This is serious business The list goes on and on. The Media loves to up the fear level periodically to make us uncomfortable when there are changes to be experienced. The fear that comes up in most of you when there is to be a change is over the top. CHANGE is like a very bad word yet changes occur every moment of every day. Do you ever see the changes that take place? Are you the same every day? Do you conduct your business the same way every day? Then again, maybe you are more robotic like the Media and PTB like you to be. No questions, no interest, just the same things going around in circles as the merry-go-round.

How about changing things in your own life? Are you ready for a leap? What a concept that would be. Stop eating foods or drinks with high fructose corn syrup or you will be part of the obesity epidemic. Stop the water from being fluoridated. Stop all those excessive vaccines that do no good to the children who get them. Were you forced to get a flu shot? Are you aware what actually is in a flu shot? (Thimerosal, formaldehyde, aluminum, ethylene glycol(antifreeze, phenol, among other things.) Have you been so conditioned to accept everything the Media and PTB say to you? Many of our foods today are from GMO seeds which are brought to you by Monsanto.  They can trigger an emergence of new diseases and also can affect the immune system thereby creating allergic reactions. Why do you think many of the plants and animals are dying off? Wake up, dear ones!!!!

Lots of good things can affect us in the coming days. Let’s think more positive and keep the good energy flowing. I believe you and I will be seeing the 22nd of December. Whether there is an event one never knows and since the Dragon’s Head (Moon’s North Node) is in Scorpio, life can be dicey for awhile. I think that there will be many economic difficulties due to past indulgences and outrageous spending habits. Stay in the moment and pay attention please. Remember astrology shows you the plan but it is up to you to take action. Even in the worst times you can come away with good fortune if you learn the lesson it is trying to teach you.

Sending many blessings and good luck to all. The New Moon arrives on December 13, 2012 the day after 12/12/12. You will need much steadfastness. Thank you for all your support. Until again. Love, Jan